Going for Christmas in the English Countryside

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hi guys so today is the 24th of december and it got a little bit messy before christmas here in the uk especially with the restrictions that came into place just a few days before the 24 and it has been quite chaotic however we are heading to the cottage that i booked and i showed you in the previous video and i'm going to take you with me and show you how it is looking like in the uk countryside [Music] foreign [Music] so after two hours of drive we have arrived to our cottage it was beautiful weather on the way and the cottage looks even better than in the pictures and i'm going to give you a little tour alright first the cottage what you will see is a huge kitchen with a massive table and on the left hand side is the first room with a beautiful decor very english countryside that owners actually they just remade these stables especially this room with a skylight and what we have here on the other side is chair vintage chair little rack for the clothes and a little desk for working and we are overlooking actually a beautiful part of a countryside it is not snow but it will not stop us from feeling super christmasy on the right hand side we have a living room which is furnished in a countryside style they prepare a little christmas tree for us and the furniture is very it has very countryside wipes with a little piana and it has a very high top ceiling it looks super christmasy when all the candles are actually lighted up and then we are continuing to the bathroom which is modern a very practical and the last room which has almost a french countryside vibes very well furnished and it is looking at it's at the part of the stable so these are basically the old stables that have been remade into airbnb [Music] [Music] [Music] and today is 25th of december i'm all dressed up um because it is quite cold outside and we are heading to see a stonehenge this is just 20 minutes from us and we saw it already from the car but i'm looking forward to see it in real life so we didn't get to the stonehenge because we realized that you need a ticket and it was close and we didn't book the ticket but even it is 25 so it looks like it would be close anyway so we go to salisbury which is 40 minutes away from us and it is famous for this gothic cathedral and every single village in england it's just super nice this is not a village this little bit bigger town but it looks amazing i'm going to show you around [Music] the cathedral to which we came is also closed um so we're just walking around basically and exploring local streets [Music] [Applause] [Music] today is the second day and we are in a small village where we're staying we're going for a little walk it is raining today but it was super nice yesterday and day before this village has maybe 15 up to 100 houses and i'm going to take you with me it's not the best weather but we're going to try our luck [Music] so look at these beautiful english houses how they are decorated for christmas these little cottages i'm always thinking who is living in them like what kind of people how often they go to cities do they work from home look at this cottage is beautiful and i have a cat passing me so that very old house is actually and this looks is one of the oldies with the cute little entrance and we're heading at the end of the village because in the manual that we had in a cottage it said there should be a beautiful view so let's see now we just got on the little walk around the fields and despite the fact that it's raining as i mentioned it looks very peaceful and very beautiful around here we have we see just a few houses around actually but it looks like this is made purposely for the pedestrians to have a walk around [Music] also i wanted to show you one amazing house that is here look at this it looks like has a lot of bedrooms and it looks quite historical i don't know from which century but it's quite hidden behind this gate you normally say there's nothing behind but here we are this beautiful house is getting more and more rainy and quite windy there's a lot of mud and so we will be heading slowly home and i wanted to show you another manor house that is here but it is surveyed by cctv camera so i'm not going to attempt to enter the private property i'll respect their privacy and just going to have a look what is on this road and that will be i think the end of our 26th of december today is our last day we sorted our rooms and we're slowly checking out they predicted a storm bella to hit the uk with the heavy rain and flooding however it looks a pretty nice weather today um considering it should be in this area so we're going around to explore small villages and see what is out there this is our last day year we sorted our rooms and we're slowly checking out they predicted that storm bella should hit this part of the uk but it looks pretty nice weather actually i think it was during the night so we're going outside explore local villages and enjoy a little bit of sun that we have today so the location i'm going to show you now is called everbury it is a little english village we ended up here by mistake we forgot to take our turn and it led us here basically and we found out that there is the largest stone circle in the world which belongs also to national trust and it reminds us almost like a new zealand it's very green house is a super old probably from 12th 13th century 14 maybe and it is well preserved it is definitely the village to come if you are in the location of stonehenge i'm going to show you some of the cute houses from here [Music] so [Music] [Music] now we just got to our destination for today which is called marlborough this village should be famous for its ferment markets but i don't think they are open today because of the virus but we're going to explore the streets so i just got out of the car and the already this village looks pretty unusual to all other english villages it reminds me american village because of its high street or maybe it is just me who thinks it looks like more american by the way the cars are parked in the middle usually it is a pedestrian zone and it looks like the shops are open and the pubs and um it looks pretty normal live here actually [Music] this look it's a very nice furniture shop 17th century historic house and garden shop a museum okay but it looks closed look at this beautiful town house i don't know if it is um sort of a council town hall yeah i think they called it town hall really unusual little village look at this old building so history this really reminds me a little bit american architecture like western but i may be wrong but i have a feeling i saw very similar there in there like a little bit western industrial themed villages and especially these pillars as i said they really remind me of those american villages such a cute little village [Music] so this will be the end of our walk it starts to be super cold and we walked around the whole high street i don't think there's something more interesting but this village is super nice and i think i will end my video here hope you enjoyed this vlog and see you next time
Channel: Yournal
Views: 127
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: london, english, countryside, travel, christmas, haul, vlog, travelvlog
Id: 52N2_tPZbFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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