GM GOLF x Ben Baller x Martin Borgmeier

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[Music] all right guys well today here with Ben Baller for those of you that don't know him he's uh pretty much the greatest of all time Jeweler now golfer big golfer now podcaster what else do you do how do you describe yourself how you doing people say uh I'm a modern day renaissance man you know I gu no I'm an entrepreneur you know but I always say this um no matter the alkalides and uh achievements I've done in life um I'm a father before any other titles in life there you go I was uh a DJ Once Upon a Time you know I was a music record executive and uh gotten a jewelry and um you know found some success I think uh marketing is what I specialize in but golf is what I love you know so that's all I care about how long have you been playing golf two more days it'll be 19 months that I've actually like actually played golf yeah so it's still new and I think that I wish I started when I was like 15 17 20 30 40 you know to start golf at 50 is definitely tough but it's never too late though that's a good thing about golf you can play it till like you die pretty much but you know my coach said something that that that stuck with me and it's all my golf tow it's golf will always be there for youf ain't going anywhere oh absolutely so you know it's it's been the greatest game ever yeah well it's sick a fun R another random match like we've been doing some random matches on the channel or random forums is a very random fora today it's me Ben Baller who I just did a little introduction to Martin borm Long Drive Champion hits the ball country mile he's going to be teamed up with AJ today Mar sick though welcome to the channel hey thank you yeah is first time you've been on GM Golf it 100% the other one the one in Arizona was on good good which was sick huh the memories huh all the memories the flashbacks that was a really good day yeah it was really good no I appreciate you having us and me that that that's sick and I can't wait to whoop your ass okay let's go sounds good nine holes straight up match play Ben and ey scramble well I am going to drive the ball about 200 yard so I think I should maybe go first right so you kind of see Ain going very far I'll tell you that just put something out there yeah I I can feel it I feel like this is going to be a dream team today I really do perfect look at this man that ain't no 200 230 lead on now at least went down the middle I'm impressed stop that bro stop that I'm impressed I'm just glad it was straight that's like the first drive I've seen you hit on a course it's perfect all right here we go solid start go do that AJ yeah I mean there's me hitting driver today is kind of silly I'd say it's more of uh I I'm just trying to put one in play for my partner and then you might be able to drive almost every graen so driver in hand we're going to try to take the corner I'm feeling really good I'm feeling like we're making birdies yeah okay yeah it's about the birdies today that is perfect oh my God AJ if you keep doing that right this is going to be the best round of my life with that in play it's perfect oh man I love it perfect I love it now wait till you see this this is absolutely insane uh yeah oh my God so that's in Plano Texas right that's on the green where did that go to Plano or that went to to galv I really don't know but it was a really good shot I'm really happy with that are you kidding me bro it's got to be or something you kiding me bro that was a sick star um talk to me about your podcast a little bit you do a golf podcast so I have two shows yes I have a personal show called behind the baller where I do not talk about jewelry just talk about being a dad talk about everything behind the business and just more like you know uh and I don't call myself motivational coach just more like more life situations you know all the uh failures I've had more more than I talk about successes I talk about my daily stuff but then we started a golf podcast called part three me Steven Malin and then uh JR Smith two time NBA world champion he's playing uh you know college golf now going back to college so is he still in college he's still he's finishing his last year now at at North Carolina at an and um M was playing like 30 40 years yeah what level of golfer is JR Smith cuz like Jr's about 1 two one two yeah cuz that really shocked the the Golf World when they saw him go back to college or whatever yeah it all comes down to the short game I'm not intimidated by Martin I listen when I was 15 I was driving at 190 yards and I was going up against kids that are out driving me by 70 80 yards every tournament and I would lose every single time I thought that was going a different direction but I was never really intimidated too much uh how far do we have 88 88 yards do you feel like wind's still coming into us a little bit or no I don't think it's coming into us too much might it's more just off the left I think oh my Lord all right 88 yards got to put right don't spin oh you dirty little I know you hate it no that was so bad the funny thing is I'm like yo that's my that's my number 88 dude it's that's no Let It Be it's funny ladies and gentlemen this is the farthest Drive I've ever seen on this hole I'm pretty sure I'm going to say that a lot today but holy M wow and it's end of the win we got eight more holes it's into win yeah you're right that's what you told me exactly what told you to do I mean Jesus wow I mean the man can hit bombs 400 yards and he's got touched like that you're cheat code you're actually cheat code look at those hands I just need someone to tell me what I have to do thank you I appreciate that's come on put it in the hole let's go put it in the hole ah see go go not enough speed okay so we take mine right great birdie what do you think ER it's going obviously right to left I mean left to right yeah left to right hold on these greens are always tricky to me I don't see a ton I think like initially the brake is in here up until around here looks like there's a little slope there right little baby one yeah you know what it's kind of gradually moving the whole way I think that's the line just think it's a lot slower slower dude the the practice screens were super fast I like that line that you started on got to straighten H oh look at that speed that part all right all right well if Martin's in his driver straight I have to say it's going to be a really tough day cuz if Martin's locked that's going to be tough ready golf here Ben do you have any nicknames just Ben Baller been balling man ball they call me the wash Lord the wash Lord that's clean I like that cuz you know like once I became a dad became kind of washed up right so I'm the boss of all the washed up dads when you beat all the wash dads you got to face me you have a son named Ryder right yeah Ryder did you so did you named him after me you like watch the videos I definitely going name after you [Music] but damn come on dude that's not a 220 yeah that's way more ridiculous that's a but hey it's it's it's on it's on The Fairway that's all I care about oh [ __ ] I always go in that bunker I swear I pray to God you don't oh it's over we're good we're good we're good that's fine over there all right I'm going to try to find the Fairway for you big man then let you send one oh I do AJ just tell me that's still okay there I think that's still in play Kevin yeah that's not too far left so you're good it's a dog like left you missed it left so we're good yeah god dude that's car line he needs to sit is AJ okay I hope so sit I hope I hope okay you're still still maybe okay then we get you're still in we're good we're good is that in someone's backyard or is that like not sure about that fence there wow dude the amount of stories that I've heard from you is insane like you've been around the jewelry industry and all that for so long like how exactly did you get into all of it like what was your so I was in the music business okay for a long time I met a lot of cool people being in La I met Dr Dre Tupac at the same night and I was DJing Jada Pink's birthday party okay and this is during the like the Heyday of death row and all that stuff and so I got into the music business worked on Jay-Z's first album you know did a a lot of Dr Dre stuff I started collecting sneakers been sneaker collector since the ' 80s sold my sneaker collection in 2004 spring of 2004 and uh I made just over $3.1 million crazy just off sneakers yeah just off sneakers what the so uh I I took yeah I took some time off you got to be joking this is me I think they're oh he's out yeah come on now my cousin had taken over uh my uncle's business Joy business and he came from Korea as a jeweler by trade let me try it out immediately in the first month I land uh Mariah Carey Travis Barker Mariah was your first yeah game and NS so like four enormous stars but then after a certain amount of time it was the Myspace days I knew that I was like look I got to start making Joy I can't just like design it and sell it I went crazy you know like I I I I blew up in the game and obviously I won I had won the Jeweler of the Year award then I won it back to back so that was a big deal winning it two times in a row you know what I mean and um that kind of changed it and obviously the the Plain Jane song ASAP fer change you know I just got really bored with it and um so now I kind of do you know six pieces a year I took about a year off I just want to play golf yeah I'm telling you though we still got to get a good good CH oh I got you I got you easy for the people who don't know let's introduce yourself Martin bourm World Long Drive Champion I'm more of a content creator than a long driver I utilize the platform of drive to legitimize what I do on socials right but I just enjoy creating so much so I'm probably more of a content creator than a long driver that's awesome my my shade could like possibly yeah if only the shadow worked sh dude physics are off like something's going on is this Unreal Engine five or something like it doesn't work like shoot um okay so you guys are you're OB so you guys droing hit well I guess you can drop from AJ's huh that's Hazard over there all right yeah two 219 so whatever you feel I mean aim left side if anything oh Ben you doll oh my dude this is great come on yeah no that's a good shot though we're good 220 I want to get one on the surface for us like I said on the T an eagle would be very nice here oh yes sir wind's taking it a bit right that's fine it let's ho out yeah we can chip that in we're good so unfortunately my ball went into the hazard so we do have to take a drop here so we're dropping two hitting three we have 230 yards I've got four iron I try seven I actually try your seven you got a seven yep because you AJ got the perfect clubs that I need what is that doing dud it's wind off the left you see how that got pushed yeah jeez yeah super high up there my partner hit a seven iron that's unreal I have four that is my teammate right there dear Lord get left stay there get left little little right of the green but hey overall we can get up and down from there we're making birdies okay Ben how are we thinking you you still first um yeah sure man just do a little like bump and run type a little low little some got the same idea I have a 56 so it's a little lower yeah let's make a [Music] birdie come on now come on now there we go Nice Shot thank you man so almost like straight at it like almost at least okay happy goore what you're not saying anything okay it's just a regular P okay okay okay you got it okay here we go dial see feet to the right see how it comes back to the left just not enough it's going uphill later I guess that's too a little bit yeah a little bit little bit too hard prefer that over mine though you guys won't have to worry about that we're going to knock this in ah I shouldn't that might eat my words who knows we'll see I don't see actually I mean I see it pretty straight to be honest I don't see too much that's in the D going so slow it was just so fast on the thing dude theirs is almost cut into the grain so it is slower than our plan look at that come on let's go we got our we got our groove back we go good job Garr thank you good job thank you all square baby all square come on what's the craziest story you can say on camera cuz I was just telling I was just telling Ben this off camera by far guys the best Storyteller I've ever met in my life it's actually insane we literally first time we met Ben we all were just sitting around in a room in our Airbnb in San Diego just like obsessing over this man's stories for like an hour straight just listening to the man talk it's like it's seriously what's the craziest story you could say on cam yeah I have stuff that will probably go to the Grave with me I'm just trying to think of like I'll put you in a topic what about like golf related what's some of the crazier stuff You' experienced or have you I think my first round of golf was with Joe peshi and Lee trino and I don't know anything about golf I took a 56 wedge out and I had 200 yards the whole you I didn't know like anything right I didn't know 56 was I didn't know I thought 56 was higher the number the harder far was going to go and the whole time Joe pesi is just cussing me out like you know he's like real good Fellas dude he's like he's like shut the up and I was like all right man okay and I was like what club are you using don't worry about club I'm using use your Club I had no idea what to do whatever Lee trino totally different he's like hey man swing this way you know I mean meet your hands clap you know put your hands and he's give me all Joe PES serious he's just like that he's funny I play a lot of rounds with Joe pesi but like leino's amazing yeah and then uh he's a legend he really is so this kid had the course record on the course and he starts talking [ __ ] to Le pil man um my dad's a fan of yours so I don't need any help man I'm good I have the course record here I have know anyways you know what I mean one of the greatest ever yeah yeah he's telling me a story how he's going to the US Open no I'm sorry dinosaur which is now the century in pal Springs and he went to Big Five and got a $50 putter from Big Five and one to dinosaur with the $50 putter that's the most so they go in we're on the second hole Yeah rest of the game he is murdering this kid he's using a hybrid from 140 130 out and he's still this short game was disgusting just added this he Clinic he put the clinic on this kid he's always he's always been good even in his later years 82 years old yeah it's crazy dude it's crazy hey Martin I'm going to hit the green real quick you just watch all right I'm right here yeah just watch watch okay it's going to start at the bunker a little draw land hard it's going to be a hard kick roll up on the front edge green two putt eagle or two put birdie sorry with this wind you can carry it come on get it let's go that's line isn't it that's a little left that'll be that split the Fairway man I mean it's left if you're like trying to get it on the green but that I have hit the green I have hit the green well I figured the green is a little more right but I mean that shot was perfect you can carry this on the green hey bro I'm not really hitting it far you know what I mean I'm just right down the middle though yeah shot Ben dude I'm I'm most impressed about your driver today seriously yeah it's good been slotted nice downwind hopefully I can get one [Music] close yeah let's pass those trees I think so tell me we got to clean shot man we're good okay okay here we go I'm playing the fake good good balls he's like I don't know what that is but it looks pretty similar oh my just so effortless oh that's at the card AJ we're not on the green but we're in play we have a good shot from there come on my man's go brother that is awesome because of what you do you you've had a chance to obviously play with a lot of Pros yeah and stuff like that who who would you say some of your favorite or I guess some of your favorite experiences are with Pros I would say John R is probably one of my favorites because uh you know he was so encouraging and all he wanted to talk about was rappers he's like yo what's Lil Wayne like what's uh what's Eminem like and I'm like are you serious bro he's like my all-time favorite is definitely bub Watson bub Watson is definitely yeah he's he's just so he's so cool we end up I talk to bub every day now you know like I love bub he's he's he's a great dude dude golf game his shot shaping ability is it's insane I mean it's next to n and being a lefty you know it's insane I've never SE so that was a decent drive it's not decent it was great hey Martin Martin holy crap look at that look at that I think I out drove Martin dude hey let it be known everybody oh my God let it be known everybody wait did I get him did I get him no no no no it's I don't know Martin I don't know no hey got you hey bro bro wait wait wait wait hang on champion of the world now listen hang on a second now you might be closer to the flag but mine was longer I don't agree look like it's dude I think you might 4T it's 4T long the only reason I hit it over here is because I just want to go first so we can apply some pressure right that's shoot that was a good shot no I don't actually think I I'll drove Martin unfortunately I got my hopes up for a second all right so AJ we do the same thing again yeah I go first and then you do your magic uh you do your magic and then I'll go second get the touch man oh wow it's putable that's my number one goal there you [Music] go oh sit now sit wow that still rolled out a lot oh my God is it shot not easy go in go in no way how dides that not turn right come on oh my God this my guy right here man d d it I almost like I was wanted to hold my wedge up and like almost walked that in I felt so confident in that and then boom just missed all right pretty decent 5-footer here for birdie see if we can do it to stay tied with them that was a great chip by Garrett I mean gave him the read so he knew what to do all right we got to make this yep boy Martin pulled it in the hole not only is that putter slightly short you're also gripping it up to the shaft yeah I don't know what I'm doing but it's in the hole man it was in the hole ni dude I get left Hing so much I swear I'm not even trying everyone's like oh dude you just put your hand up at the wrong time I swear I'm I'm trying we get it next time yeah [Music] all right best golf shot you've ever hit best golf shot I've ever hit um there has to be a memorable one you know Tory Pines Farmers using ROM's drive car five and I have a I have a stroke on the hole I got 225 to the pin take out that fivewood and uh I hit it 224 yards I have a 4ft putt for eagle and I make the putt Got The Strokes I got the albatross I think that was especially with all the people watching that was that was up did you guys have a crowd at that uh at that PR few hundred people probably following us the whole thing but there was definitely awesome 5 6,000 people driver in hand bar 4 456 yards every time Ryder you know it every time I go could told you that one I want to get good at golf again oh my God what do you mean that's really good all on okay yeah that's good thank God you right I'm on The Fairway okay in the Fairway there short stuff in the middle okay short the short stuff right oh we're getting closer that's Sandy is it we're good we're safe yeah bunker we're safe just it's over it it's over it yeah got to tell we're safe so that way he can go after it oh my God got to kick to the right I saw a big bounce so some positive news Okay positive four for four Fairway so far yep absolutely that's true and we're tied I think mine yeah mine's actually good too this is far this is not see you say you saying you hit 200 yard that's sand Bagon that's 20 man you know that's crazy that's what the internet says that's a that's a 290 yard Drive I just Big Ben dude you were talking 220 that's what I hit it 290 yard drive and I'm telling him I've been what I say from the beginning I average 225 that's what I mean a good day 240 but like he says everyone goes opposite they say they hit it 300 and then they hit it like 240 but yeah or 220 290 that's not bad we're good we're good here got a little wedge in nothing much to it a little bit of tree in the way don't know I think we're fine we get a club link one at the back 135 I'm playing this 125 maybe 128 so good a damn man in the bunker damn that felt good need to hit it harder than that Ben nice needed to hit it harder yeah I just didn't see if mine went in front of the green like in The Fringe it would have rolled if you're playing a good roundout I'm getting into all this like these new like words that all these like young people use like sleigh the L mid it's the lingo the lingo of the teenagers sleigh No Cap No Cap No Cap is no cap No No Cap no cap that drive that you just hit right there was perfect No Cap No Cap No Cap what's the other one like there there's one more RZ RZ the you got the RZ going you got the RZ yeah you got the RZ so this could easily go over the green so I try to keep it somewhat short and what did did I tell you go go oh it's not that far I thought that's going to carry the trees dude that's how off my wedge game is so sometimes I get lucky but I don't know what I'm doing we're on the green bro you said your Gage is 20 yards between each Club yeah somewhat like sometimes even 25 it's like really bad I chunked it ah I chunk that so bad that was kind of mid huh that was very mid yeah no cap h no cap that had no R gen Z over here dude I'm working on it like the teenage lingo right is it like the Gen Z lingo for sure or is it even like there's another gen right what's what's after gen Z double A sure double A I mean like you got to use the alphabet right I don't know one thing is certain I got the Riz going go right to left then I I see this like see this old cup up here maybe over in there right of that or or that way I like in there personally with some speed obviously maybe right edge of the cup right edge of the cup okay yeah it's still slow man that did not move left what the wait a second went right there's no way dude okay I'm going to trust it I don't see that in any way shap or form what's going in how is that going right that makes no sense in my brain dude tells me right to left dude I'm sorry that's on me I'll wear it that's on me that is 100 % on me so we're talking left to right yeah yeah okay AJ you got this I give you this little something and then you do your magic what see if I learned something there simmer hammering these things ay all square through four five [Music] remain how far is it 160 I I'm clubbing up twice I'm clubing up two clubs normally it's a nine I'm going seven really good right at the we go wow that felt good too I'm cling up almost two as well I am climbing up two usually it would be a nine but I've also got seven let's see if I can flight one down keep it low and get one on the green try to contribute AJ so we're in play right so we can drop and we're okay hey the only way that we're not in play is if Bugs Bunny comes and takes my golf ball just like in Space Jam yes exactly hey oh boys we might be going one up short yeah in the water baby let's go uh-oh just to really rub it in let's just make a birdie you know make it make it even better let's do it we're chipping three here unfortunately we have to take a drop two of our more air shots that went in the water but we're good we can get up and down you can chip it in no we got to chip it in Oho they like 10 ft out yeah oh got a lot of SP oh I really try I really needs to go if it doesn't go we win the hole think I'm going against we good look at that AA all right we got them right where we want them what are they one up now yeah they feel so safe right now they do let them Cruise a little bit and guess what we have a honestly after the first hole if you told me we're going to be one up through five might be slightly shocked just because of Martin's wildness on his driver but here we are Christ holy wind bunker you good it's short of it yeah I think so there it is nugget Drive B that was high very high you you play Draw huh Martin uh-huh unless I slice it all right we short of that bunker we're we're safe we're in play time to send one big man Jesus Lord that's that's like Majestic do you mind I'm just going to just unfortunately that was 4,000 spin but we're good right down the middle I hit it very low in the face that's great hey did I get him did I get him please hey Martin how you doing back there good dude like I just try to find the right yardage with our partner We Lay It Up to we had a long discussion in the card on the last hole and this ended up to be the perfect yardage for him that's what I would say too if I got outd drove yeah are you in the bunker though no no you're oh you're in the oh first yeah well long grass Short Grass okay you got to find something I'll go first see if I can do something for you check the yardage it's one mile 254 into the wind probably like 280 close to just going to try to hit 3w nice and easy oh my goodness I don't know yet that may have hot that yeah now just try to keep it somewhat low I think that's what it's about just try to get it up there oh yes turn turn oh I don't know I didn't see any sand either sand or over but it was a good shot happy about that little knock down KN I think Martin's on the green we're good we're going to hit the green too I'm not worried about it ball oh my God went so damn H is end of the wind you're good it's a good shot thank you man that is so spinny right father your brother and mother 43 yards a short right of the green same order you first yeah sure damn the wind is kind of nasty here bro it is isn't it oh my Lord dud wind's kind of coming off the ride a little into our face you know what I'm taking a different CL I'm actually going to hit a 56° guys look at that got to be kidding me nice shot look at that guy dude you're the Mano here you go 10 and 12 in you put it to about 6 in so dude we want to win this hole so we got to hole out we got to make this we have to make this this is this is a Do or Die situation here and run and run and run we're just getting a lot of spin today that's interesting got a little tester for Brady that he's going to make his putt so we got to make that in order to stay one down so the best part of my golf game is actually my rake game I mean check this out dang that's clean I mean have you ever seen anything close to this before Rak game 100 I mean I have no feelings but I I feel like it's breaking right downhill a little left to right I mean I got the good good putter now there is absolutely no reason to miss this and that works I don't even need to play I know I'm here for the moral support you know that's exactly why I'm here he'll hit the drive he'll hit the second shot the third shot I got W no thank you appreciate we tied it let's go another birdie bro another birdie thank you very much Don sh oh nice what does that mean yeah D It's almost like thank you very much it's a very polite way saying this oh my [Music] smoked dude it's in the fair in the Fairway boom yeah yes that is the shot AJ let's go that's your drive of the day today where R go that is good for us come on partner that is good we're in play really kill this one I want to see everything long drive everything in this one okay oh my is that the bunker you talking about yeah the bunker actually on the right get in the carart get the putter out I think it's a little into I'm going to say play it 45 50 even and come on wind come on wind come on D that wind really was that was perfect too damn that felt good that was that's that's crazy I knew it as soon as I hit it jumped God Dam it not good not good okay that's that's perfect come on give me something 96 96 okay that's no glove for me and I would say I go first okay because you buddy you freaking played off of me 96 into win talk to me Martin talk to me Martin boom that's what I'm talking about oh my crush dude we were talking about the power in the golf swing right in our car in our car we were just discussing like what are our cues to hit the ball far and I guess I just queued myself to hit the ball hit the ball far there good job right there that's what I'm talking about it's a good coach air mail the green thankfully Ben's not in a bad spot here damn it's too much let's get some barbecue tomorrow man I'm down I'm not a big barbecue guy but I'll go you're not vegan though bro I love meat oh okay oh dude something's right with you that is what something's right with you dude when did you become fluent in English I'm serious like actually when did you learn English that was a serious serious yeah don't know like couple months ago actually du I I started like don't know in school when when you're 10 you start learning English and then I mean you watch a couple movies you listen to the good good podcast and you learn your stuff all right that's what you do you don't even do anymore dude cuz I want to learn like another language I don't know like German would be that's the ultimate way to R girl come on come on come hey good dude that that line by the way just cut that out please what the line the ultimate way to R girl that up please golf is a lingo as well gen go you got the Riz come on slay on this one go slay how did yours turn so much uh because maybe I cut it one up two to play oh that was much needed up and down right there we take [Music] that I saw what you did there by the way on the last hole right just before we P you were like starting this conversation about like languages and stuff right I saw what you did there you know what you did so well last couple holes right up and down every time short game on point did not hit a single Drive OB yeah yeah it's about time it's about time okay eighth hole it's about time OB be on the right let's go I like the m games I respect it me asking you about the language was just my ADHD I just R yeah I I'm serious I'm serious skip through it nope almost hopped out it tried to didn't it it tried to yeah all right Martin all right Martin dang it I hit that so good too yeah it's perfect quite literally perfect trying to take the same swing as last time give give my teammate a good opportunity here oh my snaper RO all right Martin sorry I'm so sorry no pressure I'm s so sorry I mean you wanted to give me an opportunity right I still have that opportunity so we're good still there still there uhoh school bus uhoh that might hit a car did he go on the street wait to hold her for the video though I mean not not a not a single bus stopped so we're good AJ what now I don't know man I do we sucked was what now I was trying to hold the finish it didn't work I don't know that was usually when I hold the finish the ball comes back but this time it didn't right it was on it was on the way right and it didn't come back I hit my drive out he hit his drive out so we have to take a drop over here it is red so we're dropping two hitting three got to get this up and down to make par we need some magic going into these last two holes if they close us out here all we could do is tie them in the end we're Wishing on our lucky stars right now it might be a little too far left is it short left okay yeah I like it's into wind it might be 15 I'm going to so the 160 shot I think is is a good call that's going to get that's actually going be that's going to be really good come on come on come on come on come on be good be good no reaction that could mean anything yeah green or just a little right of it dial in we got 100 yards 105 basically into the wind Fairway bunker not a bad spot Ben Ben go go go oh that was so that look so good that's the one baby is it yeah look at that really good balance I get lucky every once in a while bro I'm impressed like seriously like you play a lot better than I thought the the crazy part is you're not only showing the good stuff you're showing everything yeah and actually today was a highlight reel you saw the worst of me in Arizona so yeah that sucked yeah that was very dangerous too so but at at the same time this is impressive thank you I appreciate it I mean the rules are pretty simple right now we got to make this yeah or it's over Do or Die AJ do you want to make this yes okay I was just wondering okay Martin Martin oh that was so good AJ trust me I tried so good he's literally been carrying me today I feel so bad I'm going to have to pay for his next chiropractic appointment seriously hit it sorry big man good line brother that was a great read really really good line man that was fun we're we're going to lose this but that was fun good speed get it in oh so alive you know you know what I love how disappointed you were with that with that P that was actually a good fight congrats boys well done that wraps it up uh we ended up taking the dub uh hope you guys enjoyed that video shout out to Ben Baller shout out to Martin borm shout out to AJ phol all their links to their to their socials will be in the description down below if you guys want to go follow them played some golf today it was it was sneaky good we were four under through eight which is better than honestly I expected out of myself and as well as for Ben like I I didn't know what to expect from our team but I think that blew my expectations out of the water so either way all guys enjoy until next time we'll see you [Music] peace
Channel: gm__golf
Views: 170,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golfer, golfing, golfers, golf vlog, challenge, golf challenge, course vlog, vlogging, golf vlogger, GM GOLF, Garrett Clark, Good Good, Micah Morris, vlogger
Id: 9nzebNsg6Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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