Go to the Map With George R.R. Martin | House of the Dragon (HBO)

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Well, funny you should ask. Let me get my map! (LAUGHS) Here's King's Landing and Blackwater Bay. This area here is the gullet that you have to go through, and Dragonstone and Driftmark are the two major islands in the gullet. Driftmark is the seat of House Velaryon, and right here are the Stepstones. And you see, this is Dorne, and this is Essos. And one time, they were connected. There was a land bridge. And the Broken Arm of Dorne, the seas rose up and swallowed 'em. But they left these islands. And as you see, as you go down the Narrow Sea, and you want to go into the Summer Sea, you have to pass through the Stepstones. They're these independent islands that have frequently been the haunt of pirates. And all of the trade, anything going down has to pass through these. And you remember that Corlys Velaryon and his family are merchants, and they make a lot of their wealth through trade. I would urge that you not allow this Triarchy much latitude in the Stepstones, Your Grace. If those shipping lanes should fall, it will beggar our ports. Immediately to the east of the Stepstones is an area called the Disputed Lands. Three of the Free Cities are located on or near that... Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh. And these cities have been rivals for a long time. They're all Old Valyrian colonies. And they've been disputing the Disputed Lands for hundreds of years, often using mercenary companies, the Free Companies, the Sellswords. But at this particular point in history, the three cities have gotten together. They've decided, "We're gonna stop fighting each other endlessly, and we're gonna form a government together, called the Triarchy." Corlys, you know, being dependent on sea, is not happy with this. And there are other people near the side of the Narrow Sea in places like Pentos and Braavos that are not happy with this. We have to break the stranglehold on the Stepstones so our ships can go east again. About 400 years before the time of Game of Thrones, or 200 years before the time of, uh, House of the Dragon, the Valyrian peninsula exploded. And it was called the Doom of Valyria, and it was over in a day. It was over in a few hours. It actually blew the entire section. The land cracked. The sea rushed in from both sides. There's now a very dangerous sea called the Smoking Sea north of Valyria that's sort of breaking the former peninsula in half. What used to be lands attached to each other are now some barren, windswept islands. And of course, hundreds of dragons died in an instant, along with millions of people. And that was, of course, the Doom that Daenys the Dreamer had seen coming. So, get the hell out. And, uh... And the Targaryens got the hell out, to establish themselves on Dragonstone.
Channel: GameofThrones
Views: 740,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bgeqa_7xEj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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