Gmod Death Run - Mr. Beast Challenge Map (Ft. Mr. Bean)

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i put five desperate youtubers into a giant red circle the last person to leave this circle wins the grand prize of 500 000 calendars [Music] [Music] the whole video bro i really don't know i can do that fine that's why the talking is gonna be rough today i've gotten five people in need of a kidney [Laughter] and one kidney [Music] oh the greatest villain ever the thing about this circle it's very round it's quite big why did they never make a battle royale using this yeah that's pretty funny wouldn't it oh my god [Laughter] unlike you i don't need to resort to shitty laugh tracks from my jokes come on stop stop [Laughter] let's just do this everyone get in circle whoa we're gonna be in a mr bean video what did it say did it tell me to press the button it did hey wait you're not mr beanst you don't sound like mr beans [Music] you have to speak from your lower intestine [Music] i didn't know we what was that i think the red just comes in and then we stay in the middle and we're fine pretty easy ah okay i'm picking one i'm picking one are you doing friendship um [Music] oh god damn it all right surely he wouldn't do the same one three times would he would he yes i really wish i knew i feel like the more you think about it when you're death i always [ __ ] get it wrong but i would just [ __ ] go [ __ ] me who's next come on pretty much done this side well you two got through here twice no he's on that side every time cody every time he's done this side well then that means he probably did that side yeah so just go this side okay this side [Music] okay lamborghini okay okay okay [Laughter] [Music] watch me die when i go now no no that means i have to edit you into the video so you can just go past [Laughter] come on cody if you go now i'll let you live okay sure hello brock hey you have you have your life track ready brock does this mean that you like me did you want me in the video here we go i want people to be like oh god that brock guy's got a great sense of humor i'm gonna go yeah yeah he freaking does [Laughter] so yeah now you all have lives except brock unfortunately only has one life left and cody is two oh yeah i caught the last one yeah i was a girl sparked dude very unprofessional sorry this anyways ah 360. [ __ ] 360. yeah you can never be too careful ah i see you son of a [ __ ] what what are those hey hey hey wait what oh they're leaf blowers they leave floating gotcha oh how did you not die i don't know [ __ ] she just went when did mr bean do a thing with leaf blowers [Laughter] never mind mr beast i'm gonna be honest when you said that my mind went wait do i not remember the one where mr bean did something with leaflets i'm like they're all laughing because they remember that episode that happened this is a lot of glory holes yeah a lot of metal penises a lot of terminators waiting for a happy ending come on who has [ __ ] who has three lies no glitters come on dr bean he's not just gonna wait for me anyway evan yeah you're right oh am i in the video now huh yeah put me in the video now yeah [Laughter] we love what what whoa what the [ __ ] those are slow vegetables i might win on the very first run this map i haven't lost a life yet this is great [Laughter] don't get lost in the sauce i think you're all going to die on this one yeah so i'm just going to go on and lose life oh my gosh yeah wait no what it's just marinara sauce guys hey just jump up here wait is this are they gonna come back wait were there more things spinning wait we have to oh now they're spinning oh dude it's like vr all over again time to go bean mode did you do it arnold and mr green it's tired yo look at him go help me oh okay yeah i'm not helping you i'm not gonna survive this [ __ ] you [ __ ] all right step right up what is this gold 50 million amount spent there's a chair oh it's for the [ __ ] c it's the [ __ ] ocean oh yeah this is this is the episode where he he doesn't realize that guy's blind right on the beach what eva you're you're back on you're back on mister no mister not mr you're using the [ __ ] out of me you gotta build it up little bit a little bit of the suspension i can hear the keyboard so i can tell if he does back up ah mix it up ah yeah listen to that since right before you joined the call look at all the space in the room man it's a sliver i'll [ __ ] shoot you [ __ ] god what's going on in here oh well we're definitely gonna die at this one there's a big trap all right well it's pretty easy as long as you're looking sideways it makes it much easier boom right right [Music] i've already lost the life so now it's just about the learning curve [Music] my [ __ ] vision the [ __ ] evan do you want to pick this one you picked this yeah yeah whatever what are we doing you just uh walk oh i think you just walked through wow i think that's right all right you someone do the honor i'm not i am not picking this this is the last trap this is the last trap too much pressure can't let nobody win on the first time i'm i'm not i'm not even don't let brock do it no don't let bro oh no okay here we go let's go to this one jk dumb [ __ ] [Music] by the way you are chunky holy [ __ ] yes you thought carbohydrates were your answer is this good for the pain no that's just horrible that is the worst and hear your beard rustling on it so let me guess you have the very bottom of the pringles can right at the microphone no i have a tube from a from a poster i got okay okay from my calendar oh this is a batman map now yes perfect right on time right here merging everything everyone get in the circle wait where do you die where do you die [Music] [Music] i don't think i can do it like it's like we're talking and then it's just this thing in the background making noise like no good do you do you use mic monitoring where you hear your voice in your headset no exactly there you go so yeah i could have told you that brian let me see what i sound like in his mind he's a [ __ ] tom hardy like like hd movie voice actor okay i think we should do friendship tests on these yeah all right you're my friend right yeah don't do don't call that one evan don't go that one mr van ass oh just tip toes so wait so what happens if i don't go what does that mean can we just get a hasty [ __ ] mr van off no please don't go that way cody go the other way quickly before mood can oh you're screwed cody okay three well i got squished by that one i can change it up so okay yeah three two lamborghini more cash go yeah he tried he tried to tell me he tried to sell it you can go brian you can go just you there you go cody you can go you can go what a terrible rap job by the way on this car yeah you can go oh all right evan you can go thank you oh no now go don't move no you can go now go don't go oh that jump oh that jump really got me oh look at that oh no how do i sound terrible great [Laughter] okay so now we have the uh the dildo famous famous episode famous episode of mr b you're a yes yes yes i can't tell if that's the actual leaf blower in the game or the one from your microphone well he's not around today he's not around right now okay death by dildos so no jumping right uh this one i don't know it's a pretty quick one this one's bigger i think the bigger ones are first that was pretty cool pretty slick that i think it was that thing that killed him yeah it was the explosive barrel that killed him [ __ ] sucks this is the slow vegetable trap so you slowly walk past just like that oh my god oh my god what my neighbor has a leaf blower right now oh what a what a coincidence he's not at nogla's house he's come he's come up to me one sec make it as loud as possible with zero noise get oh yeah that's listen to that baby purr that's it i think that's the black decker electric leaf blower black decker yeah [Laughter] ah yes the black deck i'm just watching [Laughter] okay here's a little tip i think see the green pizzas i think they disappear when they do why are you saying you think weren't you [ __ ] beat last round i couldn't see through the tears of joy and laughter it was such fantastic comedy and i think everyone would really appreciate it go on activate i dare you dare you uh i i don't wanna man you you've had a tough day today wait oh my leaf blower guy's here is this a dual leaf lower gameplay a dual leaf blower [Music] dude that mic jesus christ you guys in the comments need to tell her to buy a new mic that's not from nasdaq they're hearing asteroids orbiting the earth jesus we're good now i i put my noise get up and everything we're chilling there should be a preset for the noise gate called leaf blower it dials it in perfectly all right all right all right i got one live i'm scared i don't want to go i mean i'll go he doesn't need to waste it on me though because i suck at this yeah same so don't waste it on me either i'm scared no no just oh oh just take the spinning into oh oh there's a ladder here oh really sick ladder man yeah there's a ladder right free and there cody you're freaking clear he killed himself go go nine years oh okay get that ladder go get on that ladder there's a ladder over here [Laughter] [Music] what about this one oh no cody get away here we go esports [ __ ] racing cats here we go he's done the trigonometry he's still in the algebra he's got it down oh my god look at this he's an accountant so he knows numbers it's easy all right all right there could only be one winner yep one one winner so one at a time you all have one life okay none of that [ __ ] counted should i go last sure [ __ ] it no no i'll go first all right don't pick that one [Laughter] which one was i looking at follow your follow your heart or your penis my penis leans to the left hey then don't pick that one i'm trying to warn you here don't pick that one don't pick it uh good job i told you not to pick it oh technically the trap did get him go on ahead move but i will say definitely don't do that one what way does your penis lean don't choose basically it kind of like goes in [Laughter] oh just pick one but don't worry about it just don't pick that one there you go i wouldn't have picked that one personally you have to go in uh did you guys put the c4 in there no i guess that's the prize all right this is it all right come on this is for a hundred billion million trillion dollars i guess i should open them up now any anything could happen anything huh anything anything any anything anything anything as long as anything [Music] such a quiet victory look at all this money wow oh [ __ ] cody's rich af holy [ __ ] well cody it's time to quit that accounting job yes yeah hold on hold on hold on i'm gonna put this money aside right here i'm going to draw a line of uh everything on this side of the line there we go yeah i was going to say the lines just disappeared damn it batman this really would be a lot easier if you just used able oh yeah where are we going to promote it this video i don't know oh yeah yes what he said please don't let this become the calendar of apps okay it's 14.99 [Laughter] when you're done with the calendar you can do a sick bane impression just like noga yes you can [Music] the country [Music] i
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 3,166,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, Puncake, Parody, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Xbox One, MultiplayerPS4, Funtage
Id: LHMDbDsr2ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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