God of War 3 PS4 - Cronos Titan Boss Fight (1080p 60fps) Father of Zeus
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Zanar Aesthetics
Views: 5,738,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war, GoW 4, GoW 3, cronos, kratos, kratos vs cronos, titan boss, Cronos boss, god of war 2018, god of war 4, god of war titan, zanar, god of war 3 remastered, god of war 3, cronos boss fight, kronos, boss fight, HD, Full HD, ragnarok, God of War 3, God of War 3 Boss fight, god of war 3 cronos, god of war 3 ps5, god of war 3 cronos boss fight, ps5, ps4, father of zeus
Id: eGjFDsTYF3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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