Gnosis - Meditation Techniques - Dalai Lama

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brothers sisters I'm very very happy uh to to find opportunity to talk with you about I say I think about happiness mental happiness of course I always believe the very purpose of our life is happiness now there are two kinds of uh how happiness one mainly uh I they come from physical Comfort uh another uh another kind of his happiness which essentially the mental thought or through how mental training mental training now obviously the physical comfort and mental Comfort the between these two the mental Comfort is much more Superior Superior is much more the uh influential the reason uh if our mental state in a uh calm happy then small physical uncomfort even some small pains we can we can subdue the other hand if our mind mind is in a state of very uh Restless or some kind of uncomfortable then uh the person may have the best the facility uh that person will not will not be happy person that's very clear so therefore the mental uh the experience is more important than the physical experiences uh of course when we talk experience that means some feeling feeling of mind but there are one immediate cause mainly physical another mainly minded self so there are you uh two two kinds of experiences now since this a mental experiences uh is something very important then it automatically uh say uh what say bring one one one one one one one one subject whether uh we can we can train or whether we can uh there a physical Comfort there requirement of the physical comfort you see through uh through certain way of effort mainly through money uh we can acquire the facilities now the mental site whether since you the mental the mental experience is something important then it automatically say bring one I mean I don't know what say I uh it bring one the Curiosity no I think curiosity or something or whether you see there is certain way of training or certain way of to achieve you see that that mental happiness uh so now here I think human being a human mind generally speaking quite smartly quite smart so not like other species of mamal but we only human being you see they uh through centuries you see invented a certain certain kind of technique uh using that technique then you see shaping our mind the other animals cannot do that so that usually we call meditation now here is a meditation generally speaking you see there are two type of meditation one analytical meditation that is mainly utilize reasons another kind of meditation is simply our mind remain put in a certain point without without change or without investigation simply a single pointed single pointedness the both cases the main purpose is our mind come to draw the point where we want you see uh to reach now for example yes now so so you say in any basically you see the uh sense mental attitude is so important is so the influential in our daily life you see the is the the very very the important element the you know in when when we wake up in morning they at that moment our mind we say feel they happy or uh fresh uh if our mood at that moment good then rest of the day generally speaking even you see face some problem but because of the morning mental mood is good so say some kind of influence will remain there so you see that you can you can face easier that day but there one day when we get up our mood something something dull or something uh or I think including what what called nightmare or something very terrible dream so when wake up our mind little bit uh unhappy mood then that day even some the small slightest something happen very small things happen oh immediately you may burst so the mental attitude is very important factor in our daily life the mental is a mental state calm then you even you some negative things happen bad news or tragic things happen uh it may not disturb much now I I I feel the usually many people the I I think in modern society or the society where you see people very much concerned about money about uh material development then naturally you see the uh the sort of tendency or the whole atmosphere is such that you see people pay uh very much attention about money about wealth and and for wealth you the education usually the education also I think some kind of oriented towards money I think we are generally neglecting about the mental what the about taking care about mind there too much taking care about external material matters but not not not sorry not not sufficient you see taking care about mind you are neglecting about basic human value and you see neglect about mind you see when we talk about you see love compassion human affection see we we cannot buy these things from from shop from Supermarket no matter you have you plenty of money but you can't buy these things you can't educate through experience through through deeper sort of realization then you see these uh these things of course will will come up so therefore now certainly I think many today's problem I feel you see due to lack of basic human uh I think due due to lack of realization or acceptance of basic human value or in other word I think we are lacking is a proper care about our mental about our mind or mental thing so therefore now meditation become you see important meditation is the only meditation is the instrument is it to to to make you see to to shaping right shaping right to transform to shape uh our mind according my own little experience you know the uh through meditation of course say I'm Buddhist monk I'm Buddhist monk I usually describe myself as a simple Buddhist monk so you know so so therefore the according my own experience of course through through Buddhist Meditation the when I getting older and older and in some cases the problem become more serious but it's my my mind and the problem become more serious and of course responsibility become more delicate way delicate but my mind getting older more calm more calm yeah I hope not not due to weakness of the body same the I think still quite fit but but you see anger or hatred you see these things comparatively say much less so result is my mind much more calm it's much more happy so you see this very very useful when I see they face some some problems one problem is happen of course I realize this is the problem problem we have to overcome this but at the same time not much disturb disturb in my peace of mind so this I certainly see can say this is the result of you see meditation so meditation is you see something very important now now you see there are various different kind of meditation now here I think I I would like to to sorry uh to mention to you the meditation you see the instrument of shaping mind right shaping mind or trans transformation right transforming the Mind transforming the mind this we should not consider as a religious subject like you The Compassion or Spirit of forgiveness or these things uh I I usually call these are uh human good quality now obviously when we when we born I think we are quite quite free from any ideology from birth we are not free from Human affection the religion come later I think the uh in fact the old world major religion is a car the uh more L the same message such as compassion uh love and forgiveness is the Spirit of Harmony and sense of Brotherhood Sisterhood all all all these things it t by the all major religious tradition uh and uh and I I I do feel the uh the these are you see in in very in major world religious tradition these are the very very important religious subject however you see this uh as it they does not mean that if you accept value of compassion or forgiveness then you must take religion as a as a whole if you reject or no more interest about religious thing then you see they also you uh ignore the these things uh see we so you see we have to make distinction the religious M the religious subject of purely purely religiously subject such as faith and the basic human good quality these are two things so said to me I feel the all major religions simply is strengthening basic human good quality nothing else without this basic human human good quality from birth if these are not there the religion is cannot cannot work so religion is simply on the basis of this basic human good quality then is simply you see trying to you see increase these things uh and you should put some different philosophy of these things in order to uh aiming strengthen or increasing these good human qualities so you see it is important you see to make to make known to know these are it's a different subject so whether uh believer or non-believer uh these good basic human qualities this is so long we are human being so so long we want be happy human being we want Happy Human Society you there's no point to neglect about these good qualities without these these qualities the individual or family or Community will not be a happy one that's clear now for example I myself also you see sometimes the I think quite often you see the idea which come morning and idea come evening or conflict conflict as a human being we have this smart smart brain so it bring lot of different ideas so there are lot of conflict there so even with one person is it different at different different time this different ideas has come so it's a conf there now have the meditation also you say I feel the not not necessarily be a religious subject simply a training of mind is kind of meditation so this is uh this not not not not religious religious subject uh now businessman or scientist or doctor or teacher is it the all I all all all different various different kind of professional work if you say the mind the person who conduct this field is their mind more alert more calm sharpness it's very useful in in various these field so mind is some some kind of the prime mover so the training of the mind is the every field you need very useful so Med Now there how do how to how to train our mind as I mentioned before briefly you see two kinds one analytical meditation that's I feel you more effective now because of a human intelligence you see they I don't know the the proper word intelligence I think intelligence or I don't know discriminative awareness discriminative awareness discriminative awareness but I don't know so uh so you know my English my vocabulary is very poor and the understanding about the meaning very limited so sometimes I may use wrong wrong term in you know the the see human intelligence or human discriminative awareness that's I think very healthy one that's I think that's one of the healthiest I think point in in human mind the from the Buddhist Viewpoint the skeptical attitude skeptical or not not easily accept but wait and carry experiment and try to look reasons then once there once you see the reasons and through experiment you get some experience then you accept that's is a Buddhist attitude that's also the scienti the science scientific approach so so you know the using reason is very very essential through that way see the real change concept change in the concept right take place through reason just as a simple uh the uh mere single pointless mind at the moment you may feel less disturbance but in in long run not much effect on our mind analytical meditation is say analyze the situation and using reasons and experiment then you really you see develop some kind of genuine conviction once the conviction is developed there then you see the whether you see they believe or you Faith now become very firm even you see someone say oh this is not the case then still you feel oh I already experimented I already you see and I I already heard analyze the situation through various factors now it become clear so you see the the other explanation will not affect EAS your mind simply this single point single point is single pointed as a meditation you simply meditate on the point not necessarily you should develop some kind of firm conviction so therefore if you different information comes immediately may change so the analytical meditation is much much effective and important uh so it's in both case the analytical Med itation also you when you when you analyze the situation the your mind sorry should should some kind of channelize all your mental energy now must must put on on one line so that you see the the force of analyzation become much forceful and go deeper so for that again now we need some kind of experience of single poess so they uh the I think the in both cases perhaps although I think analytical meditation usually the all the I think the say the academic world of course this is very much also using perhaps here say we if we uh if we put some effort or if you have some experience about single pointless uh meditation it uh it sorry it enhance enhance eneng streng so strengthen or stand or easier I think I make good better quality about analytical meditation M so now you let us uh let us think about the single points of Mind here usually you see the of course best place best best place less noise uh noise of Aeroplane the noise of K motor car or trucks or these things uh and especially what what call the that that I very very disturbance so without these things and also the wind or the water waterfall waterfall that also not good but but in anyway see where we live we have to utilize the our own place in more effective way so the best thing is early morning including a truck driver sleeping so say we get up early morning and then and then you say that's I I think is the best best period even in a city comparatively it's less nice and I think most important is our mind fresh uh so you see the the mental training means shaping our mind the shaping our mind through my through through through mind itself not external means so the Mind must be must must be very fresh and no feeling of tiess very fresh fully alert that's the uh that's that's the if you utilize that kind of mental state then it can work it can work more satisfact late evening our mind little bit T little bit feel feeling of tiess and even say you wish do something the mind uh like like tired uh animal we we cannot we cannot use properly so so therefore it's the early morning then I think simple uh one for beginner just say try to uh try to withdraw right withdraw although his a mind is within our within our body not ex not externally but the Mind usually you see remain here but always look outside that's pity so you see and also his mind always you see look outside and criticize and something interfering interfering exteral but never bother about mind itself so so now you see the we we have to see to to did to give new instruction to the mind now good you say you up to now you say you already you say check outside th good okay okay okay good now is the time is come is to check more mind itself go inside now here sometimes your eye close sometimes more helpful sometimes open mind I think long run open mind open open eye not not close or not deliberately open or close no just just some kind of ignore in way do not bother like like you say the certain a certain uh certain object whether is a mental object mental object or anything is visualize in mind then you don't care what what I see or what what i l you move just just you ignore visualize something is Insight then your main mind is concentrate on it then eventually that firstly withdraw our mind including the sense of eyes sense of hearing or these things withdraw at the beginning you sort of make determination now next few moment I will not I will not let I will not let you see these sens of organs you see uh go go go external object and especially even the senses goes the my main mind will not follow uh and then then also within the mind the thought is a memory about past um and some idea about future Future these these thought also should deliberately try to stop uh then then if you if you uh I say if you can the the duration some kind of thoughtlessness little bit longer the duration in eventually increase at the moment you may get some kind of feeling empty nothing that kind of some some kind of empty like space or just like deep ocean some of wave on the surface come and go come and go but the water itself pure just remain clean some that that kind of thing uh so that one way is a look mind a look to mind itself Al not easy it's not easy but I think it's worthwhile worthwhile to to meditate or to to say to try uh and then sometimes I think the one is is very very simple just close your eye and and do not think nothing nothing else right do not think anything oh do not think anything and just some of day complete rest but this of course is not much useful but for temporary some kind of relief you you may you may gain uh so that's that's one thing uh then another another level say is a compassion of compassion here means what's say the I think I I would like to mention about the the meaning of genuine compassion this genuine compassion is not only the feeling of closeness feeling uh and and also you say not not develop on the basis of this is my close friend or this is something something good for me uh on that basis is is some some kind of feeling of concern feeling of closeness that's not compassion that's I think reality more attachment reality that that kind of feeling is attachment so the uh the genuine compassion is is mainly the the realization basis of the realization that these beings also just like myself you see who want uh happiness uh who also have the right to overcome suffering on that basis this is some kind of the the the spirit of concern some kind of feeling of is a concern feeling of is a closeness uh now that is genuine compassion you see that that compassion you see can go towards your enemy the enemy you one aspect you see that that that person or that Community you see creates problem to me to us so see it it it called enemy it is true enemy it is it in reality in reality it is enemy is harming on us but the the very you see they very very personal very Community you see from from another you angle this is also human being this is also centered being is just like myself they also have the right to overcome suffering then is on that basis we develop uh genuine concern genuine feeling of concern uh now that's the that's the genuine is a compassion so the com genuine compassion is something unbiased uh the our narrow-minded The Compassion or feeling of love and compassion that is the biased one now like meditation meditate meditate on on compassion now first uh say visualize certain I mean think think is some unfortunate say people say now for example and uh those people who are facing starvation or who have the the uh mental defect these kind of people visualize or remember this and then you you develop some kind of genuine the feeling of concern about that or feeling of compassion then you they think more reason more reason uh then you you have what when when is some kind of a kind of emotion but this emotion relying emotion based on reason that is something different the attachment emotion no reason anger emotion no I think the basic nature no reason but some kind of spontaneous a emotional feeling the compassion this this kind of compassion you cannot come instant cannot come spontaneously spontaneously but you see analyze reasoning making reason thinking thinking think then you see this this emotion you see eventually is come so this this kind of emotion is based on reason although same kind of emotion very strong feeling uh a sense of involvement you see involvement there but you see based on reason so there are different kind of emotion so they analyze when when you develop some kind of strong feeling then uh when you really see have that is strong feeling then on it meditate your whole mind put or something whole mind now you the uh what say entering in it so now put there and without thinking without yes without any disturbance just simply medit on it that is the the something like writing and at end making seal that kind of thing analyze analyze then finally uh the the as a ceiling you see the your mind now determined I will I will remain on it that kind of thing then when you are feeling eventually a little bit weaker then again analyze and try to develop this strong feeling then make on it that that's the way that's one way so then you go uh days and weeks and months our mental attitude eventually will change the more compassionate is the feeling is it develop then much easier to tackle anger is it a uh hatred or these things negative emotion very forceful uh if you uh if you analyze no no sound basis but you see the moment very strong and when you see they when at the time of you fully developed the negative emotion very difficult you it to to react to control or TOA to react so the the the the proper way is they train the training the compassion and meantime the when when you develop more the appreciation feeling of appreciation about compassion then uh you you will you will see the negativeness about hatred how much is it trouble bring by hatred and including one's own health the constantly and anger comes constantly comes comes then blood pressures or no more sleep no more appetite all these things happen even if your with even even with your dear friend you may qu so the the anger I think International level or national level or family level individual level uh bring disaster so anger sometimes you see bring some kind of uh powerful forceful energy but that energy I usually describe blind energy so although some kind of additional energy come due to anger due to hatte it but that energy basically blind blind one so not so is not sure whether can be destructive or constructive so under certain circumstances we need some kind of counter measures some cases we need counter measure if is someone is should take advantage on you unreasonably right unlawfully we then of course say uh it is all right to to counteract but without anger without hatte it that we can do although not easy but you see we can do we can do so actually you see that that cation which taken by uh analytical meditation rather than hatred that kind of measure reality more effective so so so you know the these are the way to to shaping our mind then time goes really so I mean this is here you see the yes the realization about the about the negativeness how harmful how you see use uselessness or destructive about these negative emotion then one way the some kind of appreciation about this positive mind then your whole attitude towards this uh negative emotion now you get you already now then you you got some kind of question right question so you the mentally some kind of of distance develop so by itself the eventually you see these negative emotion will reduce will not come as often as before and meantime is the the positive emotion you see increase that's the way of you see changing our mind a transformation about our mind and then you see the more more work on mind itself analytical meditation and single pointless meditation these goes the sharpness of our mind increase uh and also the alertness alertness also the increase uh so you see the your mind in Daily your professional work you see you can utilize more effectively you can work more effectively because of our mind now in every field once our mind become sharp and alerted and meantime come so they all our professional Works can be more more successful and then uh then I think the most important result is more compassionate attitude develop then the uh some kind of the self-confidence will come it automatically reduce fear uh it's more self-confidence more determination more Willow willp power out of Pride that also is a blind one but is a self-confidence with is a sere motivation that's sound so self-confidence so when we look M matters there are when we you see when we analyze analyze matters there you some are good for health some are bad we need to see very precisely you see making say distinction similarly when we talk about mind there are so many different say different kinds some are useful some are NE harmful uh and also due to other factor it's the same kind of thought sometimes because of other Factor some sometimes become positive sometimes become negative now for example desire there positive desire negative desire and even I think the uh anger sometimes can be positive sometimes NE generally negative hatred I think always is negative I think but hatred towards hatred may be positive you know so then then you see the some some some kind of some kind of Eco there also the uh good and bad so we have to analyze all this detail in in order to check our mind that's very important uh then is a tolerance so so you see the more Inner Strength there then tolerance tolerance also you see automatically tolerance is something something like byproduct some rce self-confidence See Clearly the reasons then tolerance is there blind more narrow-minded then difficult practice tolerance tolerance then the tolerance cannot come if your mind is really see the all different angles uh and self-confidence determination there then tolerance come so tolerance in our in our life tolerance and forgiveness these things in our life as I mentioned before is I think very very useful very important now especially uh the in in today's world Unfortunately they du to due to different religious tradition religious Faith some really I think very very unfortunate you the events now happening in the name of different religion even even Bloodshed also is happening that's very very sad so I would like to share something about the tolerance among different Rel tradition I think very very important say uh World major religion like Christianity H different kind of Hinduism and uh I say the Muslim and Judaism and Buddhism or so on all these is a major world religion in spite different philosophy uh they all have the potential you said to serve Humanity to help Humanity to create peace of mind so there are is common things there we can work together and more than that each M each World major religion there are some kind of this speciality in each there are some special things there so you see work closely and uh and KN knowing each other especially uh the close contact among practitioner then we can we can really learn uh from other tradition so what's say enriching right enriching one's own tradition or one one's own experiences so so the the so not only the common CR but if each one you have some special unique things there so you see we can learn we can enrich one's own practice from learning from taking from other different Traditions from Traditions different traditions and another I think another angle simply see in reality uh one religion cannot sufficient for VAR right of humanity no matter what is that religion is good will not satisfy the right of people just like a dish or food M if if we have one restaurant who serving you say breakfast lunch dinner all time same same dish or this day next day whole month whole year one dish nobody [Laughter] come this is more more variety then is a more customer come isn't it so so so Auto so naturally the human mind there so many variety so many variety so many of different mental disposition so simply one religion one religious tradition you cannot certify that's very clear and also the uh all these major religion now last many centuries see existed on this planet there one religion you cannot eliminate other religions that also real reality whether we like it or not we have to live together under that circumstances it's much better live harmoniously so now especially in this country in India traditionally the the spirit ofsa I think very very rich very wonderful you see the philosophies there and through centuries you see the because of practice of aimsa believing aimsa is in this country not only is it produced not not only not only how a home of many different thoughts which you see come within this country not only that but you see the religious tradition or thought which come from outside also you see uh find home in this country such as Christians Muslims and Judaism so so the traditionally you see the aimsa in the in the religious field also I think very very rich so now today uh time goes but these the rich philosophy or Rich the uh say thought tradition no point to neglect we must uh we must keep we must sustain in these uh these values sometimes I uh I a half joke to my Indian friend you see traditionally you produce aimsa here but exported now too much exportation to much export now not sufficient to reproduce in this country you know in in in the past this outside world nobody taking much much interest about aimsa many people feel the sign of weakness but now time goes as a worldwide is there nonviolence nonviolence now more interest you see uh as a coming outside but but the country produce a little bit neglecting that's unfortunate that's unfortunate so so I really see the want or I think my wish or my how say appeal to my Indian brother sisters you see it is extremely important you see to keep your uh the the value of your tradition of course certain tradition the the I think the result of this old fudal Society these must must change must go but the other hand many deeper value in our tradition this must keep while you are acquiring about to Western technology Western science and these things you these once own Century old tradition must keep and is a combin combination modern as a material progress and spiritual traditional spiritual Pro spiritual tradition must com combine so that they not only benefit for Indian on this continent but also can can be I think the Great contribution for entire Humanity so that's very very important
Channel: Raphael Panameno
Views: 372,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gnosis, Gnosticismo, Buda, Budismo, Bodhichitta, Tibet, Dalai Lama, bardo thodol, bardo, Thodol, Dalai, karma, lama, muerte, Budista, Kundum, Krishnamurti, Meditacion, dyana, samatha, vipasana, Buddha, Samael, Samael Aun Weor, Litelantes, Evangelio, pali, litelantes, esóterico, metafísica, Cristo, cristianismo, biblia, Jesus, meditacion, Meditation
Id: q_nPcjEHU8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 31sec (2971 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2013
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