God of War - The Story of Brok and Sindri, The Huldra Brothers

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[Music] [Music] can't get is slow like Auckland to cross the bridge yeah it's because she's scared of something in the trees over there news what now father throw your axe of those trees on the other side of the bridge the ones with the white trunks [Music] you must be smarter no no bastard eh never asked mine zwei never asked hers what's yours say yeah you're not gonna believe me but that axe you gotta it was me what made her me and my brother was one of our best so don't let nobody else go work on herself for us too you got a handle or special or she'll wreck beyond fixin I get enhancer for you right now if it so pleases you son-of-a-bitch so what see you you all right I do not believe you come boy there's a rune in the shape of a forked under the grip that was our brand my brother and me before we split I got half of it right here see look you want ice it up greater or not very well I expect an improvement so where's the other half of the brand oh my jump brothers got it but I got all the talent look well don't look now but our friends who were hiding in the trees are back for more go on give that action twirl [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're Paul can kill you're gonna learn to do that too I'm not sure this road leads to the mountain should put you in the right direction sure wanna see my wares again I'll be thinking of a name for your beast how about I named her [ __ ] gratitude hey [ __ ] gratitude come over here I like it alright what'd you break now what was the other thing raaah [ __ ] else your name how come your brothers got half your brand cuz I need in a working relationship with that book liquor no more I wasn't about to let him use it without me and he likewise only thing to do was put the brand 50/50 down the middle I guess it was the last thing we saw eye-to-eye on what you want a hug it'd be extra careful out there you two the roads are teaming with more than usual complement of dead [ __ ] you've noticed any idea where they're coming from maybe they ran out of rooms in hell or could be Odin stirring up trouble again or maybe they all got lost why don't you ask one while he's chewing your face off we'll just be careful thought so is this the way to the mountain it would seem if I got something for you too Brock but how did you none of your [ __ ] business now get in here I got something for you and don't go making pig eyes at my spot I saw it first okay what do you think he wants to test our patience when word gets out about my new shop folks will finally come out alright they'll be glowing all over each other just to catch a whiff of my wares you watch give me your all ready you're gonna catch the pile of rocks here with that key of Yggdrasil you can open a magic door to the branches of the world tree a shortcut tween the realms if you ever see them out in the world you said you get back to me quick but it's only one way straight back here and nowhere else and whatever you do never never never ever throw yourself over the edge of the path lest you want dead yeah I don't see us wearing that rock what do you know about the serpent in the lake I know he's too damn big uh all right another door should know he is of no consequence uh excuse me but um how did you come by that axe that is my concern alone and uh while I won't dispute that I I know that blade it was one of ours but we didn't make it for you step aside I can't see the woman we made it for I was uh well I am quite fond of her and I would be somewhat just pleased if it turns out that you did something to her it was my mother's she left his father before she died face dead I'm very very sorry to hear that she was a fierce warrior and a good woman okay I will make improvements to the max but nobody asked me to do what's it's true but but knowing your mother she would have insisted I repair that act of vandalism perpetrated against her acts by my brother I knew it you are rocks brother the other half of the brand's here the blue one is your brother yes though my talents are vastly superior no boast I swear to Freya do not undo his work improve upon it only yeah but can you can you put it down over there that handle is no filthy okay then I'll just I will just Oh oh-oh-oh how's that dried blood oh so what were you working on oh that I colored the sky mover just up that mountain weights a treasure trove of rare resources once I mine it I'll need a way to bring it all down and you know how to fix it not even a little did you really make that ax for my mother oh I'd recognize it anywhere ask me it's one of our best infused with the echoing screams of 20 frost trolls give or take but why her how did you know her she sought us out in the beginning she was a special woman she wanted to protect people I suppose we thought it was a chance to give power to someone who'd use it for good she even spoke our native tongue she'd say ma thorine Sam Gengar Aegon V GU hunts in Gore aye that's right that's impressive I see a lot of her in your eyes you know thanks Cindy touch me what I didn't I won't be careful where you're going there's nobody nice out here anymore since all the people left I mean I hate to generalize but mostly they just try to kill you good tip yes yes come in well don't buy anything on my account I know it's not my business but if I were you I wash off that symbol painted on your neck we were told it would help protect us was that a lie oh no it's a protection stave all right but you can't render that pigment into paintable texture without blending it with boar urine and is that really better than death maybe a little what well it's your neck [Music] that is their matter alone boy okay how are you here before a store we were told our path was the only one between realms it may be the only way for you to travel but weed wharves are full of surprises that is not an answer ah hang on to that sense of wonder there's so little mystery once you've amassed the wealth of arcane knowledge that I have where to comb the realms for exotic resources how to craft them into creations that defy imagination to the novice I'm sure it all seems like magic oh all right it's magic are you happy now syndra have you always been so clean huh don't I wish no I was just as unsanitary as the next Wharf until the day of Vanier which set him straight she discovered with her magic there are hundreds of thousands of tiny beasties on everything around us oh so small you can't even see them no it's true and if they get inside you they make me sick but the witch told me there's one wood the oak that's a natural deterrent stops the beasties from spreading so now I make all my handles from oak see I think these things okay back to work Sandra why don't you just make up with your brother already me make up with him because he's an obstinate pig head incapable of change because he says the most terrible things about me just because he's insecure about his own work which let me tell you is subpar because he blames me for for the things that aren't my fault huh like what would you pardon me please I need to collect myself rocks we just came back from another realm and we met your brother wait not that over did you let that seats up put into your blade hmm you do know he lost his talent right just jump in lefty one day try taking me down with him did he botch up on a girl wait the opposite hmm you're leavin a Blind Pig farts up a truffle now and again but do you know what really counts consistency and I got that coming out of all of my parts what did you do it's better what realm you gents shaking off let me guess Ulf I'm how'd you guess I'd know that smell anywhere used to spend my fair share of time there but ain't allowed anymore on account of the incident what happened well me too sure your daddy's gonna like me talking about it on account all the swearing and stealing and [ __ ] involved what don't judge me you're the one came in all reeking of elf stirs up a man's memories go on now I got things and ain't gonna hammer themselves you had a way around the black breath all along I got ways around most everything especially up here time was my folk had the run of this joint improve the design of the yogurt traps and built workarounds to boot or you think they're so devious whatever might watch out for traps and you ah but but but nobody's killed a dragon for hundreds of years not since the grand calling it at worms and unless I'm mistaken you did all that for me you are mistaken the dragon was simply in our path nothing more you deny it all you want but you saved me and that deserves compensation where these raided mistletoe arrows straighter than Heimdall and perfectly weighted oh thanks oh okay hold on uh not that um have you seen my brother again yeah he said you lost your talent hmm oh and then I'm selfish no I'm sure that I value a weapons look no over its purpose that I'm pretentious no I'm tight fussy I know what he thinks but he can't hurt me any Oh Burnett we do not have time for this no no no no wait wait wait wait wait I have a better idea what I just need a tooth from that dragon [Music] what's where you grab that oh never mind oh so unclean oh so so unclean Oh perfect [Music] yeah hey I'm not touching that just hold it out now run that along the string of your son's ball just humor me which way is your bow two passes should do it ah gently now whoa oh sure now you're impressed I've added a new vibrating pattern to the bow strings fiber aiming it at that hardened world transform vibrated Oh see figured it out on your own then just never mind I wasn't just explaining the beautiful and complex artistry of my craft or anything no just anything to help you yep well after Brock and I parted ways I undertook some study in vanaheim truly mind expanding now and then I need new inspiration to grow creatively part of why we split up my brother and I he's stuck in his ways so our work stagnated sure we mastered weapon making but then what changes a part of life if you can't adapt learn to thrive you'll be left in the dust and that's filthy what mana [ __ ] break don't hear me screeching at you whenever you're twiddling your short and curlies leaving boy no oh you already soiled my solitude so you may as well join me you're not hungry good it's not what I was offering sire brother again congratulations and I'm sure you'll let him go and Roger my axe good in plenty again hmm let's see the damage you little tank a throat with no proper weight and balance if it were dangling off his shirt eaten well enough I guess good all better wow that was something that that fight here cats well that was a waste of a perfectly good at how were you not seen there is nowhere here to hide oh that it's a little trick my people can pull a special way of not being seen you can be invisible more like I can step into the realm between rounds and your mind doesn't understand what it's seeing so it sees nothing at all that's how we avoid ever having to actually use the weapons we craft good job it doesn't seem to work on dragons though your brother wanted to know if you're getting enough to eat I guess I could tell him you are Brock was asking about me was there made on his breath you let him touch this again come on then so that's how Brock was in the temple right after the water he stepped between realms okay now shush I need complete silence for this there some Amir seem like maybe you know Brock isn't well the whole job others well who doesn't the quite famous or infamous depending on your point of view they crafted Mjolnir you see Thor's hammer the a sears greatest metal weapon the bane of giant kind they made Thor's hammer I don't think they'd like the answer oh I should see not but this was long ago and they were eager to make a name for themselves rather overdid it but that wasn't me thinks hang on come here you called rock and Sindri the hold your brother i but their doors aren't they alright and hold your sprites of the force hi beautiful seductive sprites of the forest so why would you call brockett's indra the holder brothers oh well I know realized this would be a wholly inappropriate story for a young and innocent yes whatever can't you and syndra just patch things up whatever happened couldn't be all that bad you're family now don't be lecturing me about family I need the one one forgot what I mean stood for what we made the weapons we made were legendary across nine realms for more years than I can count you just don't throw that away on account of one bad one bad what you're one bad nothing age you got somewhere to be now why is that a piece of my braided mistletoe arrow adorning your quiver strap Oh a little memento of your good pal Sindri I'm soaked terribly touched [Music] I heard you and Bronco kind of famous well you're half right whatever did you hear that you made Thor's hammer oh yes we did do that me ol near put us on the map it was a legendary run gods and kings knew our brand we really did make quite a team so what happened oh well that's a long story things happened that made it difficult to find that certain spark you know inspiration is a fickle mistress huh Oh enough distractions you see the mess I have to clean up around here so let me see if I have this right you and Sandra made me Anya yeah and then throw used it to kill a lot of people your damn point just seems like you're mad at each other about it instead of being mad at Thor kid I like you but you don't begin to appreciate the complex that he's what develop between families you don't hear me lecturing your old man how he ought to be raising you and believe me there's plenty to critique sorry Brock he's trying to help syndrome I know I should stay out of your family business I just don't get why Thor abusing your creation would drive you and Brock apart it wasn't your fault well I'm glad you forgive our part in that but when you witnessed that much devastation and loss and you know it couldn't have happened without you it's simply not so easy to forgive yourself or your partner we tried to make up for it of course but that's a whole other sad story as as I'm sure you know I do betrayus enough all right so excited to finally see the land of the Giants yeah but also sad the journey is almost over Oh what if we get to you in time and there aren't any chance there either makes a little difference to us fulfilling your mother's wish is what is important ah well don't go anywhere be with you in two shakes father should I tell her no tell me what did you put this wheel in your mouth Oh God vomit I'm not kidding oh sorry I just nothing a family matter oh oh I can tell you a thing or two about family matters oh let me guess your brother isn't as talented as you and his work is jump um those things are accurate your point it's all you ever talked about over and over do something about it we're shut operate I see yeah we're sick of hearing about will people's little problem all right I heard let's have a look at your gear can you make it is it a weapon armor or likewise an instrument of war of which I'm a master in shaping No then forget it even if I wanted to make such an insignificant go gone I'm liable to cheat my tools working on something so delicate and ladylike then shingle it cut and weld the item with scabs like keep the layers thin alternate the overlay okay smart guy and where do you propose to find a lump of quality scabs lag last time I saw one I could still get rigid down south shut your mouth is dead I had to get my hands dirty let's do this what you you're fine with working on something that's not a weapon well why not what I think room - Oh watch watch the spine keep your wrist loose don't you keep your wrist moonship yeah I need more heat coming up you can attempt earth at steel longer they don't need to I triple punched it with Drago and sanitary you clever little beaver never too late to learn a new trick is it no it's not yeah here it is nope don't forget this no quit your grinning it's downright unsettling it's just nice to see together but now the run on your brand looks different impressive reforging something what bro I knew it I'll cut it out Francis you're gonna get me old weak I like the new and better don't you we have work to do [Music] no my brother and me got a new project now that we're on speaking German the hulder brothers back in action again oh I can't wait to get started I think I'd see such a day we was back to building as a duo but it feels right especially for this Vince he used to building on my own all these years almost forgot held ain't useful and extra pair of hands ears I forgot how much easier it is to smell scabs lag was someone else gauging the temperature this will be our best work yet just need a little help review lot something else we can do for you glad you guys worked it out ah well I could say the same to you huh I guess I was getting a bit full of myself told him what he needed to hear how's it sounds to me just the same I'm sorry for our spoke to you Sindri you forgive me already happened like you said it all worked out now let us get back to work before I get sentimental I can stay with utmost certainty that I've never laid eye on a stranger set of objects in my life how are Brock and syndra's supposed to build with whatever they are don't carry the dwarves outward their right pricks but they're resourceful they once made an unbreakable chain out of little more than a cat's footstep and blood spit that doesn't even make sense that's the legend if you wanted sense you shouldn't be talking to a severed head I won't please before we continue listen the last thing you to meet up there's a decomposing he'd ruin in the moment but I'll wait for you here this is between you and the boy true what if someone were to fight lady Sif's off perfect slashers you're done did it sorry we had to see this oh no no no no no no it fine damn it fine watch the head till we return I can't do this no not yet oh okay ready [Music] I'm telling you it's fimbulwinter I can feel it in my scope this is the big one stop saying that oh you're making me very nervous it was bound to snow sooner or later dangerous no one you know it's the end times how dare you make me the voice guys just discussing the weather lately what he means is bimbo winters upon us boys the winner to end all winners I can feel it in my school yeah we heard so if you're heading home try to keep moving and also to not die or if you're not heading home same advice
Channel: VGS - Video Game Sophistry
Views: 158,847
Rating: 4.9050503 out of 5
Keywords: god of war brok, god of war 4 ending, god of war 2018, sony interactive entertainment, god of war sindri, god of war brok and sindri, god of war brok sindri, video game sophistry, god of war 4, god of war review, god of war 4 walkthrough part 1, gow 2018, god of war ps4 pro, god of war 4 thor, god of war 4 all cutscenes
Id: rohYuNJxEuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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