Gloomhaven Monster AI - Rules Quiz Questions 1-10

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hello again Internet I'm Lambo welcome to my gaming space more affectionately known as the nerdery and I've been busy building one scenario over here getting it all set up and I'll go finish painting it and do some other stuff I've got another terrain project I've been working over here but in addition the reason you're here today is because we're going to cover some more monster AI movement rules and this time we're gonna get into the nitty-gritty going into the first ten scenarios or questions found on the BoardGameGeek forums blue haven rules quiz or the monster a eye movement quiz so we're gonna cover the first ten scenarios I'll do it on some cool-looking terrain well it's cool looking to me I think I got some miniatures and stuff to represent all the standees and then we'll cover the explanations of why the rules work the way they do so if you have any questions or comments after watching the video drop them down below but you can find the best explanations besides finding them in the rules on that BoardGameGeek forum so why don't you come join me and as a wise individual by the name of Dustin from Hawkins Indiana once said on this curiosity voyage and these books these books are our paddles we need our paddles [Music] so thanks for joining me and hope you enjoy this video oh right welcome to your gloom haven monster a eye movement quiz or also known as the gloom Haven rules quiz as found on the BoardGameGeek forum this quiz was originally posted by a user who goes by the name of broster house and it was then updated to reflect the gloom Haven second release and FAQ my user who goes by the name of sad yet while I make no claims of possessing a doctorate in gloom Haven ology these folks sure seem to know their stuff so I'm citing them as my sources upfront my other disclaimer up front is that while I am utilizing monster minis and will even call them by their gloom Haven monster names at times the quiz only ever identifies these monsters as generic monsters therefore while I'm attempting to utilize monster minis which would make sense given the quiz stats and ability is for any given question I may inadvertently utilize a monster which has some extra ability or stat and a real game which isn't present here in this quiz so for all you rules and stats experts out there in YouTube land for the purposes of this series of videos please only focus on the stats and ability specifically mentioned in each question as they are the only ones pertinent to the scenario my minis and monster identifiers are only there to make this slightly more interesting to you the viewer and in no way reflect any extra stats not posted in the scenarios okay now that we have all that out of the way let's go down the Inox encampment where it would appear that the Inox residents have come to line up and greet their fellow Inox the brute likely to thank him for the wonderful job he did and babysitting all their children at the back of the cave in scenario three Hyde Hawks one there in the back is up and he has one movement and a melee attack so how does he move does he move to space a or two space B is it the players choice or will he stay put to solve this question first the Inox must find a focus in this case that is the brute then the Inox must find a hex from where it could perform its attack and utilize the shortest path to attempt to do so viable hexes to perform a melee attack are here we're here or any of these rear hexes down here but clearly the shortest path will either lead to here or here so to get to one of these hexes is one two three or one two three or he could go through his allies one two three or one two three it is the same amount of movement no matter which way the Inox goes therefore since it is the same to either side the monster with his one movement Mather go to the left or to the right because either one of these two hexes puts him now one two hexes away from a viable melee attack location or if it was here it would also be one two movement hexes away question two this is the exact same scenarios before except all the inox have apparently moonwalked back one hex it is again monster ones turn in the back to activate so the question remains the same as before with his one movement and melee attack will the Inox moved to space a space be players choice either side or stay put the answer to this conundrum is in fact option for the monster stays put now I know some of you watching this are likely having this reaction right now [Music] but through but rest assured that is indeed the correct answer and let me explain why first the Inox elects a focus by determining the path using the least amount of movement to attack its focus with its current melee attack remember the key to doing this right is to disregard whether the monster has enough movement this round to travel that path only that the path exists if it helps think of the monsters movement as infinite just for the purposes of determining the shortest path that shortest path is in fact one two three hexes through his allies so if the Inox were to move one hex off to the side he would still be one two three or three hexes away from being able to conduct a melee attack now I may not be a math magician but three hexes away is no closer than three hexes away and if he were on the other side it would still be three hexes away so the eye knocks will stay put and probably write a strongly worded letter to cephalo fair games about all of this question three here we have the eye not scarred who now has two movement and a melee attack and he has two enemies on the board the brute who is currently playing a little hide-and-seek behind the totem and the mine thief out in the open those tokens on the ground represent initiative so the mine thief has initiative 12 this round and the brute has 25 the question is what will the monster do on his turn selecting a focus requires us to find the shortest path to conduct the monsters melee attack but it is one two hexes to get to here one two to get to here and one two hexes to get to here so both of these characters are tied for shortest movement path in this case will the monster move to either A or B players choice to attack the brute or will the monster move to C to attack the mine thief the answer is the monster moved to a or b players choice this is because page 29 of the rulebook states in cases where the monster can move the same number of spaces to get within range of multiple enemy figures proximity from the model is the first tiebreaker and that's as the crow flies counting everything except walls therefore we ignore ignition of at this point and first check proximity and thus we see that the brute is only one two hexes away whereas the mine thief is one two three hexes away so the eye knocks can go right or left and tag the brute is it question four in this scenario we see that the scoundrel has become cornered in some isolated part of the level probably because she has been doing what every scoundrel player ever in the history of scavenger players does leave the main party who's probably busy fighting the enemy somewhere all in order to run ahead and loot something shiny before someone else in the party has a chance to do so that's right you know who you are scout chill players for the inox guard in the back is ready to activate he has a movement of two and a melee attack but we see there is also a trap right here and a space here where he can launch his melee attack from so here is the question how does the monster move will the Inox move down one space to here will he move through the trap to close the distance here or will he stay put the correct answer is the eye knocks will stay put this is because the shortest path to attack his focus goes straight through his allies here one two three the trap is considered a negative hex and a path exists through here to reach the focus it's just the monster doesn't have sufficient movement to use it this round monsters will always treat traps as obstacles meaning they won't go through them unless there is no other way to reach their focus since there is another way the eye knocks will do what my dog does when I tell him to get off my couch and stay right where he is question 5 a little change of scenery as we move down into the depths of the dungeon where we have a series of living corpses with this living corpse here with his token denoting who will be activating all here facing off against the spell Weaver the living corpse will get three movement this round and a melee attack so the question is how will monster one move will the monster move on to space a will the monster move on to the trap or will the monster stay put the correct answer is the monster will move on to the trap the reason for this is that when the monster targets is focused he must find illegal hex from which to perform his current melee attack from this hex is occupied by an ally so it is not illegal hex to launch an attack from there is however a illegal hex here to attack from on this side of the spell Weaver the only path to get here to travel all the way around these walls either around the bottom or the top therefore the trap is no longer considered an obstacle and the living corpse activates by doing a combat roll over his friend landing on the trap with this final movement and then suffering the consequences now this trap would swap out having been sprung sorry but not sorry mr. looting corpse question six in this scenario we see the living corpses again lining up in front of the spell Weaver for what I'm sure they've heard is a magical meal and it is the living corpse with the number of tokens turned to activate once more the living corpse has to movement and a melee attack so how does it move does it move down here to space a closer to the spell Weaver or does it move up to space B to space C is it the player's choice between B or C or is it the player's choice for any of these hexes a B or C the correct answer is that the monster will move to either of these two hexes B or C players choice why you ask because the monster must find a viable hex to attack from melee range and as before this hex is occupied by an ally making it not a viable hex from which to launch a melee attack the two closest text is the monster could attack from R here or here you could attack from here but these two are closer therefore since it is 11 movement hexes both this way and around this way it is up to the players to decide between B or C and they may move the monster up here or here but a goon the numero siete for those that don't habla the espanol that's question 7 we now head into the caves where the crag heart is cornered by two firm Ling's with a nine ox Archer behind them it's the archers turn to activate and he has to movement and a range to attack so what will the Archer do will he stay put or move through the trap to space a the correct answer is he will move through the trap to space a the reason is because with a range too the monster needs to find a viable hex from which to conduct his current attack this hex is occupied as is this one both by the monsters allies these two hexes are occupied by obstacles that makes the nearest and only viable hex this one here there is only one path to reach that hex and when there is no other way to reach a hex in order to conduct an attack only then will a monster go through a trap which it does here springing the trap and moving towards the space from where it can attack its focus question 8 in this scenario we see the Inox archer taking on three players the crack heart the mind thief and the tinkerer who has also laid down a poison gas trap over here the archer has a movement of two a range of two and a target three attack so what does the archer do does he move to one of these hexes back here to lose disadvantage does he move down here or here where he can attack all three characters or does he step onto the trap allowing him to attack all three characters and lose a disadvantage on his primary focus of the many choices the correct answer is the eye knocks will step back to hex B and then conduct his attack against these two enemies the reason for this is first the eye knocks Alexis primary focus which is his nearest enemy the crack heart because the archer has a range to attack but is in melee range this attack would be a disadvantaged attack if he were to remain where he is monsters always attempt to lose disadvantage on attacks against their primary focus monsters also always attempt to maximize their attacks meaning attack as many as their attacks that allows in this case but they prioritize losing disadvantage on their primary focus first then maximizing their attack second their fourth the monster will avoid going to any hex adjacent to the crag heart because his attacks would be done at disadvantage even though that will mean he cannot attack all three targets the monster will also treat the trap as an obstacle because he can conduct an attack against his primary focus from elsewhere on the board so the monster will step away from the crack heart while trying to maximize his attack and not be a disadvantage elsewhere if he can help it leaving space B as the only space where he can do so for question nine the scenario is the same so we'll put that Archer back where he came from but this time the archer is muddled so all his attacks are at disadvantage everything else being the same what does the archer do now being muddled the correct answer is now moved to F and attack all three targets here's why the whole reason for stepping back to hex B in the previous question was to lose disadvantage on the primary focus and not be a disadvantage to secondary targets either with the monster now being muddled it doesn't matter where he is located he'll still be attacking a disadvantage regardless so that negates the need to step away therefore you skip trying to lose disadvantage and move right into simply maximizing the attack that makes hex F the best location because the archer can attack at maximum effect they're targeting all three targets Co uestion 10 we made it the last question of the video we have a very similar scenario here except this time I've switched out the archer for a flame demon the reason I've done this is that this flame demon has the flying trait he maintains all the same stats as the monster in the previous questions that being - movement arranged to attack and target 3 but he also has gain flying I've also swapped to a different trap for the tinkerer but it's still just a trap so with that being the only change what will the monster do in his turn given the exact same choices as before the correct answer is the flame demon will move to the trap and I'm going to tell you why the flame demon first selects its primary focus that being the crag heart and then prioritizes losing disadvantage on its attacks against its primary focus then the flame demon prioritizes attacking to maximum effect by attacking as many targets as possible 3 in this case that leaves only the trap space as a location where it could attack its primary focus without disadvantage and still hit two additional targets even though one secondary target will be at disadvantage since the monster has flying doesn't treat traps as negative hexes and can simply land over the hex without triggering the trap to recap according to the quiz explanation the order of operations is as follows 1 lose disadvantage on primary focus to gain as many extra targets as possible and 3 lose disadvantage on the extra targets this is why the flame demon will pick the trap space over space F because losing disadvantage on the primary target Trump's losing disadvantage on the secondary target and gaining as many extra targets as possible trumps losing disadvantage on the secondary target there you have it folks the first 10 questions off the BoardGameGeek monster movement rules quiz now after watching this video and hearing the explanations some of you might be feeling like this right now [Music] remember I didn't write these rules for these quiz answers for that matter I'm just the messenger so you can save your torches and your pitchforks for cephalo fair games or the BoardGameGeek quiz authors I just happen to be the sucker who put their answers up in a YouTube video and there you have it the first 10 questions from the gloom Haven monster rules quiz or rules quiz from the BoardGameGeek forum how'd we do did you guys do well or girls did you mess up a bunch did you learn something let me know below let me know what you think did I mess something up I am not above getting a rule wrong here or there which is kind of what started me on this journey in the first place so did I mess something up if I did let me know I'll keep putting these out there these videos if there's interest in more and I will get working on it in the near future I forgot I finished doing all this terrain stuff that I'm I'm working on if you like terrain videos you can check out some of those other ones on my channel as well but above all happy gaming
Channel: Lambo's Nerdery
Views: 41,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gloomhaven, How to play, how to play gloomhaven, Gloomhaven rules, Monster movement, monster movement quiz, Gloomhaven monster movement, gloomhaven monster AI, Monster AI, Monster Rules, Rules
Id: 3kYqzEJXyR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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