God of War - The War Between the Light and Dark Elves // All Scenes

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to all time gentlemen think you can spot the light I can barely see it something's wrong see that column of light on the horizon it's housed in the heart of a ring temple we'll find what we need there to restore the Bifrost magic you must step into the hmm she's not dead she not likely robbed look at this place stay by me touch nothing not our concern boy focus yeah boy what does it say hmm something about an eternal war for the life I don't get it both sides need it why not just share it greed you will find it a common cause for war they keep murdering the lighter it is war the other one the rope ones lost what are they attacking us for we didn't do anything more will come where's this stuff you come from what'd you say I said nothing really okay did your mother speak of this realm not much just that since the elves are always fighting over the life they kept them isolated huh again I said nothing what is it boy you don't hear nothing hmm he's going away now it was screaming lots of always angry you really didn't hear that No even [Music] well should we try talking to them no but maybe they need help they do not stop us so they do not concern us they do not concern us must be the ring temple [Music] look they have symbols in all fine - should I read it what does it ask without me or within me that's a sure yep within you I am life most pure but I don't see any runes around here we must find it back to the boat sad the elves can work things out how if I'm such a beautiful place right or makes it ugly you see with the eyes of a child in war a soldier sees PB only in the blood of his enemy enough stories are for the boat we must focus what do you mean I see with the eyes of a child in war a soldier sees beauty only in the blood of his enemy the rest of him is lost sometimes never to return know about war wars are fought for two things survival or advantage battles may be won by the better soldier wars are won by those who are willing to sacrifice everything to ensure a victory it's gotta be the entrance careful boy what are they doing to prevent reinforcements [Music] okay so that did something I think wait combined together like that they kind of look like a room come back to the sand bowl syndra said mother was a warrior machine a war two of a sort her family was decimated by hostile rivals and she won't survive she walked the Warriors path but her war was to live on to brave an unforgiving world alone and that's why she has syndrome brought to make her the axe so he had the strength to wield such a weapon and the wisdom to use it for good she found purpose in protecting the weak so she'd help out the elves no father the pillars in ring farm in elvish room what does it ask without me or within me that's a shirt yep within you I am life most pure yep it's water all right boy it was the voices again but different voices that's angry they were asking for help we are here for the light I do not care who they are nor what they want you never care about anything you have something to say no [Music] what's happening whoa but what we found father years the voice sorry it was hard to make out the way in the back I'm pretty sure her mother that is not possible I know what I heard what Reyes enough behind me think outside hallway we'll get up to the dump we will find out oh boy you know I will never get used to walking on solid light the door there's no scene what we have a problem these doors do not open hello I don't get it why even have a door then hello come we will find another way in we're inside I know what those are attached to from darkness keep safe the light didn't do a very good job there the light they've covered it up with that stuff how do they do that look another light up see doing Oh No why are they killing you didn't do anything do not assume you are seeing the end of a war boy you do not know what led to this moment but he didn't even defend himself that was his choice we make ours I don't think we're supposed to be near quiet do you hear that stay alert and by my side hey when we make it to the light how do you think we get it into the Bifrost which said to step into it she did when she was ripped away from this realm oh I miss you are more concerned with our safety than our goal do not stray from me boy you don't gotta tell me so sticky noona another one stay back yes we are knew our goal but be careful understand there when it falls be ready we will need to move quickly okay [Music] john-boy look out here the top stay VI here protect our flank [Music] here - required unclean shorten the time between your bars Lauren are you into it I'm fine Wow it's beautiful the light it's making the old temple reappear it's the source of all of it wait it's singing I hear I hear I told you her do you think she's in there oh I really hurt I felt like my hand was on fire stay here I don't say yeah when we use it as a last resort you're doing here max I'm letting you hold my ax it's not a gift still [Music] what is this Faye [Music] you have to come back you left me here alone notorious along with him [Music] he always leaves he's never here doesn't walk me he never will [Music] [Music] I don't know him and he doesn't know me doesn't seem to want to I'm strong I'm smart nobody thinks I am I know better he doesn't talk to me doesn't teach me it should be you hear me him [Music] except I don't mean that you know I love him I just wish it was better I know he can me so if he tries I'll try but if he doesn't please come back I know you're out there somewhere [Music] [Music] Oh what have you done why did you do that I saved you you are trapped in there I waited and I waited but he wouldn't come out so I pulled you out boy I was gone over moments know you've been gone a long time I didn't know what to do you left me here again why don't you care that's impossible we should go before they come back I hope you got what you needed yes look there's our exit but there's no light to make a bridge we're trapped and the witch's bowstring is useless yep oh look the blue door that's not a dual indiscernible but how do you expect me to reach it go ahead greatest man or tallest tree begins as any more than me yeah and see stupid rail so that's a door after all [Music] [Music] what are you waiting for we are wasting our time in this area time to go not a grain I hate that guy he will be back now I can barely see theirs might they do oh no that can't be what did it say we made a grave mistake did we help the wrong side I let me guess and say you told me we shouldn't get involved that is enough do you remember the answer [Music] boy read this boy what's the only time you want to talk to me so you meet do you want to tell me something I said the only time you care to talk to me is when you need me to translate if only your mother was still alive we would not be here at all betrayus forget it sorry oh she was not good I like you didn't care if she was mind your tongue boy till our journey is over one of us must remain focused do not mistake my silence for lack of grief or now you wish leave me to my own I'm sorry I didn't realize no why would you do not know my ways I know it has not been easy [Music] in the light I felt only moments pass if that is of some comfort to you that's good to know really so should we go back to Midgard face the black breath what do you think there's more to see in this realm father you ever know anyone else who heard voices I knew desperate minutes even when our supplies ran dry with quench their thirst by drinking seawater they swore the sirens evil creatures singing to them from nearby islands were in fact their wives and daughters calling them home they endanger the crew steering us toward the reefs how did you fix them we threw them overboard well good thing I didn't drink any seawater right yes it is father I have a confession to make all those voices in my head well this wasn't the first time back when we met broth does anyone warn me about something hiding in the trees that's why she didn't want to cross she told you well I could just feel what she was feeling what she was afraid of hmm it happens again you tell me understand I promise oh I missed its gentle breeze in the sweet smell of honeysuckle and blood well judging by the sky the light elves are in control of the light this time explain you see the light elves and dark elves but did you also know that control of the light has changed hands no less than 215 times really it's true each side believes itself our rightful keepers of the light and argue they're simply fighting for survival but the fact of the matter is the war has been going on so long they don't know who they are without it here can you read it yes sir what does it say it's about the eternal war for boy do you think it'll stop now after what we did unlikely there's a suffering bottle fine means land of the dark oh right right but you said the dark outside been here now from a really long time anyway aren't your supposed to be from startled fun they don't look like they're ghosts don't you think so then you are vastly more perceptive than they a seer they are the ones who apparently can't tell the difference and they are the ones who came up with that name dwarves actually call their home realm need a valium so the Dark Elves are from smart if I'm at all not even a bit they're just elves have another color nobody knows who came first but they all come from our fame really the same but he's adorable huh it is the way of the world oh well that's sad freyr's temple the ring is just as beautiful as I'd remembered Freyr a veneer got fries brother action there has a long history with the elves one of the few gods welcome here boy over here yes sir ha neat
Channel: VGS - Video Game Sophistry
Views: 723,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VGS, Video Game Sophistry, God of War, god of war light elves, god of war dark elves, god of war light elfs ending, ending god of war, god of war 2018, dark elves god of war 4, dark elves god of war mistake, light elves god of war
Id: -sB6uAwlIps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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