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tonight as we look at Ezekiel 38-39 Gog and Magog who are uh major subjects in biblical prophecy and God's chosen people of promise and there's no doubt that God said I have sovereignly elected Israel and if there's any elected sovereignly elected believer alive in this world or has ever lived the same hope of never losing your salvation is the very same promise God said that I will never never remove my sovereign election of the ethnic National descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob so I mean Israel has not been replaced by us because of God's Sovereign election but why does it even matter that we study all this so this evening Luke 21:36 we have a question today are we living for heaven each day of our lives today and each of the days of our lives and and look what Jesus says he he gives this long prophetic teaching starting I mean you can you can go all the way back to verse 5 it's ba basically Matthew 24 uh only uh through Luke's careful research uh Luke was a 2,000 year ago version of Keith small you know this careful researching doctor but look what Jesus says um um when you hear of Wars verse 9 and commotions boy that's what we're hearing don't be terrified these things must come to fast first but the end won't come immediately and then he goes through all the the things we've heard and then he starts talking in in verse 20 about the destruction of Jerusalem and then those who in Judea uh flee to the mountains and then he gets into verse 25 uh what is now close to what we're studying in Revelation and there will be signs in the sun Luke 21:25 the moon remember the sun dims this morning by oneir we saw the moon dims the the Stars dim on the Earth distress of nations with perplexity the Sea and the waves roaring and they certainly will if there's all this volcanic eruption and earthquakes that God clearly describes verse 26 interesting Greek word abuko people's Spirits pop out it actually means to pop out it says that men's Hearts failing them from Fear people will actually not have panic attacks they'll have Panic deaths because it will just be so over overwhelming what they see failing them verse 26 for fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of the heaven will be shaken that's code for it's going to be terrifying I mean it's going to be like you're living in a uh one of these Hightech flop movies of this Summer that they spent hundreds of millions of dollars only they only work inside the auditorium you'll be living in the world will be like some you know End of Time movie only it's real and then they will see the son of man coming in power and great Glory now now look at verse 28 now when these things begin to happen look up lift up your heads because your Redemption draws near and then now here comes the application starting in verse 29 and he spoke to them a parable and he said look at the Fig Tree uh and and we all know that verse 33 Heaven and Earth will pass away my words will by no means pass away verse 34 application again but take heed to yourselves lest you your hearts be weighed down with carousing drunkenness cares of this life that that day come on you unexpectedly now look at verse 36 here's the ultimate watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and stand before the son of man now it's interesting the word pray let's do a quick word study when he says in verse 36 after all of his prophetic studies watch therefore and pray watch is interesting Gregorio this where Gregory comes from it means to be vigilant so be vigilant but verse 36 continues and pray always now there are seven different words for in Greek for prayer this one is very interesting pray is the word for beg implore and beseech is one of the most intense words for prayer it was used after a chapter filled with prophecy and end time events and basically what Jesus Jesus was asking and before we go into Gaga Magog and I show you all the maps and and everything else Jesus was saying what are you intensely asking or begging God to do through your life that will last forever did you notice what he says there watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things and that come to pass and stand before the son of man what is he talking about he's talking about this whole idea that Paul enlarges greatly on that we're all going to stand in fact that's why I just spoke on to the 500 students from 33 countries um Friday you're going to stand and give an account and accounting it's kind of like your parents or your boss gives you 20 or $50 or $1,000 and says you can spend it according to these rules and then I'm going to the accounting department is going to check it out Jesus says I'm going to check how you spent your life and what are you begging God to do through your life that will last forever that's what should most be on our hearts whenever we think about prophecy one of the challenges as students of the Bible that we are given is to study and search the scriptures and seek to come to biblical conclusions and then wait we are called to do what the Lord left us to do and not to spend all of our time speculating about what every possible news event has to do with these prophecies you know there's some people that are so prophecy minded they're of no Kingdom good have you ever met them they don't want to talk to people about the gospel they want to talk about the chips that are getting planted somewhere you know and the government doing something and their you know social security number or their credit card or something and what the Lord says is what should be most on your heart as you study prophecy is not whether our view is perfect whether every detail is what's going to happen it's whether we're living for what really matters did you know there's no reverse in life it's one way you can't go back you can only go forward and are you making sure that every moment that we have speeding by us at 60 minutes an hour We're redeeming as many of them as possible that's what Jesus is talking about and God is watching over his word he's going to perform it so don't worry about the prophecies by the way God says that's my department I'm going to watch over them they're all going to happen just the way I planned he said what I want you to be found is Faithfully doing what I left you to do so we'll come back by the way at the end and and I'll talk to you about what Jesus said last forever and you can just do a little self-exam are those things high on the priority list or are the what what he talks about weighed down verse 34 with carousing and drunkenness and cares of this life did you know that that there are many people that are actually intoxicated that means they are addicted to everything but God amusements entertainments working out their health their music their social lives I mean they they sleep with their phone or whatever their digital device is but do have they memorized a verse in the past year are you kidding that's legalistic who's going to you're telling me that's but they are addicted to the electronic world did you know you can be drunk with many things some people are drunk with technology they are so I mean they have got to have every app and every new release and every new and they are not redeeming their lives for what counts forever but let's go now back to prophecy let's look at at Psalm 83 because what I want to show you is how much God says about this ending that we seem to be hurdling toward um because by the way never before in history has every nation that God said was going to to seek the annihilation the destruction the the complete decimation of the Jewish people never before have all of those Nations all been active at the same time and I I just want to show you one Psalm 83 and Psalm 83 is is an amazing Psalm it has 18 verses and it's the Confederacy of hate that's what commentators call it it's the it's a group of people and by the way never in history have all of these people ever been mad at the nation of Israel in the Old Testament I mean all of them at different times were angry but it would be like saying that right now America is faced with the Dreadful effects of the Soviet Union you look at me and say you mean the parts of the Soviet Union or how about saying that uh you know the the Philistines are against us you go the Philistines that's not that's not a nation that's currently I mean how about you know saying that and and you pick any Nation the Alexander the Great and and the the you know great forces of of Macedon you know his father Philip of of Macedonia was was a great warrior no that's history well that's what this list is it's an anachronism you know what anacronismo the place Chron chronologically these this is an anachronism this is not possible for the groupings of people that God describes all simultaneously to be against Israel and that what's amazing but just for the blessing let's I don't know when the last time was you've read the 83rd Psalm but let's all stand together and follow along in your Bible and let's read the 83rd Psalm and it's a Psalm of ASAP it's a song actually and it's very interesting and I'll just read it do not keep silent oh God do not hold your peace do not be still oh God for behold your enemies make a tumult and those who hate you have lifted up their head they have taken crafty counsel against your people and consulted together against your sheltered ones and they have said come let us cut them off from being a nation that's interesting this could only be before 586 BC because Israel has never been a nation from then on but that was just an aside let's cut them off from being a nation verse four that the name of Israel may be remembered no more for they have consulted together with one consent they form a Confederacy against you notice that's capitalized or it should because it's God see when people fight against Israel they ought to be careful because they're really fighting against whom God because he said those are his chosen people of Promise verse six who is this Confederacy the tents of Edom the ishmaelites Moab the hagrites gibol Ammon amalec philistia joined with the inhabitants of Ty Assyria also is helped with them they have helped the children of lot CA cila means pause and think about okay let's pause and think about it when has that group ever been together against the nation of Israel wow that's an interesting I mean think about who they are in a minute deal with them as with Midian as with cicara as with jabin at the brook kaishan who perished at Endor who became his refuge on the Earth make their nobles like orb and like Zeb yeah all the princes of Zeba and zela who say let us take for ourselves the pastures of God for a possession oh my God by the way you should say that scripturally not as a minced oath I'd be very careful about people say that oh my God you know that is a misuse of the lord's name but that has nothing to do with the text it just came up verse 13 oh my God make them like the whirling dust like the chaff before the wind as the fire burns the woods as the flame sets the mountains on fire so pursue them with your Tempest frighten them with your storm fill their faces with shame that they may seek your name oh Lord whoa verse 16 there's intent here fill their faces with shame that they may seek your name oh Lord this isn't to just destroy all the enemies of Israel this is for there to be something amazingly see God is a savior and he wants people to seek Him verse 17 let them be confounded and dismayed forever yes let them be put to shame and perish that they may know that you whose name alone is the Lord you know what the controversy is in the world right now who is the Lord Allah or Yahweh the true and living God is revealed in the Bible who's the real Lord that they may know you verse 18 whose name alone is the Lord are the most high over all the Earth wow let's bow for word of prayer father I pray that as we look into your word that we would remember that Jesus told us the purpose of all this is not to fight and quibble and have our charts and and uh get all um distracted from what you left us to do it's that all the world may know that you're the Lord and you're going to show that to this world climactically and it's always you told us going to surround Israel not the church not us Israel and I pray that You' give us a deeper sense of living a life of worship every day redeeming our time not being intoxicated with whatever the latest intoxicant is but denying all those things that Rob us of time for the disciplines of Prayer of memorizing and studying and meditating and then living out and obeying your word and that's really the purpose of our gathering tonight teach us even through this prophetic study in jesus' name amen amen you may be seated as you're seated the end of days is marked by A Confederacy of hate for Israel now let me just show you uh those countries that uh are described um we know from Matthew 24 in Luke 21 that when Christ returns there's a complete uh surrounding and and encirclement of Israel by mortal enemies in other words God says the last days will be when Israel as a nation will be surrounded by enemies now remember there was no nation of Israel for 2600 years there is today and that's an interesting uh thought so what exactly is Psalm 83 talking about who are those undesirable neighbors that Israel has and they're all neighbors they all live around Israel in some cases there's slight disagreement I mean in some cases I mean we're talking about I mean the descendants of lot when was lot around 4,000 years ago well where are his descendants today they could be all over the place but these are geographically identifiable places see it's almost like the Lord left us a treasure map that wouldn't change with with all the redrawing of the lines because he's talking about where in Bible times groups of people lived see that's what's interesting and and so if you think about the Nations these 10 ancient people groups that are mentioned in Psalm 83 and tribal groups they live today in in in these spots they live in what we would call today Lebanon Syria Jordan Iraq Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian territories within Israel but God said he will allow this vast C coalition to come against Israel he described them over 3,000 years ago Asaf lived 3,000 years ago and and of course Abraham and lot and all that was 4,000 years ago but God describes them in Psalm 83 3,000 years ago in terms we can understand today these verses have never been fulfilled in fact if you look at almost every commentator that that comments on this no matter whether they're a covenant Theologian that thinks Israel is a church or whether they're some you know rabid prophecy nut they all agree on one thing that these 10 were never never synonymously enemies of Israel surround ganging up and having a little meeting on how to destroy them the people of God some Believers think that some of these nations are easy to trace others are more speculative we do know Assyria is the same as modern day Iraq in fact when I was speaking at the seminary in Jordan a man came up to me and said I want to introduce you to me and I said I'd like to meet you he says I pastor church in in Assyria and I said Assyria I mean like in the Bible he says M same place he says I live in Nineveh and I said it's still around he says oh of course it is you know he says I'm an Assyrian Orthodox Born Again believer and I thought wow Assyria it's the same as modern day Iraq the the ishmaelites the descendants of Abraham and Hagar are the progenitors of the Arabs we know the and the amalekites are descendants of Esau and the moabites and ammonites are from lot but to trace him today is well nigh impossible the Philistines inhabited the area now known as the Gaza Strip I mean so I mean we know what that geographic location is uh the city of Ty located what is now Lebanon gial is the same as ancient uh bias or gbla it's it's in Phoenicia same area on the coast the sources list the hagrites as descendants of Hagar therefore segments of the Israelites but it's hard to be positively identifying him but if you just want to put them on a map you see in front of you the psalm 83 War people it kind of looks like the Arab Muslims that are surrounding Israel today and though they fight among themselves like right now and killed 100,000 of each other in Syria and Counting the only thing that unites all those Nations who are of the various sects of Islam is their intense hatred for Israel and they don't even know why they hate him they just do and Ezekiel called it an everlasting enmity that they would have I can tell you why because Revelation tells us why Revelation 12 says it's the devil the devil hates Israel solely because God has put his name on them and if he can destroy Israel he can ruin the veracity of the infinite God and so he has placed this Everlasting enmity and Stir It Up All Around Israel well the nations are the 10 adjacent people groups and today they would be Lebanon Syria Jordan Iraq Saudi Arabia and the palestin Palestinian territories but now as we go to Ezekiel wh why is this so important well let me just pick up and give you a 30 second overview of last week um Ezekiel 36 and 7 basically is are two chapters of the Bible that are written about challenging us to trust the God who promised Israel would return as a nation and This Promise was made when Israel ceased to be a nation now there have been many returns little groups of Jews 50,000 that came with zobel and and Ezra and Nehemiah you know was governor over group and they've milled around and multiplied and everything but they never became a nation I mean they had to ask permission to put up Stones they had to ask permission to cut down trees from whatever the current Persian Greek or Roman or you know mamluk or whatever governing Nation or grouping was around them but they haven't been a nation until Harry Truman's Bible study days you know our president who voted and supported as the President of the United States the establish M of a nation in 1948 very interesting well trust the God who promised that that Israel would return as a nation and you know uh we we went through all of that last time Ezekiel 36 and 37 talks about the God who rules the universe and tells us Israel one day be reborn as a modern country that the Jews would pour back into the holy land after centuries of Exile which they have but the problem is that was written 600 BC and it didn't happen until modern times so trust that God but secondly if you trust him and and if you believe he's done all that which I do then then he wrote two more chapters that even get more fascinating because he says after you see a group of people coming to a desolate land making it Bloom like a rose living in unbelief like dry bones that come together but they don't have life in them yet but they're just collected together like individual pieces brought from over a 100 countries if that happens and it has then what 38 and 39 says is going to happen will also happen trust The God Who describes what from a map looks like Russia as a leader of an anti-israel Coalition described in Ezekiel 38-39 so the question we have is who exactly is coming against Israel well if you put Ezekiel 38-39 on a map there is uh one map uh you would see that it's a coalition made up of the coastal areas of Northern and Eastern Africa which are quite dominantly of one religious persuasion and also the the central Eurasian hinge which um sadly lost their bid for the Olympics even though they were working really hard on it and in uh bonies last week turkey isn't going to get it but that's a real Muslim nation and then from the north and also Sweeping in from the East all and that's what Ezekiel talks about now it's interesting if you put words on a map and especially a lot of people don't realize that if you really believe the Bible and I do genesis chap 10 is kind of the index for the it's called the table of Nations and what's interesting is if no matter what your view of anything is uh you know the people that believe you know that Humanity has been around a half million years but God indicates it hasn't been what's interesting is all the modern Nations especially of Europe all in their National Archives go back to Genesis 10 those names aren't just in the Bible those 70 people groups that Genesis 10 describes and and you see a lot of them here these names that God is using are are TR they just they just completely transcend all the geography changes of of thousands of years of History they're where the original people groups went out after the flood and God says where those people landed those are the areas I'm talking about see he he gave us something that wouldn't change we know where they overspread the Earth and where they went to and that's recorded in history so basically you can see on the map the the red areas uh the green areas the purple Persia the gray areas the yellow uh Kush and then put is the blue so so basically as I'm reading um Ezekiel with you and you can follow along you'll see these places showing up that that non-Christian people like Herodotus and like Josephus and like uh even modern day in fact I when I was speaking at an Institute in in Russia they dropped us off to the Kremlin said you can spend some time you know get some history and so we went around the Kremlin of course I went right to the museum the Russian Museum do you know what the first exhibit is in the Russian Museum in the cremin in modern day Russia Today the cians they're proud that they're cians and the cians are biblically identifiable people groups in this map and they're from the area that is mentioned so let's go to Ezekiel 38 1-6 who's coming against Israel here's what it says now the word of the Lord came to me saying son of man and and that's Ezekiel remember there were three three groupings that went in 605 and 597 and 586 with the Babylonians BC and Ezekiel went in the middle Daniel went in 605 Ezekiel went in 597 and then the rest of the captives that weren't decimated and martyred I mean massacred were taken in 586 so ezekiel's there and he's in Babylon and the Lord's giving these prophecies and he's saying son of man Ezekiel set your face against God he's thinking remember Peter tells us the the biblical prophets most often didn't know what they were writing about they just did what they were told searching what or what manner of time the spirit of Christ which was in them signified when he testified beforehand the coming of Christ and the glory should follow Peter says these prophets and so ezekiel's writing along he says against God hm against the land of Magog hm the prince of rash Meek oh oh Genesis tubal oh okay and prophesy against him and say verse three thus says the Lord God behold I'm against you oh go Prince of rash Meek and tubal Ezekiel was thinking H you should be against the Babylonians you know what I mean I mean he did have a mind and okay but you're against them you know and cuz he's watching the the dissolution of his nation and God is prophesying against people that aren't even in Babylon but it's okay it's something he was supposed to do verse four I will turn you around I will put hooks in your jaws I will lead you out with all your army and horses and Horsemen all splendidly clothed a great company with bucklers and shields all of them handling swords Persia that's close Ethiopia that has nothing to do with our problems Ezekiel would have said Libya where is that you know what I mean I mean this this was a challenge for the prophets are with them all of them with shields and helmet Goomer and all of its troops the house of tarma from the far north and all of its troops many people are with you now if you and and I didn't have time again uh to fix these but again you can see this basic group from the table of Nations uh Raj you know basically what what would be the Baltic area Magog is the area uh between the the Caspian around the Caspian Sea and and north of Persia and you see Persia it's kind of the pink one there Kush is the turquoise one down below I mean there's really no dispute about the majority of these Kush has always been down there it's it's the the people between the second and the third cataract of the Niles Nile River I mean it's very clear historically put I mean did you know that that the libyans were called the ptits look it up in the I mean they were called that for a long time that's one of the sons of Noah and and or one of the grandsons of Noah I mean this is all very biblical Meek he's over there somewhere north of turkey you know over there and then something to do with the the edges of turkey but turkeyy is kind of in the center because this is where they went out from the Tower of Babel After the flood and overspread the Earth and so basically that map would show you where rash and Magog and Persia just generally and meek and put and Kush are all from now if you want to look at it a different way you know with more modern boundaries you'd see the Northern Africa Libya coming and Below it's interesting who's left out in all these things Egypt is never mentioned as being a a an aggressor yet they've been in every one of the four Wars Egypt has 48 56 6773 they've but now in the future War they're not it's very interesting and of course this the cians the the Russians who were from the steps of Russia you see them north of the Black Sea and and also the Caspian Sea um another way to put it uh would be here you know just the the idea of the Ethiopia and the South and and uh Libya from the the Far West and and Persia from the Far East and then the northern ones turkey and up into the steps of Russia and you know I mean about every Bible commentator has her own favorite map but it doesn't end there the Bible keep going in chapter 38 and and let me show you what else the Lord says he says who's coming against Israel and by the way I'll just read to you you can look all this up uh if you look in between the encyclopedia britanica uh Usher you know the James Usher the chronology guy they'll tell you go is is a title like Pharaoh or or Zar Magog according to Josephus uh the mega agagites uh the Greeks said were the cians I mean that's go back there the the meites are the cians the green part and going up above them where they came down so that clearly I mean that one is about the clearest that that they are the uh what we would call the the Russians and and also the satellite states of Russia but keep going if I can keep going sometimes it doesn't like me to go F there we go God declares that this whole group uh the meek uh who that's the sixth son of japheth now according to Herodotus they were dwelling in friia and Anatolia that's modern turkey but Herodotus also says some of them were above the Black Sea see we going upward see they they they weren't content to stay down there near where they settled they were always kind of pushing out like a America out in the frontier and where they pushed is up into that beautiful the steps you know the the Plains and they were they were Horsemen and they love to ride their horses up there and there are too many mountains and valleys and turkeys so they went up there toward Russia and then tubal by the way we have a tubal and a tubal River and by the way that's all in Russia uh today which is interesting uh Persia that's that's uh no trouble it was aam was called Persia till 1935 Kush uh that's the the modern black African peoples between the second and third cataract that's clearly Sudan and Ethiopia put as I said as modern Libya used to be called they used to be called the pites but it would include the algerians the tunisians the Moroccans the mortanian uh North Africa Gomer is challenging it could be turkey it also is a term for Germany and Austria and I've thought about that because the more you look at the birth rates modern Western Europe is declining that zero population growth thing is working they do have zero population fact they're going the wrong way and the immigrants are coming and most of them are Muslims and it's interesting that Western Europe if the Lord terries we won't even have a question about this it is Goomer is uh Germany because they're all becoming Muslim through conversion and population growth um Beth tarma is Armenia that's the turkeying peoples of Central Asia I mean those are the stands you know kazak and all those other stands Sheba and danan are the grandsons of Abraham in Genesis 252 by his third wife coutura remember he was pretty active fow uh he he raised a lot of Arabic peoples and Shea and didan would be uh they're not from ishma they're a separate line they may be the classic Arabic dwellers they're seen as as uh living out in what we would call the Saudi Arabia that whole area that is that is so much unhappy about Israel tares was the grandson of japheth he's the Second Son of Javan uh he's the father of Greece and how Greece fits into this again you know it's it's very much wondering whether it's where the people first migrated or where they went but basically God says in Ezekiel 385 trust him he declares the destruction of this entire Russian Iranian Syrian Lebanese whatever it is Islamic military force that comes like a storm against Israel look what it says in verse 5 Persia Ethiopia and Libya are with them Verse 18 it will come to pass at the same time when God comes against the land of Israel says the Lord my God that my Fury will show in my face my jealousy verse 19 the fire of my wrath I have spoken surely in that day there will be a great earthquake in the land of Israel verse 20 so the fish of the sea the birds of Heaven the beasts of the field all creeping things on the Earth all men who are on the face of Earth shall shake at my presence and on and on he goes and basically verse 22 says I bring him to judgment with pestilence Bloodshed I'll rain down in him and his troops and many people are with Him flooding rain great hailstones fire and brimstone basically what the Lord is saying there is I'm watching over my people I'm going to protect them and it's in the future because those people never have marched against Israel well basically the details of Ezekiel 39 are if you look at verses 9 and 10 whatever this event is the Weaponry from it is burned for seven years now it's interesting even and who am I to dispute with him but my very dear friend uh who wrote my favorite Study Bible um and who I worked for says this is this is revelation 20 this is the Millennium I think wow that's interesting what are they burning stuff weapons for for seven years when they don't even have weapons when they've beaten their swords into plow shares but you know he has great reasons for it but whatever it is for seven years they're burning it what's interesting that's the usable life of atomic Weaponry you know the halflife and everything you know you can only store those things so long that's why America we spend so many billions you always have to take those little nuclear warheads off and redo them they aren't good for they don't have a long shelf life and it's interesting that uh Atomic material is very usable what's also interesting is look at versus 11- 16 I'm not going to take a long time on it because we don't have more than a minute and 8 seconds but basically I'll say this that they are doing what we would call cleanup after a disaster that has radioactive and chemical warfare implications because they're taking them downwind if you read 11 to 16 the area described is downwind east of the Dead Sea it sounds like a quarantine like a hazardous cleanup like a radioactive contamination procedure so back to the beginning I mean it this could be before the tribulation this could be in the tribulation this could be at the end of Millennium doesn't matter it's going to happen see that's what we don't fight and and dispute but what Jesus said is this is all going to happen what are you asking God to do Jesus says I collect your prayers we talked about that this morning you know what we should do we should pray Jesus says I multiply Mark 12 you ought to read it Jesus measures our gifts not by how much we give but by how much it costs us Jesus says I will multiply your sacrificial gifts I will make them hundredfold that's 10,000% give Jesus says I count the souls you lead to me I mean Keith can't even talk about evangelism without tearing up when's the last time you gave a verbal witness of Jesus Christ to someone you say well we have missionaries and evangelists for that mhm when's the last time we did it Jesus said all believers are supposed to go into all the world we're all supposed to share and and if Kei over in England he's not going to get your neighbors in page you understand what I mean we're all supposed to be doing this and Jesus says I count in fact Daniel 12:3 says the more people you lead the Lord the more you'll shine forever and Paul said the only thing I'm looking forward to taken to heaven with me are the people I lead to Christ so we should win people we should try we should give out a track we should pray Jesus said I remember humble service that nobody knows about that that is that is the least and the most faceless where no one recognition serve and Jesus said I love Believers that do Outreach go so prophecy should encourage us to love follow and serve God now see that's the effect the net effect that prophecy had on the early church was they weren't all selling everything sitting on mountaintops and counting down they were trying to lead every person they could meet and point them to Christ they understood let's all stand you've been sitting for so long and it's 7:16 sorry to take you over but Keith went over a minute so I went over a minute so I thought we'd be even uh but um not really uh but I would encourage you as you see the news and what's going on in Syria and the threats and the lining up of everything just like the Bible said it would be to not worry about that but to let that be a reminder that we're not supposed to be intoxicated and overwhelmed and addicted to everything the pleasures of this world we're supposed to focus on what he saved us you're bought at a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit to belong to God that's the purpose of Prophecy and let's bow before the Lord and I pray oh Lord that we would long for your return and long to be found your good and Faithful Servants doing what you left us to do until you returned to come or call us home and I pray that your spirit would Minister your word and that we would pray and give and serve and evangelize and go for you and we pray that in the precious name of Jesus and for his glory and all God's people said amen God bless you as you go [Music]
Channel: DTBM
Views: 20,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bible, God, Jesus, Christian, teaching, biblical, teach, sermon, trinity, church, lesson, traditional, truth, true, divine, theology, freedom, guilt, testament, pure, interpret, spirit, holy, John, Barnett, christ, father, heaven, hell, doctrine, doctrinal, sinful, forgive, forgiveness, history, teachings, chapters, verses, discover, the book, ministries, dtbm, Dr. Barnett, controversial, repent, helpful, sin, the, book, dr, john, doctor, barnett, training, videos, series, resources, savior, god, jesus, holy land, pilgrimage, spiritual renewal
Id: g4jjqZOke2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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