Global variable Buffer Overflow to leak memory - 34C3 CTF readme_revenge (pwn)

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Hard work paying off. Well done man! :)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/BoobDetective šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 03 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies
readme_revenge was a pwnable challenge at the 34c3ctf and in the end 30 teams solved it. Difficulty: easy-ish? ā€œYou can't own me if I don't use a libc! Right? Right?ā€. We can download the binary here and this was the IP and port to interact with the challenge. When I read the title I knew immediately I had to try it. You see two years ago at the 32c3ctf there was a challenge called just ā€œreadmeā€. Back then I tried to solve it but failed. After the CTF was over I looked at writeups from other people and tried to understand it and even made a video about it. Two years ago I did not have the skill, knowledge or experience to solve it. So when I saw that there is a readme_revenge at the 34c3ctf I just felt like, I had to solve it. It was my personal challenge and in some way it was very close to my heart. It was a challenge I failed two years ago, and now I can proof to myself that I improved. So letā€™s have a look at it. Like I said, the challenge reminded me of this older challenge and I assumed it was pretty similar. And it was easy to verify. For that challenge you didnā€™t have to get code execution, but the flag was actually embedded in the file. And if you look at the strings of the binary you can see a placeholder flag. So the binary running on the server contains the real flag instead. And that is also where the name comes from ā€œreadmeā€. Your task is to read or leak this flag from the target binary. The solution of the original readme challenge was super creative and really blew my mind at the time. So I encourage you to watch it because I had that knowledge in the back of my mind when approaching this challenge. So while it was obviously not the same challenge, it was a ā€œrevengeā€ of the readme challenge, it was similar in many ways. So i had a pretty good idea already. But letā€™s check it out. When we run it the program waits for input and then greets us with ā€œHi, liveoverflow, byeā€. So it just reflects what we write. I immediately checked for format string vulnerability and entered a format string modifier like %x, but it didnā€™t do anything. I also just tried a long input and to my surprise I immediately got a segfault. Well thatā€™s a good start. Letā€™s look at it in gdb. So I run the binary with the long input. FYI, If you donā€™t know why my gdb looks so colorful, itā€™s because I use the pwndbg gdb extension. But here was my second surprise, the binary had all the symbols still included, so we get all the function names. Thatā€™s neat. So where did we crash? we got a segfault in printf? Inside of libc? To be more precise in __parse_one_secmb. Thatā€™s weird. The instruction that caused the segfault is a compare where it calculates an address based on rax and rdx. And rax is clearly overwritten with As. So it tried to access bad memory. But in libc? Does this mean printf of libc has a buffer overflow vulnerability? Well. we will see. Letā€™s have a look at main. Disassemble main. Itā€™s super short. We have a scanf, to read in a variable called ā€œnameā€. And then we call printf with that name. There is a small but important detail here with the variable name. Usually local variables are placed on the stack, so they are referenced as offsets from the stack pointer. Makes sense, right? But in this case the variable is stored at an offset from the instruction pointer rip. This means itā€™s not on the stack, if itā€™s an offset of the instruction pointer, so an offset to the binary itself. This means itā€™s a global variable stored in a data segment. You can see here gdb has already calculated or resolved this address for us. RIP at this point would be this address + this offset here. So 6b73e0. And if we look at the virtual memory map of this process, we see that this address is in here. It says it would be ā€œheapā€, but Iā€™m not sure why it says that. Because Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s not a heap. If we look at the sections defined in the elf binary with objdump, we can see that the address belongs to .bss . Which is used for statically allocated variables. Anyway, letā€™s go back to the crash. If we look now at the location where name is stored, we can print the memory. Here we see that there was a bit of a size allocated for the name. However we wrote much more As than that. Because we have all the symbols, we can also see which variables we have overwritten. So we overwrote a huge dl_static_dtv array. No idea what that is. We overwrote a dl_lazy variable, a dl_osversion variable. I mean we have killed a lot of stuff. And apparently libc printf referenced something from in here. mhmh... we have a very clear buffer overflow and we overflow global variables and many of those variables are libc internal variables. The binary was statically built with libc, which means the whole libc functions are part of this binary. thatā€™s the reason why those variables are part of our binary data segment. Usually, when dynamically referencing and loading libc, these variables would be located in the dynamically loaded libc memory. Anyway. Here we have found the vulnerability. So how can we turn that now into reading the flag from memory. Clearly just blindly overwriting data doesnā€™t work, so letā€™s do this systematically. I wanted to carefully control what I overwrite, so letā€™s take a snapshot of the memory without an overflow. To do this I set a breakpoint at the end of main, then I rerun it with a small input and then I print the memory starting at ā€œnameā€ in 4 byte, or 32bit, chunks. I just keep enter pressed until I reach the end. So now I can get a huge list with all the memory and the symbol names. Then I copy the whole thing into sublime, and using some text editor hotkey magic to quickly reformat this data. Removing all the pwndg prompts, making it all a python comment, and then taking the memory value. In the end I want to rebuild the whole memory with the correct values. So I will use a buffer variable where I will append the raw bytes. And in a second I will define a new function b32 that will convert this memory value to raw bytes. I can do this with import struct, and then struct.pack with capital I for 32bit values. I will also create a function b64, because we have a 64bit binary, so might come in handy as well. So now this python script prints the whole memory. Cool. Theoretically if we use this to overflow the buffer, it will overwrite the memory with completely safe values. Basically not change anything. And indeed. It seems to have worked and we didnā€™t get a segfault. But now comes the true challenge. What DO we overwrite that could help us leak the flag from the memory? Well, I didnā€™t know. In the old readme challenge we smashed the stack cookie in a buffer overflow on the stack, which executed the stack smashing detection function. That function would print the program name. The program name is referenced from a pointer on the stack. And so overwriting that pointer with the same overflow on the stack, with the address of the flag, caused the flag to be printed when the stack got smashed. So I kept that inspiration in mind. So I was just going through the symbols one by one and tried to find one that sounds interesting. dl static dtv, slotinfo list. Dtv gaps. Tls generation. Domain bindings, cat counter, exit fn called, prefetch multple threads. Debug. Gnah.. nothing immediately jumps out to me. Oh libc argv and libc argc, so there is a pointer to argc and argv as well? I keep that in mind! The old readme challenge also used an overwrite of the program name pointer to point it to the flag. So might be useful again. Gconv lock. This all means nothing to me. Nothing screams ā€œHEY I PRINT YOUR FLAG IF YOU CHANGE MEā€. But then I reached the printf function table. And FUNCTION TABLE always screams: ā€œchange me and you can redirect code executionā€. But why is there such a thing as a printf function table? If we look up this function in the libc source code, we can maybe learn more about it. A comment here says ā€œArray of functions indexed by format character. ā€ and in here is also a function called ā€œ__register_printf_specifierā€. So if we google for that function we can quickly find that there is such a thing as ā€œCustomizing printfā€. ā€œThe GNU C Library lets you define your own custom conversion specifiers for printf template strings, to teach printf clever ways to print the important data structures of your program. The way you do this is by registering the conversion with the function register_printf_functionā€ Letā€™s read up a bit more about it. This function takes a spec, a handler function and an arginfo function. ā€œif spec is 'Y', it defines the conversion ā€˜%Yā€™. You can redefine the built-in conversions like ā€˜%sā€™,ā€ ā€œThe handler-function is the function called by printf and friends when this conversion appears in a template string.ā€ ā€œThe arginfo-function is the function called by parse_printf_format when this conversion appears in a template stringā€ That sounds perfect! Our printf template string contains a %s. If we somehow could redefine the conversion for %s, we could define our own handler function. And could execute any code we want. I mean we canā€™t call register_printf_function, but we could maybe overwrite and modify the underlying table directly. If we look again into the sourcecode of the register_printf_function, we can maybe figure out how it would work if we want to redefine %s. So we would pass in a small ā€˜sā€™ as spec. And we would give it a function as converter and arginfo. And down here it simply uses spec as an offset into the printf_function_table and printf_arginfo_table. That sounds easy. We know there is a pointer to the __printf_function_table in the memory that we can overwrite, so we could point it to some other memory. And that memory should then have a function defined at the array position small s. So that would be at offset 0x73 or entry number 163 in decimal. Cool. So letā€™s try that. First letā€™s look for some memory area we could abuse for this. Letā€™s try here _dl_static_dtv. Letā€™s hope itā€™s not important. So now we want to overwrite the printf function table to point there. Letā€™s try it out. We write that into a file, set a breakpoint in gdb. And use the file as input. Now letā€™s see the memory, oh itā€™s not thereā€¦ But it should be there? This is the stuff that could drive you crazy, but you need to chill and approach it logically. So the overflow happens because of a scanf. The scanf used %s to read input. So letā€™s checkout the man-page of scanf. The scanf() family of functions scans input according to format as described below. s Matches a sequence of non-white-space characters; The input string stops at white space. AHA! So maybe our memory dump contained some white space. So what are typical whitespace characters? Of course 0x20 a regular space is a whitespace character. But also new line would be a problem. And basically all of these.. So 0x09, 0x0a, B C and D. So letā€™s make sure that these canā€™t occur in our buffer. I just ad a few lines of code to replace these with a regular capital X. letā€™s try it out. Oh segfault. Ok we clearly did something now. Letā€™s checkout the memory in gdb. And yup! There is our valueā€¦ But waitā€¦ thatā€™s not quite right? Why 58 at the end? OHHHHHā€¦ our address had a space too. Well good we caught that. So letā€™s point it at 24 instead. Cool! next we want to try to set a function for %s. So from our new table address, we have to get the array entry for ascii value `s`, which is 0x73. Which means we have to take that times 8, because we are on 64bit so each array entry, each function address is 8 bytes wide. Cool. So letā€™s go to that address and write there a test values. Letā€™s see if we successfully redirected code execution! We run it with the input. But hmpf. Segfault. Letā€™s look at the code why. It tried to calculate rcx + rdx*8. HEY! That looks almost like what we calculated. Rdx is also infact the 0x73. So the letter ā€˜sā€™. But rcx is zero. So this calculation points to bad code. But why is that happening, didnā€™t we overwrite the function table entry with a value? It shouldnā€™t be zero? But if we look at the disassembly of this function, we see that it references the arginfo table just before it. HA!. we didnā€™t modify that. Soooā€¦ once we pointed that to the same address, we can try it again. both tables should be ok now. Letā€™s rerun it with that. And we get a segfault at a call `rax`, and `rax` is the value we wanted it to be. Awesome! So what to do next? I first thought about pointing it to printf, and maybe we can somehow control the first parameter too, based on how this printf modifier function is called, but then decided to use the technique I have learned from the old readme challenge. Using stack_chk_fail. Letā€™s get the address of that function. That could work. But to print the flag we also would have to control the program name pointer and point it to the flag. But remember, there was some kind of argv pointer in there too. Previously it pointed into the environment variables on the stack, so letā€™s just point it somewhere here. And then this is now a list of argument string pointers. And so the first pointer has to point to the program name. so we point it to the flag instead. This is the address of the flag in the file. Iā€™m excited. Will it work now? We pipe the exploit output into readme_revenge and BOOM! Stack smashing detected. And here is our flag! So what we did was, we overflowed the printf modification table and redefined what to do when printf encounters a %s. Upon finding the %s it took the address of our modified function table which pointed to stack_chk_fail instead. That function is then executed and gets the program name to show it in the error message. But we also modified the pointer to the program arguments, argv and pointed the program name, which is the first argument, to the the flag. So the error printed the flag. And here is a screenshot from when I did that during the CTF, to grab the real flag. Printf is so fun sometimes! Iā€™m so proud of myself. Because this really shows me how much I have learned in the past two years and how I improved. Back then I would have not been able to solve this. But now I did it pretty straight forward. Makes me feel really good.
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 76,163
Rating: 4.9549394 out of 5
Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, readme, 32c3, 34c3, 32c3ctf, 34c3ctf, readme_revenge, readme revenge, leak memory, memory leak, argv, printf, customize printf, format string, %s, function table, __printf_function_table, tuwat, pwn, pwnable, ctf, ctftime, c3 ctf, c3, gdb, pwndbg, dynamic loaded, ldd, debugging, exploit, python script, linux, exploit development, capture the flag, capture-the-flag
Id: lE6ke7pqCNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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