Go OFF-GRID with your HEALTH? | Pantry Chat

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hey you guys this is josh and carolyn with homesteading family and welcome to this week's episode of the pantry chat food for thought this week we're continuing our discussion on off-grid living different types of off-grid and we're really excited to have dr ramon issa here today so we're going to be talking about off-grid medical communities like getting off the medical grid so thanks for joining us well thanks for having me it's an honor to be here yeah absolutely going to be a lot of fun it is going to be a lot of fun and we've been just talking about off-grid and how much deeper off-grid goes than just getting off the power grid right or getting off the water grid and actually there are a lot of other areas that to a lot of us might be more important to get off grid first yeah absolutely that insert line right here that was my turn and i missed that cue so let's move on to the chit chat so for those of you guys who are new to the pantry chat we usually do a little bit of chit chat at first and then answer a question of the day and uh then we'll move into the main topic and we have all of that time stamped for you below so that you can move right on ahead if you want because sometimes we talk too much some sometimes sometimes although most people replied when you made that comment the other day that they love our talk and they like it that we talk too much because they learn something so at least we say something valuable when we talk too much okay i hope so it is a talking show well anyways so what is up with you what's going on in this snowy uh doesn't know if it wants to be 60 degrees or negative 12 degree weather yeah we woke up to negative 12 degrees what was it at your place it was negative three negative three okay so we're a little bit colder but one way or another that that's cold that is officially cold it's cold we always get some comments from our friends in canada who tell us to buck up a little bit that's true and you know enjoy the sunny balmy day absolutely but uh so i am trying to just wrap up the winter projects you have the projects that you have to get done in the summertime and then you have all the other projects that don't really need warm weather and so i'm trying to get as many of those things done as i can before spring hits and we just get into super busy season so one of those was i just emptied the freezer of all the lard or all the fat and i rendered it all into large so i got 62 and a half quarts of lard rendered this weekend we did it all in one day yeah i think i have a video coming out for you guys on that but that is enough lord to get us hopefully through the entire year with the addition of good butter in our house for um for some good fats but some people are going to think that's crazy that we would use that much lard in a year right but it replaces a lot of our butter and and we use it in place of butter and it is a good healthy home raised lard and fat yeah well and we don't use cooking oil in our house we use butter or we use lard and then we love our olive oil for salads and for raw applications so i'm sure and that gets your stamp of approval right we're good with the home range you're nodding my head i love it i love what you're saying yeah so i've been doing that and then i finally you guys watch that video with melissa k norris where we talked about starting onions from seed we did that video and she's like you need to start them right now okay i'll do that i finally started them from seed so i might be a few weeks late but better now better late than never i'm not technically late but i'm not as early as she recommended yeah to get big onions so do what we can that's what i've been doing what have you been up to well i just am itching to get into the garden yet we've still got a foot and a half of snow so really just diving into garden planning actually laying out you guys it's important to look at your rotations lay out where everything's going so i've actually been mapping that out talking about what we're doing this year we're doing more or less of things um i think we had an abundance of onions we're always increasing we finally and onions hit a threshold we went over the threshold garlic and shallots we are we made enough did enough yeah so really just making plans for that diving into a few things that we want to grow better like some of the brassicas broccoli particularly we want more um more veggies for the winter since we can't eat fresh besides green beans we always have a lot of green beans we get a little burnt out on green beans we love the broccoli and the cabbage so looking at increasing our soil geared toward that a little bit and just kind of planting because i'm itching to get out there i walk by the garden every day and and i'm just waiting it's time kind of the sunny weather kind of gets that gets that going you know you get to this place where you're just like come on let's go let's get out there i don't want to side track is too far because i know we're all really excited to get into the main conversation but the being able to focus on the brassicas this world has really opened us up to us because of the freeze dryer because right now the best way to store your brassica is like your broccoli is in the freezer but that just takes up way too much freezer space for us we usually keep our freezer space for things like meat or home raised meat and so there's just been hard to have that much stored broccoli but the freeze dried broccoli is amazing it works out so well so this kind of now opens up that door well it stores longer with less energy you're not using the freezer so you're you know saving that that energy use it's a one-time preservation and um it also lasts longer yeah it does deteriorate in the freezer and then um i think that it maintains the nutrition even a little bit better yes it's supposed to cool so what about you doc what are you what are you up to you're you've got a homestead here up the road sure and uh what's going on with you well we're just trying to keep the place warm and the ice dan ice dams off of the roof we had a bunch of ice dams build up and so we uh we got that chopped down and we put a little bit of heat tape on there so hopefully next year we won't have that same problem and we're trying to keep the chickens from freezing to death making sure their water's uh you know there yeah and stuff like that so we've been we've been keeping busy to use a heater for their water do you just manually go out with hot water uh both okay we have a hot plate that the metal uh water sits on and so but we have to bring the water out there and make sure it's it's plugged in and so i was in the barn last night and i had a little surprise there was a little deer that as i guess start started living we've been seeing little little uh prince little deer prints outside of the one of the the man doors you know and i was like what's going on well last night i the kids left the the barn light on and so i was like oh my goodness it's like negative whatever and i'm already getting ready for bed they're only it was bugging me so i went out there and there was a little deer and it was not afraid of us so i think we've been accidentally feeding it when we're feeding the horses and yeah and other things did you oh i walked within maybe 10 feet of it and it just it never got up it was sitting in a little pile of hay oh for the horseshoe a little warm spot i'm good you're not usually in here this is my place right now because i'm never in there that late at night wow that's fun the special joys and challenges of this time of year and now we're going to transition slowly hopefully this will be one of the last cold snaps this is a really cold snap for us but now we get to move into mud season which is a whole different set of challenges icy mud yup so that is life on the homestead but it is good it is good yeah well hey we got a lot to cover so shall we move on take care of a question here and this question is from aj harker on uh the fermenting vessel post and let's see hello from snowy scotland right on aj well thanks for reaching out to us from scotland um we absolutely love your podcast they keep us sane through lockdown understand that and and now i have my first question for you i've been using your continuous batch kombucha method and i've got three liter large glass vessels with taps at the base i'm sorry i just have to succumb to using these things and i use them to make a large batch which i bottle adding flavors of the bottles for their second ferment the method works perfectly thank you and it's so much easier that the hundreds of glass jars i was using previously wow but i do [Music] but i do now have a problem the taps at the base of the large vessels are now blocked i think from the gunk which hangs around in the base of the vessel so i now have to empty them from the top of the jar which is tricky how do you keep your taps free-flowing and how often do you recommend fully emptying and cleaning the vessel yeah that that's a very real problem those um you know you get those big water jugs the big two and a half gallon like water jugs with the little spigot dispensers and those work really well for the continuous brew method for kombucha but it's got stuff in it you know it's got the mother and it gets kind of stringy and gunky so it does clog up the spigot so usually about twice a year i have to empty the whole thing out i just drain it off into jars and i take it apart and have to do a complete cleaning on it you can get replacement spigots i have heard people say that theirs have gotten so bad that they've actually just replaced it but i haven't had to do that yet i can usually really get in there and scrub it but the oddest tool that i have found that has really been helpful for this is you know when you get the little nutcracker sets they have the little pick that come you got a little handcrafter and then there's a little teenager picking the walnuts out of it it's almost like a little toothpick or something that's metal i use that thing i did go see i don't even use them for getting nuts out of the shell but i use them for cleaning out my spigot in the kombucha you know jug and that has worked really well but it's about two times a year make sure about once a quart once every three months you're checking the size of your kombucha mother because if it's happy it will multiply really quickly and you'll end up with really quickly fermenting kombucha because there's so much mother ratio to the rest of it and it does get a little strong it does start to get a little strong and it doesn't give you as much you know volume for the actual kombucha in because there's so much mother so take that off make kombucha gummies or give it to a friend or do something with it right you know generally they involve way too much sugar to call anything healthy so but the kids if it's squishy yeah and got sugar in it you know they're gonna find something they do they pretty much taste like a gummy bear if you do it right so wow that works out for us i've been missing out there you go okay we're ready to dive into the main topic of the day which is off the off-grid medical system now if you guys joined us a couple of weeks ago months ago yeah we've been rotating between off-grid and gardens but josh and i were talking about the different types of off-grid systems there are we we tend to think of the grid as being the electrical grid and that if you're off-grid you just have solar panels and you've detached from the main electrical grid but we've been talking about how there are actually a lot of different grids and a lot of them that really need to be looked at right now in history to see if we should be kind of distancing ourselves from them and the medical grid is one that came up and a lot of you guys got really interested in that and wanted us to talk a little bit more about the medical grid and you know that is not our expertise but we know somebody who's it is their expertise so we happen to have dr issa here he has started a practice called the off-grid dock and yeah so let's talk about what is the medical grid and what like if we're talking about getting off-grid what does that mean for the medical grid okay um so what you're touching on is is something that's very exciting right now in the field of of medicine and what we've done is it's called the the model that we're using is called direct primary care and it is a membership based medical practice instead of the insurance based medical practice and the reason why that's so important so as a physician i took my practice off grid to be able to do what i believe is practice medicine in the way that i believe is best interest for the patients as opposed to a lot of what happens in a doctor's office if you're on the grid insurance based model is you're jumping through a lot of hoops and you're there's a lot of red tape and there's a lot of things that you're so worried about getting paid and insurance approving this and that and auditing this and that that you forget that you are there primarily for the patient and their health and i wanted as a minimal amount of interference or restriction or red tape between the doctor and the patient it's kind of new but it's kind of old so like so so going off grid allows you to view your patient without a lot of the other lenses that are in between through the insurance and the different systems that are there right that a lot of doctors have to make considerations as they're looking at the patient and that i mean in our view at least caroline's muddies the water and you're not always getting that direct care and that direct attention where you're talking about just being able to deal right with your your patient exactly and not have some of these other things that you've got going on in the back your head or systems you have to work in that's right so i think it's so exciting that something like that's been so disruptive like covid is actually really kind of exploded this because i think it's come really to the forefront of all of our knowledge how much the medical industry is dealing with exactly that like that's right this is not just let's do what's best for the patient it's what's you know what the insurance is going to pay for and what's pushed and what the legalities are like all these different things so what are the different elements as you have the off-grid practice i mean you're able to step away from the insurance but how are there other ways that that affects your relationship with the patients oh sure so the the main uh the main thing that really affects the the relationship with the patient is once you're not on the insurance based model of practicing medicine and whether that's the government form of the insurance based model or private or commercial pay or whatever it is that model is is set up in a way that you just can't spend the amount of time that is needed to be you know to to get to if you're interested in addressing someone's problem a patient's symptom and getting to the root of the problem it's you can't do it in a 15-minute office appointment but the whole system and the insurance-based model the way you get reimbursed you have to design your practice around 15-minute office visits and then you have to pay a lot of money to people billers and coders to make sure you're writing the right words down for each visit you're spending a lot of time just trying to get paid for what you're doing as opposed to figuring out taking the time that you need to figure out what is the patient's problem what are their symptoms what's their lifestyle how do they eat when do they eat and figuring out what the root of the problem is as opposed to that's why i think with doctors we ended up when i i did the on grid medical practice for family medicine um almost 20 years ago and um you find yourself to to meet that time crunch and to get paid and to document and put all the right codes playing the games with insurance uh you you're constantly trying to figure out how to end the doctor-patient visit as soon as you get in the room and you say hello how are you doing dr issa you know whatever i'm trying to think how am i going to close this because i only have 15 minutes and writing a prescription for a for a symptom is a very fast easy way to end a a it's artificially ending a patient doctor visit and with this model you're not under those time constraints uh insurance companies i don't know if people realize this but insurance companies no matter where it is whether it's uh you know the government-based insurance or or commercial they audit your doctor's charts to see what diagnoses codes are there and if there's somebody that has obesity or high blood pressure or diabetes they want those patients on certain prescriptions they want to see that they're being given those prescriptions or me as the doctor will get uh demerit will get ranked lower as a good we're not as a good of a physician you might get reimbursed less for patients if they're not on prescription medications to match those diagnoses codes so your choices are limited even as a doctor in what you can do for the patient in that system in the time constraints and if you want to make the most uh you want to get paid the most from the insurance companies you've got to do these certain things and so that not not that you won't do the right thing as a doctor you want to but the the pressures and the everything's kind of lined up for people to be on medications forever and for you know just instead of trying to figure out what's going on so so i think this is this isn't to say there aren't a lot of doctors out there trying to do the best thing for their yeah but that there is a system there the normal system that we're all used to that inherently kind of gets in the way so you're sorry go ahead let's say so you're pioneering really a new system and and that's one of the exciting things about this last few years while these these been these dark clouds all around us there's often as this is a great thing about the human mind and spirit is we find a new place to go we find a new solution and so now emerging is this this new concept and model for medicine yeah i was going to say that this what you're describing in medicine that that's going to be really soul-deadening you know for the doctors to have to play this game they're there to actually help the patients and then they can't because they've got to play this game they're literally working for the insurance companies now and not for the patient and you know historically that's not the case before the insurance companies you had you were working with the actual patient that's right and so i love that what you're doing it's just taking out that whole thing and it's like hey let's sit down and let's talk again and let's spend the time that we need yeah i think that's really exciting exactly so can you cue us you were talking off camera about the two types of off-grid that's maybe a great direction to go about the our personal experience medically off-grid and then our interaction i think with you was the other one or however you would say that sure that yeah how i look at it like you're mentioning there's different you know with your house there's different ways of being off grid you know it's not just electrical but off-grid is a mindset it is being self-sufficient it's being a troubleshooter it's being taking your own there's two ways that i look at it in medically and that is as a doctor i took my practice off grid so i'm not dependent on these you know these uh you know pressures from insurance companies to do certain things that are artificially really and that's not the primary goal wasn't to help the patient so as a physician as a practitioner or provider as a healthcare provider you can take your practice off grid it's i my practice is independent of you know insurance company and i answer to the patient you know they're they're the one in charge and then there's the op there's the other side of me which i'm a patient as well i'm a human i want i have my own health and not just i'm a practice and you know practitioner but i want my patients and i want to inspire and empower people to take their own health look at themselves as off-grid and i don't have to rely on the doctor's office this medical model of sick care every month every month or every week or whatever it is uh anything happens and then it's i'm in the office and i'm getting a prescription you need to disconnect from that system it's broken and just look at yourself as you're in charge your of your health and you should be as independent and self-sufficient uh as possible so take your health off grit instead of every month getting a prescription for your chronic medications if there's something you can do different in your diet and lifestyle to get off that medicine do it and then you're unplugged from that system so just thinking differently well but people to to know that they can do something differently need a voice like yours to help them see how there is a different path there are different solutions because you're not getting it in the main model and so that's where it just gets really exciting that's correct is that hey you can help people see you know what actually there is a different way to treat this this ailment this symptom whatever whatever's going on that you're dealing with so i love this because most of you guys as homesteaders are really familiar with this idea although i've never heard it said in this kind of term like taking your health off grid you guys are really familiar with that a lot of people come to us and tell us that the reason they're homesteading is because of health because they've had a health crisis and they had to change their diet and then they started looking at the food and they started changing their diet even more and then they wanted to grow their food and so i feel like this is a very homestead message right there but the lack in that is most of you guys know as a homesteader you're doing all these things and trying to eat these healthy ways and then you have a crisis and you go to a regular on-grid doctor and they look at you like you're crazy like i remember telling somebody that i used i think one of the kids doctors that i put garlic in their ear for an ear infection and they said oh you're gonna cause all sorts of problems like they thought they were gonna you know have skin problems from the garlic just no idea of the different things that could be done and so this is really exciting because it can augment what we're already doing the things the steps that you're already taking instead of having to fight against it to get real answers that's exactly what my i'm passionate about is because i'm trained in the medical system and went to medical school and the traditional practice i'm very good at figuring out how to first do no harm because i know where the harm comes from with the prescription medications and with surgeries things that for example just because a surgery is approved by your insurance doesn't mean it's indicated or it's the best thing for you just because a doctor can get paid to do a surgery it just means the insurance checked a bunch of boxes but is there another way is there an alternative is it the best thing for me you know that's the question you should ask but yeah taking your health off grid i want people to figure out and realize i didn't know as a doctor five years ago because i i was morbidly obese and i had severe hypertension and i had severe heartburn i was on all these medications and arthritis and sleep apnea and i thought i mean i was miserable and i was already a physician i was already a family practice doctor it wasn't like i didn't know or i didn't have like willpower i got through medical school you know 16 000 hours of training i have no willpower that's how i got no but right you didn't know i didn't know how to connect the dots and i did not know what was possible i did not did not know it was possible to eat differently and reverse high blood pressure i didn't know it was possible to eat differently and let your body reverse the diabetes or morbid obesity i was over 308 pounds and i just ate differently and i put the connected the dots together and i was like because my wife would be like hey you know you should go see your doctor you're snoring your pain your heartburn taking pills blood pressure palpitations and i was like no i'm not going to go see them because that's me i know what they're trained it's not they're not helping no it's not helping no i said no one ever gets better when they see me for these chronic diet and lifestyle problems i said whatever it is the answer is not in the doctor's office because that's where i live and work and no one gets better no one gets off their medications or stops having these sim you know problems we can mask and cover the symptoms of something that's wrong so that that caused me to evaluate i got i was on grid and i was sick and then when i said there's got to be a better way my body's not designed to be sick it wants to be healthy if i just give it what it needs and avoid things that are harmful i bet you my body will go back to how it was because i wasn't morbidly obese hypertensive pre-diabetic fatty liver metabolic syndrome when i was born and that wasn't that way even 10 years before that as an adult i was an athlete and i was healthy something had happened and to know you touched on something that's it's my passion the other doctors don't know what's possible and guess what if your doctor doesn't know something is possible or doesn't believe it's possible he's right it won't be possible because they won't try you won't try something you don't think it's possible anyway yeah you've got to have that knowledge and you've got to have that belief and you know it's exciting because that's part of the homesteading off-grid spirit is thinking through things is looking for new solutions and finding a way to overcome it's a challenge and so you've done that and now you're helping other people so can you can you give us a little bit of how this works and and you know how does it work for you and your practice engaging a patient and then maybe we'll talk a little bit about how people can maybe find solutions sure so for the the medical practice sure like so what it's called what you're looking for if you want to be able to find a doctor that can really speak truth to you that can spend the time that you need to that's not jumping through hoops for insurance trying to get paid it's called a direct primary care model dpc direct primary care and that is that model that we're that we're following that allows us to do what we're talking so that's what you'd be looking for as a direct primary care or dpc of you know membership based there's concierge there's a there's a lot of different words for it but that's the key words that you'd be looking for and it's not that you can't have i have plenty of patients that have insurance you can have insurance and a lot of them do and they still find it valuable to have a doctor that's off grid they'll add my services and my you know expertise my and what i bring to their insurance you know practice model because they're you know whether their job pays for it you know it's provided to them from whatever they may have that insurance model but they want access to you know something where we can spend more time with people get to the root of the problem and get it you know direct and straight and get better so so that leads into another part of the discussion for people because a lot of people are in the model it's the model that they have it's model that works for them the insurance model and so thinking of stepping out of it even when you want to is challenging so what what do you see people doing that that want the solution that you have and then more doctors are starting to provide how do you you know how do you see them dealing with it since you don't take insurance right so so what are you seeing there um how people are using this sure so what people are doing is they're adding my services as a membership to my practice to get my expertise my experience and and my angle on health and medicine to their uh they may have a like a a commercial-based insurance product or catastrophic insurance product so for big hospitalizations surgeries accidents illnesses if you had to go to the emergency room or be hospitalized you've got some coverage for the big stuff also a lot of patients of mine will have a cooperative insurance uh you know plan which is uh it's i mean it's a little bit different it's than traditional standard practice but it complements to what i'm doing okay so that would be like the medical sharing programs that they have out there josh and i actually that's what we use for insurance and i know that this is um available to the christian community i don't know if there are non-christian programs out there non-faith-based but i think there are i don't know of one medishare is a large one we've used that now for for nearly 20 years um samaritan is another one that's great those are definitely christian sharing i know there's one other christian sharing that more of this is going to pop up as opportunities are coming and it's it's another form of off-grid because it works like insurance to varying degrees but it's not the insurance model and you got to look at them some of them work a little more like insurance some of them you have a little more freedom and how the payments are but they're a great alternative especially if moving in this direction for your health care is something that's interesting to you besides that you're helping the christian community as well absolutely sharing the burden so one thing that you've said a couple times is membership that you've got a kind of a membership model here so what does that look like for a patient because that's very different than what we're used to sure medically yeah exactly so in my practice it's a you know these direct primary care membership based practices they're a lot smaller than the typical insurance based practice when i had a practice uh based on insurance and you have to see you know patient every 10 or 15 minutes i i probably had close to 2 500 patients a couple thousand wow how do you get to know them you don't know right you know very difficult yeah with two to three thousand patients it's very difficult and so this type of a practice a membership based it's smaller it's like a it's like a family some doctor you you may have three or four hundred patients as opposed to 3 000 patients so you can see how that all all of a sudden it changes the the tone the mood and what have you so we can bill patients monthly or you can bill uh yearly but we interview each other we have a meet and greet to get to know each other because like i said it is a very you you get my cell phone you get my email we text we call it's just like you've now joined it'd be how i would take care of my family uh if they got sick or had any questions that come up in your health so we can come knock on your door at 11 o'clock at night well i mean give me a little heads up there's a lot of things but it's a it's a tight-knit community and we have like direct access 24 7. and you know who that person's going to be that you call it's not going to be an on-call center a random doctor covering for someone else it's so it's very tight-knit and you know we have it's a different style of practice and you i'm looking for patients and the doctors that do direct primary care they're looking for patients that have that off-grid mentality of i want to learn things empower me what do i do why does this work how can i stay healthy i want to teach people how to not need the md i want to teach people how to not need me you know and so what you guys are talking about this is that's huge and that's why it's membership based it's very close-knit family and community and i want to make sure patients know this is what they're getting i'm going to be trying to troubleshoot and problem solve like an off-grid person rather than throw a prescription drug at every symptom and not think about it yeah so it's different not everybody likes that this sounds like medical freedom to me about freedom and security here all right so okay you kind of teased us a little bit with your story your personal story and how you were having kind of a health crisis yourself even as a doctor so can you just in like a couple of quick sentences sum up what was the journey like going from that to where you are now oh um health health-wise or doctor-wise health-wise health-wise like where i where i was i was obese i hurt every day aches and pains a heartburn moody irritable hungry all the time cravings high blood pressure i was supposed to be on high blood pressure supposed to be on blood pressure medicine supposed to be on whatever heartburn medicine but i didn't want to take drugs every day for the rest of my life you know i was i was young but um so i did a few things with my diet and my lifestyle and actually it was the the why the what changed in my spirit was i was taking care of my dad that had a stroke a few years before at home and i was taking care of him injecting him with insulin and medications for diabetes he was having strokes and heart attacks and he passed away and i and i watched him die as a result end result of the things that i was beginning to have and so that was i said i got to do something different and that's when i came and i had a you know a paradigm shift where i like you said off-grid style i said what's going on here why did i get sick and what can i do and then you know and then got on it and i was like let's do it let's go wow very cool we're running we're getting run on short on time and i want to cover one more thing and that is do people have to be local to engage you or doctors like what you're doing what does that look like does it need to be i mean obviously it's probably best if it's local and we can meet face to face but is that the only alternative we've got people watching that are all over the country all over the world even as we saw scotland um so what what are options there for people that are like wow this is this is exciting to me this is interesting um sir it's not limited to local it's it's nice if you can be local or within driving distance because if something comes up where you need to meet in person uh do a physical exam or do a procedure like we do you know excision a biopsy or you know something like that it's nice to have a local doc but if it's just taking your health off grid learning how to eat and live in a healthy way you can do it remotely you can do this by video we do plenty of video visits and it depends if you're not practicing medicine i.e prescribing a drug or ordering a lab test or an imaging study or anything like that then you can cross state lines without having to have a license in that state so that's how it is so i know there are physicians so anywhere that they're licensed they could do a video visit and practice medicine if they needed to prescribe medications or order labs and test and diagnose they could out of state it just depends on where they're licensed at if they're doing just health coaching and they're not prescribing but you're using you're keeping your primary care doctor and using this you know physician as a coach that knows the medicine model and they can help you eat and live differently and they can say hey ask your doctor you know we'll work together they can order and prescribe and reduce your medications as you're eating differently and living differently they can do it all over the country wow that's exciting that's really neat okay cool where can people get a hold of you if they want to reach out and talk to you directly okay well uh i'd like people to go to my website offgrid.com i like your website that's a cool website i gotta say thank you very much my cousin made it for me all right yeah he's supportive like you said he's supportive of what we're doing and we're bringing health care in in a good way and free you know in a freedom type way for patients to get healthy and then if they want to email us at office offgrid.com so office offgrid.com is a great way to connect with us or you can go to the website offgrid.com and then check it out and see if this is something that you're interested in that is really exciting and you know look around in your area too and see if you have somebody doing this kind of medical practice bringing this up this is something we all want to support and kind of get on the bandwagon to give let's add some fuel to this fire because i think this is really exciting and this is exactly what the medical community needs right now and it is what our human community needs it's what we as people need to have some additional options to the medical system um you know to help things along so thank you so much for joining us this has been a great conversation you guys get the conversation going down in the comments if you have questions anything like that let's let's really just spark this conversation and get this fueled and going because we want this to happen everywhere so everyone has access to this kind of healthcare absolutely it's been hanging with you guys good hanging with you guys and we will see you soon [Music]
Channel: Homesteading Family
Views: 117,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, Homesteading Family, direct primary care explained, direct primary care model, homesteading off the grid, homesteading for beginners, off grid medicine
Id: fiO0CB5mz5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.