ITOWN TV Episode 04: Hope for Today

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♪♪♪ Dave Sumrall: Hey everyone, my name is Dave, and my wife Kate and I pastor ITOWN Church. Thank you so much for joining us. Now listen, if you aren't a big fan of church or maybe you got burned by someone at church or just had a bad experience, give me just a couple minutes before you change the channel 'cause I'm hoping you experience something a little bit different. We're not here to beat you up or make you feel guilty. We're here because there is hope that is found in Jesus Christ. In fact, just a few weeks ago, I shared a message with our church about hope, and I wanted to share that with you today. Check out this message called "Hope For Today." ♪♪♪ Dave: Our theme verses, Hebrews chapter 6. The Bible says that we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. And so, we've been taking this journey for the last four weeks talking about, with my tiny little undersized anchor, how we have to have an anchor in life. Because our souls, we learned in week one, is where we process the world. So, our souls determine how we think, how we feel, and what we desire. And what happens so many times is that we get into storms in life because every one of us have storms. In fact, Jesus even promised, "In this world, you will have trouble." And so, we get in the midst of storms and we don't have hope in life. There's nothing anchoring our souls. And then what happens is we start to think the wrong thoughts. We start to have the wrong feelings. We start having the wrong desires. And then on the other side of the storm, we've made a disaster of our lives because we didn't have anything holding us firm and secure. We have to have hope. We have to have a vision for the life that God has called us to live. But hope we learned in week one is not just some kind of wishful thinking, it's not just a fairy tale, it's not dreaming of something and then hoping it will come to pass. No, hope we defined from the Scriptures is a confident expectation based on something solid. And so, we talked about how God has made promises to us in his Word, and then he promised that he would fulfill those promises. The Bible calls that an oath. God said, "I am going to come through on the promises that I've made for your life." And if you get into your Bible, you'll find that there's promises all throughout it about your health, about your finances, about your children, about your relationships, about your marriage. God has a plan for your life. Hope, hope, hope that whatever you're walking through, no matter what storm you're facing, that you could be confident that a better future is coming because your God turns all things together for the good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose. And so, we've been talking about how there's so many things that steal our hope, we've been talking about the things from our past that mess with us, and how it's difficult sometimes to navigate that. We talked about how our relationship with God helps fuel our hope. But I felt this weight as we close out this series that God really wanted to do a miracle in the lives of our church. And those of you who may be in a hopeless situation, like you're in a place today that you really need divine intervention, and I've been praying, like I said, all week long that God would do a miracle in your life. But the first thing that we have to understand is the battle that we are engaged in. Why in the first place are we losing hope? In Ephesians chapter 6, the Bible tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood. I love the fact that even Paul was like, "Hey, the struggle is real, everybody. I'm struggling, you're struggling, everybody's struggling. It's real." But he says, "It's not against flesh and blood," which reminds us that the battle that you're engaged in may have human faces involved, but that's not really the ultimate battle. It's not about your boss, it's not about your neighbor, it's not about your children, it's not about maybe your spouse or the person sitting next to you. Don't look at them right now 'cause that'd be inappropriate in church. It's not about flesh and blood. You might feel like it is, but it's not. The battle is actually against rulers and against authorities and against the powers of this dark world, against spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms. So, as believers, I need all of us to take one step back and to think about life through a little bit deeper lens, to understand that we are engaged in a spiritual battle. And so, while there are natural ramifications and there are natural consequences to the things that we walk through in life, at its core, everything in this world originates in something spiritual. What would our church look like if we began to understand that there is a spiritual driving force behind everything that's natural? Well, here's what I know, that we would begin to see the world through a different lens and we'd probably have a different response. In fact, jot this down at every campus if you're taking notes today: Spiritual problems require spiritual solutions. That's my one big thought for you today. I want you to see that that issues that you face and the struggles that you have, while they have natural manifestations and natural implications, they are originally spiritual. So, say this with me, "Spiritual problems require spiritual solutions." Right, everybody read it with me, "Spiritual problems require spiritual solutions." Right, hold on a second. Look, I don't like class participation. I never liked when my teacher was like, "Hey, pay attention, take notes, speak back." I never liked it. But I'm not in class, I'm up here. And I have learned that if you'll repeat this nonsense with me, this really good truth, that it will help you. You may feel like it's crazy, but I'm trying to get something into your spirit today. So, read this with me at every campus, spiritual problems require spiritual solutions. Read it again, spiritual problems require spiritual solutions. One more time, spiritual problems require spiritual solutions. All right. Now, every time you see that throughout the message, I want you to read it with me 'cause that's our theme for today. The problems that you face, the issues that you're battling, they are spiritual in nature, and it requires spiritual solutions. So, we're going to go to James chapter 5 if you want to--if you're taking notes, you want to turn in your Bible if you actually brought one with pages. James chapter 5. You'd be one of one, but it'd be awesome. James chapter 5. All right, we're going to be in verses 13 to 16, we're just going to walk through this text. James highlights some things that actually come into our lives as an attack from the enemy to steal our hope. We're going to talk about what the Bible says should be our response. He starts off by asking this question, "Is any among you in trouble?" That word "trouble" means pressure, adversity, affliction. Here's the word that we're going to use, one of the first things the enemy uses to steal your hope is just simply stress, stress. You know, we all have problems in life. And typically, we have a natural response to those problems. Now, I'm not saying that we shouldn't have a natural response, I'm just saying that we need to think deeper about the issues of life. Like when someone begins to make a difference for God, they make a decision, "We're going to put our marriage back together, or we're going to start serving, or we're going to attend regularly, or we're going to start giving. We're going to begin to make a difference." Typically, what happens is their life starts to fall apart around them. And they come to this false conclusion, "I must be doing something wrong. Something must be off in my life for me to have trouble." No, nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is you're doing something right and now resistance, spiritual resistance, is coming. But to that spiritual resistance, we usually only have a natural response. "Well, I need to organize the schedule better. I need to make sure that I put these things in place." And even as your pastor, I'm ashamed to admit that's my first response. People come to me with problems or issues, and I want to-- I want to give them a solution. Here's some practical steps. Here's a phone number to call. Here's a relationship you need. Here's a book to read. And while all those things are fine, those are great, we need to first have a spiritual response. We need to understand that it's a spiritual issue. Like in the Sumrall household, every time the church is getting ready to take ground or do something for God, we have problems that happen. Now, people may say, "Well, that's just coincidence, you're making something up." But I've lived through too many coincidences to believe that it's just coincidences, all right? So, with Easter or Christmas, or like if there's a special service, we're trying to accomplish something deeper spiritually in people's lives, or like the three years we've been building this building, all kinds of things, they'll come against you. And Kate and I have to laugh and step back and go, "You know this is spiritual, right?" Like this is--there's something deeper to this. Like when your dog dies, and the water heater breaks, and your car breaks down, you get fired from your job, and three friends walk out of your life, you have to take a step back and go, "Okay, hold on, I must be doing something right. There must be something spiritual happening." Like this last Easter, first of all, let me set up the second story with the first. We have a very large vehicle for our family because we have a big family. We have a million kids and we like to take their million friends along with them. So, we have this car called a Nissan NV, it's basically a bus. And it seats like 12 people, and so it's great for us because all the kids can have a friend and we can get around. So, we were actually camping. And on our way home from fall break, we decided to stop for Cracker Barrel. Come on, somebody. I can taste it right now, mama's French toast breakfast, whoo, it's good. Get you a couple three extra eggs, some turkey sausage, and then only count half of it in your macros, that's how you do it. It's good. Oh, so I could eat it right now. I'm hungry for some county kitchen. Anyway, so we were at Cracker Barrel, and we were at our travel trailer attached to our car. There was a mall next to Cracker Barrel, so I parked over there thinking I was keeping things out of the way 'cause it's a big ol' long rig, all connected. And when we came out, the cop from the mall gave us a ticket on our car. He didn't like where I parked. I thought where I parked was way out of the way, but he said, "You're blocking traffic. Please don't ever park here again." Thankfully, he didn't fine us, but that mall cop gave us-- I just lost everybody. Mall cop gave us a ticket. And I wasn't offended by the fact that he didn't like where I parked. I was offended by the way he filled out the ticket because under "Description of Vehicle," he didn't put Nissan NV. And it says it right on there, he put "Church bus." Jerk, church bus? This is my personal vehicle and it's connected to a travel trailer. What church is dragging a travel trailer around? All right, so that gives you the idea of how big our car is. So, I was dropping the kids off for school the week of Easter, the church bus, and I was backing into the spot that I always park in in the driveway with that car. And all of a sudden, the car quit moving, and I couldn't figure out why, I wasn't really paying attention to be honest. It's early in the morning, dark, you can't see anything. So, I did what every man does, I just gave it a little gas, you know? Seems logical to me. But the car didn't move. So, then I got out thinking, well, I must--some of the kids must've left something out. I'm running over something, only to find that my children had lowered our Goalrilla basketball goal like they're not supposed to, down to seven feet. And we don't have just like a little basketball goal, this is Sumrall household, basketball is important. So, we have a full size regulation backboard, which extends very low when you put the goal down too low. And it was just at the perfect height to hit the top of the church bus, as I was backing in. And so, it had created this huge dent in the back of the car, and I'd pushed the basketball goal out of the ground and bent the entire arm of the basketball goal. Now listen, this is not a tiny goal. Like when I bought it, I was like, "I want my whole family to hang on the rim at the same time and nothing to happen. Like, we need something strong baby, 'cause we're going to abuse this thing." And so, it was like the biggest one you can buy, and the whole thing pushed it right out of the ground. And I got out of the car and I wanted to say some things that'd probably get me fired from my job. And you might say, "Well, you're just dumb for not checking what was behind you." And you would be right, but at the same time, I'd take a look at that and realize everybody in my family that week was already puking, it's like living in a frat house. You know, 'cause it just happens, doesn't matter how much we pray, everybody gets sick, it's Easter. And I just went inside and laughed with Kate about the fact that it's Easter. And I'm happy to report to you that a few days later, the basketball goal was fixed. And a few days ago, we just got the car fixed 'cause that's how we roll at the Sumrall house. Stress. We have adversity and hardships and affliction that we walk through in life, and the Bible tells us, "Are you in trouble?" He doesn't say, "Go to a seminar, learn time management, work out your relationships." No, he says, "Let them pray." Why? Because read it with me, spiritual problems require spiritual solutions. We need to think a little bit deeper about the stress and the pressure that comes into our lives. I promise you you'd have a different response. Here's what I've learned, where you stress the most reveals where you trust God the least. 'Cause God says you're not supposed to be carrying that anyway." In fact, Jesus invited us in Matthews chapter 11, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Verse 29, he says, "Take my yoke upon you." That's something that joins two things together to create work. Jesus says we're supposed to be doing this together. "I am gentle and humble in heart, and you'll find rest for your souls." "Don't exclude God," is what he's saying, "from the everyday pressures of life." You know why? Because it's a spiritual problem that requires a spiritual solution. Here's the second one, back to our text, verse 14, he says how about sickness? You got anybody who's sick? Because that's the second great enemy of your hope is sickness. If the devil can't stress you out enough, then he'll get you to a place of physical sickness. And I want you to know that sickness entered the world through sin. Now, let me be clear about my theology today. I am not saying that if you are sick that you are in sin. I'm not saying that all sickness can be traced back to a specific sin. That's not what I'm saying at all. Now, it's very obvious there are some things that you do that are outside of God's will that you pursue that lead to sickness. Violating God's law, pursuing sin, some of that will lead to physical sickness. But not every time you're sick is it an indicator that you're in sin. What I am saying is that sin did not exist in the world or in mankind until Adam and Eve opened the door for sin to enter the world. And now we live in a broken world where sickness is a reality. But at the same time, we need to understand that it is a--originated as a spiritual issue. So, we go back to our text, James 5, he says, "If you're sick, your answer should be to pray. Call for the elders of the church and pray. Anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well, and the Lord will raise them up." Why? Read it with me, because spiritual problems require spiritual solutions. Yeah, the Bible says you should pray. Now, I'm not saying don't go to the doctor and don't take your medicine. Again, please hear me, we have doctors. The Sumralls get physicals, we get blood work, we have medications, we're not crazy. Don't be crazy, all right? I'm not teaching you to be insane. I'm teaching you to understand that at its origin, this is a spiritual issue. So, while we walk the path to health with all the wisdom that God has given modern day medicine, at the very same time we're going to call on the name of the Lord and believe that miracles are for today, and that we can lay hands on sick people, and the Bible says they will get well. We believe in God's divine intervention for healing. In fact, Mark says it this way, "These signs will accompany those who believe." Not those who have healing ministries, not those who have a special anointing, not those who are called to fivefold ministry, just anybody who believes. Anybody who believes, they will lay hands on sick people and they will get well. That is in your Bible, you do with it what you want. I believe that's for today. I believe we can lay hands on people and they'll recover in the prayer of faith. That not us, not our prayer, and not oil, and not any magic moment, and not some 12-step spiritual process. But God, that God would heal you. It's the Lord who raises a person up. And you say, "Why doesn't it happen all the time?" I don't know, I'm not God, praise the Lord for that. I don't have all the answers. Sometimes people are divinely healed, and sometimes they walk a path to healing, and sometimes that path to healing ends in heaven, where the Bible says there'll be no more sickness and there'll be no more pain. And I don't know why things work out the way they do here on this earth, but I do know that sickness entered the world through a spiritual problem, and that the Bible invites us to have a spiritual solution, that we would pray. And the promise of the Word says that God would intervene. And I just choose to believe. I choose to stand on that promise and stand together in faith today that you'll be healed from whatever sickness you may have plaguing your life 'cause the devil's trying to use it to steal your hope, to keep you from the life that God has called you to live. There's one more that James highlights in verse 15 and that's simply sin. Sin, of course, is a spiritual issue, but if you allow it, sin will steal your hope. You'll start to hear the voice of the devil that'll tell you, "You're never going to be good enough. You'll never live the life God's called you to live. You'll never be free. You'll never fix your relationships. You'll never change, people don't change." And so, we have to understand that it's a spiritual problem and that it is a problem. We have to call it what it is. Romans chapter 6 says, "The wages of sin is death." That word "death" means separation in the Greek New Testament. And so, I'm not saying that if you make one mistake that God cuts you off forever, that's not at all what I'm saying. And I grew up in a great church, it was theologically sound, but it was a little more bent towards the hellfire and brimstone side of life. We didn't really talk about grace ever, but so I got saved every Sunday for 15 years of my life. Come on, somebody, you all know that church. Like I don't know what heaven is, but I am definitely not going to hell. Burn for all eternity, no thank you. I'll be naked and float around in a cloud and play a harp, cool. I mean, that doesn't sound great, but it's better than burning. Those flames feel hot and I can feel it now, and I'm not sure if I sin, but yeah, count me in, right? That's not what I'm talking about, like you have-- God will walk you on a process of sanctification, getting things out of your life. What I'm talking about is when we're like, "I know what the Word says, and I know what God says, and I know that it's a sin, but I'm going to do it anyway." When you pursue that unashamedly and unrepentantly, that will separate you from God. It creates separation in our intimacy with him. And so, the Bible says, "Hey, that's a spiritual problem. It requires a spiritual response." "If they've sinned, they'll be forgiven, so confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can be healed." Prayer has to be involved in that freeing process, why? Because spiritual problems require spiritual solutions. And that's the problem with sin, to be honest with you, we have a natural response. All these things, we tend to have natural responses to only. You know what the natural response to sin is? Religion. Let's get law in place. Let's get legalistic about this. Let's put--let's have more guardrails and more rules. And while guardrails and accountability and rules are all good, and they're major functions of a functioning family and church and society, those don't change you, that's just a natural response to a spiritual problem. And so, what we have to do is be honest with ourselves and honest with our God and say, "I am broken by myself. And there's not enough rules and there's not enough commitment that's ever going to change me. I need to be changed from the inside out." See, too often we have this false belief that we'll regain hope for life if we can just get it together. We'll just get it together enough so that we can get to God. But I'm here to tell you today the most attractive thing to God is brokenness, not perfection. 'Cause God knows that perfection's not possible. We're human, and we're flawed, and we will fail. What he's looking for is brokenness and honesty. That's why 1 John says it this way, if we just confess our sins, the word "confess" is the Greek word "homologia," it means to speak the same or to be in agreement with. So, when we confess sin, all we're doing is saying, "God, you were right and I was wrong. Your Word is right and I'm wrong. I'm going to confess my sin." The Bible says, "Immediately, he is faithful and just, and will forgive us of our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Now, I love this, and it's very important because when we repent, the Bible says he immediately cleanses us from all unrighteousness, which is what makes us in right standing with God. That's that word "righteousness." And as we close, we're going to go back to our text one more time. Verse 16 of James 5 says, "The prayer." Remember, everything about this has been a spiritual response, prayer, prayer, prayer. You're thinking, "Well, my prayers don't work." No, the Bible says, "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." So, all that means is that if you just take a moment to get right with God, if you are in right standing, if you'll confess your sin, he's faithful and just to cleanse you from all unrighteousness, which makes you righteous, which means your prayers will be effective. And you'll have hope, no matter what it is that you're facing. Dave: The only way for you and I to have hope is to get right with God and put our trust in him. I wanted to share a story with you about a young woman whose name is Olivia. When she came to ITOWN, she was like many of us, broken and hurting, but God healed her and he filled her with hope. Check this out. Olivia: Came to ITOWN for the first time, walked in this auditorium, and sat in this chair right here. Growing up in a atheist family, I didn't realize it, but I was carrying a lot of hate and a lot of judgement, a lot of abandonment in my life, a lot of voids that I didn't know how to fill. I'd say from the outside, it looked like I was a happy person, like I've always tried to be positive just because my surroundings were not. But from the surface, I definitely think that people thought I was happy, but I knew deep down that I wasn't. I'd been invited to ITOWN multiple times, and my answer was always no. And so, when my friend dragged me here, forced me to come with her, I didn't want to be here, was apprehensive of walking inside, felt like I was going to be judged, that people were going to stare at me, that people were going to not want me here, that I wasn't going to be welcomed. And so, it was a lot of nerves, a lot of anxiousness. And the moment that I stepped out of the car and someone specifically said, "I am so glad you are here," high-fived me, and instantly I felt love. Like, I felt true, genuine love for the first time. I remember I instantly felt this weight like come off of my shoulders, like I felt like I can breathe again. Like I felt like everything that I was holding on to for some reason, I had no idea why, but for some reason, I felt like I could let go of that. You know, it was such an amazing feeling coming to ITOWN. And you know, throughout the entire process, feeling loved for the first time. And you know, my family isn't the most congruent or, you know, well oiled machine as I would've hoped growing up, but throughout the message that was preached that Sunday, I've learned that God was my Father and that it didn't matter what my family was like here, that there was something that was supporting me and loving me and encouraging me. And so, the fact that I had the opportunity to give my life to that and to have that forever, I was-- I couldn't believe the honor that I had. I couldn't believe that that was just something I could decide to have forever. And so, it was just a fulfilling moment for me to come into a place, feel love for the first time, and then have that forever. Coolest thing, coolest thing. If the Go team members that served that weekend that I gave my life to Jesus were here, I would just have so much gratitude for the fact that they loved a broken 15-year-old even though they didn't know anything about her, and made her know that there is a heavenly Father that also loved her. Thank you for literally saving my life and for taking time out of their schedule to make the name of Jesus known. Dave: Just like Olivia said, no matter what your family, your past, or your life has looked like, you have a heavenly Father who loves you no matter what, and he wants a relationship with you. If you would, just bow your head and maybe close your eyes right where you're at. And if you're ready to take that step to surrender your life to Jesus, to have a real relationship with your heavenly Father, repeat these simple words after me. Just say, "Lord Jesus, please forgive me today for all of my sin and all my mistakes. God, I repent. I surrender to you. Today, I give you my life, in Jesus's name I pray." God, I pray for every person who's watching today that you would fill them with hope. Help them recognize that spiritual problems require spiritual solutions. And God, I pray that you would help us to put our hope in you, in Jesus's name we pray, amen. Now, if you just made that decision to give Jesus your life, I want you to know it's the best thing you could do with your life, and I'm so proud of you. You know, our church is built for people just like you. We'd love to come alongside you and support you in this new journey of faith. Would you take just a moment to grab your cellphone and text the word "hope" to 63566? I want to send you a very simple text message that will help you identify the next steps to take in your relationship with God. We don't save your cell phone number, we'll never text you again. Of course, you can find the rest of this series on our website, it's called "Hope in the Darkness." I would love for you to join us for one of our Sunday services, but until then, I want you to know we love you and we're praying for you. God bless. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ...
Channel: ITOWN Church
Views: 604
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: hope, past, mistakes, depression, anxiety, hopeless, problems, prison, growth, future, development, moving on, letting go, jesus, itown, church, Dave sumrall, lester sumrall, suicide, god, help, helpless, bible, bible study
Id: qMJgQVIkrrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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