God Killed Her On Accident, So He Reincarnated Her With The MOST POWERFUL Potion Making Skill

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KATU nagas a young woman toiling away at her boring office job finds herself receiving a call from a friend urging her to hurry hastening to finish her task she reflects on the lack of excitement in her life wishing she appeared less fatigued suddenly she's overcome by dizziness and collapses upon regaining her Consciousness she discovers a man apologizing to her whom she recognizes as God he states that her world is filled with dimensional disturbances and in his attempt to rectify one she was unintentionally struck though he managed to rescue her soul returning her to her original body is impossible so as compensation he proposes reincarnating her into a different world saying her farewells to her friends and family Kow is surprised by their acceptance and reassurance that she'll Thrive wherever she lands God informs her that she'll be reborn into a world similar to Earth ALB less technologically advanced concerned about potential dangers in this new realm cter demands an overpowered skill to ensure her survival upon meeting Celestine the goddess overseeing her reincarnation cter is delighted as it offers Celestine a chance to converse with Earth's God whom she has a crush on Celestine grants KATU the ability to comprehend and communicate in the language of her new world along with a younger body contemplating the skill that would best ensure her survival in this medieval style World of Magic monsters and Hunters K settles on the ability to make potions with any desired effects despite celestine's hesitation due to the skill's potential overpowered nature K insists citing her promise from Earth's God expanding on her request K also asks for the ability to create her potion container at any size along with an item box boasting Limitless storage capacity although taken aback by K's audacity Celestine ultimately concedes to her demands to avoid displeasing Earth's God as K prepares for her reincarnation she makes one final request of the goddess to be her friend despite celestine's initial exasperation she agrees and with a flash of light kadaru is transported to her new world stop let me transport you to a world of shjo Storytelling by liking this video and subscribing to my channel like isekai like this one I got a whole playlist for you here so come on let's explore subscribe for more immediately she notices she can understand the bird's chirping and assumes it's a part of her communication ability from the goddess eager to test her potion making skill cow creates a healing potion to mend the wound on her head from the tree refreshed she sets off for the nearest town but soon finds herself exhausted from the journey with another potion she replenishes her stamina and continues her Trek upon reaching the town cter decides to sell her potions to earn money however the receptionist at the Hunter's Guild suggests she sell them to a pharmacist instead worried about accommodation without any funds Kat is relieved when Gilda the receptionist offers her a place to stay for the night cow's attempts to sell her potions are met with skepticism from the adventure ERS who doubt the effectiveness of her claims despite this setback she finds herself offering her services for odd tasks in exchange for food and lodging for the night however her fortunes take a turn when an injured man is brought into the guild and K decides to intervene ignoring the Hunter's puzzlement she administers her potions to the injured man healing him almost instantly her miraculous display of healing earns her the admiration of those present who begin to see her as an Angelic figure however cowo soon realizes the potential danger of drawing attention to her extraordinary abilities in a world where magic is rare and highly regarded despite her desire to keep a low profile she is summoned to meet with Baron runer the lord of the land setting the stage for new adventures and challenges in her new found World C finds herself in a difficult situation when she's taken by force to The Baron's Mansion despite her initial fear she cleverly uses her bracelets association with damage to manipulate the situation to her Advantage with a plan forming in her mind she buys herself Time by requesting to repair her bracelet all while plotting her Escape when given the opportunity K seizes it by incapacitating her assigned assistant Hannah and using her appearance to disguise herself with her Newfound guys she swiftly gathers her belongings and escapes the Mansion unnoticed leaving behind a bewildered baren and a trail of confusion in her wake cder finds herself in a precarious situation as she hides behind a tree hoping to evade her pursuers with a change in her appearance she hopes to avoid recognition as she prepares to continue her journey toward the Royal Capital however her plans taken unexpected turn when she encounters three children passing by the youngest of the group a girl named yith mistakes cter for a goddess and begins to address her as such seizing the opportunity C decides to play along with the misconception though she clarifies she is not a goddess but rather someone from another world she introduces herself to the children learning that they are The Offspring of the noble count Adam with Hector proudly proclaiming his lineage and introducing his Knight franet the trio explains their journey to visit their alien grandmother causing KATU to employ her powers to heal her though hesitant KATU agrees under one condition they must share a story that moves her to tears while initially unimpressed by the children's tales its Fran's heartfelt account of her sacrifices as a knight that finally stirs K's emotions overwhelmed she channels her empathy into three potent potions B BN from her tears K entrusts Hector with one potion for his grandmother's recovery and advises Fran to keep hers for moments of utmost trust the final potion she reserves for Fran set's personal usage a tool of healing to be wielded with care and intention the children's Origins from the Western Kingdom of balmore are revealed and a month later their father count Aden shares their encounter with the goddess with King Sergey initially skeptical the king Witnesses Fran's transformation after consuming her potion sparking belief in the miraculous abilities of K impressed by the potion's effects Fran offers her second potion to Roland the former Crown Prince who lost the use of his right arm in battle with Roland's arm restored Sergey considers reinstating him as the rightful heir to the throne but Roland expresses disinterest in the burdens of kingship preferring a simpler life meanwhile KATU arrives in ays the capital of the Eastern Kingdom of brancott only to discover that the populace worships Celestine in a bid to avoid repeating her past missteps KATU Ventures into a pawn shop to sell some items required from The Baron's Mansion initially skeptical of the legitimacy of her Goods the shopkeeper is moved by her tale of inheriting them from her recently deceased mother and ultimately purchases them meanwhile at brancott Castle Prince Fernand laments his amountain of paperwork for seeing even greater administrative burdens when he ascends the throne joined by his friends Fabio and Allan they opt for a respite and head out for me meal to their surprise they encounter a variety of Novel dishes at a local restaurant where cower works as a maid astounded by the flavors forand and Fabio Express preference for the restaurant fair over Palace Cuisine while Allan acknowledges C's role in introducing these culinary Delights intrigued by Allen's suggestion Fernand and Fabio listen in on cder's conversation to disclose the source of the restaurant's unique appeal when KATU finally approaches them they seize the opportunity to seek Her counsel on matters of of governance her unexpected advice to lower taxes catches them off guard but she explains how this measure could stimulate economic activity by attracting more merchants and Farmers ultimately boosting Revenue through increased trade and productivity initially skeptical Fernand and Fabio mle over cow's proposition and gradually come to recognize its Merit however Fernand in particular finds himself increasingly drawn to her as the busy day at the restaurant winds down cter and her colleagues gathered to share a delightful meal prepared by kadu herself am missst the warmth of the moment he reflects on her decision to use her potions powers for culinary efforts has brought a sense of contentment in her life in this new town however her peace is soon disturbed by the persistent presence of Prince Fernand whose frequent visits and demands for exclusive service begin to wear on her patience frustrated by his entitled Behavior KATU finally reaches her breaking point and confronts him firmly admonishing him for his disrespectful conduct and warning that continued disrespect will result in his exclusion from the restaurant despite Fan's friends attempts to reason with him his pride is wounded by K's rejection so he reluctantly ceases his harassment of her with fernan no longer frequenting the restaurant KATU hopes for a return to the piece she had enjoyed before however her hopes are dashed when she receives a summons to the castle disrupting her peace once again as she arrives at The Grand Event dressed in the stolen dress from The Baron's Mansion cter is met with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension from the castle guard who quickly admits her upon verifying her invitation but Harbors suspicions about her character counter finds herself amidst a sea of eloquently attired women buying for Prince fernand's attention each hoping to be chosen as his bride despite the magnificence of the occasion she chooses to wear her humble maid attire preparing to fulfill her duties serving the Nobles in attendance meanwhile Fernand grows increasingly frustrated as he searches for Kat unable to locate her despite extending a personal invitation his friends Fabio and Allan attempt to lighten the mood with teasing remarks about his Stern demeanor potentially scaring off his future bride however fernan remains fixated on finding K despite their gests when Fabio informs him of cder's presence serving guests fernan hastily makes his way towards her upon encountering cter he demands an explanation for her attire questioning why she is not wearing a dress like the other guests she cly asserts that as a maid her role is to serve and thus she dresses accordingly unconvinced he immediately contacts his subordinate to inquire why the clothes he selected for C were not delivered as instructed as the man insists he delivered the package cter reveals she never received any explanation and assumed it was meant for the neighboring business fernan frustrated with the mixup still expresses his relief that cter managed to attend and immediately moves to introduce her as his fiance shocking everyone present despite the unexpected announcement he proceeds to introduce her to his parents parents suggesting the possibility of having a noble adopt her to elevate her status however K swiftly rejects his proposal asserting that she wasn't even consulted about the idea of marriage she refuses to sacrifice her freedom and privacy to become a queen despite his Declarations of love for her intellect and Beauty in a dramatic gesture she breaks a plate and uses A Shard to Mark her own face declaring herself a fool and claiming to have no value to him despite his protests she dashes out of the castle leaving for Nan's friends to advise him against pursuing her K escapes the city and once she's far away enough she uses a potion to restore her face relieved to be free from the prince's advances she hitches the ride with a merchant named Johan offering him advice on his business along the way despite his offer of a job she decides to strike out on her own determined to forge her own path cower finds employment as a live-in maid at a workshop only to discover upon arrival that the turnover rate for employees is high the owner Bernard warns her of this trend but gives her a chance nonetheless with her extraordinary cleaning abilities fueled by her potions she swiftly transforms the dirty Workshop into a shiny space within hours while tidying up Kow notices a Craftsman working on a hip flask sparking an idea instead of selling her potions directly she could Market the Exquisite containers she can create utilizing her potion Powers she crafts a stunning glass bottle that impresses everyone present leading them to agree to help her sell the containers with this new found Venture she begins to earn a steady income facilitating a more comfortable lifestyle during a visit to the market to purchase fruits a young boy snatches her purse but Kat reveals it to be a decoy equipped with a tracking device later that night the same boy returns and shares the mess of a girl named koser whose mother was harmed by a noble despite the city's facade of Peace KATU learns of its underlying injustices determined to help she and the boy Venture into the slums to locate C 's home using her potions to disguise her appearance she introduces herself as a friend of the goddess and heals koser's mother with a potion offering her support without expecting anything in return as the orphan children begin to Shadow her KATU establishes a covert organization known as the eyes of the Goddess through which they inform her of individuals in need one such person is Johan a merchant who is praying to the goddess for his aen daughter when K disguised as a chemist appears despite their Mutual recognition k explains her Presence by attributing it to charitable Deeds for the needy Joan is taken aback by her Revelation but is willing to offer her anything in return for her assistance however she simply requests his discretion regarding her identity and his commitment to aiding those in distress she devises a plan to solicit donations from the rich in the name of the Goddess while happily assisting the less fortunate to support the orphan children KATU steals sweets from The Manor and distributes them amongst them in a flashback K swiftly catches up to the boy who pilfered her pouch and tends to his wounded hands with a healing potion surprised to learn that he stole for his ailing friend Belle she demands to be taken to her upon reaching Belle's side cowder promptly administers healing magic much to the relief of the gathered children identifying herself as a friend of the Goddess she enlists their help in identifying others in need of Aid promising ample food in return this marks the Inception of the eyes of the Goddess organization with rumors of a Divine Angel spreading throughout the city meanwhile at the workshop employee ail professes his love for KATU though his proposals revealed to be a ruse for his brother's party dis hardened by the realization K nonetheless attends the event at by count Leo's home where she indulges in the lavish spread encountering Johan who had prepared her dress for the occasion KATU inquires about the line of women buying for the eldest son's attention discovering they are potential marriage candidates she seizes the opportunity to join the line introducing herself to the eldest son as a friend of asil urging him to call forth his loyal guard Calvin who was injured in a bear attack she leads the crowd in a prayer for the goddess's blessing as they close their eyes a red potion materializes which she encourages Calvin to drink reluctantly Calvin gulps down the potion and to the astonishment of everyone his once disabled leg is miraculously restored as murmurs of disbelief fill the air asil grapples with the mystery of counter's identity but she has vanished seeking refuge in a temple within the Royal Capital however the bishop harboring ulterior motiv motives or is a search for her ail tracks down cter in the workshop where she reveals her ability and her connection to the goddess their conversation is interrupted by ail's brother who announces that K has been summoned by the king the next day as king Sergey grows impatient news arrives that K attempted to enter through the back gate in Disguise but was denied entry it's revealed that she cleverly turned the situation to her Advantage invoking her vow to the goddess which even the king cannot challenge frustrated the king realizes he cannot override such a vow C employs the same tactic to fend off the persistent Bishop eventually resorting to divine retribution in the form of an explosive potion on his Carriage the incident Sparks a dispute between the royal family and the temple with both vying to control cow's actions a public assembly is convened in front of the goddess's statue but the king questions Kat about any Divine messages only to be surprised by her response that she is not bound to the kingdom and is present merely by chance as Kat addresses the crown the priest assume assumes she will align herself with the temple as a devote of the Goddess however she surprises Everyone by declaring that she does not adhere to any single faith and believes in multiple deities she asserts that she is a friend of the goddess and will only bestow blessings upon those deserving of them her unconventional belief draw laughter when she questions the exaggerated depiction of the goddess's attributes in the Statue leading to a playful prank with a bucket dropped from Celestine reflecting on her new found Freedom after the public inquiry cat resolves to extend her Aid to those in Need by producing potions for the less fortunate recognizing the need for influential allies she encounters Fran in the market but fails to recognize her at first Fran recounts their previous encounter explaining her Rejuvenation and KATU is Amazed by the power of the Goddess requesting an introduction to count Roland Fran's current Master KATU finds both him and Fran willing to offer assistance with their support she forms the secret organization adding them as members C emphasizes the need for secrecy regarding her divine origins intending to spread blessings discreetly she proposes producing affordable potions Al B with a time constraint to prevent stock ping for Warfare impressed by her vision the group pledges their full support adopting the name goddess's light despite her annoyance at another extravagant title KATU accepts it on her way back to the workshop ail informs her of a stranger from another country seeking her fernand's pursuit of K leads him to balmore where IO and Allan attempt to reason with him urging him to apologize for his behavior K plays a trick on Fernand claiming to be her sister and teasing him about his conceited nature she rejects Allan's invitation to live with her sister and brancott citing potential power and balances between the kingdoms as fernan grows more forceful he is surrounded by the men from the workshop though cow intervenes and asks them to leave Fernand is eventually pulled away by his friends questioning whether they truly encountered KATU or her sister is because she doesn't have the scar that's that's why they that's why they believe her anyways despite for Nan's persistence it's evident that cow holds no interest in him now in the Holy Land of Rueda the pope learns of Bal Moore's rejection of their summoning of K Rua's Authority has waned since celestine's descent 53 years prior and they believe the goddess's blessings should be exclusive to their land meanwhile K's potions bring positive change es to balore though she prioritizes advancing Medical Technology over increasing production she directs Johan to distribute potions to neighboring kingdoms a seed and branos in the Empire of aligot the king hears of the potions and orders an invasion of balmore to seize KATU and replicate the potions back in balmore katu's generosity extends to providing housing utensils and financial education for the orphan children she happily AIDS sick families at night using the tears of the Goddess believing herself unrecognized until a healed girl presents her with a flower surprising cow as tensions escalate with the imminent threat of allot's invasion King Sergey and Roland strategize to counter the enemy forces meanwhile emissaries from Rueda arrive seeking custody of K before the war erupts Sergey considers turning them away but Roland insists on meeting K first when they do the emissaries urge K to evacuate to the Holy Land for safety however K suspects roa's collaboration with aligot and exposes their betrayal leading to the arrest of the emissaries on Espionage charges she tasks Roland with informing other nations about Rua's treachery before departing on a walk intending to confront allot's forces back at the house KATU advises the orphan children to flee if danger arises but they insist on accompanying her out of gratitude accepting their resolve KATU devises a plan to evacuate villages in the enemy's path securing food and water supply while preparing to confront the Invaders Francine alerts them to the approaching enemy and they observe a bishop accompanying the enemy Commander indicating collusion with Rua they patiently wait for the logistics unit to cross the canyon and then sabotage their supplies with explosives provided by cower as the main unit returns they find their supplies destroyed foiling their Invasion plans and dealing a significant blow to allot's forces as the enemy advances to seize the remaining resources in the building Villages ahead they are met with a devastating realization all the water has been poisoned and there is no food to be found at missst this chaos a young villager rushes to counter with crucial information the enemy has taken control of a secret well hidden from their knowledge bet trayal from within has led to this dire situation but cter wastes no time and accompanied by her companions sets off to confront the Enemy at the Village while Roland and his soldiers engaged the enemy in combat cter and the children head towards the well they reach a shed concealing the well and cautiously approach inside they find three enemy soldiers guarding the vital water source the soldiers recognize KATU and accuse her of poisoning the wells with tension Rising KATU Ponders the best course of action aiming to resolve the situation without drawing attention in a bold move Belle snatches the bottle from katu's hand and dashes towards the well determined to take matters into her own hands as Bell bravely leaps into the well holding the bottle of poison cter moves to stop her but Emil intervenes urging cter to trust Bell's decision with determination Bell plunges into the well leaving everyone in shock Kat concerned for Bell's safety questions her actions but Bell reaffirms her loyalty and duty to protect Kat as a member of the eyes of the godess the enemy guards enraged by the destruction of their water source attempt to retaliate but they are swiftly incapacitated by the poison created by cower ail overcome with worry rushes to the well calling out for Bell his fear turns to relief when he hears her voice responding from behind him to his astonishment Bell emerges unscathed revealing that kuat had hidden her inside the item box ensuring her safety during the risky Endeavor Emil rushes to Belle's side embracing her with gratitude and relief while Kat watches on relieved that her plan to protect Bell had succeeded as they approach the enemy Outpost KATU listens intently to the General's briefing on the tense situation with both armies locked in a standoff and direct confrontation imminent kuu devises a a plan to turn the tide using potions as bait she sets her plan into motion carefully deploying the potions stratege toally to lure the Imperial Army into a trap with precision and timing they execute their Maneuvers drawing the enemy forces into a vulnerable position as the Imperial Army falls for the bait they find themselves ambushed by C's group who strike swiftly and decisively the battle rages on with C leading her companions with skill and determination using her potions to heal and Empower her allies they gain the upper hand against the enemy forces amidst the chaos of battle Kat remains focused on her goal driving back the Imperial Army with Relentless resolve as the battle reaches its climax katu's presence on the battlefield becomes a beacon of both hope and Dread With the Enemy forces closing in she unleashes her Fury determined to protect her allies and secure Victory Roland's bold challenge distracts the enemy momentarily but they soon redirect their forces toward KATU surrounding her with overwhelming numbers and a desate bid to save her Fran rushes to her Aid fighting valiantly despite the odds stacked against her however even Fran's Incredible strength proves insufficient against the Relentless onslaught of the enemy forces as danger looms ever closer Rolan selflessly intercepts an arrow aimed at KATU sustaining a grievous wound in the process witnessing her allies sacrifices katu's anger ignites unleashing a devastating display of power that halts the battle in its tracks with a commanding presence cowder issues orders to both friend and foe alike compelling them to obey her will she commends Fran for her unwavering loyalty and offers her a boon which Fran selflessly dedicates to protecting her Lord once more empowered by Kat's blessing Fran becomes a force to be reckoned with wielding her Newfound strength and holy sword to carve through the enemy ranks with ease as Panic spreads among the enemy forces K's explosions further scatter their resolve driving them to retreat and disarray in the aftermath of the battle K's actions are hailed as a decisive Victory ensuring the safety and stability of their Kingdom with the threat of aligot quell discussions turned to the future with Newfound confidence that their realm will remain secure under K's Vigilant watch amidst the peace talks tensions Run High as both sides seek to secure favorable terms King Sergey demands compensation for the damages inflicted among balmore during the conflict citing the aggression of allot's forces in response the chancellor of aligot ship's blame onto balmore accusing them of provoking War by allegedly confining the angel and monopolizing her potions however kadu intervenes dispelling the misconceptions surrounding her identity and intentions with unwavering resolve she asserts her independence declaring that she belongs to no Kingdom and that her potions are available for purchase by anyone she clarifies that the absence of her potions in aligot is due to their limited shelf life of 5 days rather than any intentional blockade C's proposal to extend the shelf life of her potions Garner interests signaling potential advancements in trade and diplomacy she unveils her discovery of a nearby island with fertile land and abundant resources offering a viable solution to allot's economic wo by leveraging their forced resources to build ships aligot can embark on trade Ventures with foreign lands stimulating economic growth and stability King Sergey Embraces K's proposal agreeing to oversee the collection of compensation and installments to ease the financial burden on aligot touched by the gesture of compassion cooperation the people of aligot expressed their gratitude recognizing the sincerity of balor's efforts however tensions escalate as the pope of the Holy Land adamantly refuses to acknowledge any culpability in the conflict despite the damning evidence provided by KATU he insists on deflecting blame and demands apologies instead C exposes the holy land's Insidious agenda to monopolize her potions under the guise of safeguarding her revealing their exploitation of her Divine status for personal gain in a desperate bid to salvage their reputation the pope resorts to summoning Celestine hoping to invoke her Divine Authority however to his astonishment Celestine aligns herself with kadu denouncing Rua's claim to Holiness and affirming her independence from Mortal Affairs she admonishes those who exploit her name for selfish motives and reaffirms her role as a Divine entity Beyond mortal influence with celestine's stance the Pope's evil plans crumble exposing the corruption within Rua's hierarchy as Celestine departs her words resonate signaling a new era of accountability and integrity in the realm of divine worship as morning approaches KATU devises a plan to escape with the other kidnapped girls before they are transported as slaves she convinces the guard to let her use the restroom and once outside the cell she incapacitates him with a swift Blow To The Head she quickly frees the other girls and leads them through the dark corridors of The Hideout meanwhile Roland and the rest of the group continued their frantic search for C in the city of selenis despite their efforts they find no trace of her prompting growing concern among them they remain determined to locate her and ensure her safety back at the Hout K and the girl stealthily navigate their way through the Labyrinth avoiding detection by the remaining guards with K's guidance they managed to reach the exit but their escape is thwarted by the arrival of the leader of the kidnappers thinking quickly Kat fain's innocence and tries to negotiate with the leader buying time for the girls to flee however the leader sees through her rules and orders his men to capture them all in the ensuing chaos kadu fights off the attackers using her skills and potions to defend herself and the other girls just as it seems they will be overwhelmed reinforcements arrive in the form of Roland and Fran who had tracked Kat's whereabouts together they engaged the kidnappers in a fierce battle turning the tide in their favor in the aftermath the kidnappers are apprehended and the rescued girls are reunited with their families K's bravery and quick thinking ear her the admiration of Roland and the others reinforcing their bond as allies and friends with the crisis averted cter and her companions resumed their Journey determined to uncover the secrets behind the larger organizations backing the kidnappers as Dawn breaks the girls find themselves confined within barrels destined for an unknown fate K resourceful as ever summons a blade to free your inadvertently nicking her hand in the process suppressing her pain she quickly administers a healing potion chastising herself for not utilizing her magic to escape upon reaching a checkpoint KATU bursts from her wooden prison pleading for Aid only to discover the guard's collusion with the kidnappers determined to th her plans she employs the same tactics used against the empire inciting chaos to alert her allies with kidnappers and guards closing in counter employs Swift kicks and pepper spray to fend them off her companions emerge from their own barrels to join the frey with the threat neutralized cower reveals the truth about the kidnapping ring shocking all present as the Guard Captain seeks answers cter attributes their rescue to divine intervention sparing her from further scrutiny the arrival of the domain Lord prompts C to recount her tale once more issuing a Stern warning of divine retribution for those involved the mothers of the kidnapped girls arrive but one girl named leet is Left Behind shockingly it's revealed that leet parents sold her prompting K to step in and adopt her instead of sending her to an orphanage leet agrees and KATU is thrilled to have a new companion as they set off on their Journey cowder worries about leet getting tired from riding horseback for too long she tries to convince her horse to pull a carriage but he initially refuses until K entices him with the promise of transforming a potion container into a versatile War Chariot eventually he relents meanwhile Celeste reports back to the god of Earth praising cter for her Noble deeds in safeguarding her world pleased with her efforts the god commends her and expresses confidence in her abilities to continue her Mission continuing their Journey towards the Royal Capital cat suggests stopping at a hot spring to relax despite warnings about the distance and the presence of Thieves in the mountains they press on along the way Roland inquires about the device on C's face which she explains is for detecting sulfur in the hot springs upon reaching the hot spring Kat enhances the experience by Conjuring a lion's head over the water source a custom from her Homeland while enjoying the soak K tries to broach the topic of romance with the girls but finds their responses lacking lead's curiosity about Kat's own romantic experiences leaves her feeling melancholic realizing she's never been in a relationship meanwhile Roland and Emil encounter Intruders whom they capture and interrogate The Intruders turn out to be residents of the Mountain Village that oversees the hot springs who assure K and her group that they are welcome to use the hot spring as they please apologizing for any misunderstanding Fran and Roland Harbor suspicion about the boy's intentions when they invited to the Village but cter surprisingly agrees to go along on the journey Fran questions C's decision to which cter responds that she did it for fun upon arrival they are greeted by the village Chief who invites them to a meal at the Village Hall K astutely observes that the Gathering resembles a matchmaking party during the meal the chief emphasizes that despite being Travelers they are now considered part part of the village and should contribute to decisionmaking he reveals that the village is plagued by a Band of Thieves sparking Fran's imagination about heroically saving the villagers however kadu intervenes offering prayers instead the villagers react negatively to K's suggestion prompting Fran and the others to realize they were being manipulated as they prepare to leave the elders implore them to stay in help the chief explains their plights admitting they sought help from skilled Fighters due to their inability to fend off the thieves themselves cter admonishes the villagers for their Reliance on others and challenges them to take responsibility for their villagers defense inspired by her words the children volunteer to learn how to fight and the villagers rally behind them cter agrees to train them but refuses to fight on their behalf while Fran and Roland train the men in martial arts cter fortifies The Village's defenses with potions and instructs them on strengthening their fenes she summons buckets with celestine's help to set up traps enhancing their defenses further when when the thieves arrive and attempt to breach the fences they are thwarted by the Fortified defenses and traps the villagers bravely Engage The Thieves in battle with Fran's impressive display of strength forcing the Bandit leader to surrender they apprehend all the thieves and C instructs the villagers to send a messenger to the city to exchange them for a bounty on their Journey Back K suggests another visit to the hot springs but one of the kids runs after them asking Fran to teach him more martial arts so he can defeat more enemies Fran gently explains that martial arts are meant for protecting loved ones and encourages him to grow up to be a brave farmer instead that night the girls relax in the hot spring while cow discusses her plans to open a potion shop before she can elaborate they hear a noise nearby Fran tosses a bucket into the bushes revealing a meal in Roland who become flustered and point fingers at each other while the girls accuse them of attempting to peep outside a new drugstore soldiers excitedly examine the potions displayed discovering their remedies for various elments it's Kat SH now open in the Kingdom of jual where she sells potions for profit aiming for an easy life the soldiers inquire about a potion for ichy feet a common ailment among them known as soldier syndrome K offers three tyes ranging from basic relief to complete healing with a cheapest priced at just three silver aware that once they try it and they'll keep coming back cowder moves to the next phase of her plan at the guild Emil and Bell accept a job posted by cow to act as guards in front of the other Hunters K assigns their tasks as ail and Bell introduce themselves they're doing this to avoid suspicion as news of the Angel's party has reach the kingdom this way they can live together without drawing attention K and leet stop at the market for groceries with Roland and Fran secretly following them Fran questions why they don't live with cowder like Emil and Bell but Roland explains that cowder gave them space since they're engaged although Fran rejects Roland's advances on their way back a boy named gum offers to carry C's groceries for two coppers mentioning his group that does odd jobs around town for money gum is surprised to learn about K's store and introduces himself before running off later gum and the kids count their earnings disappointed by the amount ail and Bell arrive bringing food from K and offering to cook gum tucks the kids in the bed and asks AAL about their past learning about their difficult lives before meeting K gum Marvels at their success but Emil hesitates to reveal too much about K's identity at the shop K quickly instruct leet to go upstairs as Army officials enter the officer introduces himself as Colonel NEOS the Royal Army's second Battalion commander and expresses interest in buying K's Soldier syndrome potions and bulk for the benefit of the 10,000 soldiers in the Army K inquires about the other nine Battalion commanders and nabos assures her that he will distribute the potions fairly among them promising to maintain the same price though cower wonders about nav's motives he dismisses her concerns stating it's not something civil Millions need to worry about ultimately cowder agrees to the deal thinking about the profits she'll make later gum asks cowder if he can be like a and Bell cter reassures him emphasizing that everyone has value and gives him a flute to call him if she has work for him she delivers her potions to Navas in his office or requests a tour of the place before she leaves they observe soldiers practicing communication using Co boxes but cowder easily understands their messages realizing they're discussing her later at the shop she's visited by a frustrated commander who complains that navos isn't sharing the potions with other battalions K assures him that his Battalion will receive priority in the next shipment arranging separate arrangements for each grateful the commander leaves shortly after count Olam the landlord arrives presenting cat with a contract demanding half of the profits and ownership of the products giving him control over pricing and production methods Furious but trapped cat reluctantly accepts allam acquired the shop by bullying the previous owner leaving cowed frustrated but compliant the realtor questions her decision but she asks for a favor instead the next day Olam arrives to collect profits intent on acquiring the production method for the soldier syndrome potions however he finds Emil and Bell selling lunches instead Furious he confronts cter who threatens to keep moving shops if he persists even considering leaving the country Roland supports her wielding France sword as a warning cornered all on relents returning the shop to cow and promising not to disturb her again they return to their original shop but B insists they prepare to make lunches cowder and the group Face the reality of their lunch order surprised by the unexpected demand despite their initial shock they gear up to fulfill the order even though Kat Longs for an easier life meanwhile a vegetable Farmer's cart releases a rat into the city causing a stir amidst the chaos Belle rushes in durine cter of their lunch preparations Leia tries to wake her but cter struggles to shake off her weariness as they diligently work on the lunches cter briefly considers using her abilities to expedite the process but opts to do her best manually despite their efforts cow's lunches are the only ones left unsold devastated by the lack of recognition for her recipes she feels frustrated and disheartened her friends try to support her by buying some of her lunches but cter remains disheartened reflecting on their future plans for the drugstore during their lunch selling woes Fran informs catter of their potion stock running low on fever remedies concerned Kat prepares to restock and deliver potions to the Army while Fran decides to secretly follow her leaving Roland in charge of the store gum and his friends escort KATU to the office expressing gratitude for a meal and Bell support in their spare time upon arrival Karu meets Commander LR introduced by Navas she raises the issue of the complaint about potion distribution but navos realizes his lack of malicious intent however upon inadvertently decoding a secret document on the table she accuses navos of unauthorized potion sales and financial misconduct perplexed naos questions how she decoded the document seized from a gang involved in stealing military supplies counter reveals her ability to decipher it a gift from ceste and proceeds to explain its contents impressed by K's skills navos offers her a position in the Army but she politely declines later Lich visits her shop with a personal request inviting K to his house she and Leia accompany him surprised by the Grandeur of his residence despite lich's Noble status as a VI count cter notices the modest Furnishing and wonders about his financial status lzr shares his predicament his family's domain has faced crop failures depleting their finances desperate to alleviate their struggles he seeks a hidden treasure passed down through generations however the location remains a mystery with only a coded document as a clue despite K's efforts to decipher it the document offers no insight into the treasures whereabouts dis hardened lazich explains that previous generations had searched in vain only knowing that the treasure was once in the capital feeling compassion for lr's situation cow decides to help by creating a potion in the shape of a metal detector programmed to detect gold above a certain threshold initially it reacts to the gold in LZ Rich's possession but when adjusted to a higher threshold it leads them to the treasury however they're disappointed to find only remaining gold coins there cowder eliminates the gold coins from the search but the detector fails to locate any other significant gold cower realizes that the total weight of the gold coins is insufficient to trigger the detector's response indicating that there must be something else the detector is pointing towards rushing into the room behind the treasury cow urges for the wall to be cut open suspecting the treasure might be hidden inside however they find the wall empty leading to disappointment as they discuss the setback leet interrupts seeking C's help for a Buck bite while attending to leet kadu has a sudden realization she rushes back to the Vault and scratches it with a coin revealing that the Vault itself is made of gold constituting the hidden treasure lazich rejoices at the discovery but cower reminds him that solving the underlying issues causing the crop failures is essential as even the treasure will deplete if the problems persist Lich gratefully prepares a meal for them and introduces them to his family C's illusions of being embraced by a noble family shatter when she realizes is that the B Count's sons are only interested in obtaining the soldier syndrome potion from her later that night gum urgently seeks K's help leading her to his sick friends it becomes evident that a widespread epidemic has gripped the city with many falling severely ill with fevers and coughs kuu fears it may be an epidemic and Witnesses its rapid spread causing widespread closures across the city Navas discloses that the epidemic originated from the village of Goa east of the capital now under Army enforced lockdown Roland expresses doubts about the Royal Family's handling of the crisis while Fran worries about the villagers dwindling food supply due to the lockdown despite contemplating waiting for the situation to resolve itself to resume her easy life cow resolves to help everyone disregarding the risk of exposing her identity she rallies the others declaring her commitment to aiding those in Need invoking the goddess's Light gathering at the city Center's goddess statue counter summons all the children with her whistle and instructs them to spread the news of her plan to distribute a cure to everyone by morning she assigns Roland the task of informing the nobility while trusting Fran with delivering potions to nav us for the soldiers guarding the area as morning breaks the town assembles and C addresses the crowd emphasizing the importance of maintaining order or facing consequences from the goddess she conjures a statue of Celestine from which the potion flows explaining its Dual Purpose to cure those already Afflicted and to prevent illness for others witnessing a man instantly feel better after taking the potion the crowd eagerly follow suit recognizing the impracticality of everyone lining up in front of the statue cowder entrusts lazarich with a bag of potions to deliver to the royal family a noble arrives claiming ownership of the statue but counter responds by destroying his Carriage begging for forgiveness the noble is then directed to join the line like everyone else by K who summons another statue soldiers are directed to the second statue after being cured Navas curious about K's plans after this learns that she intends to head to Goa to address the root of the problem and prevent further deaths surprised by C's ability to communicate with horses Navas decides to accompany her on the journey upon arrival in Goa K informs the villagers about the potion initially met with skepticism however witnessing an elderly man instantly cured after drinking it convinces them and soon the entire Village is celebrating as health is restored meanwhile K begins searching for the source of the epidemic cow consults extensively with the village Chief carefully piecing together the timeline of the outbreak the discussion reveals that the earliest cases emerged from the valley prompting K to deploy her specialized equipment the Searcher this unique device resembling a glass container serves as her trusted companion in detecting anomalies with precision and determination kadaru Ventures Into the Heart of the valley the Searcher humming Softly As It scans the surroundings its subtle vibrations intensify as they approach a secluded area signaling the presence of the virus C's Keen intuition guides her every move her eyes shining with determination as she Narrows in on the source suddenly the searcher's gentle hum escalates into a frantic Buzz indicating a significant anomaly nearby K's heart races with anticipation as she follows its guidance each step bringing them closer to the mysterious epicenter finally they reach a clearing where an ominous black and Mass lies before them emitting an evil hour as K analyzes the scene a realization Dawn upon her this Ematic entity is the root cause of the epidemic with a sense of urgency she summons Celestine knowing that their combined efforts are needed to confront this threat Celestine initially taken aback by the sight of the Distortion quickly rallies to K's side her Divine Powers poised for Action together kuu and Celestine stand as a Beacon of Hope amidst the chaos they result unwavering in the face of adversity with determination burning in their hearts they brace themselves for the inevitable confrontation they successfully Vanquish the Distortion and restore peace to The Afflicted Village later as the time to depart approaches navos raises a curious question about the fate of the statues of kadu left in the capital to their surprise they discovered that the statues have self-destructed leaving no trace of their existence behind 5 days later the group sets out on their Journey their destination uncertain KATU proposes a visit to the ocean a suggestion met with positive reaction from her companions am miss the anticipation of their next adventure she reflects on her ongoing quest for a life of ease despite the challenges she faced she finds Solace and the happiness of her friends and remains Resolute in her determination to persevere until she achieves her ultimate goal wow what a fun story of an overworked woman transitioning to an OP potion gu godess man it was definitely a a good seasonal anime if you made it this far maybe put your favorite moment in the comments I'd love to read it for now though watch this next video it's me comfy T I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: ComfyTea's Shōjo Weekly
Views: 91,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shojorecaps, aniplot, fantasy anime, isekai, new anime 2024, isekai recap, Henjin no Salad Bowl, henjin no salad bowl episode 1, spring 2024 anime, sara da odin, comfytea, comfyteashojo, comfyteashoujo, I shall survive using potions! recap, I shall survive using potions! summary, I shall survive using potions complete, Potion-danomi de Ikinobimasu!, I shall survive using potions funny moments, I shall survive using potions!
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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