GODZILLA VS KONG Ending Explained | Full Movie Breakdown, Easter Eggs And Spoiler Review | GVK 2021

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[Music] welcome to the heavy spoilers show i'm your host paul aka the guy who doesn't want to be your monkey wrench and what sound does a gorilla's doorbell make king kong we're already off to a terrible start with the crap jokes but nothing's gonna stop me smiling as godzilla versus kong is finally out on hbo max throughout this video we're going to be breaking down the ins and outs of the story it's ending and discussing the super secret surprise villain that was shown in every trailer for the film obviously there will be heavy spoilers here so if you haven't had a chance to check out the movie then i highly recommend that you check yourself and check out now smash that thumbs up button if you enjoy the video and don't forget to subscribe to the channel for breakdowns like this each and every day without the way thank you for clicking this now let's get into godzilla versus kong okay so there's a lot to unpack from this movie and i will be doing a slight recap to discuss the major plot points as i feel you need to know them in order for the ending to make sense however if you just want to skip ahead then time codes will be linked below and the film itself centers heavily around the hollow earth this is a real life theory that first hit the mainstream back in the 17th century after edmond haley theorized that earth had an almost onion-like structure with several layers to it though never proven the theory still remains popular in conspiracy circles and is something that makes the basis for this movie in the titles for the film we discovered that there was an expedition to antarctica in 1926 that unearthed its existence after the people who participated in it disappeared the event was quickly declassified by the government but they've kept a close eye on it as there exists a powerful energy source within its cavinus tunnels it's the arise throughout the film that this if honest will be able to destroy godzilla and it sort of becomes the mcguffin for the boring human subplot that gets in the way of the two titans of terror tearing each other in from them which let them fight yeah that's that's all i want to say now the movie picks up five years after the events of godzilla king of the monsters and we joined kong who's currently living in a simulated skull island at monarch outpost 236 after the skull island mission that took place in the 70s made his existence government knowledge he's been placed in the production of man and woman overseen by eileen andrews and her adopted daughter gia who can communicate with him through sign language sorry guerrilla sign language he's lived somewhat of a peaceful existence until he starts chucking trees about this is something that we saw him doing in his solo movie when the helicopters first arrived at skull island and it's it's a pretty crappy strike that i i don't even know why i bothered including however linking back to skull island we learned that gia is actually the last of the iwa aka the tribe that we met in that movie who lived somewhat of a symbiotic existence with the creature now because he's an alpha titan the organization know that this puts him in direct competition with godzilla and thus they've kept him shielded from the monster in the build-up to the film a lot of people wondered how kong would end up going toe-to-toe with the monster due to the size difference many of them my wife included often say that size doesn't matter but there was some people scratching their heads over how he would be a formidable opponent however we do learn in the movie that kong has continued to grow and that the dome is becoming too small to stabilize him now in these five years the shadowy organization apex cybernetics have managed to build a gigantic robotic titan known as mechagodzilla using the head of the ghidorah that we saw at the end of king of the monsters ishiro sara zawa's son ren has helped to perfect this titan killing machine and he's able to telepathically control it through neural link-ups designed by apex in the build-up to the film it was said in the leaks that there were a lot of similarities with pacific rim and i feel like these moments especially ape that film pun not intended well well it was a bit intended now the experiments are highly secretive but bernie hayes the host of the titan conspiracy theory podcast has managed to infiltrate their organization through posing as an employee haze and earth some of their dodgy dealings but before he can really get anywhere beyond seeing eye to eye with mecha g godzilla shows up to eat some fish and ships turns out you either die king of the monsters or live long enough to see yourself become a villain and the titan has now become the latest victim of cancel culture due to his constant attacks on their facilities madison russell however realizes that there's stranger things going on hey and she heads out with a friend rusty from deadpool 2 to get to the bottom of it realizing that their operations are going down worse in an amber her tweet apex enlists the help of nathan lind nathan is a hollywood theorist at dresses like marty mcfly and he also helps out because he used to work for monok believing that genetic memory exists within all creatures lin theorizes that all beings wish to return to their evolutionary source and thus they team up with monarch and kong to lead them on a journey to the center of the hollow earth now kong is taken across the ocean and on the way we can see that the character is sedated by giant green canisters which is strapped on a collar around his neck this is actually a callback to the original versus film between the pair in which the humans used a similar sort of liquid in order to sedate him now it's on this voyage that godzilla arrives for the showdown at sea that sees him not only beating kong but also most of the monarch and apex vessels the first battle doesn't disappoint and you can see why they put so much hype into this fight as it's an awesome action scene that feels fit for a king kong up until this point i feel like it was the best scene in the monster verse and by far was with the weights and delays that have seen this film push back several times when discussing the scene with ign director adam wingard talked about how he wanted to pay homage to jaws in several ways and we see this not only with godzilla's dorsal fins soaring through the water but also the boat that he pulls under with him shot similar to the barrel scene it forces the humans into freeing kong so that he can not only protect himself but also them the battle goes underwater and godzilla clearly beats kong making my boy take his first l in a long line of them however the humans disable the engines on their ships so that the g-man thinks that they're destroyed and godzilla retreats realizing that he'll come back as soon as they start them up again the humans carry kong across the sky and what is a reference to the hot air balloon moment that appeared in 1962's king kong vs godzilla along with kong monarch enter the hollow earth and find an almost prehistoric landscape that's similar to skull island due to the ceiling and ground bug being parts of the earth there are severe gravitational anomalies and the hollow earth is protected with natural forces similar to kong's home elsewhere madison her buddy josh in bernie managed to sneak into the apex facility because their security is absolutely terrible it's worse than my best mates riddled richard's antivirus protection and i don't mean on his computer i said hey you haven't i have not now here they discover apex running combat simulations against skull crawlers their continued testing alerts godzilla once more and he travels to hong kong to attempt to destroy the manufactured titan in the hollow earth we're introduced to new monsters including nuzuki and also warbat the former is a giant winged snake that we see too of getting their butts handed to them after our boy does some kung fu the latter are large bat-like creatures that attack him inside the giant tomb that's there for his species this showcases some of the skeletons left behind in the war between the gajira and kong over the millennia and also teases that their great rivalry now this used to be the kong's home but since they died out it's become somewhat of a shrine along with the history lesson kong also gains an axe the blade of which is made from a gajira dorsal fin capable of being charged by the energy source the activation of this is sensed by godzilla who blasts his way through from hong kong into the hollow earth chamber kong travels through the crater and in the city they fight it out which leads to another amazing action scene it's like a live-action rampage fight and it overall elevates the movie to be the best in the monster vs saga so far i definitely feel like they brought everything out that they could to make it so that the fights felt impactful throughout another human part slightly bogged down the overall story these bits really shine what doesn't shine though is my boy kong who takes another solid l and with godzilla weakened apex's ceo walter simmons uses the hollow earth's power to fully charge mechagodzilla however this backfires and ren is killed due to the overcharge which allows the consciousness of ghidorah to take over the machine and it murders walter during his bad guy monologue before it ventures to the surface to avenge its death the humans manage to revive kong and jia convinces him to join godzilla's side without a save mothra joke in sight now the tagline of the film is one will fall and i do feel like this was slightly misleading as i was half expecting a death but obviously these monsters crush it at the box office so warner brothers don't want to destroy what is quickly becoming their tentpole franchise in the control room bernie josh and madison help the short circuit mechagodzilla and godzilla powers up kong's axe which he uses to destroy the mechanical monster with just godzilla and kong left standing it looks like the two are gonna face down against one another but the pair have somewhat found a respect that their ancestors could not and they go their separate ways to form their own kingdoms in their respective realms and this takes us to the hollow earth which has now become a kong monitoring station nathan is now likely singing come on eileen as he her and gia worked together to turn the habitat into his new home something that the monster was searching for the entire film because skull island was devastated by storms that wiped out the eewee he had been left without one but this ancestral plane allows him to finally have a domain once more to rule over the monster verse has been very strict over not calling him king kong but now at this point i feel like this is cemented according to the original plot leaks on the film which pretty much got this entire story bang on that showing of the movie revealed that kong was going to be the king of the hollow earth whilst godzilla would remain king of the monsters these separate domains allowed them to be the alphas of their respective kingdoms without upsetting the natural order of events though we can't verify exactly what was shown at the screening due to ndas this does make a lot of sense and also opens the doors to sequels that center around them and their respective kingdoms now adam wingard has done several interviews since the movie released overseas and he explained that the film doesn't have a post-credits scene because he didn't want to pigeonhole himself into going down a certain path though we now know that the movie was extremely successful in its opening weekend they obviously didn't know how big it would be when making it and thus didn't want to restrict themselves to one story avenue going forward i think this is probably quite a smart thing to do as seeing charles dance at the end of king of the monsters then being completely removed for this film makes little sense and it means that they can just focus on that story as and when they get to it no doubt the pair will be back but it might be some time before we see them on screen together now as for my thoughts on the film i think you already know what my criticisms will be as they're the thing that's always lobbied against the movies in this saga the human drama is pretty flat on the most part and there's not even really any relationships this time around so it's difficult to get attached to any of the characters whereas in the prior monster based movies there's either been a brother and sister a love story or a family driving the storyline here the characters might as well just be put in place to set one plot point and take our characters to the next that's pretty much what they get to do with kong and even people like millie bobby brown who was a big part of the last movie get reduced to having very little to do it's the same with her dad who even though he starred in peter jackson's king kong doesn't really get anything to do at all he's pretty much just there to read text messages and that's a shame because he was such a big part i feel like he could have removed their entire arcs out of the film and it would have been pretty much the exact same movie with little lust however saying that i i just want to say congratulations to the team for all the monster scenes and action moments they really saved the film in my eyes and completely elevated it every time godzilla and kong are on screen they're just dynamite to the movie that makes it exhilarating to watch your heart's pumping you're on the edge of your seat and these scenes are the best that we could have got there's several bits where i was expecting martin scorsese to pop on screen and say this is cinema because it works so well so um you know we're talking about this i do feel bad dinging the movie for having crap human subplots when that's not what we're here for what we really want to see is a showdown between big monsters and this really delivers on the promise out of all the monster versus movies i feel like this reigns at the top with godzilla in second place which i insist you go back and watch after that for me it's probably skull island and lastly is king of the monsters because i just just thought it was pretty meh i was kind of good at that kong took consecutive elves back to back as i would have loved to have seen him get at least one winning but i'm sure fans will debate all the time like saying well he was sedated he was sedated now it is a shame that due to the pandemic we can't all experience this in the cinema as i think it would have been a blast to watch but unfortunately that's just the way the world is that being said though godzilla versus kong was a blast and it gets a seven out of ten obviously i'd love to hear your thoughts on the movie so make sure you comment below and let me know as a thank you for interacting with the video you'll be entered into a prize show on the 30th of april in which we're giving away three copies of the 4k version of zack snyder's justice league all you have to do to be on the chance of winning is like the video make sure you subscribe with notifications on and drop a comment below with your thoughts on the film the winners of last month's competition are on screen right now so if that's you then message me on twitter heavyspoilers if you want something else to watch then make sure you check out our breakdown of falcon in the winter soldier which will be linked on screen right now we went over the second episode from top to bottom and pointed out all the cool easter eggs in it
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 564,530
Rating: 4.8575602 out of 5
Keywords: godzilla vs kong, godzilla vs kong explained, godzilla vs kong ending explained, godzilla vs kong review, godzilla vs kong spoilers, godzilla vs kong breakdown, ending explained, tom holland, godzilla vs kong book, godzilla vs kong real life story, godzilla vs kong book review, godzilla vs kong movie review, godzilla vs kong full movie, godzilla vs kong spoiler review, hbo max, godzilla vs kong trailer, godzilla vs kong fight, mechagodzilla, mechagodzilla vs skullcrawler, gvk
Id: WqcLtrAmwXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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