Go Airborne in the National Guard

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your heart's racing you're a little nervous put your hyper-vigilant right you have the training and not even the training but you have the courage to do it when I talk about the everyone operation as a whole it is controlled chaos in a sense you're orchestrating all these moving parts at once the amount of things you would have to write down that you just went and wrote one by one on a piece of paper it would be a notebook fold the things that have to happen with safety being the number one the energy you can just feel the energy its Laos could be you're wearing earplugs the roar is unbelievable you still get nervous when you're up there but you just got to trust in your equipment trust in a master and trust in the aircraft crew without each other then we have no operation so you're sitting on this bird watching those people jump and you just got butterflies in your stomach you're excited but you're also a little nervous if I focus on on what I'm supposed to be doing that rounds out the fear it's almost like all your training kind of takes over once we're hooked up it's just very automatic because we've been so well trained I'm always trying to focus on what I have to do a proper static line control that's just exhilarating just waiting for that moment reading about 6,000 and everything's quiet you get to see the world from a whole different view now it's time to start going through my drills of what am I gonna do next once I know I'm good and I'm going through my other functions you're just really enjoying the rise but the mc6 parachute jump you're grabbing the toggles and you're trying to see where the winds taking you and maneuver yourself so that you're facing into the wind the parachute landing Paul you have five points of contact while keeping your chin tucked and protecting your face it is a high-risk career essentially to jump out of planes my grandfather's Rhian on that and that's my little moment I get to share on my grandpa
Channel: National Guard
Views: 28,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: military career, national guard, national guard training, national guard jobs, national guard rsp, national guard pay, national guard ait, national guard army, national guard at 17, national guard bct, national guard basic, national guard college, national guard citizen soldier, national guard duty, national guard explained, national guard experience, national guard education benefits, national guard enlistment, national guard information
Id: nUExjcLgukA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 5sec (125 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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