Globalism - An International Prophecy | Dr. David Jeremiah

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so what should we be doing during this time as we await the coming king and the coming kingdom first of all we should worship our glorified christ the way to stay sane when it's crazy like it is is to make sure you're worshiping the lord in uncertain times we can either worry or we can worship and i suggest the latter the more you worship the lord the more you worship the lord the less you worry about the things you don't understand because if he's in charge and if he's high and lifted up really what else matters because we know ultimately he will make all things right are we living in the end times there may have never been another time in history when end times prophecy has been more aligned with the culture and circumstances of the world than it is today [Music] i believe there are ten phenomena we are witnessing today that were recorded centuries ago in bible prophecy seeing our circumstances in light of these prophecies should give us resolve purpose and hope and help us answer the questions what are we to do with the world around us what hope do we have in times like these and ultimately where do we go from here the world is getting smaller and more intertwined by the day countries and cultures are more interconnected than ever does the bible predict this is this a danger to our future and is it ultimately a prophetic sign of the end times join dr david jeremiah for this special prophecy edition of turning point as he presents a sign of the end times globalism in international prophecy a story recently spread over the internet saying that the united nations was quietly working on a shadowy plan to create a new world order and a one world government among other items under discussion was a global currency a central bank the end of national sovereignty mandatory vaccines universal basic income microchipping of citizens and the end of fossil fuels many of these goals could be achieved according to this shadow plan by 2030 which was titled un agenda 21 slash 2030. of course when they were confronted with it united nations quickly disavowed the report and the media debunked it but why did this story spread so quickly because every element of it seemed plausible it seemed possible this is especially true in light of a global emergency like covet 19 which nearly crushed the world's economy imagine what would have happened had the mortality rate of the pandemic been exponentially higher such an exponential global crisis would certainly have called for some sort of unified global response and we had some of that as you know dr albert mohler who is the president of one of the great seminaries in our country and a prolific writer said that globalization means that we now understand ourselves as living in an economy and in a community that is irreversibly connected globally we are able to get on an airplane in virtually any american city and be at any spot on the globe within 24 hours globalization means that headlines from around the world can arrive as quickly as headlines from across the street and there is a growing awareness of this fact that we are now part of a global civilization that includes and seems to reach virtually every inhabitant on this planet this is all new we weren't born into this this has happened during our lifetime i remember over a decade ago i wrote a book about the dangers of a coming worldwide economic armageddon here's what i said could we be standing today on the edge of a recession from which no one economy no one nation no one union will be able to extricate the world the bible predicts that such an era is coming fueled by the world's economic convulsions and the only answer will seem to be the unification of the nations under one economic system and one world order one would expect i wrote such a process to begin with the gradual consolidation of wealth and power both nationally and globally today as we witness the merging of banks and the centralization of financial regulations we cannot help but wonder if the antichrist is waiting in the wings ready to make his entrance onto the stage of this desperate world so what i've said so far is this that the world has been getting smaller with each passing era its interconnectedness is greater and its inhabitants more vulnerable to one world government given the right conditions the events of recent years including the covet 19 pandemic have only accelerated the discussion and increased the trajectory of globalism so what does that mean well let's take a look at what we can know for certain about the broader scope of historical events past present and future first what to know about the course of history what we see in today's trends toward globalization was long ago anticipated in biblical prophecy the first attempt at globalization occurred in genesis chapter 11 when a powerful warlord named nimrod established the empire of babylon and built the tower of babel he was called a mighty hunter before the lord what was he hunting he was hunting people and power and glory and wealth and world domination and as the post-flood population grew nimrod became the first global tyrant the bible says this about him in first chronicles 1 10 he was the first on earth to be a mighty man in other words nimrod from genesis 11 was the father of all future dictators and the first prototype of the coming antichrist now when the southern kingdom of judah was invaded in 605 a young jewish man a teenager was swept up and taken to the palace of babylonian king nebuchadnezzar nebuchadnezzar was the greatest and richest man who ever had lived before his time but that didn't keep him away from having bad dreams one night he had such a bad dream that he summoned his advisors and his magicians to his palace and he demanded listen to this he demanded them that they tell him what his dream was and then tell him what it meant and of course that freaked him out because nobody had ever been asked to do that before how are we supposed to know what your dream was you tell us your dream and we'll tell you what it meant nebuchadnezzar said no if you're not smart enough to tell me what i dreamed you're not going to be smart enough to tell me what it meant and he was so angry he said he was going to kill him all he was going to destroy his whole brain trust but daniel was one of them and daniel prayed with his friends and and god gave him supernatural insight and daniel sent word up the ranks that he would be able to reveal the dream and he would be able to interpret it just give me a shot at it he said and i'll i'll do this so he comes before the king and this is his speech which i will read right out of the book of daniel no wise men enchanter magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about but there is a god in heaven who reveals mysteries and he has shown king nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come nebuchadnezzar saw this massive statue this was his dream and its head was gold and its chest and its arms were made out of silver and it was bronze from its stomach to its thighs and the legs were iron and the feet and the toes were partly iron and partly clay and then nebuchadnezzar saw a rock that had been quarried by an invisible hand and this rock flew through the air and struck the statue and it toppled and broke into a million tiny bits that were swept away by the wind like chaff the rock began to grow and soon became a mountain so large that it covered the whole earth now that's quite a dream i mean you may have had some dreams but probably not any quite like that one so daniel told him this is what your dream was and obviously it was because nebuchadnezzar didn't argue with him and then he gave him this interpretation and i'm going to explain this to you just as it is in the scripture and help a little bit with a screen behind me and you'll see why this is such an important time in the whole discussion of globalization first of all daniel said the head of gold represented the empire of babylon that was the that was the empire that was in in power he said the chest of silver with its two arms represented the next great world empire which was medo persia one arm for each part of the nation the stomach and thighs of bronze depicted the next stage in world history the greek empire of alexander the great and following that were the legs of iron how many of you have ever heard of the iron legions of rome well this was representative of the roman empire and the feet and toes are a final world empire that will arise sometime in the last days and the rock oh the rock is the one that will come to demolish history at its zenith and establish a truly global kingdom marked by righteousness and peace now let's go back over that for just a moment and get clarity on it in the days of nimrod god broke up the globalization of his empire by confusing the languages later in the same area of babylon nebuchadnezzar brought the then known world under his power and persia came after that and did the same and alexander did the same for the greeks and then came rome and under all these governments there was a sort of globalization sort of a world domination though without holiness and without the fear of god and after the fall of rome there was no single nation or empire that dominated the world since the fall of rome there's been no world domination i mean you might say that the united states is the most famous but we are a long way from being world dominators as you all know but don't forget the feet and the toes on this statue because that's the part of the statue that was not fulfilled in history according to daniel there will be one more attempt at a one world government in the future it will be something of a revival of the old roman empire made up of a confederation of ten kings or kingdoms dominated by a nimrod type dictator but it won't last long for god will bring it to an end with the second coming of jesus christ in that one prophecy in the second chapter of daniel you have the most complete prophecy of what the world would look like in the future of anything you will ever find notice this is in history this is prophecy and we're in the midst of that right now i mean i don't want to tell you what the ten nations are because it doesn't say there are ten nations it says there are ten kings ten people of influence but if you look at what's happening in europe the european coalition of nations is sort of the beginning of the re-iteration of the roman empire and the bible says that when this happens we are at the end of the age and something very critical will take place let's go on to the next thing what to know about the course of history what to know about the climax of history throughout the book of daniel we're told there's a predetermined outcome to history the unfolding events around us are leading somewhere the earth isn't lurching into the future any more than it's wobbling in its orbit it is moving toward a rendezvous with the decrees of the lord jesus christ how does that comfort your heart to know we're on our way someplace this is not just random what's happening to us before he establishes his global millennial kingdom there will be a final horrific attempt at man-made globalization it will lead to a time of unprecedented great tribulation i personally believe we're in the early stages of that right now and i think i can prove that as we go along the book of revelation completes the story that is started by daniel these two books are twins the old testament and the new in revelation 13 here's what we read we're told that during days of great worldwide distress satan will raise up a man of lawlessness who will become the ultimate nimrod he's described in revelation 13 1 as a beast this chapter gives us the concluding picture of human globalization this beast who will come out of the revived roman empire the antichrist will rebuild the ancient babylon for his world capital and he will be on the verge of uniting the armies of the world in a last great attempt to destroy god's chosen people the people of israel he will globalize the economy forcing everyone to be chipped in some way with the mark with 666 of revelation 13 18 and without this mark no one will be able to make purchases or engage in commerce you will go to the store and gather your groceries but when you check out if you don't have the mark perhaps inserted under the skin of your hand which is being done now in some european nations you will not be able to check out they will you just leave and you won't have anything to eat in that period of time if you don't join the globalization program the program of the antichrist you will either be outright killed or more likely be starved widespread persecution will spill the blood of thousands upon thousands of believers and more blood will be spilled in the wars waged in an effort to unify the nations and destroy the jewish people and just at that moment just when it looks like there's no hope when you could look at it from a human's perspective and say israel is toast it's over that's when christ will return like a rock that strikes the edifice of world history its sins shattering into the wind and all of these nations that thought they were so great under the leadership of the antichrist will be destroyed the bible says it's coming and then the lawless one will be revealed who's that that's the antichrist whom the lord will ultimately consume says paul with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming what a turn of events listen to how zechariah describes this he says i will gather all the nations to jerusalem to fight against it then the lord will go out and fight against those nations as he fights on a day of battle on that day his feet will stand on the mount of olives the lord will be king over all the earth and on that day there will be one lord and his name the only name what to know about the course of history and what to know about the climax of history here's the third one what to know about the culmination of history what happens then so jesus comes back he defeats the armies of armageddon that come against israel and then come against him well what happens then is what is called the millennium during this time the lord will be in charge and he will fulfill all the promises he's made in scripture regarding the people of israel and the ultimate future of the earth all the world will see globalization then in its finest not under nimrod not under nebuchadnezzar not under greece not under persia not under rome and not under the antichrist instead under the lord jesus christ who will reign in that place and what what is the world going to be like during these days during the coming global reign of christ jerusalem will be the capital of the earth and people from all the nations will come and visit jerusalem to learn and to worship the millennial temple in jerusalem will be the most beautiful building on earth and it will be filled with the glory of the lord a deep and mighty river will flow from beneath the temple turning the desert into a paradise and the dead sea into a living lake fruit trees will grow along both sides of the river bearing fresh fruit every month the lord jesus will be the ultimate international diplomat negotiating peace treaties between rival nations he will bring peace to the earth and wars will cease he will occupy the ancient throne of his forefather david and songs of praise will ascend from the ends of the earth and joy will cover the world now this is not eternity this is not heaven this is the prelude to heaven this is the thousand years before we're all ushered into heaven this is kind of pre-heaven if you will isaiah 11 9 says nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain for as the waters fill the sea so the earth will be filled with people who know the lord the whole earth will be filled with people who know the lord just like it seems today the whole earth is filled with people who don't know the lord and don't want to know the lord in that day the earth will be filled with people who know the lord and after the thousand-year reign of christ earth's history will be over the old universe will melt away and god's children will be ushered into new heaven and new earth in the celestial city of new jerusalem what started out with nimrod trying to rule from babylon and runs the course of all human history through all of those empires will ultimately be proven to be foolishness in light of what happens when the right king is in the right place at the right time for the right reasons you will see globalism perfected now if the trajectory of history has been moving inch by inch toward a globalization for the antichrist and if the future of our planet is under the antichrist after we've gone to heaven what sort of people should we be in the bible there's a single moment of sheer surprise that answers all those questions and i want to close this message with that surprise passage it's the ascension of jesus christ who rose from the ground left the globe at the end of his earthly life and the book of acts says this when they had come together they asked him saying acts 1 6-11 lord will you at this time restore the kingdom of israel and he said to them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own authority but you shall receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in jerusalem in all judea and samaria to the ends of the earth and when he had spoken these things while they watched he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight and while they look steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel who also said men of galilee why do you stand gazing up into heaven this same jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will so come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven what a precious promise that was that the jesus they saw go up will be the same jesus they see come down when he comes again to set up his kingdom on this earth and ultimately to reign and rule throughout eternity so what should we be doing during this time as we await the coming king and the coming kingdom first of all we should worship our glorified christ the way to stay sane when it's crazy like it is is to make sure you're worshiping the lord in uncertain times we can either worry or we can worship and i suggest the latter the more you worship the lord the more you worship the lord the less you worry about the things you don't understand because if he's in charge and if he's high and lifted up really what else matters because we know ultimately he will make all things right secondly after worshiping your glorified christ here's number two embrace your global mission let me just stop for a moment and give you another take on globalization the disciples didn't stay in that spot gazing up into heaven after jesus went up they didn't fossilize there looking up to heaven prompted by two angels they went back to jerusalem to prepare for something new the global mission of the gospel in a world that is globalizing we have a mission that is global as never before in human history we have an opportunity to take the gospel to every town every tribe and every tongue what did he said go into all of the world and preach the gospel in that respect we all ought to be globalists amen we're globalist when it comes to the spread of the gospel the gospel is for everyone everywhere we are called to the world we are called to the whole globe with the gospel of jesus christ and if you look around you will see multitudes of people who are simply bewildered by life as lost as an airplane over the oceans without navigation many of them just simply crash and yet here we are with the gospel and now more than ever before with the means to share the gospel i remember uh several years ago i went to the to the cove in asheville north carolina where uh it's the billy graham cove and they have conferences there all the time and don and i were there to teach for a week and just before i was getting ready to teach after dinner they made this announcement billy graham was celebrating his 90th birthday and the next week he was going to speak to more people at one time than anyone has ever addressed in the history of the world he was going to preach the gospel to 1 billion people they had hooked it up with all of these networks and all of this stuff electronically he was going to preach and 1 billion people would have access to his words now that's what you call a global sermon but let me just stop and tell you that while we can't do that perhaps maybe we're not set up to do that what we're doing now with the reach of turning point around the world is also pretty amazing in places i can't even pronounce in languages i don't speak the gospel is being presented and people are responding and coming to christ we're just one of many ministries that should be doing that but i have to think this that the gospel is spread there because of the vision of the people of this church someone told me a long time ago the farther the light shines the brighter it has to be at home so we better make sure that we keep our focus on missions because god blesses the local church and then through the local church he's blessed turning point to reach hundreds of thousands of people if you go to india today i preach on television and it's lip synced so i see myself preaching in telugu and i wonder how did i ever learn that language i am preaching the gospel in languages i've never even heard of because of the technological opportunity that comes with the globalization of the gospel minji was a prisoner in a north korean labor camp upon her release she decided to defect to south korea via china while there she became exposed to the gospel of jesus christ but chinese authorities discovered she was a north korean defector and they sent her to prison a month into her imprisonment minji saw two words written by another prisoner in toothpaste on the wall and those two words were jesus christ it was her first time ever to see or hear those words and she was deeply moved her fellow prisoners shared the gospel with her and minji was born again after her release from prison she made her way to south korea where she's being trained by the persecution watchdog organization voice of the martyrs she wants to share christ with everyone she can that's what happens when you reach people in different cultures they want to reach their culture this is the first time in my life i've heard of the gospel being shared with toothpaste but the lord is doing something unusual in our day and we shouldn't be surprised we've never had more potential in reaching the globe for jesus christ so let me just talk to you very pointedly maybe you live in a small apartment and maybe all you have is a phone or perhaps an old laptop that's outdated how can you use these tools to share christ with someone on the other side of the globe how can you use social media not to argue and debate but to love and to care and share christ what can you do in your local church to advance the global reach of the kingdom and what ministries can you support that will reach the regions beyond what missionaries can you encourage as long as christ is tarrying we must keep going to our cities and states and nations and to the uttermost parts of the world god has called us to go to all the world go into all the world and preach the gospel finally in addition to worshiping your glorified christ and embracing our global mission we should always anticipate what's coming for all of us going back to the ascension of christ in acts 1 jesus had no sooner disappeared into a bright cloud of glory then two angels showed up and they must have been hurtling down from heaven as jesus was rocketing up and they said to the disciples men of galilee why do you stand gazing up into heaven the same jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven so we must never fear christ will appear just as he ascended and he will establish a kingdom to show us how things should have always been then he'll usher us through the gates of our eternal home in the meantime let's worship him every day let's speed the gospel on its way through our global reach and let's look forward to his soon end swift return amen [Music] thank you for joining me today on turning point the more we study scripture the more we understand that our loving god desires to have a personal relationship with each one of us if you would like to begin that relationship and ensure that you will spend eternity with christ you must simply repent of your sin and ask jesus christ to become your lord and savior if you've taken this step of faith today i encourage you to share your decision with other christians at a trustworthy ministry or a local church and to continue growing in your faith may god bless you and i look forward to seeing you next time right here on turning point [Music]
Channel: David Jeremiah
Views: 1,537,852
Rating: 4.3149981 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. David Jeremiah, David Jeremiah, Turning Point with David Jeremiah, Turning Point, God, Jesus, Christ, Bible, 2021, church, the word, globalism, end times, turning point television, turning point ministries, end times prophecy, end times bible, end times signs
Id: vmKMrJn4G4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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