Going from a Workmaster 75(Economy) to Massey 4710(deluxe) tractor

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i'm going to try to compare the work master to this massey and that's going to be hard to do because the work master is an economy-based tractor it is designed for simplicity and uh value you get you get it's on the cheaper end of utility tractors and going from 75 horse power to 100 horsepower it's hard to compare even though you can get this tractor in the 70 horsepower range and it's still the same frame same engine and you can get the same transmission so you can compare the work master but then you can't because it's just in a dif it's a different price point it's on a different level so i'm going to talk about what i like about this massey and what i don't like and i'm going to kind of bring up the work master in the process of what i miss about it and what i don't miss about it so if you're new here my name is chris and welcome to my channel this tractor is a little bit bigger than the word master the overall the weight of the tractor is right here on the back of these they tell you the weight 9920 pounds but i think that's before they put fluid in it so it's this tractors right around 10 000 pounds the work master is sixty eight hundred pounds but and that's this is off their website but i believe that's without the loader so i wanna say the work master is around eight thousand pounds by the time you put fluid in at the loader the operator your bucket so this tractor is heavier the height of the two they're both 100 inches tall so this is the same height as the workmaster believe it or not the length now this is from the very back where the three-point arm is to the very front where the bush brush guard is this does not include the loader the length of this tractor is 160 inches where the work master was 154 and then your wheelbase the width of the tractor total width was 83.6 on the work master and this one's 88 so it's a little bit longer a little bit wider and it's a lot heavier it's definitely a lot more tractor than the work master and when you're buying the work master you're buying simplicity and ease of use honestly this tractor's got um a lot of technology in it like the auto throttle that's electronically controlled your pto your diff lock your four wheel drive your brake to neutral speed match all that's electronic so if you ever have issues with it you're probably going to need a service tool of some kind now you can the manual does tell you how to if you ever get any trouble codes on this thing there is a sequence to pull up trouble codes if you ever have one which i do anticipate honestly having issues with the death system the def diesel exhaust fluid system all manufacturers retractors do have issues of some kind when you read about when you're on forums and chat groups on facebook all the manufacturers do have issues with the death system at some point i haven't seen a lot about the mer the messi but i do i do anticipate possibly having an issue and i'm kind of preparing myself if that happens on how i'm gonna go about troubleshooting it the best i can without sending it to the dealer because honestly no dealer right now is going to have a loaner tractor if this thing goes down but when you compare it to the work master the workmaster does not require def and the workmaster does not have a dpf filter this tractor does not have a dpf filter all it has is the def system and it only uses that depth fluid as it's needed so with the work master you just have the catalytic converter pretty much is what it is and you don't have to do regenerations you don't have to put def fluid in it so it's all the workmaster is a lot simpler and more reliable as far as the emission systems go another thing i don't like about this compared to the work master is the thickness of this glass this glass does seem a lot thinner than the work master it may be a 16 to an eighth inch thick with a work master it was a lot it was thicker glass i can tell you that for a fact because the door feels heavier than this one i mean this is it still feels heavy but compared to the work master it just feels like a heavier door and thicker glass and the downside of that is when you're in the tractor when you're mowing you're cutting hay and you hit rocks it's going to shoot rocks up at the glass so out of nowhere you hit a rock you don't know it until it's bouncing off the glass and it scares the living daylights daylights out of you but you start looking around to see if your glass is busted or cracked so that's the downside when comparing this to the work master is the thickness of that glass hopefully the price of the glass is cheaper than the work master being that it's thinner and easier to replace if if that happens another thing i don't like when comparing to the work master is the loader this loader it does have more lift capacity than the work master but look how much higher it sits up the work master loader sits flush with the hood so you your your overall view out here is more restrictive than the work master let me just point out that i am comparing this tractor not the 4708 or the 4707 i don't have a 4708 or 4707 to talk about to discuss i'm just talking about going from the workmaster 75 that i've that i had for two years to this 4710 so the 4707 doesn't require death but i'm not talking about those i'm talking about this 4710 this should be the last thing i do not like about the massey it's kind of it's not bad but it's not good either the work master with your three-point arms when you swing them out it had this pin that you could pull out to swing them but there were holes all through the arm so you could swing it around set your pin in when you're hooking up your implement this tractor you have to pull that pin and then you have to turn it into place now it does move fairly quickly it's not a fine thread rod or anything it's pretty core so the arm does move fairly quick quickly but i'm just not a big fan of that the good thing about that though i will say is with the work master when you pinned when you put your pin in it it still had a little bit of slack so it's still kind of wiggled like that back and forth this one when you when you thread it into place it stays solid and it does not move with this pin when you when you pin it back in so with this being more solid your implement that's on your three point won't sit there and kind of rattle back and forth as easy now now that i've got all the the the things i don't like about it let's start talking about the good it's quite a bit so back here in the back this is your sight glass for your oil reservoir you do not have to pull a dipstick so that is awesome your 540 and 540e selector is back here in the back so when you're hooking up and you know you're going to run 540e you can just move your lever from 540 to 540e another thing about the pto is the switch when you have your switch all the way down that engages the pto brake so when the tractor is running you cannot turn that pto shaft by hand when you're hooking up an implement if you have the switch in the middle position the brake is disengaged the pto is off so then you can turn the shaft by hand when hooking up with the implement and then of course all the way forward your pto is engaged so i'm i'm probably always going to keep it in the middle position so i can turn that shaft by hand when i'm hooking up my pto shafts so that's nice i like that the three-point cylinders back here are exposed of course when you get the larger tractors they're all like that they're all external cylinders i like that there's buttons back here on the back there's no grease points on the axles like the work master had i guess it's all um oil bath the the bearings in there i like how the step can flip up and get out of the way and it won't catch on anything of course this step when it's down it does kind of protrude outside the tire a little bit the work master it did not so if the steps down and you're running close to a fence i guess you could snag it um if you don't rip your mirror off first and i just keep this down because i open this door a lot and when it's open i'm always flipping the step down i like that it's got mid-mount work lights here they've got uh hose protection on the hose this loader is awesome there's a lot of stuff you can do with this loader it's made by quickie and quickie makes these for new holland and i think find it the uh when you when you go to take the loader off and you hook it back on these automatically engage when you're hooking your loader back up which i think that is great your uh it's got flat face quick connects here these are for your third function if you have a third function which this does have a button on the joystick so this is also for your soft drive suspension loader suspension and those wires run down under here and when you go to add third function you have to replace a valve but the wiring is there so you put the valve on it put your fittings on it then you can have third function another thing i do like is the soft drive it makes a world of difference it really does take the bounce out of that loader the accumulator ball is actually inside here let me see if i can open the other side i don't know if you can see it but that is the accumulator right there and i think that's filled with nitrogen and the hose comes out into a valve and it's electronically controlled so the pressure the hydraulic pressure hits that accumulator first before it comes to a complete stop causing a jarring motion i like the level gauge here for your bucket level it's adjustable you can move it where you want it i like that the grease caps are covered i don't know how long those will last it just seems like when you're open and closing so much this is eventually going to break it's got projector lights on the front so if you ever want to put led bulbs in it it should make a world of difference and should be pretty easy to do you can change these lights out to leds pretty easy this is your flow control for your i think this only controls the third valve here so if you even if you have to reduce reduce down your hydraulic pressure you can do it with this valve here all right let's get into the tractor and show you what really sold me on it now let's show you the break to neutral let me disengage the parking [Music] brake the brakes neutrals on and let off see i'm moving hit the brake didn't even have to touch the clutch i think that is awesome because when you're making a round bell and it's ready to be wrapped you just hit the brake let it do its thing let off and get going again so i think that is huge for this tractor another thing i like is the 24 speed transmission let's put it in third gear i'm in low range i'll bring it up to 540 pto rpm so i'm going to switch to high range here i'm doing 1.7 miles per hour if i want to bump up the speed a little bit i'll switch now i'm doing 2.1 so i bumped it up about four miles per hour i'm gonna bring it back down 1.7 grab another gear i'm going to do it by hitting this button i'm doing 2.2 miles per hour i'm going to switch to high range same rpm but i'm doing 2.8 miles per hour so i think that's a big deal i'm excited about it i can't wait to start making hay again with it this switch right here is for speed matching and that basically just shifts the high low range for you when you're when you're switching gears it automatically puts it in whatever range it needs to be in if you're downshifting or up shifting another thing i like about the tractor is how many vents there are there's quite a bit of vents there was a lot in the work master but these front vents if you want to defrost the windshield you can turn them where you need it the workmaster just had a slot and you could not shut off that front vent so if you wanted more airflow back here in the back during summertime to blow the back of your neck or your body or whatever you can close these off so i like that it does have the auto throttle the higher horsepower work masters do have the auto throttle i think that's uh that's going to be convenient nice let me point out um what i have coming for it i ordered the dust covers the hard plastic dust covers that flip up and they also have an oil drain so when you disconnect the oil doesn't pour out all down the bottom here it goes into a drain and catches in a bottle down here so i'll show that dlh farms i think installed one already but i'm still going to do a video on it i'm thinking about ordering this switch right here i went on akko's parts website and you can get this switch and the wiring harness for it and that will operate your three-point arms with the flip of a button i guess it's similar to the lift-o-matic feature that was in the work master except the lift-o-matic was cable operated this would obviously be electronically operated which is how this is this is controlled electronically to the three-point arms but it's more of a that's more of a luxury item i think it's around 150 dollars for the switch and the harness to me it's not justifiable but i think it would be great content for a video in case some of you are interested in adding that to your massey if you do a lot of three-point work with your tractor that would be handy to have the cab size of this tractor is bigger than the work master when i used to whenever i'd be in the tractor all day i'd stick my feet out like this when i was making hay or cutting or whatever just kind of stretch out and my i'm six foot two the bottoms of my foot would rest on the pillar like this and you can see how far it is the pillar is for my foot so the cab is bigger in this massey than it is in the workmaster i think i've heard this is the largest cab in the utility tractor lineup of all manufacturers but i can't verify that it is the three cylinder diesel the belt is very easy to get to and i will point out that i did have to change this belt because it was making noise i bought this tractor from three rivers equipment out of granberry i told them this belt was squeaking and i did everything i can to try to get the squeak to go away well they went ahead and shipped me a belt and i threw it on there so that was great that they didn't make me haul the tractor up there so it's pretty easy access to get to everything that's a good thing about this i mean there's the starter there's the oil filter and stop your fuel your fill your fuel filters are over here so that's really easy and convenient compared to the work master the workmasters things are a little bit tighter to change uh air cleaner and battery just like the work master was and here is your dipstick that's a heck of a lot easier the work master the dipstick was down here behind the frame so it's a little bit more difficult to check a downside about this that i'm not looking forward to you is this is the only way to clean out your cac cooler your radiator and your air conditioning condenser is this screen it is nice to have a screen the workmaster had a screen but all this back here is sealed if you want to blow out any of this you're going to have to i'm gonna have to unbolt this here and take this cover off um to get back there to blow it out so before in the video let me just point out that i get asked all the time if i would buy the work master again with um after owning it and having trouble with it in the beginning if you follow my channel in the first 100 hours of owning the work master it had a major breakdown with the three-point system and i get asked all the time if i would buy the tractor again and my answer is yes i would buy the work master 75 again if i was looking for the same horsepower and i was on the same budget i would absolutely buy it again i had a lot of confidence in the tractor after it was fixed it never let me down i did have a little bit of trouble with the pto not disengaging it was it's documented in one of my videos and it was just a quick fix if i could afford to keep the work master and still buy this one i would have done that i'm just a one-man band and my operation isn't big enough to have to be able to afford two tractors so so yes i would buy the workmaster again if i was in the same situation or if i was looking for the same horsepower range so i'm going to end the video here hopefully that helps some of y'all that are looking at this tractor or maybe the workmaster thanks for watching and i've got more videos coming on this tractor and we'll see on the next one
Channel: CenTex Ag
Views: 37,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u7Zcdyb4sIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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