Entire Game of Thrones Map/World Detailed

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we all know how expansive the lawyer is in this series and it's the main reason why I and so many others obsessively enjoy it with so much detail it's easy to get lost or confuse along the way while reading the books or watching the strip-down adaption on the show hopefully this ambitious video might can help you with that I'll be explaining each region starting from the west of the mat the map is too overwhelming to look at so let me just clear some space before I start before people moved in and named everything Westeros was inhabited by children the forests and Giants these two species lived throughout Westeros except with iron islands I will occasionally fight it seems like the children of forests with a more prominent of the two since they were more civilized and advanced Giants were not only found in Westeros however some corpses can be found throughout esos when you look at the current map you can see how Westeros and Essos have no physical connection but it wasn't always this way twelve thousand years before the start of the story o cover humans called the first man to cross a natural bridge called the arm of Dorne if legends are to believed they were led by Garth greenhand the first High King where they came from is lost in history since this was before the time of writing the only thing to go by is word of mouth and cave carvings it's possible they came from what is now the Dothraki sea the first man brought horses and bronze weapons with them there was peace at first but the first man began clinging down weirwood trees after they found out the children can use magic to spy on them their secret weirwood trees have carved faces on them and the children can look to their eyes to protect the forests this caused a war between the two species and then children were forced to destroy the arm of the one with magic to end the invasion from Essos what was left was a chain of islands called the step stones where the honor of Dorne used to be they had powerful magic but were vastly outnumbered by the first men the war had no victor even though the first men were doing better they eventually signed a pact for peace and live together in Westeros open lands now belong to the first man and the forests with a children's new home while the Giants first men and children were coexisting for a few thousand years a new threat came into play in the northernmost part of Westeros is a region called the lands of always winter this is where the others came from 8,000 years ago very little is known about this area because it's mostly unexplored but the children and Giants did live here after the others were defeated the wall was built to prevent another attack Brandon the Builder has been given credit for not only constructing the wall but also Winterfell and landmarks in Westeros because of the wall countless first men were separated from the rest of Westeros they started calling themselves the free folk well everyone else referred to them as wildlings their living conditions are so harsh that they don't name their children until they are two because of how high the infant mortality rate is they would remain very primitive the only settlement that could be even considered a town was hard home but it was mysteriously destroyed 600 years before the start of the series some kings beyond the wall have come and gone trying to unite all of the free folk and invade their southern neighbors but all have failed 19 castles were raised along the wall to further guard against two others or White Walkers the Nights Watch has been there ever since Brandon the Builder was the founder of House Stark as a years past kingdoms were establishing themselves how stark became kings in the north and would eventually defeat all the other northern kings land the clever took Ashley rock from the caster lease and became the first Lannister king of the rock and rolled over the westerland's Garth greenhand and his descendants had complete control over the reach Garth's firstborn son Garth de Gardner became the first king of the reach and they ruled for thousands of years before the Targaryens gave Highgarden to the Tyrells the kingdom now known as a storm lands was ruled by the storm King Duran six castles were built and destroyed by weather conditions in this region until finally storms and was raised with the help of bran the Builder Duran would be the founder of house two randon who would rule as king since the last Duran Dean was killed in battle by or espera thean thousands of years later Horace was gifted storm's end by his alleged half-brother Aegon the conquerer the great king ruled over the Iron Islands in all current houses in this area clean descent from him as well as many houses in the reach claim descent from Garth greenhand the first man who settled on the Iron Islands had no influence from children the forest and formed their own religion unlike the first men who took the children's religion as their own and prayed to the old gods we would trees are unable to grow on the islands so that could explain why after the Great King each island in the archipelago ruled itself with two Kings a rock king who ruled on the island and a salt king who ruled from the sea they have always been a nuisance to others in Westeros constantly reading them is no surprise considering the Iron Islands violent culture that each Island would often fight each other eventually each minor king will come together to select one High King to unite them and rule them all after a High King dies the minor King would come together again and elect a new one a few First Men houses claim they ruled as kings in the Riverlands and only ones worth talking about are the Bracken's and black woods who have been rivals for thousands of years when you think of Dorne I know the first thing that comes to mind is the Martel's but they didn't come into the picture until much later some of the kings in Dorne that descent from first men include house Dayne and Ironwood house Ironwood were called the high kings of Dorne reading a large portion of the region but not complete control Dornish were always feuding with the kingdoms they shared borders with the Stormlands and the reach while castles were rising and falling another invasion from the east hit Westeros in the hills of and elopes in Essos a man named Huber of the hill was supposedly crowned by gods in defeat of the seven and was told by the seven that him and his descendants would have great kingdoms in a foreign land the Andals equipped with iron weapons sailed the Narrow Sea from Essos to Westeros hiding in the Vale this mountainous region had a few kings but didn't have a very large population when the Andals came they completely dominate the first men ruling in the Vale the Andals of house Aran became the kings of the mountain and Vale the first men who did not kneel to the errands fled into the mountains it became the Vale mountain clans they behave similarly to wildlings and Ironborn attacking anyone while taking women and items after taking the Vale the Andals moved on to the Riverlands they were also defeated in a house adjustment took control over the area as kings of the tried end they wouldn't stop there the Andals will continue to the Stormlands but storm's end was too great of a castle to be defeated instead of the randoms intermarrying with the Andals and converted to the faith the Lannisters solved a conflict with marriage as well after some battles and converted house Gardner didn't even fight instead opted for marriages and converted before any bloodshed the North was a completely different story however the Starks crushed the Andals during the first attack from the east after a change of strategy the Andal decided to attack from the south this time the chronic men of the neck held their ground and didn't let the enemies make it further north the crannogmen are possibly a hybrid between the children the forest and first men so their battles against the androids were even more meaningful the Andals were burning weirwood trees and killing children the forest causing them to go into hiding ever since Dorne didn't face much of an attack in comparison to the other kingdoms a few invaders came in and took some land Martel's morgan Martel defeated two First Men houses and built their new home the last place the Andals invaded was the Iron Islands it took them a thousand years after landing in Westeros to make it here for iron board houses including the Greyjoy's joined the Andals and attacking their king harris horror Merredin and old war lords daughter and became king of the Iron Islands House horror would later become ambitious centuries later and take the river lands and in themselves King's the Isles and rivers Westeros and the Seven Kingdoms wouldn't experience much change until the Targaryen came into the picture which I'll get into in a bit as Sosa is clearly the larger of the continents and that's without it even being fully explored the further east you go the more mysterious this place gets before talking about Valyria I think it's best to talk about the empires that predated possibly the first ever civilization was a great Empire of the dawn this Empire covered all the land between the bone mountains and a great waste the ruler was someone called the God on earth and he ruled for 10,000 years which kind of makes his legend hard to believe a few generations later the God on earth descendant the bloodstone Emperor killed his sister to take the Empire for himself what he did to his sister became known as the blood betrayal and many in this area believed his actions brought in the long night the great Empire of the dawn never recovered after the long night an empire that rose after it was the golden Empire of UT this old land mostly consists of green farmland and jungles there are two other cultures that cleaned it were the first to build towns and become powerful civilizations in Essos the kingdom of Sarna and the old Empire of gifts before Valyria it was the old Empire of guess to conquer and rule over Essos this Empire started off in the city of guess within the ghiscari region rabbi slavers Bay their powerful military strength and inspired the unsullied fighting style was powerful enough to conquer the areas around gasps they were nearly unstoppable until dragon eggs were found in the volcanoes of the Valyrian Peninsula the people living on the Valyrian Peninsula or peaceful sheep herders but eventually learned to tame dragons and became powerful magic users while the old Empire of gifts was expanding and building pyramids and towers the Valyrian field began their conquest 5,000 years before the start of the series a series of battles called the ghiscari wars took place every war ended with a victory for valaria the dragons and Valyrian steel overwhelmed the ghiscari in the fifth and final war the capital city of gifts destroyed after train the city into ruins the Dragonlords salted the fields so nothing could ever grow again the most powerful empire was defeated to the point where their culture and even the language disappeared forever the ghiscari were known for their use of slaves and the Valerians took notes survivors of the war were forced to mind volcanoes and all their cities were colonized there is a small island called new gifts south of where old geese used to be and the slaving cities as support Yong Chi and marine that Daenerys is liberating claim descent from the ghiscari the Valyrian freehold quickly became the most powerful and advanced civilization in Essos all because of dragons the people of ash i by the shadow of claim dragons first appeared in the shadow lands they also say that the city has been there since the world began and will stand until it ends with all the magic that goes on in the city it's hard not to believe it the old Empire of gifts is the only civilization that can prove they were the first since they have writings that predate any other so it's generally believed they were the first ash I is easily the most mysterious location in the entire series the city is huge but sparsely populated the people here walk around alone with masks and you never see any children a lot of dark magic is performed and learned here since no practice is forbidden looking for the people a shy is a port city where traders bring food and water their only source of water is the river called the ash in the day the river is black but ghouls green at night the river is undrinkable and the fish are blind and deformed all animals brought to ash I soon died the city is in darkness with the buildings made of oily black stone that absorb light the Shadowlands is a mysterious mountainous region covered with ghost grass ghost grass is a tall white plant that kills other life and prevents anything else from growing the only city within the shadow lands is Saiga this city isn't ruined and is known to be a haunted corpse city even the creepiest sorcerers known as shadow binders are afraid to go here the people of ash I and others east of gas car were fortunate enough for the Dragonlords of Valyria had their eyes set on conquering the areas of western Essos while humor of the hill cleaned the seven provinces people kingdoms in a foreign land Valyria was attacking the Andals of angelos and they ran to Westeros instead of being enslaved the first colony founded by the Valyrian freehold was for Lantis it is one of nine free city colonies is known as the first daughter like volantis tyro started as a military outpost Lise was a paradise vacation spot for the Dragonlords merchant adventurers from the freehold founded Mir and pentose some religious valyrian who shared different views can bring to the others in the freehold founded Loretha norvos and kawar the last of the Free Cities is Braavos Braavos was never a colony under the freehold while on ships from Valyria to a new colony slaves on board to control of the ships and escape their masters they traveled to a distant Lagoon that was well hidden by hails covered with pine trees and father that covers this area some of these slaves were said to be women from jogo Sahai north of VT is an area called the plains of the jaw goes nigh there are nomadic people similar to the Dothraki like a Dothraki they constantly attack everyone around them but these two races do have their differences the jaw goes in a high are a lot shorter and modified their heads at a young age to make it pointed they also do not attack their own people unlike the Dothraki who regularly kill each other while the villains didn't have the chance to conquer the Lance this far east probably due to the bone mountains and the great sand sea having jaw goes on high slaves proves they did venture out this farm Braavos remain a secret city for a hundred years a Sealord of Braavos who rules over the people sent out ships all over to inform the world of Braavos his existence even after this bold move the city remained hidden for hundreds of more years was started as a youngest of the Free Cities Braavos in the current story is the wealthiest and most powerful while the other a free cities are called daughters of Valyria Braavos is referred to as the bastard daughter of Valyria a little over a thousand years before the start of the story phileas expansion reached the Rhoyne are the Rhoyne are an ethnic group of people who lived along the massive Rhine River the powerful group of cities used water magic and with the first work ironed into weapons and armor they taught their animal neighbors how to do the same the runner has two victories during the 250 year long war but like always Valyria overwhelmed them with dragons Nymeria a princess of winner took the surviving women children and elderly onto 10,000 ships to escape the Dragonlords her journey is one of my favorite backstories and served as a perfect segue to some of the islands in the known world Nymeria and her 10,000 ships first stop at the basilisk Isles on these islands scared them off to south eros the southern continent you don't hear much in this story South Terrell's is mostly unexplored and it's because this place is a nightmare imagine Amazon rainforest on steroids this continent is mostly jungle with some desert and mountains there are some inhabitants and I don't know how they even survive the people eat each other that place is filled of plague and disease the weather is brutal when you need to hear the wildlife if they have going on here they have wyverns which are like dragons that don't spit fire and even Apes big enough to kill an elephant with one hit a Dragon Lord atop her dragon flew over topped the continent for three years concluding is as large as esos the ghiscari empire did have some colonies near the shore valeera took ownership after defeating the old Empire but would eventually abandon it after spending a year here Nymeria decided this is no place to build a home for her people there is a fourth continent in the series but all we know is that it's called UFOs George Martin added it in to illustrate how little the people of Westeros know of the world Nymeria is next stop would be Nath the people of Nath are extremely peaceful and don't believe in killing anything after years of traveling the runner finally had a warm welcome only to find a very deadly disease that infects any outsider to the island the people of Nath are immune to this disease that is spread by butterflies and anyone else soon dies from this illness their next stop was abbulu in the summer islands named Mary and her people were not permitted to stay on any of the main islands because the summer Islanders feared a Valyrian attack the ruin our estate on the small island abbulu for two years but weren't able to grow food on the islands thin soil summer islands do have an interesting history since they were fairly isolated from the rest of the world they always believed they were alone in the world surrounded only by the sea when a gift card is shipped washes for one of the islands their curiosity bloomed they built huge unique ships and became trading partners with the Valyrian freehold but the Valyrians wanted and paid most for with slaves since it was the islands own rulers selling his people it took a revolution from a former slave girl to end this tragedy the island doesn't have any natural metal so the Warriors used powerful bows made from golden hearted trees that could pierce armor their final stop would be dawn before I talk about all that I think I should go over some of the cooler islands around esos since we're on the topic of islands greatman Rock is the largest island and known world and was conquered by a god emperor of UT in the northeast lies it expensive archipelago called the thousand islands the inhabitants of these islands are creepy their skin has a green tint to it in their hairless they're afraid of outsiders and sacrificed visitors to their gods not only are they afraid of visitors but are mortally terrified of water some believe an old civilization that existed here long ago drowned by the sea the ebony is claimed there's actually less than 300 islands in the Thousand Islands archipelago speaking of the emoney 'he's the northernmost part of Essos is Abe Abe and the small islands around it are full of forests and mountains the ebony czar short hairy people with broad shoulders who hunt whales they don't seem that different but they aren't able to easily have children with people from any other race named Miriah made a lord named Morris Mart's hellendoorn and burned all her ships to declare they found their new home and would never sail to Essos again they formed house 9 mirrors Martell and were able to conquer all of doors together for the first time they adopted a lot of loyalist customs and called themselves princes and princesses instead of kings and queens another custom brought in to Dorne was equal rights allowing women to rule at the height of Valyria strength a smaller dragon her family decided to leave everything behind and move the entire Targaryen house to Valera's westernmost outpost Dragonstone all this because of one Targaryen prophecy of the destruction of the entire Peninsula she happened to be right and twelve years later the doom of Valyria happened all the volcanoes erupted killing every dragon in person with the superpower of Essos suddenly wiped out chaos hit the continent this time period is called a century of blood the Dothraki were a group of nomadic people who came from each of the Bonin islands they left the path of bones on these mounds and it's how it got its name while Valyria was in power there were nothing but a nuisance to others but during the century of blood the united under one call they almost completely wiped out the kingdom of sana who were very powerful but underestimated a united Dothraki the only seal left his kingdom is sad they were called the tall man and needed the support of AB and laureth to survive the attacks the Kathi another ancient civilization in the grasslands were also almost completely destroyed the only city left is Qarth and they survived because of their triple walls the area that is known as the grasslands had been renamed the Dothraki sea the only settlement of Dothraki sea is a vast auth rack it's the only city of the Dothraki and is run by slaves and the wives of former calls no blade is allowed to be carried and it's for to shatter Friedman's blood in the city instead of heading east from Dragonstone it on the Conqueror and his Targaryen sister wives decided to head west and conquer Westeros guess else in the past it would only take two years to unite six of the Seven Kingdoms Dorne was only Kingdom able to hold off the three dragons a gong gave the Stormlands to a supposed half-brother Oris Baratheon after Oris defeated a storm king after roasting house gardener the reach was given to their stewards house Tyrell householder burned within their gigantic castle Harrenhal they were the kings of the Isles and rivers at the time the Iron Islands went to the Greyjoy's and the Riverlands went to the Tully's to be more a part of the Seven Kingdoms Aegon made his family's home near Blackwater Bay it was near the center of all the kingdoms and didn't belong to anyone King's Landing became the capital and the region became known as a crown lands King's Landing quickly grew to be the largest port city with the highest population it surpassed the four other cities known as the major cities of Westeros old town Lannisport called town and white Harbor and there you have it Game of Thrones map detailed I know some of the explanations were pretty brief but the majority of the locations here deserve videos on their own I just always feel ambitious before the new season and make massive videos like this every year like a timeline video and my Targaryen family tree thanks for watching guys
Channel: whycreate
Views: 4,854,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: map, world, westeros, the north, the wall, game of thrones, season 7, season 8, explained, episode, trailer, valyria, targaryen, stark, lannister, baratheon, house
Id: cdC2b6IL9No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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