Going back down a rabbit hole. SSMETRO Ep38

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[Music] night AKA animal engineering uh this week's little update uh I've had win it from 3d precisions come out and has done some 3D scanning on the van uh for some future little projectos so what that means is so 3D scan the a pillars and the wind screen and also the rear windows for a couple of little things I got going on so once they come back I can do some designing and fusion and then we can actually finally get the front of the van welded back together um finally it was about two years ago maybe longer that I actually chopped the whole van apart and the front window areas have not been welded back together since then I'm just going through at the moment so all these holes from where I drill out drilled out all the original rivets just going through plugging them all up so just going through plug welding all them up um part of one of the projects for the scanning uh requires basically when I weld these intersections back into the a pillars want to try and keep the heat to an absolute minimum CU I don't want things to melt little hint uh if you can guess what's going on I don't know if I've ever actually mentioned it before what is going on with these a pillars but if you can have a bit of a guess so I need to minimize heat um where the cleos were I still will have to Mig well them but they're very minimal little holes it shouldn't put too much heat into it so there's a few areas like down here uh this corner here and then up here that's all pretty that's all pretty thin um can't really just get away with plug welding that so I make a piece up make a piece up and weld it in there so yeah it's just going around the wind screen fixing all those little bits uh getting them tidied up uh I got to do the lead do the lead on both Corners front Corners I've decided I'm going to lead them as well I was just going to leave it how it is but same as the back I think I was going to redo it how it was so I got to get some more lid for that um I should have got some more before I started the rear quarters to be honest one so is not the best in I got to get the windscreen wipers situated uh that panel needs a bit of modification so they can go in boring plugging holes really we've been jamming away for a while um got all these holes pluged welded up uh that was not the funnest job going around I can tell you right now but it's all nice and solid there's no big holes so we should be able to just easily spot weld the panels back together when we go to join them um put a new piece up in there so most of that TIG welded really good but um up in that corner I think there might have been a bit of lead there that I didn't quite get out and it just blew a hole and it was a nightmare absolute crazy now we've also been playing around with the height of the van uh so I've now currently got it 4 in higher than what it was originally just sitting hard on the frame and looking at it I'm thinking that down the bottom there I was thinking I was going to have to completely remake the whole uh bottom section with the bead and everything but I reckon I can sneak away with just welding another strip on the bottom which will just make the bead higher off the bottom of the van if that makes sense um I think that's going to be fairly easy uh that bottom bit the rear bumper I've got heaps more room for the rear bumper now so I don't think I really need to muck around with that at all so bottom there is just a little tiny piece there to extend down uh one thing I don't like is how high that step's going to be now so what I'm thinking is that bottom sort of rail piece there uh I'm going to have to cut that and remake that just so it goes down further so the side of the van's got something to actually Mount to and then while I'm at it I'm thinking of extending that bit there so extend that down so that I'll only have like the minimal step into the van uh cuz really you don't want a big stick getting in looks cooler if the step is as close to the ground as possible so what that will entail though is when I come to do the doors um I've still got to pull them apart sand Blass the inside epoxy it and do all that jazz I will be doing electric window conversion um I've got some actuator things and stuff to do that so there's a fair bit of work to do on the doors anyway so I think extending them down a touch while I've got them apart uh just means you be you know 6 and a half ft tall and walk inside the van uh down the front here you can see has created an even bigger hole there so that's another issue um I've scooted the chassis further forward so inside there I've notched that out so I could bring the chassis forward uh couple reasons one so I got more room for me pedals inside and just getting the front wheels further forward in the wheel arches and the front ones so I think we're they sitting now looks a lot better um just further forward they we right at the back so it also means like at full height I've got those are clearance the tires now so I can actually drive around like lower uh which style points also and then cuz I've moved the chassis so far forward the radiator has to move now I've also been playing around with the airon unit so I've got that in there I've managed to separate out all the wires for the actuators um I've got them working so now it's just a matter of we going to get some half Bridge things for the pmu and then just try and work out how to do can bus stuff so HP Academy do a can bus course so I'm going to look at doing that and see if I can get my head around it um and I can use that for the electric windows in that as well so I believe I got to get three half fridges which AR Che like $540 each which is bit the but even that said what timea buy the parts for to get this air conditioning working few H Bridges some wiring some switches and stuff probably all in around two grand to get the factory airon working which is still cheaper than getting an aftermarket unit which aren't as great so also a benefit of lifting the van up um one issue I was having is with the factory air con unit so you can see the radiator that's the inlets up there so they've got to be the the radiat cap has to be the highest point so as it stands now I can lift the radiator right up and I can have the cap up in this top Corner which will be higher than those uh inlets and Outlets there so that also works pretty good and then I can just make a deflector come down over the top of the motor and then down through the tunnel and out the back for the exhaust Fage what that also means just escalating is that whole front section there I going have to completely chop out um just so I can get that big old air conditioning unit further forward and underneath that flat bit so it is creating lot of work when it slam slammed on the ground so when I get some different rims so holding do the factory offset is Plus 43 and these are plus 30 so Factory ones will take the wheel in further um which will solve that issue so I shouldn't be rubbing on any body work where it's sitting right now so really got a bit more work to do around the window and then just got to find a way of lifting the body up like nice and solid so it's not sketchy and then yeah probably look at just chopping the whole bottom off or just adding onto the bottom sorry and making new ones of those bits um I've got them drawn up in the computer already cuz they are new the original ones were knacked um what else it's giving me a obviously more head room inside um the rear hump is just going to be it be flat there'll be a slight hump up and then it just go straight shot to the back door instead of being a hump up and then a hump down so all in all it's going pretty good I feel and uh see you on the next one doing who knows what [Music] [Music]
Views: 1,241
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Id: rbkzVXNzcLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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