Don’t join the Army National Guard untill you watch this...

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what's poppin people this brush noisy while I'm talking forgive me I just I like I'm fidgety and I was brushing my hair so I could look nice and sexy for y'all but you guys didn't click this beauty to see my beautiful face I'm just joking you clicked this video to figure out the National Guard why join what's the pros and cons I'm basically gonna talk about two types of people who join the National Guard the the person I joined strictly for the benefits aka free college which is the big incentive that recruiters preach and the other person that wants to make a career out of this and wants to do something with their life and make themselves a better person i'ma tell you why both of those people are wrong and it's better there's better options for you to do especially if you're young and dumb um like how I was I still I'm dumb now I'm just a little old but with that being said let's talk about the person who joins for free college now many people who join in depending on how you recruit it comes to you and how you are they'll be like oh you join you get free college you might get deployed you just go to basic training you go to learn your job whatever job you pick me go to that training and then you do a week in a month that is the long story short and of the National Guard in a nutshell and a lot of people joined because free college you can't beat that benefit they'll sign six-year contracts or three-year contracts a lot of recruiters will push you to do the six-year just because they have you longer like it's I don't know what they get out of like I don't know they get more points to parent who they did to join the longest but obviously they need the numbers it's all about the numbers at the other day so a lot of people go for the sixth year just because the six years comes with the the free down payment on a house which is awesome that's an awesome benefit but if you're joining especially if you're 18 fresh out of high school I'm 23 right now but if you're 18 and you're joining for the free college I suggest going active duty first just for the simple fact that you can save all that money because right off the bat if you join active duty and you can live pretty comfortably obviously you're gonna be in a military and it's kind of shitty gonna be the army number one I'm in the Army National Guard my recommendation is to join the airforce if you want to see some if you want to live better but that's that's a different topic but if you join strictly I'm gonna stop if you join strictly for the college benefit I suggest going go on active duty just for the simple fact that if you join a unit that especially if you join a unit that deploys a lot it's gonna like I lost a whole year of school for deployments and like doing annual training when you lose like time during the summer if you want to finish school like if that's your number one goal to join I don't think it's worth it I don't think it's worth it at all just because you're gonna be doing dealing with so much because it's part-time military but a lot of your large portion in your life is dedicated to the National Guard once you sign that piece of paper and you got there's nothing else you do so that that's kind of like my two cents is like if you really want to join just for the free college just do like a duty save all that money by the time you get out you'll be 23 if you like the military or you could stay obviously if you don't you can get out put a down payment on the house or you can even save all that money move in with your parents go back to school there's many options that you could do but obviously it depends on individual um and what you have and then let's talk about the person who has no other choice in life they want to do something with their life they're broke as hell I was kind of a little bit of both such all in the same boat I wanted the free school but also I was broke as so I was gonna talk about my personal line but at the time when I joined my car got stolen and then I didn't have money to pay for school and the only of the only recruiter period the only military recruiter that talked to me was a National Guard recruiter and I didn't know anything about Marines I didn't know anything about annoying what I didn't know what the air force existed I never just it's just things that I've never I was never familiar with so and I called him up and then he gave me the whole shtick the whole shebang and I joined when I joined I didn't really care about the poin I didn't really he kept the grill my recruiter I liked them because he was a hey look if you join there is a chance that you get deployed there's a chance that you can see quote unquote combat they're not gonna send and this is me this obviously could change but they're not gonna send National Guard soldiers on the front line though sing you out to places but it's not really a primary like it's it's a lot of this a lot of things to it but long story short you will deploy and if you expect not to deploy that's just stupid and then be being broken like I was 18 at the time when I joined actually I was yeah I was 18 fresh out of high school I didn't have money to buy another car I didn't have transportation to go to school transportation go to work and I was like whoa I'm broke I'm gonna join the military and then I got our basic training out of a IT I put a down payment on a car I had more money I got a better job to which also helped me it kind of helped me in my civilian life kind of established myself but I could have done that if I just simply went active duty and just save the headache of being part-time military having to call off from work because I got to go play week in a month warrior or I get pulled for like some type of annual training or it's a lot of things that you get pulled for and it's not really worth it and then another thing that I want to touch on is retirement the retirement is garbage unless you have prior service active duty it's pointless trying to make the National Guard a career out of it simply because we just don't get paid enough we really don't the money comes in when you really deploy when you deploy you're getting your active duty and you're getting active duty money which is full-time pay versus you take the word part-time and you cut that four times and that one of those four pieces is the money that you're making that makes sense and but free college right so free college is too big this the whole thing that everyone joins so you really gotta analyze your options you really gotta take you got a way out what you want in life and I'm not saying the National Guard is bad because I've had some good experiences with it but I've also had some terrible experiences with it so I'm getting out long story short so define the perspective if I was to do it all over again not only would I have gone active duty to get the same exact benefits to make more money to make my to make a career out of it but now I'm not not a full solid career twenty-year but just like a temporary like get my money up establish myself and then move on to the next thing in life that's what I would have done now what did you in the Air Force Oh with army period that's my best advice that I could give to anybody thinking about joining the National Guard and then for my people who want to make a career out of it to say you still want to you still want to join your best option is finding a job that deploys a lot a lot I can't I can't really talk about which jobs deployed a lot because I don't know there's like a safety safety issue so you'd have to obviously talk to your recruiter and tell them hey don't me give me a job at the toys a lot show me the money and then and there are units that deploy like almost every two years which is that's where the money is that and if you if you are in a position when you have a good civilian government job when you deploy you can get you can double dip you can still get paid from that civilian job while you're deployed track of duty so you're acting you're getting active-duty money and you're getting money from your your government job your civilian job I've done that before soldiers done that before because some some jobs make it so their policy is every active duty day you have in a military is considered a work day for them so if you're in a situation like that yes it's worth it but I've also if you make more money in your civilian life then it's not really worth it but I've known people I know people who you know got their there I got a degree out of it there's doctors that freaking go to school and they get deployed and they have to cut their order short simply because the army cannot match the money that they make in a civilian world so they did they just get out like they'll either be there for a certain amount of time and their orders get cut or they just don't get deployed at all it's a lot of stipulations of but if you're if you're 18 or if you young and especially you don't know what the hell you want to study or what you want to be in life is go I can do it but play it smart and save every dollar you make every dollar you make save everything you could walk out with in three years you could walk out easily with 40 stacks even honestly if you play it right you could get out like what I put a lot of money in your pocket it but that it also depends on how fast you get promoted and all that stuff and another reason why I don't recommend going trying to make a career out of the National Guard is because getting your rank up in the Guard is all about slots it's all about slots there's nothing to do with your work I think who you are as a person a lot of it comes from if you're friends with the people who are above you unfortunately this is how it works if you have that social like me I'm a social butterfly but I'm not the type of person to use my relationships to benefit me and I think that's stupid I think is it moral that's why like for the other person that doesn't give a about oh I'm gonna be I'm gonna be buddy buddies with these people so they can hook me up with these classes so I can get my rank up and get points up that's not the type of person I am but that's that's the game that you have to play versus active duty where you have it's based on points which is also based on points in the guard but there's no promotion board it's literally who has the most points and if there's slots available but they will pick a person who has less points over the person who has more points based on how they feel about each individual soldier which comes with a lot of bias couple personal relationships with that person I like this person more than I like that person even though this portion is person person even though this person has more points I like this guy because it's that's the power that NCOs have in the National Guard and that's why I just personally I'm like this is stupid it's just dumb versus being a person that like if your basic right like you basically get points on your actions how it should be but it's not it's often when it comes down to your individual relationship with your bosses which is kind of it's kind of stupid so I'm trying to make a career out of it it's it's not impossible but it's it's honestly is really not worth it because you know if you sign a six-year contract and you're only a t45 you have people who try making careers out of this and they're a 5s for three contracts on and it and it's not really an accomplishment becoming an e6 or even a T seven after like four contracts you know what I mean versus active duty you could get your a five your first contract you get your ecigs your next kind of tribe for my people who don't know what the hell I'm talking about I'm talking about a link you can get your sergeant rank and your big you it's all about gaining rank up so you get more money in your pocket and it's very difficult to guard it it's not even competition because everybody's lazy and fat you can be on you could be an average Joe and just be good at PT and you get promotions quick but if you have a bad attitude or if you just don't have that good that buddy-buddy relationship with your bosses they will do whatever they can in their power you do not get rank and that's the that's the life of anybody period if you gotta play that game you gotta be good with your mouth and that's after whatever y'all whatever you guys want to say and I'm not talking about that but you got to be good at talking and being nice to people and being buddy-buddy and I'm just I'm not that type of person but it is what it is take what you want to do with this information and apply it to your life I hope I answered a couple of questions and then let me know what you guys want me to talk about I have videos where I talk about home I got my gaming videos and I have my random vlog so please show support to that this time I'm kind of blew up when I talked about the military so obviously I'm gonna go back to it because not only am i in the military but I just understand how she works you feel me and I know a lot of active duty people I know plenty of people are gonna comment on this video and be like this guy doesn't know what the he's talking about I'm not gonna brag about the things I've done to get some type of credit from you guys because I know what I'm talking about but do your own research at the end of the day do do what you got to do talk to people don't just take my entire you know experience because obviously is it for everybody but I'll recommend you do so I hope you guys like this video I'm out peace
Channel: Jay_216
Views: 168,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xq-ePDZhP-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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