God's Blessing for Your Life

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when we make decisions in life there are consequences on the other side of it because god has set up this system for us and man i hope this unlocks your spiritual journey to understand there are many blessings that god has for you in life but if you're not seeing them come to pass it may mean that you're not meeting the conditions to see those promises come to pass god wants to bless you and prosper you and he wants you to succeed he wants you to give you a great job he wants to bring that spouse you've been praying for but if you sleep till noon never brush your teeth and can't balance a checkbook god's probably protecting you from yourself here's the easy way to say it my grandfather used to say this all the time you make your decisions and your decisions make you so we also have to understand and we'll see this in the story today that our lives are the sum total of the choices that we have made now you cannot control what has happened to you but you have a hundred percent control over how you respond and so while some of you have been victimized and some of you have had horrible things happen to you you cannot point the finger at other people and say who you are today is someone else's fault that's simply not true until you own the fact that you are who you are because of the decisions that you have made and the things that you have chosen you will never be able to change and that's what the devil's trying to do to hijack our culture today if he can get you into that victimized mentality then you feel powerless to change anything and you'll wallow in self-pity and you'll be a slave to a system that you'll never be free from and what yeah somebody was like did you hear that [Applause] it's only when we take ownership for the decisions that we have made that we can see real change because we have to understand there are always consequences for our choices kate is always telling our kids you have to understand every choice you make affects everybody in your life
Channel: ITOWN Church
Views: 266
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 5_K4C_WWTwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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