Gmod Sandbox Funny Moments - School Edition! (Garry's Mod)

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all right it's the Sharks my turn yep yep you got this mr. Sharkey I got this I don't know if I could top what you do but I got I got this manner happens here we go [Music] [Laughter] guys I cannot wait for school today it's gonna be sick I heard it show-and-tell today I heard it show-and-tell today yeah yeah you know we're gonna learn today we learn about vaginas gonna learn the second half of the alphabet yeah I'm so excited sandwich hey look guys the boss here guess what guys Twitter's not here today we could do anything we want take on the wall all right sit the [ __ ] down enough [ __ ] [ __ ] horsing around goddamnit come Bob you lated okay okay okay that's not your seat what do I sit again in the [ __ ] front sit the [ __ ] down dude wrong chair left you see the kind of [ __ ] survive to sit down before I sit down ready to learn Dale are you thank you can I go to the bathroom no someone already went to the bathroom on my [ __ ] desk all right we're gonna do roll call if you're here say I or something delirious hi moose knuckle I'm just here so I won't get fined um bear no glue mm-hmm bunch of question good a potato mini lad hi basically present and vanos what do you want over the bathroom no all right well today we're not gonna be continuing our lesson on alien abductions or whether this is today ladies and gentlemen I rely upon vaginas no that's next time on ax yeah no that's next week today we're gonna be doing show-and-tell yeah my name is mr. a wildcatter I that's how you shall refer to me anyway yes show-and-tell so I understand that you have all brought an item that you were going to show the class [Music] all right you who wants to go first yes no glow yes sir no glow you're up alright so who go all right mr. ceiling man okay step up show your item and tell them about it let me have very good today I brought my dog you just got a beat on them a couple of times to wake them up Oh God delirious wake up alright so delirious brought in a dead animal that was fun alright hit me trust me we wish we could have skipped you would like to go next for show and tell I think the guy at the back wants to go yes no glad come on up alright hey I understand everybody gets a little nervous well we'll go wait till the end for you okay alright class ladies and gentlemen welcome just show and tell today is this very story no it's show-and-tell okay so this this is called a fruit gun okay shoots fruits so our teachers gonna come shooting out of that gun sit on a stack of books just it reaches crayons alright continue with your show-and-tell oh yeah okay so this could shoot any fruit you want what fruit do you guys want to see so I heard banana apple alright banana it is okay okay yeah so I need a volunteer from the class okay all right so all you're gonna do is catch the banana all right one go okay three go [Music] alright that was awesome thank you for bringing that in and show me did you draw the huge [ __ ] on the wall it was notebook anyway thank you for that advance that was very nice until you shot me in the face for the bananas who wants to go next three of you in all day alright alright mini show us and tell us what you brought today hi my name is I don't think we'll be seeing him back to class anytime soon so who else would like to go there are three of you left there's basically oh hey you're back to really clean pair of pants so cute look at this oh I just made it it was a fish I was gonna say if it was over ten pounds I was gonna get a piece of heart but I ate it on accident oh I'll go want to go I gotta go get for us dance okay here we go okay guys listen this is my brother okay and I have an admission to make to the entire class I am actually right shark and this is left shark he got all the attention he didn't deserve it killed left shark i'ma drop em I swear to God your brains are already dead oh yeah yeah good bye bye awesome he brought a camera to class oh no oh grenade grenade I love frag grenades Michael down the hallway I'll be right back all right here I come all the way from hog Manuel amazing you shoved it up your ass and it came out your hand all right you're taking way too much time I don't know just put it down that's not yours [Music] [Laughter] all right no go what do you got for show-and-tell Oh claw nothing nothing at all anything you like to share you could share anything with the whole class all right guys he just needs a little encouragement I think and that concludes show-and-tell unless anybody has any last-minute things they'd like to know it's not it's not it's not something amazing I made a best friend yesterday when I said I want you guys to meet him just like all of Ria's friends all right class that was a very successful show and tell I want to thank you all for showing and telling us about your items only one student died this year that's a record for the rest of class today I got a surprise for you we are gonna be going on a field trip let's go [Music] Budda Budda bowling alley but a bit up cut to the bowling alley but but if I'm driving in the grass I'm not gonna lie I fell asleep the last like two hours that drive we made it here unfortunately either closed but I slipped the owner I slipped the owner of 20 and he said you can just do whatever you want clean it up so we've got the whole bowling alley to ourselves as morally as we clean up so let's knock down some [ __ ] pin table properly we each have to get a strike the first team to have all three players get one strike yeah that works this is a haptic man look at this got it man he's got creating his entire life for this moment believe it you got it Oh got it you got it man my dad's gonna kill me turn line it up line it up line it up whose e-waste here be number what I taught you son son not my dad oh don't let me distract you that was awful let's use a new weapon now which weapon is the trusted recruitment yeah all right so let's use the crossbow we only thought oh my spin as fans hang up pick it up and come on pick it up again drop it spin oh shoot once you got the ball again put it back down and then BAM it's the short time I turn yep you got this mr. Sharkey I got this I don't know if I could top what you do but I got I got this man [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] go down tap it in just tap it in just look at every lap every take this ball and bring it home go home yes no it's my friends alright just bowling alley up alright we're definitely getting sued okay was the best remember was I mean delirious was the best strike vote just I am I'm gonna throw either no the shark guy guys it was good what yeah where's basically Oh [Music] all right guys you ready the pins strike okay guys I got one are you ready ready ready huh no up in there what do you need why you starting your fin hey if sharks don't jerk off once a day they die it's a it's a fact looking up like jerking off in class [Laughter] yes that was again those [ __ ] hot
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 37,347,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage, video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, DLC, Puncake, Parody, Glitches, Glitch, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Multiplayer, Gmod, Garry's Mod, Funtage, left shark, katy perry left shark, shark, gmod sandbox funny moments, gmod sandbox, sandbox, garry's mod funny moments, gmod funny moments, gmod school edition, gmod bowling
Id: p0TEZi30T5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2015
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