Glorious Cicchetti In Venice | Gino's Italian E8 | Our Taste

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tonight traveling in style with a lady who knows how to lunge you can see there is no transparency a kitchen thrown into confusion no no don't blame me he did it and perfect venetian food maichiketti right here in bellissimo venice this is my italian escape unique alluring captivating and sometimes overwhelming venice is one of the most mesmerizing cities in the world it's enchanted visitors for centuries and is the perfect place for an italian escape if you look at the map of italy venice and its surrounding islands lie to the northeast of the country on the adriatic sea thanks to its unique geographical position venetian waters were once filled with merchant ships on the east-west trade roads the region was ruled by towns and i'm about to meet an important contessa i have to say i never met a contestant before and i'm a little bit nervous because i don't know if i'm dressed right i don't know what i should say i don't know if she's gonna ask me something i'm gonna start to panic and plus should i bow something what do i need to do contessa enrique rocca runs an italian cookery school and i'm really keen for her to tell me about a kind of venetian tapas called chicati chicati are tasty finger foods which are served with drinks at many of the local bars or bakery this trend is now catching on in the uk and i want to know why it's an important part of venetian culture the contessa and i may be worlds apart but we share a passion for food still that doesn't stop me from being nervous a good old italian greeting it works every time she's putty in my hands tell me something what is the assassination about the chicken in venice there is a big drinking culture the chicatic were born to help cope better with alcohol so are you saying that it's like a little antipasti that people have to help them drinking a whole lot of little bites that you have while you have a drink chica could be just little baby cuttlefish just grilled a little bit of olive oil a toothpick and that's a chica or a slice of salami with a little cube of cheese that's educator so every backer has a speciality very sadly because of the decrease of the venetian population and the huge increase of tourists nowadays most backers can cater more for the tourists but there is two or three that's really really really the top cheese the top chicken and today we're gonna go to one of those two or three this chicken sounds very yummy but it wouldn't be proper to walk enrique to the crowded streets my contessa deserves to travel in style and how else but on a gondola [Music] in the 16th century gondolas were the most common boats used here for both transport and trade back then there were about 10 000 gondolas in daily use how many gondola there are in venice there is about 430 now left can anyone be a gondola driver absolutely not so if you want to be a gundrop driver it will be because your father or your grandfather was an under a driver i can't wait to get there me too this is the slow pace of ladies [Music] the thought of the chicati along with the prosecco is getting more and more tempting this is loud okay this is you can see there is no transparency so it's a it's an unfiltered that's impressive so you still have the oh the famous venetian chicken wow they are telling me that you are the king of venetian chicken is it true come on i can't wait anymore let's try okay eggs smoked salmon asparagus lovely it's a simple concept and you choose really good ingredients if you know how to choose the right ingredients then you can do this very easily i like the idea of these prawns and i don't know wow it's got a bit of a curry powder yes definitely why do you think he added curry to this i think because probably the venetians they were going with boats all over the world all the boats with the spices from the east yeah to the west were coming through venice so the venetian cuisine in the old times had loads of spices and i think the venetians they got it right the chicati is a fantastic idea now that i've tasted authentic venetian chicken i want to create a little platter of my own but first i need some incredible ingredients after saying arrivederci to the contessa there is only one place to go for inspiration venetians have been coming to the rialto food markets for over 1 000 years the fruit and vegetables are second to none but it's the fish stalls which have really caught my eye bonjourno i don't know foreign those prawns will be stunning for my chicken but i couldn't come to venice without buying fish produce from all over the world has been shipped to the rialto markets but i'm after something special [Music] foreign [Music] many classic venetian dishes are made with dried cod but i'm going to use the fresh stuff okay [Music] now that i've got my fresh prawns and succulent cod i'm going to make a delicious chicken plate of toasted breads with tasty toppings i'm not gonna do one or two i'm gonna do three of them and we start with the easiest one the crochets this first topping will be an explosion of flavors and chives give a hint of fresh onion i've quartered the fennel and removed the core it's just too tough and i only need the best bits now add a few capers in vinegar season with salt and pepper and extra virgin olive oil these ingredients get my mouth watering just by looking at them so my next dish i'm going to use cod this is the code i got this morning from the fish market beautiful and fresh i want you to slice me thin slices i'm making a topping of mini fish fingers so the portions must be small for the coating i'm using toasted breadcrumbs which i'm mixing with coarse chili powder grab your finger and mix the breadcrumb with the chili perfetto time to coat my cod egg first and then straight into the bread crumb you could also use smoked fish for this recipe [Music] i'm going to fry the cod in olive oil get the oil hot but not too hot so my tip is very simple get a little pinch of bread crumb pour into the oil and if you see the bubble going on it means that it's ready look at this bubble going let's get the fish in now you can only imagine the flavor of this cod crispy outside the spicy going on sweet cod in the middle oh yes my chicken rock i'm cooking the fish for one minute on each side get the prawns and go straight in i want you to cook them for 15 seconds on each side wow these prawns are so juicy everything is cooked the prawns just need slicing and then very simply cut the code enough i'm using toasted ciabatta for my chicken and here's the first courgette fennel and capers the next one has a mayonnaise and chili powder base for the prawns and the last one has a lemon juice and zest mayonnaise to complement the breaded cot the last touch a little bit of salt on top and i'm done look at that my chicken right here right now in bellissimo venice [Music] fantastico but i still got more to do in venice it's early morning and i'm heading to the nearby island of burano the eye-catching multi-colored houses make the island feel like a living postcard but it's not only the houses that attract visitors it seems that burano has become famous for a certain type of rice dish for northern italian people eating and cooking rice is like for us in the south of italy eating a cookie pasta something that happens every day the climate and geography in the north of italy is perfect for growing rice [Music] in fact sixty percent of europe's rice crop is produced in italy i've seen risotto and rice cooked in many many ways and apparently there is a restaurant around the corner from here where they cook risotto in a very weird way and i'm very interested about that romano trattoria has been operating on burano for over a century their speciality is risotto and chef mirko mikely has been cooking this rice dish for over 20 years and i want to see what all the fuss is about [Music] okay good good good question mirko is making a cream risotto with northern italian vialone nano rice and a stock made from venetian goldfish i came all the way down here because apparently he has this you know weird technique on how to make risotto but so far it looks pretty straightforward in segrega he said the secret is in the mantecatura when he puts the butter and parmesan together because usually mantegatura is bathroom parmesan the risotto you stir in a pan like he's doing and he ends there okay he said this is the way he does it because air goes into the rice and releases more starch i have to admit i've never ever seen this nun before bro provo my own uh you know it's a triumph i say i'm italian i need to walk around venice okay grazie [Music] i seriously can't work it out if he's joking or if that's the way he does it okay yeah stand back saying look on my shoes [Music] this is quite fun this is cool juan poendares i'm challenging him to see how high he can go okay [Applause] nice nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] i didn't do it no no don't blame me he did it even the woman said whenever he does he makes a mess everywhere in the kitchen i think i can i like this i've seen a resort to make where air is part of the mantecatura is part of making the risotto creamy and this is super cool i want to eat now because i want to see the difference between a risotto and his risotto with all this juggling mamma mia it looks like double cream just sticking on the back of the spoon i'll tell you what it's like is like a savory warm ice cream it melts in your mouth the rice is like having all little hazelnuts that's the way i can describe it i never thought in my life i would have learned a new thing about risotto and that tells you a lot about cooking you know every time you go somewhere you meet someone there is always something new that you learn i'm really happy to be here mircos risotto was so delicious it's inspired me to come up with my own version so i'm heading back to the rooftops of venice to cook my risotto with red radicchio and italian sausage and where do we start right here with my sausage now what i want you to do is to squeeze the sausage out so you get all the meat into the pan add the noble butter and a splash of olive oil then get busy crumbling the sausage meats i want all little bitten pieces going on all over the pan italian sausages have a coarser texture and a deeper flavor than british bungers what i want you to do is to take out all the sausage meat leave it on the side and we're going to use them right at the end i'm going to use this delicious meaty oil to cook my risotto rice just need a bit more butter and olive oil before adding the vegetable base what i got here i got my celery and my onion nice and finely chopped both of them into the pan keep an eye on the mixture as this won't take long to cook now as you stir the onion the celery make sure that you scrap in all the bottom of the pan so all the flavors will come up once the onions and celery turn clear it's time for the crucial ingredients the carnaroli risottorici i like carnaroli because it gives creaminess to the risotto you should use about one and a half handfuls of rice per person you need to toast the rice because the outside of the rice grain is gonna get nice and translucent and inside is going to keep nice and al dente make sure the hot oil coats every grain this will help the rice slowly absorb any liquids without getting silky now add a little bit of white wine use a dry wine you enjoy drinking once the alcohols evaporated it's time for the vegetable stock i'm using warm vegetable stock and you're gonna have to add a little bit at the time so many people get confused at this stage but don't be the secret is very simple you add one ladle you wait for the rice to absorb the stock and then you add more stock i know this bit takes time but trust me the end result will be worth it this red radicchio has a bitter and spicy taste that mellows out when cooked the radicchio goes straight into the risotto and so is my piece frozen peas works absolutely perfect for this dish [Music] i want my risotto to look as creamy as mirko's without juggling it so it needs more butter and parmigiano-rejar start to stir until it becomes all creamy the risotto will go even more creamy as the starch releases into the pan finally don't forget to add the crispy crumbled sausage i'm saving a bit of the sausage for decoration at the end look at this it looks amazing and the smell is like woofing away all over venice okay and after all this hard work it's time to serve it up [Music] oh i'm super happy with this creamy risotto with red radicchio and crispy italian sausages buona petito [Music] my time in venice has come to an end but the memories of this spellbinding city and its food will stay with me as i continue my italian escape [Music] all right
Channel: Taste
Views: 97,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Taste, Documentary, Food Documentary, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Food, Drink, Cuisine, Recipe, Cooking, Cooking Show, Meal, Chef, Restaurant, Vegetarian, Vegan, Cooking Hacks, Food Hacks, Cooking Videos, Cooking Competition, Cooking Ideas, Food Ideas, Easy Recipes, International, Travel, Food Around The World, Tasty, Meals, Desserts, Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch, Food From Around The World, British Food, American Food, French Food, Foodie, How To Cook, Cooking For Beginners
Id: 0owX3uDfHak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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