Chevy Traverse: Won't Go Over 40mph ABS & Stability Light On

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all right folks we are inside the 2014 chevrolet it's the traverse it's got the big three six in it that's got the chubby rubber the leather the hole in the roof and apparently a whole bunch of lights on and it won't move she said this lady uh texted me a picture of her dashboard yesterday he had an abs traction this that and the other thing on and said she can't get it to go over 40 mphs and i asked her if it acted like the traction control was kicking on and she agreed that it didn't there we go service stability track service traction control abs so we're gonna let it get hooked up to the uh i'll tell here i assume it has a magnet that has come apart on a wheel bearing and it's uh make sure everything turned off here and that's what's giving her fit so that's what we're gonna find out you and i as soon as we get this all locked in we'll take it for a little shake and just see if it needs a wheel bearing see here we got our serviceability track traction control off i think you know once we start our abs light will be on battery low just about done scanning for us here so there's all of our lights oh we've got a heck of a glare here outside the sunshine we'll go to our report and we'll see if it just tells us which wheel we're going to be looking at right rear possibility so we're going to go right into the brake control module and i'm going to get some data and we're going to take a first shake down and see if the right rear is being erratic and if it is we'll put on the lift and a lot of times more often than not you can find these just with visual inspections we might not even have to get fancy so we're going to look at the right rear actually we'll just look at all of them because i think we can do a graph merge there we go so now we have all of them on the screen we'll slow that down a little bit we'll full screen that baby i know you got the glare it's terrible but let me get us moved here we'll see if it starts acting up on us you would think with it being disabled then it wouldn't be kicking on here but traction control on look it fixed itself but look down here and it's still broken [Music] so whatever one is our light green trace is going super erratic and that is the right rear wheel i think it says yeah right rear wheel yeah that one's going crazy all wheel drive off it hmm i'm says it's not throwing abs lights because this thing's going oh it's gonna spoke too soon here mr oh so there we go now it's going cray-cray on us but all right well we at least know we can tell by looking at this that like i say the light green tracer is obviously crazy probably is just a broken magnet let's see what would we say the right rear can we see them oh yes sir i can see let's see i'm gonna shine in there and hence enhance see if i can hold you guys still so you see the bolt on the bottom of the screen there right above it that magnetic strip so shiny shiny shiny real shiny there's a magnet i think there's only one small piece left and it's right there so it's starting so there's the magnet magnet magnet and then back to shiny right by the bolt head so the magnet so watch that bolt head there that little magnet stripping goes from there to there and then the rest of it's all broke off and shiny so it must have just uh fallen off on her and uh it's not too big a deal usually when one of them goes on these chevys all the other wheel brakes right behind it because if i remember correctly these take the same wheel bearing front and rear so you can see on this one right there let's see find the speed sensor here for you and hence so there's the tip of the speed sensor comes in and the magnetic wheel on the back of the wheel bearing is the trigger wheel active type wheel speed sensor so super duper common on these so let's get a wheel bearing coming and get after it [Music] should have all the tools we need now i think except the hammer uh 34 mil on that little guy i'm gonna take the little torx bit out here and it's probably a 15 or so with that not a 15 or so probably a 30 or so looks a little buggered up there see if it wants to play nice and it does so we'll leave that right in the socket for the time being let's see if we can take a little tension off our caliper here we'll pull it off with the whole bracket and everything so that's all wiggly i think that's the 21 back here yes sir not a lot of room though let's see get up in here ratchet's going the wrong way of course that one's loose i gotta get the top kelp or bracket bolt here that didn't help ah that must have been like 7 000 foot pounds of torque that one's loose getting the old screamos probably the most iconic sound in a repair shop so there's that our calipers off we're letting her hang by the hose of course you guys can't see crap anyways fail i need a hook for the hook there make all the internet worrywarts feel better even though it's still hanging by the hose because some people get awfully worried about things it's not really dangling by the host folks let's be honest there's that wow she must be must be she had a fresh break job because things are too loose shoes are good they look like they've been replaced typically i need little chibis you uh take the rotor off and the brake shoes fall off so these must have been recently done we're going to have to see if we can't beat the axle loose so i'll make sure that's loose before we get too far and then we're going to go back on the back side i didn't get any sockets for that i don't know what size they are them they feel like 18 they're not 21. so that's what they must be let's get this moving first oh brooks brooks usa for winch don't move she moves now baby looks like there are three bolts back yeah they are the 18 mil [Applause] there's one we got crack loose i don't think you guys will be able to see the other one but it's just like this one just in a different spot and they're kind of tricky they're not tricky to get to they're just tricky to record so you have to use your imagination you have to go to your imagination station for a minute [Music] and kind of envision me getting after a couple bolts here i'll show you head on this one's kind of buggered up truck whack it don't happen to it but whatever but not least you got this fella here i don't know if your ratchet is the most iconic sound maybe it used to be no it's just batteries everybody's got battery battery powered i'm old school air tool guy myself i do have battery powered tools but uh in in my shop they just they just don't hold up as long they're great they're powerful they're sometimes more powerful than the air but they do not like falling off the tool cart so i broke a lot of the tools just because they're plastic and you know they get used on a daily use in a real shop they get used and abused quite a bit and dropped and knocked over you know fall off shelves and stuff and they take quite a bit i'll be honest i mean you can drop them a whole lot of times before they finally say no sir i'm done i gotta put this back in a little bit i'm stuck this throws stuck in the hole let's see if we can't uh do something like that there we go and then i found that the air tools they just last long i've had this little ratchet i can't tell you how long a lot of years 21 millimeter will not fit in 18. still no matter how hard you try so i'm thinking we're going to cheat a little bit here because i know you will sit back here and beat your living brains out getting these things up we're going to take chop off a wheel stud i'm out of cutting disc because i got one that's too small i don't feel like putting in a new one let's see we'll pick up our broken piece because we didn't bring over a punch so we'll use this there's that hopefully i'm opening and praying that sucker will come out of there tada i did fell down in there we're not worried about it yet it's down in here okay [Music] this may or may not work we're gonna give it the old college try technically we should take the parking brake shoes off but we're just gonna kind of scooch them over a little for the time being we're not going to worry about our broken piece but we'll get it we're going to use our little astro tool last chance hub tool here slash nut and bolt with a little presser foot on the end of it um we're going to take that brake shoe off which isn't that big a deal i suppose at the end of the day unless your pliers don't line up here friggin junk yeah touch them up on the grinder must have a little weld slag on them from something oh wait a minute oh i see they don't close all of me shows this guy running let's try these ones so i get all that spring is off get that one unhitched let's get our nail out of here goodness gracious that thing's got a lot of pressure on it usually you can just push these in pretty lightly there we go i do have a tool for this but these springs are pretty light we're gonna take our nail and spring out of the way now we'll get our broken piece out and now we can get our fingers back in here we can just leave the top spring on we don't want to take the extra five seconds to take that off but we're gonna sometimes that make poor decisions you guys get to see it we think like yeah we'll save not time just take it off get your adjuster don't let that baby fall on the floor take your shoe off now we can do it the right way there's the other piece for the adjuster don't lose anything instead of being a ding-dong [Music] so stick this in here and then in a perfect world oh boy he's going to be pushing cockeyed it's going to tear off our threads i wonder if we use the smaller bolt comes with two bolts i didn't put any lubrication on it so that's not good let's use the smaller one here i think we can get down lower in the hole and push a little more evenly get this sucker to pop that's all we need just get her to crack loose out of the knuckle here that might push a little more even oh no it's not it's going to be nasty it's going to be nasty i'll tell you what sitting here is like a bunch of ding dongs rotator down here where we have a bigger surface area we're back to plan a with the bigger bolt connect like an animal now we can stick the little foot on it probably should lubricate the threads but this shouldn't take a couple little toots because we have a tremendous amount of force now to crack this bearing loose now you guys watch the rain man down to florida he takes some bolts out and goes like this wiggle wiggle and the hub falls off sometimes he gets some junk down there too i just laugh and laugh kaboom goes a weasel baby so now that we've got it crack lacking like i said you can sit there and beat the living tar out of these and they don't budge we want to get the bearing out the rest away it might be loose enough to just attack [Music] so that's how you want to be huh so flip her over you guys can't see move your hose keep your tootsies out of the way that's how they do it as far as however you can see the dilemma here it's just you know typical salt rust corrosion junk so using that tool allows you to push against something you know snap the hub loose don't even try just sitting here you know beating on it first and it's not it says last chance but they should call it first choice here they are folks uh two nuts two bolts two different sizes two little feet to push against they have a ball bearing in the end of them to guide that probably should lubricate the threads let's be honest i'm not a good representative of these but i've used them a lot it's classic 78 834 last chance forward slash first choice impact rated hub bolt removal kit simply use these impact rated bolts and nuts and push against the knuckle assembly and force the hub off get the job done with astro tools for guys who like to get done astro uh not a sponsor but uh great tools super duper cheap keep them in your toolbox i have several sets here because you're gonna gnar them up eventually because not every one of them you can push straight and uh we'll just say things happen and also to answer other questions you know some guys will say what you know why didn't i take off two wheel studs and push evenly and this and that and then in fantasyland that works great because you've got two areas across from each other that you can push against it goes and it pops off nice and even but in the rust belt we don't care we just need it to crack loose you just need it to move you know just a scouch just barely move then you can take it off the rest of the way so i'll push an even great if that's your cup of tea take two studs out you know do it nice and even we just get after it wow [Music] ah [Music] so spritzer down with some of the film oh let's put the old one over here we can now clearly see the magnet it's only from here to here most of it's missing here's your wheel speed sensor right there which reads the magnetic tone ring which on the new bearing from napper not a sponsor is right here and it's in good shape so we will take our freshly locked tightened bolts try to line up a couple of them just hold stuff still for us a bunch of parking brake actuators there's a good time to fix any of your parking brake business if that's all gabash we're going to line her up on the splines of the axle we're going to line up in the hole then we're going to line up a couple of these bolts get them started there's that now get the third one started we'll draw her up it should slide in the whole easy so don't draw draw it up like i said to try to force it in there you have to get the corrosion out you should be able to easily push the bearing in which which i just did [Music] so now that they're snugged we lightly have them in there with the air ratchet i'm going to look up the torque specs of course and we're going to go through and tighten them up and torque them completely to factory specs and then we'll do our axle nut we'll get our brake shoes back on here guy josh he does a lot of lots of great jobs way more than i do anymore so put that up there we'll get our cup on there get this on there we'll give her a push and a turn and now she's stuck on there permanently and then we will find all the adjuster we're going to put a little bit of lube in that because i did get some dirt on and i wiped off the dirt which in turn wiped off the lube i'm just going to stick a little bit of brake caliper grease down inside the hole now that anybody ever adjusts these and or uses them it's just we need it for our state inspection so that's the only time we have to fix it for customers is once a year we gotta get their parking brake working i thought that spring is well heavy duty for up top there we go oh as bad you want to reach in there with your fingers don't do it cause she'll get ya there she is stupid design huh and i do understand it's kind of clever how they use the spring to hold the hold the adjuster from turning like i understand the concept but you know what i'm saying there's the die hard chevy guys out there and i'm not uh not partial really to any brand i've on saturday i don't care about cars or when i drive as long as it's not a dodger chevy or ford and uh say that out loud no honestly folks i don't care we pick on everything they're all jumped when they're broke that's what i'll tell you even toyotas even behind us when they're broke they're junk [Music] the inside of the rotor is clean on the hat side where it's going to sit up against the hub so we just want to slip it on oh we will find our little screw here we'll put a little screwy back in here and then we're gonna go through and make sure our adjustment is good on our parking brake put shoes caliper on put the bolt on or the nut torque it down so i'm gonna reach in we're just gonna click down on the star wheel i say try not to go too far because it is kind of a pain in the butt to back it back off but the spring rolls around on you way too tight again i'm just flicking it down make it too tight [Applause] make sure the ends didn't fall off she looks golden and it does look like i'm using a lot of effort to turn it because we're turning the wheel on the opposite side through the powertrain you know while it's in neutral the scraping noise you're hearing is fine until it isn't but it's good trust me a little bit of rust inside there one very light uganda that's good enough on that on just like that i need a nap we're going to slide our caliper and bracket back on here good time to service the brakes uh if you notice that the pads are seizing in the brackets or anything like that we did put a little bit of the lock tight on the bolts here so we'll get these in i'm gonna get the factory specs we'll get these tightened up and same thing for the axle number if they actually not put on i think that was 150 and some change 151 foot-pounds something like that so we'll get that torqued down and then we're going to take it for a shake and see if we fixed it let's see time for a shakedown backer outside i'll have to go through and get our data back up on the screen here let's just see if that wheel's working yeah it is working so we'll go show selected and then we're going to do um craft merge we'll slow it down a little bit here let's go for a rep we'll probably go through and clear the lights too but at least this way we can tell what's working and what's not i think we're gonna be in good shape until already just driving through the parking lot here that we have all four speed sensors coming up now that you guys can see there's gonna be some differential between them now because i'm going around a circle when we get out here on the flats i can't see crap so i know you guys can't see crap let me get out here where we got no glare let's go the other direction all of our lights turned off on their own so that's good oh there we go we got that we gotta we gotta go the other way so we can get the sun behind us then we can see what we're doing there we go now we can see now everybody can see everybody's happy but everything's good all four wheels going up evenly with each other no one wanted abs activation none of that stuff all right so she should be happy that's it we're done show's over we're back on here we're back in the shop i'm going to let it go through read the codes i do want to clear the codes out of it so nobody sees them in the future and uh whatever so anyhow codes are clearing codes are now cleared i'm happy you're happy this lady's gonna be happy we can let her know it wasn't major and uh i think that's it folks so um check out the i'll try to remember to put a link there for that last chance slash first chance hub removal tools slash nut and bolt business there from the astro tools get yourself some uh super helpful beats the heck out of just trying to smash the hell out of that hub you know you miss you hit the backing plate you're trying all different methods it's just the way to go it's the bee's knees as they say it's the tunas fish i just made that up i don't know if anybody says that but they do work well you'll use them you'll destroy them if you're working in a shop and use them all the time but if you're at home and you don't have you know you don't want to use the hub buster or any of the other gimmicky stuff out there these work and i mean you've seen it i've used them i've showed them in lots of videos so enough talking comment section the questions the concerns the insti the facebook and just remember viewers if i can do it you can do it thanks for watching [Music] hey
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 312,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qI0gRHNse7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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