Globalization and Inequality: Paul Krugman, Janet Gornick, and Branko Milanovic

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- Good evening. My name is Chase Robinson, and as President, I have the privilege of welcoming you to the Graduate Center of The City University of New York. What is the relationship between globalization and income inequality? That's the question that Branko Milanovic poses in his newest book Global Inequality, a New Approach for the Age of Globalization. In it Branko highlights an intriguing paradox, even as inequality has soared within many countries, it's fallen dramatically at the global level. Specifically he writes about who has been helped the most by globalization, who's been held back, and what policies might tilt the balance towards economic justice. His is a departure from the traditional approach of examining inequality exclusively within countries. And, based on the reviews the book has received over the last few weeks, it is something of a sensation. The Financial Times calls it informative, wide ranging, scholarly, and imaginative adding significantly to important recent works by Thomas Piketty, Anthony Atkinson, and Francois Bourguignon. The Economist, another example, said that Milanovic's theorizing chips away at tired economic orthodoxies. How fortunate then are we not just to feature one of the most prominent thinkers on the topic of inequality, our author, but three, all of whom are based here at The Graduate Center. Now this intellectual capital speaks volumes not just about The Graduate Center but about also The City University of New York which is itself an extraordinary project in reducing inequality and increasing opportunity. Of the University's about 260,000 undergraduates, 42% are the first in their families to attend college. A full 40% of CUNY's undergraduates come from households with annual incomes below $20,000. The Graduate Center which focuses on doctoral education and advanced teaching and research is a crucial part of that project. Every year our 3,800 doctoral students reach about 200,000 CUNY undergraduates in classrooms and labs. Our student are remarkable not just for the contribution they make to undergraduate education but also for their own research. Last year one of our students won a Guggenheim, and one of our students won a Pulitzer Prize. This institution I'm very proud to say is becoming the leading center for empirical research on socioeconomic inequalities. We can boast top researchers and experts, the satellite office of the world's most important income database and resource, The Luxembourg Income Study Center, or LIS, a rapidly growing cohort of PHD students using the data, and a multitude of collaborations. For that reason and many others, we could not be more delighted then to host tonight's conversation and to showcase our three scholars. First, Branco Milanovic is visiting Presidential Professor at The Graduate Center as well as Senior Scholar at the LIS Center. Previously he served as Lead Economist in the World Bank's Development Research Group. During his long career, Branco has focused his research on income distribution, a dynamic field to say the least. He likes to say that four years after he defended his dissertation on income inequality in the former socialist Yugoslavia, the country disappeared. (laughing) He's also the author of the Haves and Have Nots, a Brief and Idiosyncratic History of Global Inequality and numerous articles. Branco is joined on the stage by Paul Krugman, the Nobel laureate, the New York Times columnist and author, distinguished scholar here again at the LIS Center, and distinguished professor in our Department of Economics. He's been called the most important political economist in America by Washington Monthly, and the most celebrated economist of his generation by the Economist. He's also as you will know the author of numerous best-selling books. Janet Gornick is professor of political science and sociology and director of the LIS Center. For over 30 years, Janet has been a leading researcher and educator in the field of American social welfare policy especially as it affects the economic status of women and families. Her book Families that Work has been widely used in teaching for over a decade in the U.S. and in Europe. Her most recent book co-edited with Markus Jantti is Income Inequality, Economic Disparities, and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries. And, I can't resist noting in closing that while Paul, Janet, and Branco work very, very closely in our LIS Center, tonight is the first time they actually share the same stage. Please do join me in welcoming our distinguished speakers. (clapping) - Thank you, Chase. Am I on here? Does that sound good? Thank you, Chase. Let me step in and just tell you a little bit about the logistics for the evening. First of all, I'm wearing multiple hats. We're efficient here at The Graduate Center in the face of budget cuts, so I'm moderating, I'm asking question, and I'm answering questions. (laughing) So that's what we're gonna do, and I'm gonna keep time. So this is what we're gonna do just to give you a little bit of a preview. We're gonna have this conversation in three interlocking chapters. It's a complicated and very rich book that is our starting point. So first Branco is gonna layout his findings on global inequality starting with one very lively slide that he'll walk us through. I'm gonna pose a few questions to him and to Paul then about the implications of Branco's findings and also about the underlying causal mechanisms embodied in this story that he's gonna tell you. And, then second we're gonna move to the question of income differences between countries or across countries which is a big part of the story of global inequality. And, again Branco is gonna show you some of his key findings via a single slide. And, I'll pose a few questions to them. And, then for the third chapter, we're gonna turn to the question of within country inequality with a focus on the U.S. And, there's where I'm gonna jump in and provide an overview of income inequality in the U.S. both today and also over time. And, then we'll turn to the question of policy implications with a focus on the United States. So our question is gonna be how we're going to make America great again. (laughing) So that's the plan. Why not, right? So then that'll take us to about eight o'clock, and then we're gonna open up for Q and A. We're gonna welcome questions from the audience. There are mics in the aisle. I'll keep my eye on the time there. And, at 8:20 we're gonna break, and Branco's gonna step out and sign books, and Paul will come down to the audience. I will as well, and we'll chat a little bit. So that's the plan for the evening. So let me invite you, Branco, to go ahead and put up your first slide and walk the audience through it. - Well okay, thank you very much, Janet. After the somewhat ominous introduction that Chase had about the country disappearing after four years, and given that my topic is the world, I hope it's not going to, you know, happen twice. (laughing) So let me start as Janet said with a slide that many of you might have seen actually on the internet. It was tweeted and retweeted quite a few times. Actually not least thanks to Paul also sort of using it one of his columns. Now the slide I think is interesting. I have to explain it a little bit, and you will see when I explain it why I think actually it attracted quite a lot of attention. Now what you have on the horizontal axis is that you have actually, technically all individuals in the world lined up from the poorest, which would be like number one on this slide, to the richest people who would be number 100. So basically that number, 100, is actually the global top 1%, the richest people in the world. Now in order to do that ranking, you have to have household surveys from lots of countries actually 120 countries in the world, and of course you do it at different time intervals because as you will see there is a comparison between two points in time. So you have that lineup, everybody in the world. I said technically seven billion people. Of course, they are not there. You actually have household surveys which are representative of the countries. And, then on the vertical axis what the graph shows is what was the increase in income in real terms between 1988 and 2008. So that was the idea of the slide. It does seem simple, as I said, but it's actually takes lots of numbers because you have to have all these household surveys, and thanks to LIS of course we cover about half or maybe more of the world now. But, the slide covers practically everybody. So now what you notice there is that actually somewhere around the middle or actually the median of the world, you have very large increases in real income. So on the vertical axis if you can read it, it's actually about 80% increase in real income. Now when you ask and look at these people there, first you ask yourself who are these people? And second, you should also notice, and that's why I put his number, you notice that actually they're not rich people. They're actually by U.S. standards, by rich countries' standards relatively poor people because the median income in the world is only about five or $6 per day, so it's actually not very much again by the rich counties' standards. But, there what you might call, and I put it under quotes, you know you can call it China's middle class. Although it's not only Chinese middle class, it's really most of the countries in Asia like China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and so on. But, for simplicity we can just call it that point A with large increases in real income. We can call it Chinese middle class. Then you go further, this slide, and then you reach people who're actually significantly better off than what we call the Chinese middle class. But, that's where the income distribution of the rich world really begins. Because the rich world really doesn't have too many people who are below that point, which as you notice, it's a point of the 80th percentile in the world. So practically anybody in the U.S. practically, not actually everybody but like 95% of the people are about that point. So there what you notice that peculiarity is that actually there you see almost no growth. So that's my point B, and that's actually a very striking point because there is this big contrast between the point A where you have people who are globally in the middle class but relatively poor compared to the people in the U.S. and they have actually grown a lot. And, then you have people who are quite poor by U.S. standards, and they have not grown at all. And, it's not only the U.S. I called it, you know for simplicity here, U.S. lower middle class, but it's really the lower part of the distributions of many rich countries. Actually 72% of people in that group are from OECD countries. And, to give you an example, it's also U.S. Germany that many people don't know, Germany actually also had relatively bad period lower part of the income distribution at least, and then Japan. Okay, and then finally the third point in this slide which is also quite dramatic, oh sorry, not surprising is that of course at the very top, this global top 1%, you have people who have actually gained quite substantially. You have also an increase of 80%. Just two points before I finish this. We have of course looked, and we're going to look only here practically at relatives which means how many percentages have you gained over that period. But, in reality of course what one needs to understand and to realize is that the gains at the top are multiple in terms of absolute numbers. Because if you have somebody who has, as we can see here, $180 per day then even if he gains, you know, a couple of percentage points, that would be $3 let's suppose. But, for people who are actually at $4 that would mean two-thirds of their income or three-quarters of their income. So in other words, the relatives that we're focusing here are very important, but we should not forget that behind them are also absolute gains which are of course much, much stronger on the top. And, a final point which of course we will talk, I think, a lot today, is that contrast between points A and B, the contrast between the rising, let's call it global middle class that is relatively poor, and the stagnating lower or maybe sort of lower middle or middle class in the rich countries. And, that of course is one of the reasons that actually many people were attracted to the graph because it illustrates it in an empirical and quite intuitive way. - Thank you. So let me ask a conceptual question. Paul, I'm gonna ask you to chime in first. So just to underscore something, I think most of you know this, and Chase said it as well. The great majority of research on income inequality uses the country as the unit of analysis. That's true of about 90% of the papers using the data from LIS. It's true of the work by Piketty, and Atkinson, and Saez on the World Top Income Database. So this idea of merging all of these datasets and thinking about a global distribution is quite unusual. Branco is really one of the few who's worked this way. So the question is why do we care about the global distribution? I would say on the one hand, you know, it makes us think about the human community and not just our national communities. We're also gonna talk about interactions across countries in a moment. But, on the other hand, there are so few policy levers at the global level, so I guess the question is is tracking global inequality an intellectual exercise with little application? - Okay. Am I on? Yeah I'm on. I would say first off, we certainly want that picture. You want a story about the world. People always want to ask. It's kind of common knowledge that there's been some convergence of national incomes, that countries like China are on the rise relative to the advanced countries. And, on the other hand, that there's rising inequality. And, how do I think about that? Is global inequality rising, is it falling? And, to which Branco has given us the answer is yes. It is both rising and falling depending on how you look at it. And, this is a really compact, simple way to understand very clearly what's going on. And, if you do have some notion of caring about human welfare, well there's your story. It's not a completely unambiguous story, but it's a story you want to tell. But, I think if we think that there's some kind of process that's going on, that this in fact just one story which is not entirely clear, I think we'll come back to that, but if we think that there is one story going on here, that is something that presumably can be affected by policies. If we think that globalization is what's driving everything we see here, then globalization, if there's one thing that I think everyone who does international trade and has any sense of history is aware of is that globalization is not an irreversible, unstoppable process. There have been ups and downs. The world was much more globally integrated in 1913 then it was in 1953, that if you have protectionism, if you have barriers, you can ramp globalization down. You may think that making America great again by putting immense tariffs on everything from outside America is a good idea or bad idea, but it's not an infeasible idea. You can certainly make it happen. So then the question is how do I think about the effects to the extent that that's what's driving this? It matters a lot. I would actually just add one specific thing. The era that Branco is covering here which by the way was not at all the same. The previous 20 years don't look like this at all. This corresponds roughly to the period of something that in my neck of the woods is typically referred to as hyper globalization. Up until about 1990, the rise in international trade could be viewed largely as recovery to the kind of global integration we had before World War I. It wasn't dramatically a different kind of thing. But, after 1990 or so, something different happened. We have much more intese international trade, and probably that didn't have to happen. Probably it was stoppable. So the question is well what does that do? And, here we have this picture to tell us what perhaps it does. And, it's very important to understand what's going on. - Janet, one thing that actually I would like to point out is that this kind of picture where actually you have an increase in gains around the median where first they go up, when you're poor, they actually relatively low, and then they increase all the way to the median, and then suddenly, precipitously decline for people who are around the 80th percentile in the world, and then go back again is very unusual. Actually you don't have individual countries that often have almost ever that particular shape. Because think what it means if this were translated to an individual country. It would mean that you had really the top growth that did extremely well, but then they enacted some policies, let's suppose tax hikes or something, which really screwed people who are just below them, and then the middle class did extremely well. So it's very unusual. Because what you typically find, in the U.S. for example, an example we'll talk about that a little bit later, you'll find that this graph would go upward. In other words, the gains would almost monotonically increase as you become richer. So that's a typical pattern for increasing inequality. When you have a decline in inequality, a typical patter is also that you would have a downward sloping curve. So the unusual part, of course because it's the world, we have growth rates that are widely different between. It is really that which is driving mostly that graph. And, one point about what Paul mentioned before. Actually, you know, Paul was the one who actually asked me. He said, "Do you think you could actually do "similar graph for the period before 1988?" Now, that's very difficult because we really didn't have surveys really from most of the countries in the world. Now however, thanks to actually Francois Bourguignon and Christian Morrisson, you can do some things which is not as good as this because the data are not as good. However, what you get, you get really a flat line more or less. So you really don't get this very unusual jump which is not only driven by the way that I organized the graph. You know the origin of the graph, it's at zero. So it's really a very unusual sort of pattern that we have here. - [Janet] So Paul will you talk a little more about the causality? You started to allude to this, but I think the question would be essentially is there a tradeoff? Is this growth in the middle causing the dip further up? Is the growth of the global middle class harming the lower middle class in the rich countries including in the U.S? That's a story we hear a lot. It has a lot of domestic power to that. There's a lot of political power in that story. - First let's tell that story, then I'll give you a little skepticism. But, there's a story which says that what's happened is some combination of factors, containerization which made shipping more easier, better communications, and also policy changes. A lot of the developing countries which it had very inward looking policies turned outward looking instead causes this surge in global trade. A lot of it labor intensive products being exported from developing countries to advanced countries. And, what a fairly standard trade analysis would say that's gonna actually cause increasing inequality in the rich countries. It's going to drive down wages of workers who don't have exceptional skills or don't own a lot of capital, but it's also going to lead to a big rise, or it's going to lead to a rise in the wages of workers in the developing countries. And, if that's the story, then there is a tradeoff. Unless you are in a position to really do a lot of redistribution in the advanced country, then we are saying, well, we're getting gains for the workers of Bangladesh, but they're coming at the expense of the workers of Michigan. And, that's a very difficult story. It's actually a morally difficult story because you can say, "Well gee why are vulnerable "people in the United States suffering? "We should stop this." But, then you say, but, you know, you've got Bangladesh which more or less literally keeps it's head above water only by being able to sell these low, labor intensive, as somebody said, "They're not a banana republic, they're a pajama republic." Exports of apparel are pretty much all that keeps them going. Do you really want to stand in the way of that process? Now there are some questions. It's a story, at first sight, it's perfect. Cause by the way, it's a myth about international trade that standard international trade analysis says trade is good for everybody. It's not what it says. It actually says that it can very easily have very large effects on income distribution. So it's by no means true, and this picture seems to fit that story rather well. Couple of problems with it. One is that the numbers when you try to go through the causation they just don't look big enough even now, even with all this increase in trade. It's hard to tell a story where, and that's the hardest thing to explain, but the numbers don't look big enough to cause all of the increase in inequality we've seen in the advanced world, and they also don't look big enough to explain the incredible growth of these developing countries. You know trade is good according to our analysis, but it's not 80% gain in income good. And, so we have a really hard time with that. Another thing is this says that really inequality should be rising in the advanced world, but by that story, it should be declining in the developing world which is not by and large what we see by and large. So we're seeing the Chinese middle class is rising, but there's also a substantial number of Chinese billionaires popping up. And, so that doesn't seem to be the story. So it looks like, at most, globalization is only part of the story. There are reasons to be skeptical about the just mono-causal globalization is causing all of this. But, I think the dilemma is real. The dilemma that says if you care about the advanced country working class, you probably want to be a protectionist, or you might want to be a protectionist, but then what about the workers of the third world? - [Janet] Branco, let me push you onto the next slide because I think it follows from this point. - It does, but if I may while I'm not sure if I'm going to repeat everything that I said because apparently my mic was off. So should I really restart? (laughing) I will not. I just want to say one more thing. Actually in my book, I call it, to simplify, of course what Paul and you were mentioning, it's a story of globalization behind that graph. Now there could be also technological changes and there could be also policy. So I kind of simplify it, as I called it, TOP, because it's technology, openness, and policy. When I was last week in Paris, actually present the same slide and Piketty was a discussant, he actually said well you're really underplaying the role of policy. So we agreed that actually it should be called POT because it's policy, openness, and technology depending what you want really to put as the first emphasis whether it should be TOP, or POT, or OPT. But, I think three of them are very often their like going together as a package. Okay let me then, should I go for the next slide now? The next slide is again using global income distribution, but it now, like, shows things a little bit differently. So now if you would focus on the horizontal axis, it is the position in the country percentile. Let me just show what it means. Basically you ask yourself I am in the U.S. In what percentile do I sort of think I am. It's not really here about your opinions, it's actually about your incomes, but just to give you an idea what the horizontal axis is. Then you look at the vertical axis, and then you have your position in the global income distribution. As I was saying before, what I was actually saying that there are relatively few poor, very few Americans who are poor by global standards. Or, if I were to draw here instead of the U.S. I could draw for example Denmark. And, that line for Denmark would start at 85th percentile in the world as you can see for the U.S. it starts there at the lowest percentile in the U.S. is at 55th percentile in the world. So essentially what it shows you is actually every additional point on the horizontal axis is going to push you higher on the global as well. And, essentially the U.S. is a country where everybody is above the world median. Well it's also interesting when you look at the very top. So this would be like the lowest American, I mean obviously there are people with zero income also because you might have actually sudden, you know, you can draw on your savings and survive, but basically it is kind of a lowest income in a statistical sense like significant sense that exists in the U.S. And, then of course you have here people who are at the very top and 12% of Americans are in the global top 1%. So we talked like a couple of minutes ago about this global top 1%, and for 12% of all Americans, many of us are actually obviously in that global top 1%, but 12% of Americans are in that global top 1%. And, actually half of the population in that global top percent is American. So rich countries dominate in that global top 1%. And, then of course at the other extreme, although this is a little bit of an exaggeration because the Indian data are, this is consumption data, and they're actually underestimated the income at the very top, but take this with a grain of salt. But, nevertheless you will not have 12,000,000 Indians because we're talking about each percentile. And, one percentile in India is 12,000,000 people. 12,000,000 people on average will not have an income which would put them in the top 1%. So you have really this kind of striking sort of gap between rich countries and poor countries. Now we always knew that, but what is actually interesting I think here is that you can see that gap not only like mean in the U.S. versus mean in India, you can actually see that gap across the entire distribution. And, then you can bring other countries. I've actually taken several large countries here. This one is China. Of course, that was done in 2008. Already I have like 2011. China is already higher. So basically that Chinese line would essentially increase throughout, so it would actually even come to the top 1%. And, you notice already sort of a middle class, global middle class. You notice another thing actually. The Chinese median is about the same as the global median which is sort of interesting. Then I have here the next country is Russia with obviously significant middle class, and if I were to break China into two, rural and urban, Chinese urban would be slightly ahead of the Russian average. So that's where Chinese urban is, and of course Chinese rural is much below Chinese mean. And, finally this is a country that I would let you guess at first. If it doesn't show, oh it showed too fast. This was Brazil, and I could've taken Brazil or South Africa because that country really spans the world. So as you can see, it has really people who are among the poorest in the world like bottom 1%. It has significant middle class. It has people who are the 80th, 90th percentile in the world, and it has people who are in the top. So in other words it almost mimics the world, and South Africa comes fairly close to mimicking the world in terms of income distribution or Brazil for that matter. - So let's talk about the implications of this picture. I think one thing that is clear so far is that there are enormous differences in income levels across countries obviously. And, that's a big component of global inequality. That suggests in a very stylized way two possible ways to decrease global inequality. One is to spur economic growth in the poorer countries, a catch up model, and another would be widespread migration of people from poorer countries to richer countries. Paul, how do you react to that? Is that realistic? Is that reasonable? What's the approach given these kinds of income differentials to thinking about reducing global inequality. - Okay. Three solutions that you've offered. One is faster growth in poor countries which in fact the interesting thing is we've been achieving that. That's the great success. So whatever else you may say about this period since hyper globalization began and whatever the causes, the fact of the matter is from that point of view, it's been a golden age. Actually when I went to grad school which was in the mid 70s, I tried to think what should I focus on? And, I thought well development economics that's really important, and decided not to because it was too depressing because in the 1970s, there wasn't, development economics was basically non-development economics. Nobody succeeded in catching up at all, and that totally changed. And, so that's a very good thing. So on point one, we're actually doing pretty well. Point two, well, that's a lot of our politics. We're trying to reduce inequality within countries which politically we haven't gotten our act together to do that at all here, but some developing countries actually have. So one of the interesting stories although kind of falling apart right now is Latin American efforts to reduce inequality. And, we'll be talking about what we might be doing there. Now migration is really interesting, right? I guess in some cosmic sense I have to be for 'cause otherwise I wouldn't be here, you wouldn't be here. All of us CUNY babies whose fathers went to some part of the CUNY system did so because somewhere down line because ancestors came to America. Migration is an enormous force for upward mobility and narrowing of income gaps as poor people come from poor countries and make their way. It's also deeply problematic especially in democratic societies. So the old line, this is from a much earlier form of migration about intra European migration when lots of guest workers were coming to Switzerland, the author Max Frisch said, "We wanted workers "but people came." If you're going to take a lot of people into your country, there is going to be a problem. If they're people, shouldn't they be part of the political system? But, if they are, isn't that going to be problematic for the workers who are already there? If you bring labor and it isn't given political representation, then you're generating even if it's for good motives, you're generating a kind of apartheid. And, there's got to be with sufficiently large migration, there's got to be a problem of exacerbating income inequality. For what it's worth, there's a fair bit of argument that the immigration that we've actually seen in the United States in recent decades probably isn't doing much of that. Turns out that the immigrant workers are not competing very much with native born workers probably. But, certainly the issue is there. My view on migration in general is if you're not conflicted about this, there's something wrong with you. It's very hard morally. Economically it's great for world GDP, but politically, morally it's tough. - Let me ask you both then to comment on something. Branco, you raised a very interesting question. I know it really was someone else's question in your book, and that was essentially what is the analogy, or is there an analogy between migration and the trading of goods? And, as it's often said, it's a common economic argument that fewer barriers to trade are good, but we need to think about compensating the losers as Paul's noted nobody would deny that there are losers typically. The question is can we tell the same story which would be to argue for open barriers, movement of migrants freely across the globe, but then to think about ways to compensate the so called losers? Does that analogy hold? - Well this was the analogy actually I think proposed by Land Bridgett actually this was exactly as you said. We believe that trade is good, but there are of course losers from trade, and we try to actually have trade and compensate those who are losing. Likewise for global reduction of poverty or global inequality even if we don't care about inequality globally, we do in principle care about poverty, and of course migration would be a great force for the good. So Land was saying, so we should then apply to migration the same rules that we apply to trade. So be in favor of migration, and if there are losers, then we should compensate the losers. Now it is clear that technically whether you really become rich in your own country because your own country grow fast, or you become rich because you move to a different country that is richer, from the point of view of the world, it's really equivalent because we really look in this graph and the other graph at global numbers. So for us really, whether the person is in China or the U.S. or you know Bolivia, is equivalent. The problem of course is the world is not organized as a single unit, as a single world. It is organized in political units which are states or countries rather. Then as Paul quoted Max Frisch, you basically have people, I mean you want workers but people come and politically that is very difficult to accommodate. So that's where the problem comes. And, I think basically you end up, I believe, with a sort of a tradeoff. Do you really want to have this big instrument, big tool for the reduction of global poverty and inequality work, and then you have to adjust somehow to make native population, domestic population willing to accept them, or do you say we will just shutoff this big tool of global income reduction and just forget it and keep local population as they are? So I think that's the big sort of dilemma that we have. - And, just to say, even on trade, while it's true that the textbook theoretical case for trade, you accept that it's going to have large effects on the income distribution, but that's okay because the winners can compensate the losers, except that never actually happens even less so when it comes to immigration. - Right okay. So before we move on to within country inequality, let me pose one other question. Paul, I'd like you to comment on this first if you would. We've talked about economic growth in poorer countries as one of the strategies for reducing global inequality. What's the relationship between within country inequality and economic growth? This is a big discussion in the rich countries, in the poor countries. I know you've spoken about this a lot. It's often said that inequality is a drag on growth. It's an argument that a lot of people have picked up on because it has a lot of political currency. I know Joe Stiglitz is a big proponent of this claim. Paul, you've disagreed with him somewhat. How would you tell the story? Is there a tradeoff inequality and growth? - So let's start with the traditional story which is that anything you do to limit within country inequality is going to hurt economic growth. So there is a tradeoff. It's the leaky bucket. You try and take money from the well-off and give it to the less well-off, and that's gonna help. But, it's gonna reduce incentives. It's gonna hurt economic growth. That surely is true at a very extreme level. 100% marginal tax rates, even I will agree that those will have some incentive effect. (laughing) However, in the evidence that we can see, there is no evidence at all. There's no sign that redistributionist policies within the range that we actually see in the world including the whole range of the modern, advanced world that they actually do any damage to economic growth. So there is really no evidence of a tradeoff. Possibly we can think that maybe incentive effects are overrated, that other effects, resource effects, that having people be able to educate their children and provide adequate nutrition offset that. Now where we've gone, where the not exactly a dispute, but sort of degrees of difference and degrees of caution between myself and Joe Stiglitz is to what extent do we think that reducing inequality is actually pro-growth? And, there are various arguments that you could make for why that might be true which are very difficult to validate in any direct sense, and some of them are problematic. And, then there are cross country comparisons. And, the trouble with those, all of these things, is that when you go cross country comparisons, there's lots of stuff going on. And, it might be true that reducing inequality actually increases growth, it might not be true. There's certainly no evidence that it hurts growth. My line has been in arguing this with Joe. He's got some pretty good arguments. Mine is basically don't be greedy. We've shown that you can actually reduce inequality, that you can do a lot to reduce inequality without any discernible negative effect on growth. You don't want to nail yourself to claims that it's actually pro-growth when we're really not sure about that. But, it's well within the range of uncertainty. The important thing is that the tradeoff, the adverse tradeoff between equalization and growth is just nowhere to be found in the evidence. It's purely an act of faith when people claim that raising the tax rate on top incomes or expanding the earned income tax credit or something is suddenly gonna hurt growth. There's no evidence at all for that. - Maybe just very briefly if I may, just something from my book essentially. One very important episode, I'm not going to talk about theoretical relationship. And, of course the empirical evidence is all over the place, and I think actually we would have better evidence now with much better data that we have. Like in the publication standard 15 years ago, basically we compare cross sectionally, cross country, and we basically have only two variables, the GDP per capita index growth rate and the Gini coefficient and the change. So it's really very rough. But, now we have much more interest of data. But, historically one thing that I actually point out in my book if anybody cares to look at it later is this is something that we know, but we forget that for the rich countries, for the advanced countries, the period after World War II was characterized and actually all the way to 1980s by dramatic reductions in inequality and very high growth rates and a large increase in GDP per capita. And, of course with some countries, we get into what I call the Kuznet's cycles. But, for some countries like Italy for example, you have one third of inequality being reduced, and you have GDP per capita increasing by a factor of four or five. And, of course the U.S. as well, actually if you look at each decade, on average U.S. reduced its inequality by three Gini points which is a lot, and then growth rate was on average about 30% for each 10 years. So basically we had a period where empirically that tradeoff did not exist in the long run. - Right, which casts doubt on that. I'm gonna shift gears now to chapter three of this discussion. As Branco has argued, of course the story of global inequality has many components. One of them are big differences in mean income across countries, and another one of course is the question of what's happening to inequality within countries which takes us back to somewhat more familiar territory. I'm just gonna walk you through three pictures rather quickly. These are from the data from the Luxembourg Income Study. This is a very simple snapshot of a single point in time of income inequality across 23 affluent countries. So let me just explain quickly. Some of you may have seen this. It's kind of a classic by now. Again, it's a simple snapshot. It presents household income, inequality in household income that household income is adjusted for household size which is fairly standard, and this uses the Gini which is a measure that most of you know I think fairly well which is scaled sometimes zero to 100, sometimes zero to one. A larger number of course is more inequality. This particular income definition is what we call disposable income. So it's income from the labor market, from capital, and from transfers public and private so all the pensions and things like this. Although this is the non-elderly population, and then subtracting direct taxes that are paid out by the household. Okay so it's disposable household income. So it takes no account though of the value of public services, and it takes no account of wealth, nor does it take account of expenditures other than taxes. But, it's a very standard measure. So what do we see here? We see that among these 23 rich countries, the U.S. is in the position there of having the highest level of inequality. The Gini is 37 in the U.S. This is from 2010 give or take a year in one or two countries. So just to take a quick note. One thing you can see here there's a certain amount of country clustering. Inequality tends to be higher in the English speaking countries. So that would be U.S. U.K. Canada, Australia, also in the Souther European countries, Italy, Spain, and Greece. It tends to be lowest, so the usual suspects, the Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and so on. The continental Eastern European countries are spread out somewhere in between. What you do see here is this is a lot of difference. In other words, a difference between .24 which we see in Denmark and .37 which we see in the United States is very large. Typically a one point difference in samples this big is statistically significant. A three point difference is substantive. So what does this tell us? I think among other things it tells us that national institutions matter. We're gonna come back to that, and they matter quite a lot. So income inequality in the U.S. is high. This is just of course in 2010 sort of in the middle of the transition from recession to recovery. What has happened in the United States in the last 30 years? Also a story that's fairly well known. It's been a story of rising and quite sharply rising inequality. It's risen from .31 in 1979 up to as you saw about .37. This takes us up to 2013. This is a very typical story. A recession there's a dip in inequality mostly at the top, capital income falls. During the recovery, often times inequality rises which is what we saw here. The bottom is sticky, but the top recovered. So the U.S. is definitely a story of really rather sharply rising inequality. Where has the rise been? It's been above the median. So what we've seen is a sharp rise especially in the ratio of about the 90th percentile to the median, and a very sharp rise in the top 1%. That's the story. You can't really get that from survey data, but that's what we know of course from the work from Thomas Piketty and others. So the U.S. is across the rich countries, it stands out as both high inequality and also the most sharply rising during this three decade period. So let me show you one more slide which is a sort of diagnostic slide. This is from some work that Branco and I did together, and this is gonna help you understand why when we come back to this picture, why the U.S. is here with so much inequality. There's really two parts to this story. What you have here on the horizontal axis is, these are the same 23 countries, on the horizontal axis you have inequality in market income. So that's before the taxes and transfers. That's inequality in income mostly from the labor market from wages and self employment and also from capital. On the vertical axis, you have the difference between the post tax and transfer, the disposable income, and the pretax and transfer. So in an accounting sense, it's a measure of redistribution. It's a rather crude measure, but it's a simple difference there. So what do you see? There's the U.S. with its little red dot. You can see now what's driving the high inequality in the prior slide is that the market income inequality is really quite high in cross national terms, and the level of redistribution is mediocre. So those two stories together add up to essentially this here. So let me just walk you through a couple of pairs just to put a little bit of life to this story. So take a look at Ireland. I'm not sure if we have, there we go, so there's Ireland compared to the U.S. if you look at this pair of countries. So Ireland on market inequality here on the horizontal axis, Ireland in 2010, very high market income inequality, .53 on the Gini scale. And, the U.S. was .48. But, the redistribution by this measure, Ireland 23 Gini points removed by taxes and transfers, in contrast the U.S. 10 Gini points. So the end result when we come back to this slide is that income inequality at the end of the day is substantially lower in Ireland than it is in the U.S. So it's .30 versus .37. They've basically redistributed. They've removed quite a lot of that income inequality. Just a similar, to put a little more life to this again, is the case of Denmark and Italy. For those of you who study wealthy countries, this won't surprise you. Market income inequality actually quite high in the Nordic countries. That surprises people, a little higher in Denmark, .38, than in Italy, .36. But, a similar contrast, redistribution 14 points of inequality removed by taxes and transfers in Denmark, three points in Italy. And, then that's the end result is the Danish case, the least income inequality after taxes and transfers. So it's a combination that's what's going on here that's driving the story in the U.S. So somewhat in simple terms then. How can we think about interventions? We're gonna assume for a moment that we think this would be a good idea to reduce this here, this disposable income inequality in the United States. We can think of then, of course strengthening institutions that would narrow the dispersion of market income, that would have the U.S. move to the left. Or, we could think of institutions that would strengthen redistribution which would be of course to have it move up. So let me turn that over to my colleagues. What should we do? What do we do now, Paul? How do we make America great again? (laughing) - Yeah. And, the best answer we have is that you do lots of stuff. I don't know who's responsible for pre-distribution and redistribution. - [Janet] Jacob Hacker. - Okay. I've reduced my assessment. Can you change the distribution of market income? Is it just supply and demand, and the invisible hand will punish you if you intervene? And, the answer there is a really clear no. There's now lots and lots of work. We know that at least moderate increases in the minimum wage have no discernible effect on employment. The U.S. stands out now as having a very low minimum wage by international standards, very low relative to its own historical standards relative to average wages. So you can raise minimum wages. The fact that the United States has such a weak labor movement, you tend to think if you only know the United States, you'd say well it had to happen because of globalization, and you just can't be unionized. Except that nobody else has as weak a labor movement as we do. Denmark faces the same global economy we do, but two-thirds of its workforce is unionized. Even Canda has unionization rates that are well over twice ours. And, it was the legal and political environment that led to the collapse of the U.S. labor movements. So politics, your POT, the POT. I guess we start out in Colorado anyway. So you can work on that. And, then redistribution, again everything we know says there's a lot you can do with tax and transfer. Do we know, can I list you things and prove quantitatively that I could turn the U.S. into Denmark by doing them? The answer is no. But, there's every reason to think we can do quite a lot if we had the political system that would permit it. - Let me add a little bit of detail to that, and now I'm worried that we're becoming an echo chamber here because I was gonna sort of put the same list of items out. But, just a couple of things to say though, the minimum wage, so I think indeed we could do a lot to shift the market distribution. This term that Paul raised, pre-distribution, our colleague Leslie McCall who's not here tonight thinks it should actually be called pre-redistribution which makes a little bit more sense. The term pre-distribution is out there now referring to essentially policy mechanisms that would shift the market distribution in other worlds earlier in the chain than taxes and transfers. A recent book by Tony Atkinson that a lot of us have read, and I think admire, Inequality What Can Be Done? He's really stressed this. That we've been talking much too much about taxes and transfers, and we should be thinking much more about the market distribution. Two really important stories about the U.S. I would just echo what Paul said. One is the minimum wage. I'm holding a picture in my hand from the OECD, something I just took a look at today. Of 36 of the richest countries in the world, we have the third lowest minimum wage. If you look at the minimum wage relative to the median, we're down there with Mexico and the Czech Republic. So we're way, way below. The minimum wage has eroded overtime. It's famously known that the U.S. has a large low wage labor market. About 25% of American workers are in low wages. OECD defines that as less than two-thirds of the median. There's a very strong correlation between this minimum wage and this share of low wage workers. And, another picture that I grabbed. Today I was looking at some OECD studies on this. Indeed very low rates of unionization and union coverage in the U.S. Of course a decline, very low. And, a study done by the OECD showed just a simple correlation, the correlation between the share of the labor force that's covered by collective agreements and the share that earn low pay, it's .83, negative .83. They're very strong relationships. So unions and minimum wages matter. And, just to pick up on two other instruments that I think you mentioned. I'm doing my homework today which I love to do. Just looking at the latest numbers, none of this has changed overtime, just taking a look again. Looking at sending on non-elderly households, another just standard OECD data, the U.S. is third from the bottom looking at spending at every different measure with spending on households especially again non-elderly households. The OECD average about 2.55% of GDP essentially in cash transfers to families in the U.S. Third from the bottom, only lower is Korea and Mexico. We're spending about 1% of GDP. And, on and on I go. I was looking at taxes as well. Despite, I know Paul you blogged about this last week, despite one of our republican candidates claiming we have the highest taxes in the world, we actually have nearly the lowest taxes among the industrialized countries. So the point is, I think, I would agree with Paul that we could do lots of stuff. Atkinson lays out 15 different policy levers. They're not all equally politically feasible. I think we'll end on a little bit of politics, but we know how we could reduce income inequality. We don't know that we could make the U.S. Denmark, but we certainly know how we could move this graph around. It's really not a question of intellectual technology. It's a question of political will. - The way I like to think about it, let me just give you one story. First of all, on market incomes, we used to have well paid union workers in the manufacturing sector. Turns out that that unionization really fell off a cliff in the 1980s. And, it's true that the manufacturing sector was under a lot of pressure. And, General Motors was declining and was no longer the largest employer in America. What was emerging at that point as the largest employer in America was Walmart. Why couldn't big box sores have been unionized? They don't face global competition. So the question is why wasn't there an effective organizing effort? Well who was president in the 1980s? What was the political environment? It really was a political choice not to have that kind of market power on the part of workers. That's why we have such low unionization. Imagine if we in fact had had 1,000,000 organized Walmart workers, that would've been a substantial slug of middle class incomes that are in fact missing from the U.S. income distribution. That's not the only story, but I think that's the way you want to think about the market side. And, then, yeah, spending we are way at the bottom in terms of support for families. These are all choices. I guess the good news, as you say, in a way we know how to do this. We just don't know how to persuade a sufficient number of voters to support it. - [Janet] Branco, you want to add to this? - It seems we should have actually called this part let's make America Denmark again. (laughing) It looks like that. So under that heading, as Janet said actually that red dot, the improvements come either because you would move that red dot left, or you would have to move this red dot up. If you move it left, you reduce market income inequality, if you move it up you redistribute more. Now I sort of am becoming skeptical, I mean definitely there are measures like the minimum wage, trade unions, others that actually can move this red dot, well, they would actually move red dot left, then there's a redistribution that would actually move it up. But, I'm skeptical about moving it up very much in the U.S. And, I think one of the indirect messages, I think actually of Piketty's book and the focus on capital was, I think, we should look much more on the inequality in endowments. Now this is kind of economese for essentially people having very concentrated capital assets, or actually people having human capital which is also unequal. But, let me just say one thing about capital assets. Actually I have not paid much attention to that before, but when you look at all the rich countries, and America is actually sort of an extreme of that case, you have extremely high concentration of income from assets from ownership from capital. When we talk about the Gini coefficiencies, these Gini coefficients are 85, 90. This is a number that we never kind of see in any other sort of conditions except when you look at the distribution of income from capital. And, then moreover the problem is that that share of capital income in total net product or GDP is increasing. So the problem is two-fold. First, you have that capital share going up and if it was not concentrated, if for example, everybody had the same share of capital, then it would not be a problem. But, it's extremely concentrated. So that actually really makes the problem much worse. And, I think one should really work there on that point. - Actually I just want to say one thing I fall into also is we tend to approach these things. Obviously everyone on this stage wants to see inequality reduced. And, it can easily turn into sort of a sense of despair. It's probably worth pointing out if we actually look at the agenda of the current, you know, the administration finishing up its last year right now, the average effective federal tax rate on the top 1% has gone up to just about what is was in 1979. We've essentially at the top seen taxation fully retrace the step that is took during the Regan years. And, we've just seen the enactment of a really major transfer program that mostly benefits people at lower incomes otherwise known as Obamacare. So it's not as if you can never do things. Even in the United States, even with this deeply partisan gridlock, you can actually make quite a lot of difference. And, I think the effect on welfare, the effect on the safety net that ordinary people experience has been huge. So don't want to look at this and say, "Oh God "we can't become Denmark, therefore nothing can be done." If we move even just a little ways in that direction, it can have huge human impacts. - I remember, Paul, when we were discussing Atkinson's book, he begins the book, Tony Atkinson, a great inequality scholar, begins that book by noting that there's no single level of inequality that we would sort of consider to be ideal. That's a difficult question to answer. And, I remember I asked you, Paul, what's the right level of inequality, or what country would you think did it best, and you said the United States in the 1950s. So I think the point being that there's nothing absolutely in the DNA of the United States going back centuries. People tell this story that there's something about the really fundamental structure in the U.S. That's driven inequality to the level that it is now, but it's actually a fairly recent story. It's a political story, and it's a fairly recent one. - And, things change. To think that the political environment that led to the United States busting out in the direction of greater inequality is our future forever, well, I think we've just seen we're not sure what the hell is happening to our political landscape, but it's certainly changing. (laughing) - I actually agree with Janet, and I think many people who believe that nothing can be done always have a recourse to this American exceptionalism. So the U.S. is very unequal because it has always been unequal. People value opportunity. You know there are immigrants who come and so on. And, I think that story does have some semblance of possibility, but if you look at the data for example historically, and now we have the data from the new book by Peter Lindert and Chad Williams about U.S. inequality from '74 until today. In the beginning when you look, U.S. of course was much more equal than U.K. They actually used this comparison between U.K. actually England and the U.S. And, then of course U.S. inequality in particular at the very top of course, U.K. topped the 1% to the extent we can judge was much, much richer than here. And, then of course after that, there was sort of a catch up, but U.K. inequality was still much higher. And, then afterwards of course, we have this period of great leveling in both the U.K. and the U.S. that went from, in the case of the U.S. From the Great Depression either '29 or '33 all the way to 1980. So it's not actually true the the U.S. Was always sort of remarkably unequal, and there were no periods, first, it was more equal than European countries. And, secondly it experienced long periods of decline in inequality. - You know it just occurred to me that one of the things finishing with just this discussion of U.S. inequality, we can lose sight if we go back to Branco's original, the famous picture which some people for some reason think looks like an elephant, and Janet and I think looked like a camel. This is not a story of everything going badly in the world. It's not a story of plutocrats running away with everything. Plutocrats have run away with a lot of stuff in the advanced countries, but we actually think that quite a lot could be done about that. And, meanwhile this is a story of enormous progress for a lot of people. We're talking about billions of people here. This has not been a bad 25 years. It's been a complex 25 years, but not all bad by any means. - Let me end also, I'm gonna make just one more I suppose optimistic observation, then turn it open to the audience for questions. It almost goes without saying by now, there's been an incredible explosion of interest in inequality starting somewhere around five or six years ago, we've been reflecting on it. There are many markers of it. For us at LIS, I have to say I realize this is a very sort of insular observation, but our phone used to ring three or four times a year with media queries. Starting after Occupy Wallstreet, Piketty book came out, lots of other things, it was more like 20 times a week. The explosion of interest in inequality, we have felt it so strongly. We've been working on this for 30 years, for 25 of them no one cared. (laughing) I do think though that we've all been reflecting on this. And, Branco writes about it, and so does Atkinson. I think, Paul, you've spoken about it. This new found interest in inequality is sticky. You know three or four years ago, we were sitting around saying this is gonna have to burst, this bubble is not gonna last. But, it is lasting, and it's becoming institutionalized. Lots of new data are being created, new resources are being but into the types of ingredients that we need to do the type of work that Branco does, and we do. Lots of new academic programs, lots of new books, but also the fundamentals of economics are shifting. I think we're trying to play a role in that. I less than these economists here. But, the economics field itself is shifting to begin to understand heterogeneity and other kinds of things. So I think this is new, and I think this is, you know, from within the perspective of research and academia and the policy world as well. Something has happened, and I think we all thing that to some extent it's irreversible. I would hope so. On that note, we're gonna take questions from the audience. Let me ask you to go to the mics. We have about 15 minutes, and the normal rules apply. Say who you are, please, please don't give a speech. If you do, I will cut you off. And, direct your question to someone in particular if you'd like. - [Audience Member] Okay, as far as I can see, there seems to be a lack of diversity in discussion of inequality in media. Media talks only about bad inequality, but there might be some good inequality as well. It looks like even if a person thanks to his talent and hard work achieves more than somebody who is good for nothing, it's also sometimes considered bad inequality. So I wonder if there are any works that focus on good inequality, defining it, draw a line, and defend it? If it's a clear question, I'm done. - Let me suggest that we collect a few questions. Shall we collect three and then answer? The audio is not great, but I think you said are there good forms of inequality? - [Audience Member] Yes. That's your questions basically. Let's take three questions and then answer. There are so many of you. Go ahead. - [Audience Member] About the minimum wage, can you hear me? About the minimum wage, my extremely conservative friends who I have a shockingly large number of, argue that it's basic economics that if you raise the minimum wage, inflation will rise, and the value of that increase will be almost wiped out. The second argument they make is if you raise the minimum wage, Mcdonalds will put in automated kiosks to take your money and place your orders, and your jobs will disappear. How do you respond to that? - Let's take one more, and then we'll answer them. - [Lev] Hi Lev Manovic from the Draoud Center. Thank you for a most amazing tour de force and debating so many moves in one hour. So my question is, you know, you told us great stories, but we also know this idea of a country it's a bit of a myth. Because up in Korea, 50% of people live in Seoul. So my question is if we start kind of breaking these pictures by for example cities versus suburbs right or mega-cities or gender also ethnicities. Are there any particular variables which will give us completely different pictures, or are we going to get versions of this picture? - Are there good forms of inequality? - Okay we have to be brief because there's lot of different people, so I will try to be. You know one important thing is to realize, and maybe sometimes people do not realize it immediately. When we talk about inequality, it's not a dichotomy between equality and inequality. It's not like you are either equal and everybody has the same income, or you're unequal. So actually we're talking about the range. So when we speak about inequality, and the inequality's too high, we don't mean that the alternative is actually everybody should have the same income. Let me make this clear. The alternative is to have less inequality. It doesn't mean that everybody has the same income. And, on bad and good inequality, I think there are several promising venues. But, I think one particular which is I think very promising is the work which follows the John Romer's idea is that essentially now with the disaggregated data, we can tell how much of that inequality that we observe like for example between us here was due to the circumstances like suppose gender, education of your parents, race, and so on which you could call bad inequality because it's not something that is actually you deserved that income, or you don't deserve to have a low income on account of negatives. And, there is a second part which may be due to effort or luck that is actually you can call good inequality. So basically I want to say that we actually are moving, and we have empirical work including actually distinguishing between good and bad inequality in the U.S. overtime and showing that good inequality is related to higher growth rates, and bad inequality is actually bad for growth. - Paul, can you help this fellow with his concern with the friends? - Yeah so minimum wage. This is a case of economists doing what they really should and learning. The reason that we think minimum wage increases over some rage are a good things comes from a remarkable 20 years now of empirical work starting with Card and Krueger where they, it turns out we have lots of natural experiments in minimum wages 'cause they're set at the state level. So when one state raises the minimum wage and neighboring states do not, you get an observation on what happens. You can compare counties just across a line. And, the overwhelming evidence from that is that you don't see the job losses that these stories would say you should see. So then the question becomes how can that be? And, the answer I think basically is that people are not bushels of wheat, that the labor market is not just a market like the market for some commodity. That people have incentives, that employers are not atomistic. There really isn't a single hiring hole where everybody meets. There's some search involved. And, for a variety of reasons, a higher wage may induce workers to work harder or have lower turnover which makes them more efficient which makes the wage affordable. It may be that in some cases, large employers in the very local labor market are actually monopsonists, they're holding wages down in an attempt to keep their labor costs low, and if you raise the minimum wage, they have no incentive to do that anymore, so they may hire. There are a varitey of explanations, but it appears that the labor market is sufficiently different from the market of wheat or the market for, I don't know, cement or something actually probably not a very good example. The point is that we now have hundreds and hundreds of these natural experiments. There's just lots of opportunities to see this. And, they all want to say that the effect on employment is zero. So this is evidence. We're looking at evidence which has a well known liberal bias. - The other thing to remember of course is that the minimum wage has eroded, so much of the discussion about raising the minimum wage is restoring it to levels that we saw for long periods of time in the past. - And, just a second. Everyone agrees that if you have a $35 minimum wage, we would have problems. But, the question is whether bringing it up to a historical norm relative to average wages is likely to cause job losses, and the answer is the evidence pretty strongly says no. - And, the discussion in New York of course has been, for the most part, around this $15 an hour wage. I think most people think the discussion in New York, I know there's been a certain amount of differentiation across the state, but that the state can sustain the proposals in New York especially in New York City. Your question was about other kinds of disparities. I'm afraid I had a little trouble hearing it. (muttering) So I think this reminds me of a question actually that I was gonna ask you, Branco, if I understood it. Let me just segue just slightly that we just didn't ask in the interest of time. One of the things you discuss and that other people do is that while income distributions are widening many forms of inter-group disparities are narrowing. Gender disparities are narrowing, you know, there's all kinds of new, you know, what we're celebrating. Racial gaps are narrowing in many ways, sexual orientation, gender, urban, rural I'm not so sure. So there's sort of a paradox that certain forms of inequality are reducing while income distributions within all of these group are exploding. What do we know about that? - Briefly, first to answer the question actually. Because of really data requirements, you know, technically if you really tried very hard, it could be possible to generate this graph for rural and urban areas in the world. It's not going to be easy, but I think it's technically possible. But, then going further, for example I'm often asked, that question, and of course that's what you're also alluding to. Can we do the same graph for like a gender? Have women done compared to men for example globally? That's very difficult, or actually impossible with the data that we have because we really focus on household, and then all income in household is by assumption in our data distributed equally between everybody who is a member of the household. So we can do wage stuff on earnings when we know who is earning what. But, here it's actually more difficult. - Just to say that, Branco, when you do this, this is not based on countries. I mean the data comes from countries, but in fact, the access here is people. - The access is people. The problem for rural, you would have to have all the data that they had and each country, you would have to have rural, urban identifiers. Some countries may not have it. - This is a sort of natural, it's a ruthless cosmopolitan view of the world. - It's ruthless cosmopolitan view, exactly. And, we could have ruthless cosmopolitan view also for rural areas and urban areas, but as I said it's data intensive. On the issues of what is called horizontal inequality, I'm, very briefly, very unpopular view because I've got like two or three unpopular views in this book. One of them is that I think we rightly have focused a lot on reducing or eliminating differences that are due to, you know, gender, race, other things, but I think this is not the end of the story because you can actually have the mean wage of women and men being the same, but the underlying distributions being very, very unequal. So in other words, we should not lose sight of the very fact that even sort of total equality of the mean wages between the two genders might actually still allow you to have huge inequality within women earnings and also huge inequality among men earnings. So that was my point. - And, that's in fact what's happening in the United States is inequality within the two genders has risen quite a bit and within many occupations as well. I think we have time for two more. I'm getting a signal to move us along. - [Audience Member] If you were to be looking at the future, how do you foresee climate change affecting global income inequality? - Let's hold that question and take one more, and then I'm afraid we'll have to close. - [Audience Member] I'll make this very brief. I remember 1950. It isn't worse now. It's better. I made 35 cents an hour, adjusted for inflation that's $14 an hour. And, I thought I was being overpaid. Probably was. Only Professor Krugman mentioned the question of future population, and I think you ought to address in these numbers the likely hood of a doubling in population in the next 20 years whether it comes from outside or inside. - Okay climate change. - Climate change could make global distribution more equal by wiping out the people on the left. The thing about climate change even though the bulk of the emissions have come from countries that are wealthy, of course the people who are most vulnerable are the poor in the poor countries. I'm not sure that thinking about what this does to the global Gini coefficient is the right way to think about it. If you want to think about places that are really at risk, again, Bangladesh, someplace like that is going to be terribly vulnerable both because of geography but also because they don't have a lot of resources. I'm not quite sure I understood the second question. - Let me mention just two points about climate change if I could. A little bit of advertisement of one of our other events. We had an event on stage here on Earth Day last year with Joe Stiglitz and Nicholas Stern discussing the question of the relationship between inequality and climate change which is a hugely important and interesting question. And, I would say two conclusions came out of that. They're both perhaps somewhat obvious. One is that the impact of climate change is gonna be felt very unequally across countries and within countries in fact. The poorest are the ones who are gonna have the least opportunity for climate change mitigation and protection and so forth. But, the other argument that came out which I think is a very interesting one. And, Branco addresses this somewhat as well, this is really more of an open question, but what's the impact of inequality on protections from the damage of climate change? So for example one of the things that we're concerned about is places that are very unequal the will to do or a sort of opting out of the public grid. They've got private electrical systems and private walls and so forth and seem to be investing less in the kinds of infrastructures and seawalls and so forth. So there's a nice pice of research that was just done on this. Branco is gonna do this himself across states and jurisdictions. So inequality and climate change are related with causal relationships in both directions actually, and I think it's something we need to be thinking about a great deal. - Can I say something about demographics? - Absolutely, yes. - Because you guys have answered beautifully the climate change on which I have really no idea how it would affect this graph, but on demographics I do. And, one thing that we didn't mention here because we didn't have time is this kind of missing continent often is Africa. And, Africa is going to play a very important role in that graph in the next 20 years or so because it's a continent as we know with actually rising population and of course poor, and also with very volatile growth rates. So we have had a relatively good period from 2000 to 2010, or maybe to 2012 or whatever where in Africa most countries were growing at four, five percent. That was good. But, we don't know what will happen in Africa, and as Asia ages, and of course we know with China to have reached the peak in terms of reaching the peak of the population, optimistically we can actually see the catch up of Asia, and this graph really looking good in the future. But, on the other hand, if there is no convergence of African countries meaning that they're actually catching up with the rest of the world, this graph can also turn out to look in the next 20 years pretty bad. So demographics do really play a role. We can actually play a little bit with the numbers, but obviously we don't know what will be the growth rates, and we don't know what will happen to inequalities within nations. But, we have to keep that in mind. That's actually a big sort of unknown here. - It's my sad duty to bring this go a close. So thank you to my colleagues and to the audience. (clapping)
Channel: The Graduate Center, CUNY
Views: 25,383
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Id: 76FsIlO06Xs
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Length: 79min 2sec (4742 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2016
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