Gloria Williams Sentencing

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tearful moments in court for the mother of Kamiya Mobley as her daughter's admitted kidnapper faces up to 27 years in prison even after two decades the pain is still fresh from that crime back in 1998 footage from the news for Jax vault shows the baby girl's biological mother making a public plea for the return of her newborn today her grown-up daughter who now goes by the name of Alexis man ago sat in the back of the courtroom and showed no sign she is taking sides and this is video of Anago leaving court about an hour ago we've learned she will not be taking the stand the 20 year old has defended Gloria Williams in the past even pleading for leniency Williams had been raising mad ago as her own daughter in South Carolina until she was arrested in January of last year for nearly nine hours today the court heard from family and friends who described how this kidnapping and long-running mystery has caused them excruciating emotional hardship news for Jax reporter Scott Johnson and Janice Harris have been inside the courtroom all day we begin with Jenice an Alexis man ago has been fairly quiet throughout the entire day in fact I asked her if she wanted to make a comment at the end of the day and she declined however inside of that courtroom when you began to hear testimony from her biological family and the family that raised her you began to see emotion out of Alexis and many other people in the room she would cry as well as Gloria Williams over and over again Gloria Williams stole Shania Mobley's first child in 1998 when Williams pretended to be a nurse Mobley's Payne rang out in court today she was supposed to be nursed she was in oh my god pain that brought Williams to tears Williams Secret has hurt many people Williams named the baby Alexis and lied to this man telling him he was the father and giving her his last name man ago unbelievable pain unbelievable pain at all you know I mean days days I haven't slept I haven't slept last time on the way down I don't even know what to say just a betrayal and a hurt Gloria Williams mother Gloria Braun said she didn't know her daughter was living a lie but she wants Williams out of jail a mention of her failing health brings Williams to tears a pastor at the local church in South Carolina defense Williams too is a loving caring god-fearing woman Kamiya's biological father wants Williams to stay in prison for the maximum sentence but you've got to pay for what you did Williams father agrees she must pay the price for kidnapping Kamiya Mobley it was hard to understand why she did it but far as my life changing I didn't change he said he'd do the crime you got to do the time a judge will now decide that time and the hearing begins tomorrow around 10 a.m. we're expected to hear even more testimony tomorrow laughter the Duval County Courthouse chinees Harris channel 4 the local station Thank You junice we're also hearing from a number of other people touched by the case everyone from Police Detectives to Gloria Williams old boyfriend who paid years of child support thinking Alexis man ago was his daughter News 4 Jax reporter Scott Johnson joins us live from the Duval County Courthouse now scott mhairi this was affecting so many people hundreds and hundreds of people literally had to get involved in a case which is finally now being resolved here 20 years later police spent well over a decade trying to find out what happened to the baby girl who was kidnapped from this Jacksonville hospital in 1998 that included one of the original detectives who says they got around 3,000 tips but no real leads for years so required every single detective to abandon whatever they were doing and essentially tracked down each one of these leads and when I say track down a leak I'm talking about to the end so it required a lot of travel a lot of investigations the impact of this kidnapping also really affected the biological family velma akin is the girl's biological grandmother she says she was in the hospital when Williams pretending to be a nurse kidnapped the baby when I was going in she was on her way going out with the baby in her arms and so I said wake her mama baby going she said a baby had to go for a test I'll be back in 15 minutes I said what girl mama just got here I need to see my grandbaby but moments later the woman she thought was a nurse was gone with her granddaughter and now 20 years later she faces that woman again but not in a hospital room in a courtroom and that grandmother Jenice echoed something a lot of family members of Kamiya Mobley the Mobley side of this said was that they've really been under suspicion for 20 years people thinking they may have had something to do with us until Alexis Kamiya was finally found that's true the family has suffered a lot they've been accused of doing something that they didn't do and all they wanted was their child back guys are gonna send it back to you in the studio Scott Denise take us through what's expected in court tomorrow on day two of Williams sentencing hearing Jenice the big thing I took away from this is that alexis is not going to testify that was the thing we were hoping for but we found that out today she is not going to talk instead they're going to use interviews that were previously completed that they're going to use basically as Alexis testimony if you will but Gloria Williams is expected to testify tomorrow and we expect that to be sometime between 10:00 and 10:30 of course we'll stream it live on news for Jax comm back to you will there be a sentence tomorrow we hope I know the judge originally said it won't be today right but tomorrow very positive judge has the ability to do that but typically a judge will take at least a day or two to think through all of the testimony that they have heard and then make a decision 'yes i have been in many cases where the judge at the end of it we expect a sentence then they come back saying i need more time to think about this i'll go back to you in two weeks so we'll have to wait and see just been a riveting case Janissa scott thank you so much
Channel: News4JAX The Local Station
Views: 1,707,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kidnapping, gloria williams, jacksonville, sentencing, guilty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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