Breaking: 5 Journalists killed in Gaza in last 24 hours | LiveNOW from FOX

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transition now to breaking news. as it relates to the Israel Hamas War. gaza's Ministry of Health reporting. 29 people were killed in Gaza in the past 24 hours. as reports emerged learning that 5 Palestinian journalists were among those killed. joining us live this morning for this breaking news alert is National Security expert with the University of New Haven Ken Gray. Good morning to you. Can't always a pleasure speaking with you. Good morning, Janet glad to be with you again. Glad to have you so this headline just shows that the fighting continues out there in the Middle East I guess going against talks that a ceasefire could be underway. Yeah. this is a a very dangerous time that in that. talks are progressing towards moving towards a ceasefire. and for people who have survived this conflict so far. uh to lose their lives here. when we are close to some type of uh, nighat negotiated settlement. uh is a real shame, uh, uh, the uh 5 journalists that were killed they were not all killed in 1 location. uh 2 were killed in Gaza City. 3 down in nerat Camp. Uh, and so uh, you know this this continues with journalists this makes the total number killed throughout this conflict something. in around 159, I believe is what was reported. but uh, nonetheless, uh, it just shows that it that the fight. continues despite negotiations going on. and we know as the fighting continues There's actually been tension with journalists a few weeks ago that 1 of our content Partners they were forced to remove a camera looking into Gaza as the conflicts continue There were even been complaints with Al Jazeera saying that they've been restricted when it comes to giving the latest developments. I wanted to know if you could provide any perspective as relates to you know people out in that region getting up to date in information. when local media Outlets are at the same time being restricted. Yeah. it's it's an area where there are not a lot of news sources getting into the Gaza Strip there. Uh, the the 1 uh, they've lost power in a lot of places. Uh, the uh Broadcast networks that are there. uh have all been closed down. Uh, and so people are relying upon uh access to the internet and relying upon satellite radios to be able to to get information about what exactly is going on. Um, the coverage there that is going on in the Gaza Strip. There's a there's a balancing act going on with the need of the people to know what is going on versus the need for operational security for ongoing operations. uh as the IDF is moving around they do not want to have coverage of their movement because it puts their uh, their uh soldiers at risk. Um, so you can see why there is this conflict between the journalists and uh, the the the IDF, uh, but nonetheless, uh, uh, this has been going on throughout the entire uh conflict. uh, since October 7th. Thank you so much for that update can and we know the conflict with Hamas not the only 1? Out there in that region also conflict with Hezbollah conflict out there along the Red Sea with those houthi Robles any um advancements on either of those fronts any new information you could share with the viewers. so in response to the Israeli air strike that killed a Hezbollah Commander uh, the Hezbollah launched over 200 missiles. into uh, the northern part of Israel. and so, uh, the the uh border there with uh with the Lebanon uh, uh continues to heat up However, Hezbollah has said that if Hamas comes to an agreement, then they will cease their uh activity also, and so a lot is riding upon this framework that uh is being negotiated at this point. Hamas. apparently has agreed. has made. amendments to the negotiations that may be acceptable. to Israel. It's in the hands of the Israelis now and that they are continuing they said they would continue negotiations. starting on Monday. as far as the hoodies. uh are concerned the hoodies. uh continued to be a problem for both the Red Sea. and uh the Sea of Aiden uh that uh, they are um, continue their operations. They've moved not only from missiles to drones now they are using uh unmanned. drone ships that they maneuver around with explosives on it and RAM that into uh to vessels. Uh, and so uh, the the the hoodies continue to be a problem. uh a problem that needs to be taken care of. um to open this, uh, sea back up. to uh international trade. always a pleasure having you join for these breaking news alerts. We appreciate your candidness and your perspective. Is there anything else you'd like to add Before? I Let You Go anything myself in the viewers needs to be keeping a close eye on. so the the um, uh, negotiations that the the the thing that has broken this, uh, the the the solid positions on both sides was for Hamas to uh back away from the insistence that IDF totally move out of the Gaza Strip. uh, and that uh, that they will also start uh releasing uh, some of the hostages during phase 1 and so, uh, that is uh that actually is a good uh move towards coming to an agreement. So, uh in the next couple of days keep your eye on negotiations, here we may be coming to a point where these hostilities will start to subside. Can gray again. Thank you so much for joining us here on live now from Fox 4 this breaking news alert You enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you. and as we continue here on live now to give you uh these compelling images as it relates to conflict in the Middle East giving you another live lo
Channel: LiveNOW from FOX
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Keywords: news, united states, politics, live news, news live, live news today, news today, fox live, breaking news, news live stream, israel vs hamas today, israel today latest news live, israel news, Israel news today, israeli war coverage, rafah gaza live, gaza war, gaza news, gaza strip, israeli news, israeli hostages, israel hamas war updates, Israel Defense Forces, idf, latest on israel hamas war
Id: vHjQYk643XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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