God Is Love and People Go to Hell | David Marvin

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[Music] all right well here we go we are wrapping up this series fact check I've got a handful of friends from our staff team tonight that are up here on the stage with me and let me start by framing up the night with a recent story actually from yesterday in my own life I got up work went home walked in the door it's early evening and my son is right by the door and he almost greets me and the first question that he asked is daddy do I have to get a spanking I have no context for why he's asking me this and this is really the first time at this moment type of thing he's a four-year-old kid in fact here's a picture of him and his sister Monroe and crew and and he's look at me and he's asking me that and I look at his mom and I say I don't know does he have to get a spanking and she says yes we've had a bad day we've not been listening we've been arguing and I told him when daddy gets home you're getting his spanking now this was the first time I'd ever had this experience like I've been on the receiving end of this scenario many many times where I was the little child or the kid growing up who was told by their mom hey when daddy gets home you're gonna get the belt you're gonna get spanking and this is Texas people so we still spanked here and I was very familiar with just that experience I'd never been on the other side of what it was like to be the dad who was just getting home and what you know all the different emotions and thoughts kind of go through the head of that father because parents say things if you remember growing up as a kid where they give you spankings and they say things were you like is that really true is that really how you feel cuz I'm not honestly I'm not convinced where they say things like this like hey I have to give you spanking and this hurts me more than it hurts you because there's a kid you're like I don't know that I believe that I'm the only one leaving with red lines on my behind and you and I'm the one in tears and you're not it's a but now I'm all not my dad's side of this where I'm going like oh man I have to give my son a spanking and just all the emotions of like it is true parents it's not a fun thing I mean you Josiah's got kids he he knows what I'm talking about it's not a fun thing to give your kids a spanking I mean my son is you saw like he's in the 98th percentile for height he scrawny he doesn't have much padding on his behind giving spankings it really is something he doesn't look forward to and as a dad I hate when consequences for his actions his disobedience leads to me having to punish him or having to spank him and yet I know that it's a part of raising and growing and it gives us honestly gives me a chance to talk through you know what it looks like to listen to mommy and daddy and consequences for our actions but it is a hard and challenging thing just as a parent where you have to do it here's my point tonight we're finishing the series where we are covering one of the most difficult objections to Christianity or putting on the stand as we have every single week in fact check these different Christian beliefs and tonight is a really challenging one for a lot of people and that is how can a loving God allow people to go to hell if he's a loving Heavenly Father just like an earthly Heavenly Father doesn't enjoy or doesn't like or doesn't want to give even a spanking to his children how can a perfect loving Heavenly Father be okay with a consequence for people being a turn 'ti away from him experiencing the horror of Hell like how is that possible okay is that even really true a lot of people like this is where they're like hey whatever Jesus is talking about he can't actually be talking about Hell that's probably not actually true a lot of people walk away from their faith because they can't get over this objection so tonight we are putting to a test or checking the fact that God is love he's a loving God and people go to hell so we're gonna be in Luke chapter 16 if you have a Bible you can flip open there if not it'll be up on the screens but we're gonna cover and walk through some of Jesus is teaching on hell specifically I want to answer three things what is Hell who will be in hell and how Hell actually shows us the love of God what is Hell who will be in Hell and how he'll shows us the love of God if it's true if you're skeptical the answer to tonight's fact check has more significant consequences for you for our world for eternity than any other question you will ever ponder so maybe you're wondering like I just you know I reject that I at least want you to listen long enough to say hey if I'm gonna reject Christianity because of what it says about hell I at least want you to know what it says about Hell because it may surprise you so we're gonna be in Luke chapter 16 if you have a Bible I'm gonna start in verse 19 Jesus is teaching and he starts with a parable what's a parable it's just a story that he gives to make up a point or to prove a point Jesus was a masterful storyteller and he's teaching this group of Pharisees which were like this religious group that thought that they could have a relationship with God because there were good people they were like hey we're pros on their business card it says professional religious person and that's why God's gonna accept me and over and over Jesus is like that's not how God works and he launches into a conversation about heaven and hell with that group and here's what he says he starts and tells this story there was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen linen and lived in luxury every day sad no and this time someone who was wealthy was often seen as blessed by God so if you were rich hey it was because God's blessing was on you if you were poor it's because God clearly was not for used to this guy purple like only the who's who got to wear purple because it was such an expensive thing and so this guy dressed to the nines very rich the culture would have assumed wrongly oh man God is clearly for that guy at his gate laid a beggar named Lazarus covered with sores longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table even the dogs came and licked his sores Jesus sets up a very clear contrast super rich super poor the time came when the beggar died and angels took him to Abraham's side Abraham's side is just a word that Jesus's audience would have been understood is like paradise father Abraham kind of founder the faith if you will Abraham's side or abraham's bosom your translation they had it's just a word for paradise it's like heaven today before the new heavens so it's just basically he's taking a heaven the rich man also died and was buried in Hades where he was in torment he looked up Hades he's in hell he looked up and he saw Abraham far away with Lazarus by his side so he called out to him father Abraham have pity on me sin Lazarus to dip the finger dip the tip of his finger in water and calm and cool my tongue because I'm an agony in this fire but Abraham replied son remember that in your lifetime you received your good things while Lazarus received bad things but now he is comforted here and you are in agony and besides all of this between us and you a great chasm has been placed so that those who want to go from here to there cannot nor can anyone cross over from there to us he answered then father I beg you send Lazarus to my family for I have five brothers let him warn them so that they will not also come to this place of torment Abraham replied they have Moses and they have the prophets let them listen to them no father Abraham he said but if someone comes from the dead to them they will repent he said if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead Jesus is such a brilliant storyteller there's so many even foreshadowing his own raising from the dead or he's gonna rise and but the thing I want to really highlight is we launched into what does the Bible say about Hell who's there and how does it show us the love of God there's a couple things that we see inside of this passage basically Jesus says hey this place called heaven there's a place called hell he gives two scenarios two deaths two different different destinations one of which was Hell one of the things we learn underneath the first point of hey what is Hell so just get a big framework for what does the Bible teach about Hell it's a place that's absent of anything good Abraham says hey you received your good things in life he's bad now it's the opposite James chapter 1 another book in the Bible and the first chapter says everything good in life comes from the Father of lights heaven is a place where everything is good hell is a place where there is total absence of anything good in other words people will be like hey look I'd rather you know go to hell with my buddies and have a beer with the devil then be up there playing a harp on a cloud that's because they don't understand what hell is there's nobody's in hell there's no having a beer with the buddies they have a fundamental and this understand because all those are gifts and good things from God and those are not president hell hell is the absence of anything good hell is the separation the second thing just a few things it's a separation from the presence of God 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 and 9 the Apostle Paul is writing and he's describing hell here's what he says God will punish those who do not know God and who do not obey the gospel or the good news of our Lord Jesus they will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and the glory of his might heaven by definition is the presence of God hell is a separation from the presence of God third thing that you see and this may be a helpful distinction really quickly is we're told hell is a place of torment not torture there's a big difference torture is external torment is internal if I'm experiencing everlasting torment there are internal things maybe it's hey I'm covered in shame and guilt I'm covered in anxiety I'm covered in fear I'm covered with loneliness paralyzing crippling its internal this is what it says in the verse and Hades where the rich man was in torment torture is somebody on the outside poking you with the stick torment is an internal experience generally in the Bible and most scholars believe over and over when Jesus says he describes Hell as a fire he describes Hell as like utter darkness a place where the worm never dies he describes it as gnashing of teeth and some really graphic language and most people believe he's being metaphorical he's saying it's terrible of a places you can imagine in other words it's hard to reconcile how could it be total fire in total darkness because fire brings light in the dark the point they're both imagery most people believe Jesus is just describing a scenario where it's because you removed from the presence of God and that darkness is total darkness figuratively because there's no presence of God God is light and so whatever it is it torment and I'm not under or trying to invalidate the horribleness of hell I mean it's terrible but there's a way in which it involves self torment on the inside hell finally there's degrees of punishment we'd have time to get into this right now but one other thing just to know about Hell is that it involves degrees of punishment read throughout the New Testament Jesus over and over repeats hey based on the severity of someone's actions and the life that they lived there will be corresponding punishments in their life and finally here's what hell is and this will be really helpful for some of you because I'll be is bold to say I don't know that you want a world without Hell why do I say that hell displays the Justice of God hell displays and puts in perspective and puts in account for every action and every evil and every harm and every messed-up thing inside of a world it will all be held to account in other word nobody gets away even if they they get off scot-free if they committed the crime they will settle every crime and every sin will be paid for in Hell every injustice in our world will be paid for now why do I say that you wouldn't want like you think about the horrific actions that took place in the Holocaust when millions of Jewish people were shoved into gas chambers and killed and exterminated do to imagine that hey you know what and they'll never ever be held accountable they'll never have to give an account for the horrific actions of murdering all those people that's crazy and hell every crime every sin all of the cries of our world for justice will be settled either there or every sin is paid for or on the cross our world cries for justice I mean you look around all the time people are going man that when there isn't justice something inside of us goes that is wrong the fact that that person wasn't held accountable or that there's no justice over what they did what do I say that this is a picture of a guy that recently has been all over social media or the news and just the public conversation and appropriately so his name's Ahmad are very and a couple months ago he was out seems jogging in a neighborhood and two people thought he was up to something and they decided to make a citizen's arrest and he lost his life because of the exchange the interaction that took place there it's an unbelievable tragedy every time a life is lost it's tragic but then afterwards there was no investigation the two people who shot him we're not took to try or they won't put in a jail cell there weren't held accountable and the demand and our world cried out this is unjust because there's something inside of us that wants to see justice take place for every action and in hell every single every single crime or sin will be settled for there's never a person who traffics sex slaves rapists all of the actions of people will be paid for in hell or were paid for on the cross hell brings about and shows us the justice of God in a world of injustice okay so that's kind of a framework of hell who will be in hell which is as important of a question if hell is true that anyone can ever ask or how can I not be there hell is filled second point with people who refuse to worship God those who make up hell are those who reject God the one true God the God of the Bible they reject God and there were few excuse me they refuse to worship Him Romans chapter 1 says this is what the wrath of God looks like people that say God I don't want you in my life I don't want worst views God I don't want you to be the God of my life and God says I'll hand you over to letting you be the God of your life and you're not gonna like where it leads but I'll hand you over that's what it says the wrath of God is displayed or what looks like in Romans chapter 1 it says this Romans chapter 1 verse 24 after saying the wrath of God is revealed from heaven it leads to God handed them over to the sinful desires of their hearts God saying man you can you want to be your own God you can be your own God you're not gonna like we're leads but the person who says hey I want to do what I want to do I speak my truth nobody tell me what to do there is no God out there who I'm confined by I'll do whatever I want to do whenever I want and God I don't want you in my life God eventually says okay I'm not gonna force you into heaven I won't force you in a relationship and hell is pilled filled with people who reject God it's been said maybe those in Hell have they the opportunity to even get out they wouldn't want to get out they don't want to be in heaven because that's where God is and if they didn't worship and didn't love God and didn't want to do anything with God in this life why would they want to in the next and I just imagine with me could it be true that those who make up hell like they're not anxious to get out they still don't want to worship God Lazarus never in the story she recognized this he never says Abraham hey let me out of here please let me out of here the only thing he asks is hey I want Lazarus to be my errand boy and go get water for me he still is so self-centered and self-absorbed all he thinks about is himself still worshiping himself and respect others to perform acts of worship on his self could it be that Lazarus are gonna be that the rich man or could it be that hell is filled with people where as CS Lewis said the door is locked from the inside they don't want out they reject God and they will for all of eternity CS Lewis said this as it where I got the quote from the door being locked on the inside which you know what that means right like when somebody's in their house the door is locked from the inside in other words people may try to get in or try to get those people out but they're the ones locking people out he said hell the Damned are in one sense successful rebels to the end those who will go to hell that the doors of hell are locked on the inside they enjoy the forever forever the horrible freedom they've demanded I want to do what I want to do I don't want any God and I never will and they've rejected him and their self enslaved in the end there are only two kinds of people those who say to God thy will be done and those who reject God who he in the end says thy will be done I will not force you to love me I will not force you in a relationship with me I will not force myself on you and I will give you the extent of your freedom you can choose to reject the question if I think for all of us is are you right now on that side of the question are you the person who is saying God thy will be done you are the god of my life your will be done in my life are you saying God my will be done I don't want you in my life I don't want anything to do with you in my life because God to that person eventually says thy will be done I won't force you I won't force me in your life and I won't force you into heaven you can have separation from me that's what you want and rejection of me people often ask hey well what about good people like what about people who live pretty much good lives like Gandhi you know Gandhi did a bunch of things you're telling me just cuz he didn't accept you know Jesus is God and worship the Bible our worship the God of the Bible that Gandhi's in hell what about good people the Bible is crazy disease says there is no such thing as good people there was only one who was good Jesus in mark chapter 10 verse 18 this is Jesus speaking says no one is good except God alone most of us think like well um I feel like I'm you know I'm not perfect but I'm a pretty good person I'm better better than most on average by heaven's definition and heaven standard it says no one is good that if you've ever lied if you've ever stolen you ever cheated you've ever gossiped you've ever spoken harshly or with anger in your heart toward someone all of those the Bible would say makes you someone who is no longer good by Heaven's definition and heavens standard this is why I like good actions and being a good person won't get you in because biblically no one is good why does God allow people to reject him like why didn't he why would he allow anybody to reject him like why would God allow someone to not want to have a relationship with him or to refuse to worship Him like why couldn't God just force everybody yes he will not force you to love him he will not force you to be in relationship with him you can't force love anyways like like here's an example like ladies you'll you'll resonate with this if a guy comes up to you and we use Ramsey over here a guy who comes up he's like hey Rams I I love you and I want to be in a relationship with you and I want us to date and this was a good guy you liked him he's a friend of yours and you're like hey oh man let's say his name is Barry you're like Barry I I gotta be honest with you I've never seen you that way I really don't have feelings for you I like you as a friend oh you're like a brother to me it's like the death nail Barry in your heart of that relationships going nowhere but let's say you know he's persistent he comes back he's like our story's gonna in like the notebook or something I'm gonna keep going to her and I hey I love you I want to be in a relationship with you and he keeps coming back and he keeps coming back if eventually he comes to you and says hey I love you so much I'm gonna force you to be in a relationship with me if anything goes through your mind and you're an average girl other than hey this guy's crazy I'm about to get a restraining order this thing is done I don't want this person in my life at all it would be nuts I mean that type of obsessiveness and forcefulness if he came by gunpoint says hey I'm going to fort I love you so much I'm going to force you to love me one you wouldn't love him and it would be terrible God in the same way it's not gonna force anybody to love him and force them to have a relationship with them he loves people more than any of us will ever love people but just like in that scenario with a dating relationship Ramsey would head for the hills and get out of there cuz that guy is crazy so God is not some crazy person who will force you into a relationship and force you into love with him and so those who spend eternity in hell will do so because they have rejected God and just like in that scenario if that guy really did love Ramsey he wouldn't force her into that relationship what would he do he would leave her alone Sarah you don't want anything or you've rejected me and I do love you so I'm not gonna force you I will leave you alone in God in the end saying man I do love even those who reject me I love but I will not force them to love me back and I will not force them in a relationship I will leave them alone even if it means for all of eternity finally how does he'll show us the love of God so I started saying that hell hell is separation from God hell is a place where those who reject God will be by the way rejecting God doesn't always look like you saying God a reject like you saying I deserve to go to heaven because I'm a good person if you say that you have rejected God and I'm about to explain why because God says like you told the Pharisees that's not how heaven works you don't get in through being a good person is this a thing but that type of person would be rejecting God now how can hell show us the love of God because that seems incompatible it's like well it's like so harsh that punishment how is that show the love of God because what Jesus did on the cross shows us the lengths to which God was willing to go so that no one would have to go to hell that God doesn't want anyone to go to hell and he's proven it and showed it and is so passionate about no one's spending eternity apart from him that he was willing to go to the very farthest lengths possible which is giving the life of his own son on a cross there is no greater payment that he could have given and he goes to such an extent in order to prove this is how much you are worth to me that Jesus was willing to experience separation from God crucifixion on the cross in order that you and I would not have to experience hell he went through as it were hell which is separates from God so you and I weren't have to that's how much you were worth to him hell shows us how valuable you are to God oh why do I say that remember like in economics you guys do you take economics yeah you did I know you took economics this guy hey an economics is like a principal that hey the value of something is determined not by what somebody says arbitrarily it's worth it's determined by the right someone will pay for it so if I say hey this phone is worth a million dollars it's not worth a million dollars unless someone is willing to pay for it like the value of a thing is determined by the payment it will bring when it comes to you and it comes to me and it comes to humanity as a whole how valuable are you to God the question is to what lengths is God willing to go in order to pay for you to pay for the penalty and the consequences of your sin and the link is the own life of his son there is no farther distance he could have gone that's how valuable you are to God I this past week I was it was Mother's Day decided I'm gonna get some flowers and never gotten the professional flowers and and for my wife whose mom and I looked at the price tag and and the price tag from Costco to like flowers direct is shockingly different it's like multiples of one another and I was like oh man I don't know if I should do this and then I was like well she did give birth to our children feels like feels like it's worth it and that's there it was worth it to me cuz I was willing to pay the price but God looked at you and it looked at her world it was worth it to him and he said no matter the price I'll pay it it's how valuable they are to me Jesus spoke about Hell more than anyone else in the Bible listen to me what if every time that he spoke of it it was because he was at loving God wanting to warn you I don't want you to go there Jesus more than anybody else if you like Jesus he's the guy who brings it up over and over and over half of his parables are about the subject of Hell he brings it over or brings it up up time and time and time again and what if it's not because he's some brimstone angry god out there with a temper tantrum but he's trying to warn you I don't want you to experience it's hurting he's separated from me and every time it's a loving father warning us I think if I was asked this room hey is it possible for a loving father to yell at their kids what would you say Ramsey you're thinking about it she's still thinking about Barry I think no if I was to say that let's just run through it I think a lot of people think no but the better question would be like what's the context because there could be a scenario where it is totally appropriate to yell at your kids example my almost 2 year old daughter the other day two days ago was running out into the street she was running headed towards the street and of course I did what any loving Heavenly Father did which is I'm yelling and running after her come back here she can't see the truck that's coming around the edge and what's headed what's headed towards her or what she's headed towards and so like any loving father of course I'm yelling out warning her every time you see Jesus mention it and he mentions it more than anybody else in the Bible over and over and over again it's because he's loving God who's warning and doesn't want anyone to go there 2nd Peter chapter 3 says that God is patient warning no one to perish but everyone to come to repentance God loves people he loves you he loves everyone more than anybody else on the planet does and he wants no one to spend eternity apart from them so of course we would expect him to bring it up over and over and on that cross Jesus endured horrific physical pain but even more so spiritual pain because he was separated from God you may not know this but it wasn't just the being crucified he also we're told was forsaken by God as though God almost turned his back the relationship was cut off as he was crucified on that cross Jesus on the cross cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me but their relationship was cut off to have a relationship cut off is always painful but the degree of the intimacy of that relationship is directly related to the degree of pain when that relationship is severed what do I mean let me explain like if you know my neighbor's cat dies I'm like oh that's that's sad I didn't really have you know didn't really know the cat and I guess that's kind of a bummer and there you go if my neighbor dies it's way more sad because we have a much stronger relationship if my wife dies it's horrific Li sad and painful in my life the degree of the relationship it's directly related to the degree of the pain in that loss Jesus experienced a level of pain out of that relational cutoff deeper than anything anyone has ever imagined because he was in perfect eternal relationship with the Heavenly Father and then we're told he was made sin for you and me and took the wrath of God for every sinful action you have I've made and was separated from God he went through hell so that you and I wouldn't have to Isaiah chapter 53 says this Jesus was pierced for our rebellion he was crushed for our sins he was beaten so that we could be whole perfect innocent God beaten so that you and I could be whole he was whipped so that we could be healed and all of us like sheep have strayed away we left God's paths to follow our own yet the Lord laid on him Jesus the sins of all of us God loves you to such an extent this is how it shows the love of God that he's willing to say man I love you so much even my own life down I'll take everything wrong about this world every sinful action that you've ever done every punishment that you deserve that every person out there deserves and I'll take all of it and the full weight of all of that the Bible says went on Jesus on that cross where he was crucified for every look at pornography every premarital sex act every time that you and i gossiped about another person every time that we were rude selfish self seeking everything messed up candidly in my heart you may think like pastors they get it all together I'm not a good person I honestly I think I'm better than most people which even reflects that I'm not a good person like there's parts of my heart I lost after women not my wife I have thoughts about how other people don't do enough for me I'm selfish I get angry I have things in my life that I wish weren't there and I don't deserve to have a relationship with God and despite all of that on that cross everything wrong I've ever done in the past and the future all of it was paid for by Jesus because that is how great the love of God is he didn't want anyone to spend eternity in hell he doesn't want you to spend eternity in hell but the way you can avoid that is by accepting not rejecting God's gift in your life of dying in the cross on dying in your place dying for your sins do you guys know what the named Lazarus means this is this is why Jesus such a fantastic stories are like it's just so brilliant you guys now it means the one God helps how you go look it up in Google it's in like some pastor trick go look it up the name is the one God helps think about that how brilliant is it who's gonna spend eternity with God the one God helps you can't get there on your own you'll never get there on your own your good actions won't Nabal you to deserve a relationship the bad things you've done don't keep you out of having a relationship with God it is you accepting the help of God that if I'm gonna have a relationship with you for all of eternity it's gonna be contingent on you on what you did in my place on the fact that you paid for everything wrong in my life everything wrong I've ever done and you said if I just trust in you that whosoever believes John 3:16 says not who server behaves shall have eternal life it's whosoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life and that invitation and that offer is extended to you and all of humanity but you will not ever get there if you just assume hey I can get there I deserve to be there on my own you are not the one God helps only those who receive the help and the free gift of God in Christ will spend eternity with God if you've never had a moment your life where you trust it in that gift tonight is your night you're not saved by saying magic words of a prayer a prayer is only something where you go to God and you know people be like did you pray the prayer a magic prayer or saying doesn't save you the prayer just reflects a belief and a posture of your heart that goes man up I think I'm a sinner I think I'm messed up I'm not a good person God but I believe that you gave your life on the cross you died for me despite the fact that I didn't deserve it and I trust not in how many times I go to the church or go to church read my Bible or good things that I do but only and what you did you're the only reason why I could have eternal life I'm trusting only in that God and I believe that because of what you did for me I stand with you and I don't have to worry about where I'm gonna spend eternity cuz it'll be with you and your own way acknowledging I'm a sinner God you love me so much you've died for me and I believe that what you did dying in my place and rising again from the grave has given me forgiveness of sins it's not good people in heaven and bad in hell it's forgiving people in heaven and everybody else in hell and that invitation is offered to you tonight wherever you are in quiet of your room maybe with other people you just need to step outside and over to I believe this do I believe this and in doing so if you decide to receive that free gift for every you don't have to wonder where you stand with God you don't have to wonder where you go when you die and if you haven't you don't have to wonder candidly either because you're gonna spend eternity apart from God because you're rejecting God's help God is Savior and the reason why Jesus came in conclusion hell is a place where the justice of God is revealed those who reject the free gift of God and reject God will be there and hell displays how loving how much God loves you and me and what he was willing to do with the links he was willing to go to let me close by saying this there was a guy give it a quick history example that kind of illustrates what Christianity teaches his name was George Wilson he was a guy in the eighteen late 1820s around 1829 in Pennsylvania he robbed a mail carrier so he decided to go up a federal mail carrier he robbed him he ended up killing the mail carrier he was captured and he was put on trial he was convicted he was found guilty of a federal crime and he was sentenced to death by execution to hanging by execution and he's sitting in jail and George Wilson and some of his friends he was well-connected he had people in high places they went to the President of the United States it's true story you can look it all up they said hey George Wilson is in jail can you issue him a federal a presidential pardon presidential pardons the only way if there's a federal crime that you're getting out of that sentence without paying for your crime so they go to em and for whatever reason Andrew Jackson decides I'm going to extend a presidential pardon to George Wilson so that he wouldn't have to die George is told he's brought to court and they say the president has extended this pardon to you and George says I don't want his pardon we're not really told why it's kind of a mystery some people think it's because he he didn't want to acknowledge guilt or acknowledge that I was guilty of that crime or he just wanted to kind of like stick it to the man and I don't care about any of you guys but he didn't accept or he said I don't accept it I don't even care and this forced a question in the court where they go what do you do if there's a presidential pardon that's issued can someone reject a presidential pardon and it led to another court like they ran it up the courts and eventually it went to the United States Supreme Court there's United States versus Wilson it's a classic court case if you went to law school you may have been familiar with it and here's what the Supreme Court ruled it says Chief Justice John Marshall Marshall a pardon is an act of grace proceeding from the power entrusted with the execution of the law so basically it's an act of grace from the president but it's delivery is not completed without acceptance of that pardon it may be rejected by the person to whom and it's given and we have no power in a court to force it on them here's the Supreme Court ruled a president cannot force someone to accept a presidential pardon so George Wilson can choose to reject it and a pardon if it is not accepted it is not applied George Wilson was executed by hanging because he decided I reject that pardon the Bible teaches something very similar God has extended a presidential a divine pardon to all people everywhere if they're willing to accept the free gift that Jesus in their place in many ways it's it's a far greater pardon than that one because president that scenario just writes up a pardon and says hey you're off the hook and the Christian scenario or what happened scenario is that God said hey somebody has to pay for the sin and I'm not gonna force it on you I'm willing to extend a pardon to you because I'm going to crush my son on a cross and pay for all of the sins of humanity and all of the sins of the world around us and in that he extended to every person a divine pardon and the choice is yours are you going to accept it because if you do not it will not be applied but it's not because it's not extended by God just like it was very the president it was extended it just wasn't accepted every person in listening right now and just in the world in general has been extended a divine pardon by God saying I'm paying for it paid for it but you have to accept it or who will not be applied he's a loving God he doesn't want anyone to go to hell and he was willing to go to such great lengths to go through hell in and of itself if it were so that you and I wouldn't have to I'm afraid father thank you that thank you seems like silly honestly that you would endure eternal death in our place it's suffering at a level that none of us will ever know so that all of us could spend eternity with you father I pray for anyone listening right now who's never trusted in what Jesus did on the cross they still think they're good actions or they're bad actions or the way they can have a relationship with you that you would pierce through that fog and let them see it as a lie that is a lie from hell the good people go to heaven bad people go to hell it is only forgiving people and the only way to get that forgiveness is by receiving the free gift of what you did on the cross were unworthy God and yet you love us gave her life for us you paid it all for us would you allow people tonight for the very first time to trust in them and would you allow those of us who have to walk in light of that to share our faith and lie to the fact that everyone around us will spend eternity somewhere and it doesn't have to be apart from you father we love you we praise you you paid it all we worship you and so on amen
Channel: The Porch
Views: 8,104
Rating: 4.8653846 out of 5
Keywords: the, porch, dallas, watermark, community, church, christian, christianity, ministry, movement, fort, worth, faith, sermon, dating, truth, bible, advice, biblical, counsel, jonathan pokluda, the porch, watermark community church, young adults, fort worth, david marvin, todd wagner, the bible
Id: cgnQkM90eH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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