Go Forward | Exodus 14: 10,15 | Something Different

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Exodus 14 verses 10 and 15 when Pharaoh Jew near the people of Israel lifted up their eyes and behold the Egyptians were marching after them and they fared greatly and the people of Israel cried out to the Lord the Lord said to Moses why do you cry to me tell the people of Israel to go forward Israel was fearing for their life the Lord had promised them Cayla the Lord had taken them out of Egypt with a mighty hand there were many miracles that were wrong to get them out he could have gotten them out with one goal but he built it up over time so that they would get enough experience to know they can trust him and he will do it you know one of my favorite songs is I've been through enough to know that he is enough for me he's come through so many times and that puts my mind at ease that's actually my testimony he's come through so many times in so many different ways that I am sure he will always keep his word but here comes Israel God had done so much for them but now trouble comes the enemy's upon them the Egyptians are closing in on them and there's AC in front of them and mountains on either side and so they are boxed in where do we go how do you get out and of course they operated like most of us do with such situations they began to disappear and cry and complain and murmur and what if and it would have been better if we hadn't come out of Egypt hmm I wonder how many things you'll be ungrateful to count about no because it looks like you're in trouble but again dust and stones have been there there have been times that a blessing begins to look like it is no trouble or occurs and I forget how I rejoiced about how great the blessing was and I now start saying it's better if it didn't happen they cried out to Moses Moses cried out to God what I find God's response Harry he did not say to Moses hey this is what I'm going to do he said to Moses tell the people to go forward he said why are you crying to me simply go forward no because really God had already said that he would take that indicate God had already said that he would and his words are true he says his words will not return on to him right it is going to accomplish whatever he sends he promised that his words will be like the rain under snow that what of the earth and caused it to board Anton forth in other words his very word is a causative factor even if it is you saw nothing happening his word will be but he cannot work as long as we are stored waiting and worried because of how bad things look then he cannot do the next stage some of us are haunted some of us are crying and waiting and wondering why God hasn't come through but God says it's already taken care of but your victory is not where you're at you've gotta move forward move into the place of practice it will happen as you do it your action shows your faith and God will respond to you so today I ask you is it possible not your stock not because God is not ready to bless you but because you're afraid to move forward I know we sometimes console ourselves by saying nothing happens before the time but is that the real answer to your situation is it possible that something can happen after the new time these same Israel didn't they take 40 years to get into a promised land that they should have gotten in within 2 years wasn't the Lord ready to take them into the Promised Land when because of their fair and out he caused them to continue for another 38 years let us not fool ourselves God is ready he's ready to do what he promised it's time get out of the road step out what is it that's your next step God is with you Oh of course as usual I'd forward to hear from I want to hear from you like share comment let us share our destinies let us share our views on let us edify each other as iron sharpens iron be blessed and see you again tomorrow as we look at something different something new something else inspirational from the scripture this is your friend bishop friend god bless you
Channel: Bishop Dr Damian Ffriend
Views: 273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: High Expectations, Unusual Faith, Jesus, Christ, Prophet, Miracles, Christian, Believe, Surrender, Give Thanks, Gratitude, EXODUS, BIBLE, BLESSINGS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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