GM 4.8, 5.3, 6.0 - Exhaust Manifold W/ Broken Bolts - Passenger Side

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hey there viewers and welcome back to the self made auto channel got the 2007 chevrolet it's a 2500 it's got the big 6l it's got leaky manifolds and it's really a gmc but that doesn't really have quite the same ring as chevrolet so that's what we say god brought all his own parts he's got his own manifolds and gaskets and nuts and bolts and all kinds of stuff i guess so we're gonna tear into this thing and see what kind of job it is usually these aren't horrible but they can be a pisser sometimes particularly somebody else already been in there and got everything all stripped out so hopefully not and hopefully it all goes well so uh crush fingers and send good juju our way i don't even know juju is real i don't think it is uh one thing i do know is real is how real heavy these tires are so we're gonna peel them off on the ground uh busting out thor first time on video i think there she is uh what was i gonna tell you had some dog dish hubcaps he must have removed him must be he's got trust issues with me that's okay i get it i've done the same thing there now we have to worry about lifting them bad boys up we've got to pull the fender liners out of it now you can see where there's some christmas tree fasteners coming in here and there and there i go through and i mark them because there's when you go to put together there's lots of holes and you're like which one did it go in fella so i just put a little mark next to it a little mark there little mark there and then i'll put a b for black put a mark here mark there in the w for white and then over here i just put a little dot that should be the only one left so just that way there when i go back together i know the white one went there the black one went there so on and so forth uh if it matters to you some people doesn't matter to uh and then now we just got to take a lot of little clips and fasteners and stuff and we'll work on taking them out to get our fender liner out of the way and then we'll be right to the meat and potatoes i also guess it's worth noting i usually mark them down here because i push them out from down here a pair of needle nose i just grab them instead of going up under the hood i just give them a little pushing down here grabbing the little christmas tree push a little let go and then push push too hard your whole needle nose gonna go through the hole so i just do it like that just because i have found to be easier with the fender liners removed the next thing we have to do is get the y-pipe unhooked now we're getting new manifolds we don't care if anything breaks so put the big dugga gun on it and just give her the beans there's one because we don't care there's two thor taking names that's with a 18 inch extension i can't get swivel up on that one that big old bar i don't know if we got it in this come on baby there we go perfect sometimes you just gotta give it the old handy because you start adding extensions and swivels and whatnot and then impacts become about as handy as tits on a bowl and it takes lots of power out of them you want to find out more about that head on over to the torq test channel that guy over there does a lot of testing a lot of different things like that with extensions and air hose sizes and air swivels and all kinds of crap and you can learn you pretty good like how much power does it really lose you know so which i'll just tell you from experience a lot especially when you're dealing with somebody like thor it's big and mean and nasty so you start putting extensions on and swivels then it takes the whole wind right out of its sail right now we're gonna pull off the oh yeah and don't go through snapping all them off if you plan on reusing the manifold [Music] you can't always go captain caveman unless you know you're putting on new manifolds in nobody cares let's go through and break them all off ones we don't want to break off are the manifold head now there's already one snapped off back here now i suggest when you're doing this job make sure you got some spark plugs and an oil dipstick tube oil dipstick tube is usually super rusty and i told this fella to buy one and this one doesn't look half bad we might actually be able to get this one out a bit miracle and then these heads have the bigger heads on them the earlier gm's only had a head on it that took a 10 millimeter wrench i think they're eight millimeter bolts these ones have a 13 millimeter head on them so that means they're the updated design still break i don't know i mentioned that but sometimes you have to put a little heat on them because they've got loctite so i'll heat them up a little bit and zip them out i'm gonna get a ratchet we're gonna try to crack these all loose by hand see how they feel if you feel like it's gonna break just stop for a moment the engine's relatively cold at this moment so we're gonna try to give it just a little water shut up nope that one doesn't feel too great probably none of them will be honest with you oh yeah nope i'll tell you what let's get some heat [Music] where i heat up the bolt head which typically you don't do but that's what we're gonna do this usually breaks that bond the aluminium that the cylinder heads made out pulls away heat like super super fast so we're just going to heat up around this bolt head we're just hoping to loosen the loctite there shut her down down real quick come off on here oh oh are you super loose now hopefully not your super break anymore nope she's loose that's right baby so that's how we're going to continue this process now i don't know if i mentioned did i say that i suggest getting spark plugs when you're doing this i know i said i suggest getting the dipstick tube but also spark plugs only because i like to kind of treat them as sacrificial i leave the uh spark plugs in the hole keeps all the junk you know when you're up here because this this this is pretty clean i'm not gonna lie usually i'm doing these you know trucks obviously rotted in half manifold or rotted in half stuff's getting everywhere and this way here if you accidentally drop the manifold down it breaks the heads off the spark plugs not a big deal so i'm gonna leave all them right in that's last thing i'm gonna do is change the plugs on this truck and that's what i suggest you also in my opinion oh look at that oh you want to be mr nice guy now huh now you want to be friends yep i'll tell you what i'm sick of uh sick of the hand ratchet already sometimes impacts are quite helpful for stuck bolts because of the the ugga dugga action the impacting action as opposed to just a steady torque of regular ratchet oh why don't you heat me using the astro uh little mantle here in 3h drive been around a while [Music] multitasking torch set on wuss bag mode yeah baby here we go oops we're not on all the way i don't get carried away there so i'll leave that one in a little bit i don't want to manifold it we gotta get the dipstick out still uh and that one piece of cake just drop them right out of the ground you don't need them and then like say leave that middle one in there now she's all wiggly we'll get the dipstick out hopefully let's go grab a 15. here we go what's up miss though you're smoking hot today just fyi all your customers said to remind you that you have a pretty way yeah tell me about it i forgot here like i forget that all right good luck there i'd show the people what you look like but i don't think they could handle it not many women wear dresses nowadays you know this is oh she's a dress lady i'm thinking we're gonna pull the dipstick up and out the actual indicator itself and then i have to work it this whole boy is going to need to give himself a knock sensor i see down here where the the dipstick tube goes into the engine block the knock sensors right there and it's busted split right open so we're going to see if we can't just wiggle this a little bit sometimes oh hallelujah look at that it actually broke free down where it goes in the block and now we gotta see if we can get it out which if we can't not a big deal he's got a new one you know what i mean let me get some panther p gibbs uh not a sponsor i don't know if it's like named after leroy jethro gibbs let's see where can you guys see where i'm spraying i can't even see i'm spraying right now where that dipstick goes you can see the knock center i was telling you about it's on the crack focus see the crack in it so anyways we're going to spray down there where that goes in there are a couple of toots with little gibbs put that down and we'll get back at it have a pisser because there's nothing to grab a hold of on them usually i just pinch them off with a pair of vice grips and a slide hammer and thunk them right up out of there i don't know if i've ever salvaged one of these almost always rusted in half look at that i'll be dipped there it is folks oh she came just like that now within it were me and it isn't i i'd replace that anyways it does have a little bit of crust they they rot out right here right behind the manifold and they're pretty cheap so now that hole there should be the only hole that's not enlarged you know what i mean it's got the smaller hole in it it's the alignment one i guess it would be always make sure you put that one in first love biscuit that thing was still toasty i didn't think this thing was so hot it's been sitting outside for a long time what the hell do i know oh let's see here they're becoming a wuss bag now we've got to get that mother lover out of there are you going to do that you freak let's see i'll tell you what we're going to do here's what we're going to do we're going to pretend we didn't see it no they do make this thing though that you can clamp on here and then it pushes on it says most ridiculous thing i've ever seen uh but i imagine it might work if you're just trying to quiet down your manifold we're gonna get the bolt out possibly welding it up to it possibly drilling it so i'm thinking we might try and just drill and easy out this one well we're right here see if we can get a nice center mark on it or what looks to be centered scratch around it here a little bit that one's got to go up a little before you start pushing in make darn sure you've got that thing quite centered and you can walk your drill around a little bit all right that looks nice and centered to me i don't know if it does to you because you can't see so trust me drills nice and easy make sure you're drilling nice and straight see how deep your hole is by checking it with another hole so you know what i'm saying stick your drill bit in there you can pull out you can mark it get a rough idea you know how far in how far in is too far fella before you hit bottom and for the record using your left-handed drill bit will not take that out i know a lot of people write that in the comments bro if you use the left-handed bit that would have came right out negative ghost rider all right let's get an extractor and see if we will have a glimmer of hope here before i go beating my extractor in there i do want to heat that up to see if we can break that bond there is that bond there of the loctite i'd like to be able to break it but i don't want to do it with my extractor in place because we don't want to ruin our extractor to change the temper of it to the point we don't want to snap it off in the holes what i'm getting at all right when we look around for the extractor we just got we find it on the cart we stick it up here sometimes the extra tapping is helpful this fyi for the record you're a tight one mother lover she was going she was going nice and she stopped what's that tell you that tells me absolutely nothing it tells me that wants to go heat up try to heat up the aluminium you mother love her as soon as she cools down she's not want to go baby we're on the road again roll again [Applause] like to be warm oh you take the heat away it's done well [Applause] trying to get where everybody can see but i guess i gotta stick to the objective i'm gonna burn my damn hand if i don't get where i gotta get you gotta move fella there now you're out of the way you kind of torched down a little bit you got always gotta always go full blast don't trust myself my left hand here i don't want to get burnt now here's the white one all right there we go yeah oh she comes there it is fella out easy peasy not a big deal actually it is a big deal because you'll notice you know my center hole wasn't it wasn't spot on and that's because i got a little cocky and says you know what it's going to come out but the fact of the matter is if it didn't come out then we could have been screwed because i didn't have you know the perfect center hole so if we ended up worst case scenario had to drill it out we would have to do some financial would have made it work these are extractors by mac tools they got i bought them you can get them with or without the trash extractor and i buy them with the trash extractor so you can actually if you beat this thing down in a hole you can use this part of the tool to push it back out i don't imagine that mac makes them themselves because i don't think they're kind of like macro they don't hardly make anything themselves but that's that's this i'll show you the whole set handy handy and the first thing you do when you get a new extractor you cram that sucker in the vise and you snap it off because you want to know how much power it takes to break it off um that way you don't ever snap it off down in the hole like this because that creates a whole nother set of problems which we're prepared for in the event but you got to know your equipment first thing i always do when i get new easy outs is i snap them off and just to see you know if i use this wrench and i'm like this can i pull as hard as i can out here without snapping it off that's valuable information maybe not to you but it is to me uh so now i'm just gonna get some rags we'll stuff down inside the holes we'll polish this up and we gotta do the other side which is gonna be more of a piss or record because there's a steering shaft in the way and other junk but we'll finish we'll at least finish this side other side is exactly the same just different whoa i have a video on the dodge ram hemi dodge ram long time ago uh we used the welding method where you weld the nut onto the broken stud which works quite well since i've done that video i've developed furthered my technique with that rather from watching other people where they stick a flat washer on here weld the flat washer to the nut or to the broken stud and then they put the nut on there and then weld it and that seems to work better so for what it's worth where's that it's the uh rolac yellow i would have used white but i can't find my white one i had a bunch of them they make them yellow green and white white being less coarse yellow in the middle and green as the coarsest uh fantastic on aluminium if you don't want to just destroy it works pretty good it doesn't look too pitted i've seen some where they're so pitted because they've been leaking for so long there's not much you can do in that case i don't use the oem gaskets the metal ones i'll use a fiber gasket which seems to fill the cracks quite well so now before we put this all together i am going to just crack all the spark plugs loose to make sure i'm not going to have a problem once the manifold down because if there is an issue i'd rather deal with it now but we're not going to change these until the manifold is on and bolted down why you ask why why do you ask so many questions i know that's a good question that's in case i foolishly drop the manifold onto the spark plugs i sure don't want to drop it onto my brand new spark plugs so that's the only reason if you feel confident in your skills and ability to not drop the manifold then change your spark plugs right now me i don't trust myself any farther and i could throw myself which isn't very far to be honest oh come on i got it one piece at a time there we go so glad it's summertime out man it's so nice 80 today i literally laid outside and just let the sun bake me felt so good but not to worry in a couple weeks we'll be pissing and moaning because it's so hot the head is all prepped we've got the new manifold uh not only did they give us the flu they gave us chevrolet manifolds china the motherland velcro studs he got here they have a blue coating on them interesting we're gonna pull them babies out we'll get them all all up in here thread right in nice a lot nicer than the door different part of china folks this is from the good side of town they often like the doorway you get the dormant ones not even comparison not even a comparison these are smoke it's probably the same factory what do i know so there's that i'm going to get a stud installer where i snug them up just a whisker and then we also have a new gasket here that is also velcro this one he got for this pre-opened maybe he was checking it out that should click in there if it doesn't click in nicely you can bend these little tabs out right here if you need it to stick in a little bit tighter which we might do because we don't want it falling out just tweak them ever so slightly not too much that satisfy too much oh that's perfect now that maybe it'll stay right in there so when we stick the manifold in we're going to want that in starting tight here that's what we need [Music] whoa where are you going let's snug them up a smidge using our stud installer that's from the mac tools 10 mil stud installer and then of course our astro tools ratchet of the half inch drive i don't know who makes these i'm sure they don't make them it's a regular cam style stud installer 10 mil it let's put this bad boy in i tried to be all smooth and i dropped my light can we see now all right we're back get our manifold up in this joint i believe i've got to come in that way right am i right yes there set it on them spark plugs get your gasket now the gasket is clearly labeled from the man it says down manifold side therefore we will put that side down and towards the manifold and we're gonna get a bolt started i don't care which one even though i told you only moments ago that you have to do the middle one do as i say now as i do folks i go for the easy one always go for the easy hole get her lined up now before you get too far do that middle one make sure you start all these by hand i wonder what the blue coating is on these uh velcro ones i can't use those i've used the crafty dorman ones that are gold colored see these are hardened these are 10.9 maybe velcro has the solution there they all feel like they're started well we're lightly snug them up at this point we'll be using the super weak sauce 12 volt v-vault you don't want to get carried away is that a 13 fella because it feels like i'm getting stuck that's a 13 are these still 13 nope some ding dong i throw pros a day guess what let's change the size let's call it my ding dong it's probably some engineer that this is the solution to breaking chevy manifold bolts it needs to take a 12 millimeter socket i have no idea sorry if i hurt your feelings this impact is quite weak folks so be don't get too alarmed here let's get this back first pass beautiful [Music] now probably not gonna fit in there with that one there that we're out [Music] we got our brand new acdelco's our classic 41 162. going in the whole dry a lot of people ask but never sees or not sometimes i guess is the answer to that one never really had an issue with these uh this particular plug plug head truck combination i've usually never had a problem with any spark plugs besides ones and fords really on these ls motors the plugs usually come out nice and easy of course make sure you double check the gap on them using their supposedly preset double check you never know how many times the guy at the rock auto kick the box across the floor or a napper they tend to do that once in a while i like to use a regular 5 8 socket when i'm putting the spark plugs back in instead of a magnet one now i should be more specific so on this back one i used the snap-on magnetic spark plug socket which they did a piss-poor design engineering so if you even remotely get off kilter just a smidge it will snap the spark plug now astro makes some magnetic ones and they put the magnet way way at the bottom where it should be and i intentionally tried to break a spark plug with theirs putting a spark plug in a vise and then going off kilter with it because i was like wow these probably got the same problem as it's the snap-on ones and lo and behold unless you got really stupid with it it would not break the spark plug and by really stupid i mean like take it off the flats and you know lay on it sideways but i find if you use just a standard 5 8 socket depending on the internal construction of the socket there's plenty of room to be off-kilter ever so slightly okay those are all torqued fancy everybody's happy so when the manifold falls off and the spark plugs blow out i can say hey i was just gonna tighten them tight but you wanted them torqued this guy did not request to be torx but some of you torque nazis watching the channel though freak out you haven't been lately lately the the torque people have been pretty calm but i haven't done a break video in a while either i was gonna do one the other day but it's a caravan and i think that we have so many caravans break the jails uh oil dipstick tube he bought it we're using it we're not even gonna give him the choice where's this one made our friend's up in canada i'm gonna lubricate the o-ring down on the bottom of it down here with some lube to plant some we'll still glide from napa now i'm just reading here it says non-melting non-freezing non-gumming and weatherproof uh prevents pad squeal eliminates caliper sticking squeaking fan belts you can put this on squeaking fan belts really uh let's see brake pads calipers rubber boots fan belts v-belts weather stripping trunk seals bumpers speedometer cables window channels hood strips and pads and rubber gaskets apply with a clean cloth sponge your finger use sparingly remove excess contain silicone wow that's what i get coming in with a squeaky belt so she's getting just kidding i wouldn't do that on camera i wonder if you have to shut the engine off before you apply it to the belt with your finger it doesn't really say on the directions and i don't really know because that's what kind of world we live in today i'm seeing an opportunity folks by that i mean south main auto napa finally sponsored south main auto because of their unclear instructions as to whether or not he was supposed to shut the engine off before applying seal glide to the belt oh it slipped right in so nice that was nice find the bolt here great big big jumbo head i found a torque spec for that bolt long before i found it for the spark plugs now that i'm going to torque it but if you wanted to is 18 foot pounds i guess there's that ah all we have to do is put the oil indicator back in the tube and i guess this side's almost done gotta put some plug wires on it because the spark ain't gonna jump that far you dink i got us some brand new ac delco plug wires i put just a whisper of the dielectric grease in the boots transferred over the metal insulators here they're all lined up feel it click and up on the coil you feel them click in there also turn it so they look pretty this coil near plug system was a pretty good system gm came up with beats the living thunder out of a distributor i'll tell you that all your wires are the same same length anyways i should say not all the same make sure they're all clicked on but depending on which coils the truck has on us which wires it takes a couple different manufacturers huh there so there's that i'm happy you're happy it's time to do the other side but it's 4 30. i hear my boy josh over there sweeping the floor closing our town early today folks um we'll let the lights charge we'll let the camera charge gotta remind me to remind this guy that he needs a knock sensor before it throws the code because it's gonna at least you don't have to pull the intake on this vintage chevy uh i suppose this side here we could put the fender liner back in before we go home tonight but we won't because i like to kind of keep it out so we can make sure everything's cool uh you know no leaks obviously everything turns out good and we're happy and then we'll put it back in because that's kind of the easy part oh boy so the nut the bolt head is still passenger side driver's side here the bolt head is still in the rear but it's broke i see where it's leaking pretty good back there that's that's the biggest pain that pain in the butt one to get to because of the way the firewall is designed because the truck has a throttle pedal and they needed a place to put it so the firewall design here is different therefore you can't really get in this one with a drill so we're gonna have to use a different method uh on this side i don't know how much you guys are gonna be able to see it's a little more crammed over here lots of wires and stuff in our way which will probably zip tie up out of our way we have the intermediate steering shaft in our way which if it becomes a problem we can move it but i don't think it will uh of course you have brake lines in your way which we can just chop them off if they get in the way too much you got this leaf that's in the way um so there's some things in the way we're going to try to work around it less crap you got to move fast to get it done the more you get paid but that's not our business however we're going to try to do a good job here we're going to start on this one tomorrow definitely not today going to split her into a two-part series because some people like that other people really drive some nuts so we're going to try to try to do the best we can i don't want to say i got to go home uh why don't you go down in the comment section questions comments concerns look for part two it'll be coming out trust me uh whether we screw it up or not i'll still i'll put it out unless that screwed up real bad down there i don't know i lost the footage i'll say something like that no i won't because i'm not a liar uh instead the facebook you know where to find this subscribe just for my viewers if i can do it you can do it thanks for watching
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 380,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exhaust manifold, manifold, chevy 5.3 exhaust manifold, broken exhaust manifold bolt, exhaust, gm exhaust manifold bolt, chevy exhaust manifold, exhaust manifold leak, small block chevy exhaust manifolds, exhaust manifold bolt repair, exhaust manifold bolt fix, exhaust manifold stud removal, exhaust manifold leak repair, 5.3 exhaust manifold bolts broken, chevy, chevy 6.0 exhaust manifold leak, chevy tahoe exhaust manifold gasket replacement, chevy suburban exhaust manifold replace
Id: iIdRuc4ZbNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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