Global Request Show: A Song For You 4 - Ep.3 with GOT7 (2015.08.17)

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The global request show with fans from 190 countries! - A! / - Song! - For! / - You! Hi, everyone. I'm the man of strength, Kangin. Nice to meet you. Hi, everyone. I'm the llama of "A Song For You", Amber. I'm the man one can't help but fall for, Gongchan. - Gongchan of B1A4. / - It's nice to have you here. So, it has already been three days - since we have worked together. / - Right. So, what do you think? Do we work well as a team? You guys feel like family already. I just love Gongchan. Then will you go out with him? I don't love him that much. (All right...) We will make sure to show the world an impeccable teamwork from now on. People have dubbed this show "A school of talents" since the hosts have flaunted many personal talents. Gongchan is especially talented at mimicking animals. What animals could you mimic? - A rooster. / - A rooster. Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo! Er-er-er-er-er. Ooh-ooh-ooh-eee-eee! - How cute. / - It's a happy chimpanzee. I spend so much time on perfecting personal talents. Do you have anything new? - New personal talents? / - Yes. - I can do a seal. / - A seal? Oh-oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh-oh. I swear, there is something wrong with this guy. Gongchan, don't you have an image to uphold? These are just my personal talents. - All right. / - My personal talents don't define me. - Okay. / - Oh my goodness. Have you heard who the guests would be today? Are they here? Seriously, Amber gets visibly excited whenever we have male guests. It's ridiculous. Just seeing them makes me happy. - They are "Just Right". / - "Just Right". This idol group with members from different countries appeals to the fans all over the world. Can't wait to find out who they are, right? It seems like everyone is waiting with bated breath. Let me introduce you today's guests! Wait, who is waiting with bated breath? Tell me who it is. I was referring to the viewers. - You can see the viewers from here? / - Yes. - Is that so? / - I can see them as clear as day. They are definitely waiting with bated breath. Let us introduce you today's guests. We introduce you - guests of the day! / - Guests of the day! (Men who are just right) (A group as refreshing as vitamin, GOT7) (We welcome you with open arms) - Come and get it! / - GOT7! - Hello, we are GOT7! / - Hello, we are GOT7! This is our second time on "A Song For You". We will be sure to stay relaxed and have fun. - Let's go, "A Song For You"! / - Let's go! - Let's go, GOT7! / - Let's go! (Coming up) "Please reenact the 'HEARTBREAKER' scene." (An extreme secondhand embarrassment coming up) Here it comes! Keep your eyes open. JJ cross! JJ cross! (This will be the legend of GOT7! Stay excited) Here come GOT7! (The charming boyfriend material, GOT7 is here) (GOT7) - Hello. / - Hello. - Hello. / - It has been a while. (Welcoming) (They dance to "Just Right" from the start) (The talk of the town, the Bumper Car Dance) Doesn't it look easy? (Cute) (Fresh) (Just Right) It's an easy dance. - You try it, Amber. / - This? (Amber tries the Bumper Car Dance) (A round of applause) You try it, too. I can do this all day. (He looks the most relaxed) Wait. Jackson. I don't see Jackson here. Your lover isn't here. I'm just his crush. Jackson did say that he missed you. Really? I'm not that fond of him. Now that Jackson got his hair bleached, doesn't he look like Amber? - I saw it on the news. / - I can see the resemblance. (Do we look alike?) Go stand over there. (Amber moves to stand with GOT7) She is about the same height as well. - They do look alike! / - Right? Kangin! Kangin, listen. Kangin! Kangin, listen. (Startled) She walks just like Jackson! Seriously. (Even when he isn't here, Jackson is the talk of town) (We got you covered, Jackson) "A Song For You" is a show that includes fans, right? I heard that the staff was reminded once again how popular GOT7 is while preparing for this episode. From countries such as China, the Philippines, the U.S., Italy, Spain, and Argentina, requests poured in. We made a bingo board with requests sent by fans all over the world. If you complete a bingo pattern, we will present you a chance to give your fans a song gift of a lifetime. However, if you fail, you will go home without a chance to sing. In case you fail at completing a bingo pattern, set a penalty you'll carry through for the fans. BamBam will be flicked in the forehead by eight people. The hosts and we make eight people. I wasn't consulted on this matter. Did you set up a penalty without telling BamBam? Penalties get set without consultations, you know. I can do this for the team. Fans, thank you for sending us so many requests. We will be sure to clear a bingo pattern so that we can sing our new song for you. - Let's do this! / - Let's do this! We now give you the Glee Board of "A Song For You" filled with fans' love! - Ta-da! / - Ta-da! Tell us what group you'll choose first. - Take a pick, BamBam. / - I choose "GOT7". Show us what request hides behind "GOT7"! - Wang Jackson of Hong Kong. / - Wang Jackson. Wang Jackson of Hong Kong. The request is from Wang Jackson of Hong Kong. (Wait a minute) The name sounds really familiar. Did Jackson send that request? We thank you. Show us what the request is. Hello, I'm the Chinese member of GOT7, Jackson. The hero of "A Song For You" is GOT7! Look at how excited I am. I'm sorry that I couldn't be there with you. It's okay, Jackson. We understand that you are busy. (Where did he learn this?) I apologize. Kangin, Amber, and Gongchan, you understand, right? Of course we do. (Self-flagellation) I apologize. I prepared a special mission for you guys. - I bet it's something weird. / - I know. Do girl groups' dance! Do girl groups' dance! GOT7 members are so good at this. They aren't as good as I am, but they can dance pretty well. Do your best, guys. I'll cheer you guys on. So we need to do girl groups' dances. Jackson is... Jackson is really handsome. - Right? Isn't he handsome? / - He is. You need to see us from afar. People shouldn't see us from up close. - We only look good on TV. / - Only on screen. Jackson of GOT7 asked the members to do a medley of girl group dances. Everyone needs to dance on the cue of music. We will deem this mission successful only if you do the key moves of the dances. Thanks for nothing, Jackson. Shall we have Gongchan give us a demonstration? (We would love that) - Show us. / - Go, Gongchan. Did you know? Gongchan was to debut as a girl group member. Is that so? I'm serious. (He would have made a fine girl group member) - Look at that! / - Look at his leg! He only debuted as a boy group member because his legs were hairy. - My leg hair is why I didn't make the cut. / - Right. Gongchan will show us a girl group dance. Music, start. ("Short Hair" by AOA) - Doesn't he know the song? / - What song is this? Isn't it "Short Hair"? (BamBam dances for Gongchan) (His dance looks a bit awkward) (Wobbly) You failed! Hold on a second. So eating lemon wasn't the only thing you are bad at. Gongchan, how can you be bad at this too? If you guys dance like he did, it will be a failure. - I showed you an example of a failure. / - He did. GOT7, step forward. Is the music ready? Let's see how good GOT7 is at girl group dances. Give us the music! (Instantaneous) (What is up with them?) (They dance powerfully from the start) ("Touch My Body" by SISTAR) (Perfection) (They are so cute) (Embarrassed) ("Mr. Chu" by Apink) I know this song! We have done this dance before. (We got this) How are they so good at this? How are they so good at this? They seem to know every girl group dance. (A song we have been waiting for) What should we do? ("UP&DOWN" by EXID) (They wobble together) This is embarrassing. (This former B-boy can do a bounce) They are so good at this! They are so good at this! ("Ice Cream Cake" by Red Velvet) (After stopping for only a second, they dance again.) They know every dance! It's amazing! My goodness. 'It's so' (They all strike nice different poses) - A success! / - A success! That was amazing. How are you guys so good at this? We watch girl groups dance while in a waiting room. Every song we heard just now has been released around the same time as GOT7's song. So we got to watch those dances in a waiting room. You guys freak me out. - You guys were so good. / - You're too kind. I've never seen guys who are good at girl group dances. The request of girl group dance medley sent by Jackson has been cleared successfully! We got this. We cleared a request. Please pick another group. - Should we go for a vertical pattern? / - Yes. I'm okay with either one. - Let's pick "2PM". / - "2PM". - We choose "2PM". / - "2PM". - "2PM"! / - GOT7 chose "2PM". Show us the request! - Seo Hyo of China. / - Seo Hyo. Hello, everyone of "A Song For You". I request that my favorite idols try making a three-minute dish. The dish I will be making is a black sugar apple. I'll show you how it's made. She will now show you how the dish is made. You need to follow the ingredients and the instructions exactly and make the dish in five minutes to succeed. Now, keep your eyes open and memorize the recipe. Restart the video. (1. Make a square-shaped hole in an apple) (2. Scoop out the core) - What is that? / - Black sugar. (3. Place two spoons of black sugar in the hole) Is that all? No way. (4. Microwave the apple for two minutes) (5. Flip and microwave for a minute and 30 seconds) Microwave it for an additional minute and 30 seconds. (6. Take out the apple from the microwave) - Shall we cook the dish right away? / - Yes. Ready, set, go! We should wipe our hands first. We only have five minutes. We don't have enough time. Did Seo Hyo wipe her hands in the video? - No, she didn't. / - I don't think she did. - She didn't wipe her hands. / - Cut us some slack! We make a hole using a small knife. - That's good. / - Good job. We take the core out. Then we place the apple on a dish. One minute has passed. Seo Hyo used a spoon to add the sugar. Yes, we will be sure to use a spoon. That looks tasty. What kind of sugar is that? - Black sugar. / - Just add half. That's good. I wonder how this tastes. - Will it be tasty? / - I hear that it is. I think we should add a bit more. (The apple is placed in microwave) Microwave it for two minutes. I think the dish is close to being done. There we go. Hurry up. Hurry up. We don't have much time left! Microwave it just for a minute and 20 seconds. Only a minute remains. GOT7 is showing us how to make pretty apple slices. - He is good at this. / - He is. You are good at this. He can peel it in one go. Aren't you cutting too deeply into it? This knife isn't sharpened properly. 10 seconds remain. Should we take out the apple? Boys at home should... (Black sugar apple is done) We did it. - Five seconds. / - No. No, we can take it out. It's hot. It doesn't look like the dish we saw in the video. The apple is sliced already. The oldest person should taste it first. Thank you. (Not thrilled) - Go ahead. / - Have some as well. You said that I should taste it first! We wanted to cut it for you. This entire dish is for you. How does it taste? Wow. It tastes like an apple pie filling. The request from Seo Hyo of China entailed making a black sugar apple dish. The result is... (It can't be...) GOT7 failed! GOT7 added three spoons of sugar instead of two. (Reason for failure 1) (Seo Hyo added two spoons of black sugar) (GOT7 added three spoons of black sugar) (Reason for failure 2) (Seo Hyo microwaved for a minute and 30 seconds) (GOT7 microwaved for a minute) The recipe can be modified according to personal preference. You know, JB's pet name is Mr. Bravado. Why is it Mr. Bravado? You need to shut your mouth. You need to shut your mouth. Why is it Mr. Bravado? Tell us. - Tell us. / - Spill! He acted as though he wasn't affected by the result. Bravado comes naturally to him. Look at him ignoring us and eating apple. (Embarrassed) GOT7 failed at making black sugar apple! - That's too bad. / - We almost had it. Let's pick "miss A". Show us the request behind "miss A". "miss A"! - "A Song for You". / - "A Song For You". This is a segment unique to "A Song For You". Show us what it's about! - "Call A Friend". / - We can do this! Each one of you will take turns calling a friend. The request will be deemed successful if you hear a phrase, "I will buy you iced Americano." If you don't hear the phrase in 60 seconds, if the call doesn't go through, or if you give a direct hint, you fail. Who will you call? I will call Jo Kwon of 2AM. Jo Kwon? - He used to be a host of "A Song For You". / - Yes. - Really? / - He was a host for Season 2. - Is that so? / - Yes. - I'll give him a call. / - All right. I have a feeling that he won't pick up. I know this song! (The music keeps going) (He finally answered the phone?) "Your call has been forward to..." "Your call has been forward to..." (Call refused) Jo Kwon refused to take your call! We don't have enough time. Let's do this, then. If BamBam succeeds, this mission will be a success. What if your friend doesn't pick up as well? - We have texted each other a lot. / - Who is this? - Key. / - Key of SHINee. - Key of SHINee? / - But I have never called him. - So this is a first? / - This is my first time. So BamBam's first call to Key won't be made in private, but during the shoot of "A Song For You". Here we go. I'm scared. Why am I so nervous? Hello. - Key. / - Hi. I fall asleep so easily these days. Is there a way to stay awake? - A way to stay awake? / - Yes. What do I need to drink? - Coffee. / - Right? - Right. / -But I have no money. - You have no money? / - No. How will I get some coffee? Go perform at private events. Go perform at private events. Go perform at private events. (Work hard to earn money) You have a lot of money, right? - Do I have a lot of money? / - That's what I asked. I did save up diligently. How much money do you have? - What do you want me to say? / - You know, a cup of coffee only costs about two dollars. And? All right. I'll buy you a cup. (This is the moment) What kind of coffee will you buy me? I will buy you iced Americano. I will buy you iced Americano. (Hurrah) That was amazing! Key, we did it! Did I do this right? Hello, Key! Hello, I'm Key of SHINee. It's nice to hear from you. I love the advice you gave BamBam as his senior. "Go perform at private events." That phrase will go down in history. (I will work hard) - Thank you for picking up. / - All right. Please visit us on "A Song For You" one day. Thank you. - Have a nice day. / - Thank you, Key! "Call A Friend" has been cleared successfully! Let's move on to the next request. Please pick a group. - We choose "f(x)". / - That's it! One, two, three! - "f(x)"! / - "f(x)"! Show us what request hides behind "f(x)". Ta-da! ("Make Amber's Heart Beat Fast") This is such a difficult request. I bet it will be cringe-worthy. You succeed if any one of the members makes Amber's heartbeat per minute goes beyond 140. - The star of "My Love Eundong"! / - Jr! - "My Love Eundong"! / - Do I begin now? - "My Love Eundong"! / - Do I begin now? (Sudden attack) Would you like to exercise? He is smart! One, two! Oh my goodness. Amber's heartbeat per minute is up to 102. It's going up! It's going up! (What will Amber's heartbeat per minute be?) - You failed. / - We failed. - This is so hard. / - I'm sorry, Yugyeom. He doesn't see me as a man. - I'm sorry. / - Don't be so sad. I enjoyed your dance, but there wasn't enough time. (A Song For You) About an hour and three minutes remain. One, two, three! - "Red Velvet"! / - "Red Velvet"! This is a request sent by Just right and three others via SNS. "In 'Dream High 2', there was JB and Jr's 'HEARTBREAKER' scene." "Please reenact it." (Unbelievable) This is unbelievable! Look how happy he is. Do it properly from the start. - Make it exactly the same. / - I don't remember it! - I watch it whenever I feel sad. / - Let's do this! (In "Dream High 2", JB and Jr have a dance battle) (Everyone except for JB and Jr seems happy) (Devastated) (Please don't show us the footage) This is hilarious. (JB attacks) Look at Jr. (Please stop) JJ cross! Here we go. (Clapping like a seal) (Ha) - That was intense. / - They danced so well. (Having fun) (Kangin can dance, too) We could have raised Amber's heartbeat with this! Anyway, many fans wanted to see the HEARTBREAKER' scene. What do you think is the reason behind it? It's just a fun scene to watch. - It is really funny. / - I agree. It's something you can watch when you feel sad. The original request entailed two members of GOT7 other than JB and Jr reenacting the scene, - but we can do better than that. / - Right! We agree. We should let the original actors reenact the scene. We ask for nothing short of method acting. The three hosts will determine whether the mission is a success or a failure. I didn't think that something from three years ago would come back to haunt me. You guys haven't done this before, right? Right. This is our first reenactment. We don't even remember the scene. Let's go! (If you can't avoid it, enjoy it) This is really happening! (Haughty facial expression) (He starts with his shoulder moves) (100% in sync) (Jr attacks first) (This is the best) (Here it starts) (I can't do this) (Provoking) (Here I go) (He attacks with his shoulder) It's method acting! (What will become of the team's image now?) - I remember this scene! / - Here it comes! Here it comes! (His heart is about to burst) (His body remembers the moves) (I feel bad for them) (Leader...) Here it comes! Keep your eyes open. JJ cross! JJ cross! (This is the best) JJ cross! JJ cross! You need to fall down. - Jump! / - Here it comes again. (He jumps like a grasshopper) (JB...) (A round of applause) - That was amazing. / - We did it! That was seriously the best. They remember everything. It felt like watching a scene from a Hollywood movie. How did you two like it? I have goosebumps. The mission was - a success! / - A success! (Just right and three others via SNS) We have about 52 minutes left. We need to hurry up. - Which group now? / - In which direction do we go? "VIXX"! - One, two, three. "VIXX"! / - "VIXX"! "VIXX". 7dabang sent this request via SNS. Let's see what it is. "I want to hear a song that befits a summer night." It's a match between GOT7 and the hosts. Team Hosts and Team GOT7 will both sing, and the team with a higher score will win. A song for the summer. Since GOT7 is our guest, the hosts will go first. - All right. / - Which song will you sing? We can't help them, can we? ("Let's Go On a Trip" by Lee Seunggi) Hey, hey! 'On a green hill' 'With backpacks on our back' Why is the key so high? 'Golden sun' 'Golden sun' 'The festival begins' Together! 'Let's go look for a stream' 'Where echoes can be heard' 'Let's go on a trip' (Kangin's guitar solo) This is exhausting. 'Let's go on a trip' 'With a jolly heart' 'Let's go together' I don't want to go anymore. I don't want to go. 'Let's go on a trip' 'Let's go together' 'Let's go look for a stream' 'Where echoes can be heard' Can't we just do the first verse? 'Let's go on a trip' 'Let's go look for a stream' 'Where echoes can be heard' 'Let's go on a trip' (The song is finally over) Thank you! I'm not going on a trip. I have never sung an entire song before. (What will Team Hosts' score be?) 92! - That's an impressive score. / - Nice! That's a really high score, right? I'm glad we got 92, but we are all out of energy now. It's GOT7's turn now. Welcome, everyone. ("Bounce" by JJ Project) Bounce! Should we dance as well? - Let's go! / - 'Everyone gather around' 'Stand in front of the microphone' 'Whatever worries reside deep inside you' 'Put it down' 'Our song will help you forget everything' 'Come on now, let it bounce bonce' 'Come on now, let it bounce bonce' 'Now everybody' - JB and Jr! / - What a teamwork! JJ cross! (JJ cross) Cross! (What's the score of GOT7?) JYP. (My goodness) Just because of one point... This is unbelievable. Just because of one point... This is unbelievable. This is too much. This is unbelievable. Seriously. We might end up being the first group to fail at completing a bingo pattern. - That can't be. / - No way. - It can happen. / - The failure is in our destiny. That's why we keep failing at missions. Yes, we will be sure to use a spoon. That looks tasty. What kind of sugar is that? It's going up! It's going up! 'Now everybody bounce bounce' 'Come on now, let it bounce bonce' A failure! A failure! A failure! Are we always this bad at games? I can't believe that this keeps happening. Team Hosts got 92, - and Team GOT7 got 91. / - A failure! - GOT7 failed at clearing a request. / - We failed! - It's okay. / - Why is this so hard? - About 40 minutes remain now. / - Oh my goodness. - This is... / - We will go home without singing. You will succeed if you give it your best. It's okay. Shall we choose "T-ARA" now? No, let's pick "Girls' Generation". Let's do that. - "Girls' Generation"? / - Yes. Show us what request hides behind "Girls' Generation". - No, wait a minute. / - I bet it's an empty slot. - Wait a minute. / - No, no. Go with "T-ARA" first. No, no. Let's go with "Girls' Generation" first. If "T-ARA" doesn't work out, we'll go the other way. - Okay, "T-ARA" it is. / - There is no other way to go. You picked "T-ARA". Show us what request hides behind "T-ARA". I have a bad feeling about this. Gong Chansik of Suncheon. - Isn't that you? / - That's you. Gong Chansik of Suncheon sent us another request. Suncheon? This guy... Sends us requests all the time. - Gong Chansik of Suncheon. / - Where were you born? He is the pride of Suncheon. Suncheon is famous for red pepper paste and Gongchan. It is Sunchang that's famous for red pepper paste. - Was it Sunchang? / - Yes. (Embarrassed) (Abrupt apology) - I'm sorry. / - No, it was funny. There isn't much I'm knowledgeable about. I'm sorry. Let's move along. Gongchan isn't that hard to beat. - I bet he is good at games. / - He is not. - We used to think the same. / - Really? - But... / - He isn't that good at games. He tends to exaggerate what he can do. - So he bluffs. / - He bluffs a lot. He lied about how he is good at everything in order to become a host. This week's "Beat Chansik"! The game Gong Chansik of Suncheon proposes is... Beat Chansik! (Drinking Coke Quickly) It's a game of drinking coke quickly. It's easy to drink coke quickly. - BamBam will do it! / - We have BamBam! - BamBam, are you confident? / - I love coke. - Really? / - He drinks coke every morning. I think Gongchan might lose again. - Wait, have you done this before? / - Yes. How much have you drunk? - How many times? / - 250 milliliters. (For goodness' sake) Please step forward. We don't have to do it in one go, do we? I'm allowed to beat them, right? - Of course. / - I'm allowed to, right? I've always let people win in the past. - Stay in the center. / - I'm serious. - Oh, they are in the center. / - Let's do this! - Let's get this going. / - Let's go! Open the lids. Whoever finishes the bottle first wins. This makes me nervous. I'm so nervous. I don't think I can do this face to face. I'll probably laugh. Ready. - Ready? / - Yes. I'll win this time. - Ready. / - Bring us a win, BamBam. Set, go! You can do it! BamBam. (Gulping) (It tickles my throat) - BamBam! / - You are too slow now! You need to go faster. You are drinking too slowly. Go faster. - BamBam! / - What in the world are you doing? (But I'm too full) Chansik wins! Chansik wins! (Gong Chansik finally scores a win) This is... Chansik. Chansik. - Gongchan! / - Chansik! Gongchan! Gongchan! Make a chimpanzee sound! Ooh-ooh-ooh-eee-eee! (A victorious cry) - He is like Jung Junha. / - BamBam talked big. I didn't think I would win. This week's "Beat Chansik"... Is it okay that BamBam keeps burping? We are in the middle of a shoot! - Is that allowed? / - He keeps burping. We can have another round. - I can do it. / - He can go again. - We admire your passion. / - Of course. Let's use a 1.5 liter bottle this time. - Youngjae, give it a try. / - Shall I? Youngjae can join JB. You can fight against two, right? Of course. I can even go against six or seven. You can share a bottle and he can drink a whole bottle. - We mean it. / - Really? - We mean it. / - I can do it. If you lose against two, will you say GOT7 succeeded? - I will. / - Really? - I will consider it GOT7's success. / - He is so cool. You need to win. Youngjae and JB. - Youngjae and JB. Got it. / - Why am I tearing up? We need to choose "Girls' Generation" next. We will deem the mission successful if you win. BamBam is usually the best at this. - Ready. / - I know. There is no way we can win when BamBam has lost. - Are you good at drinking coke? / - Ready. I'm not sure. Set, go! - My goodness. / - Look at JB go. Gongchan looks like he is eating ice cream. Gongchan looks like he is eating ice cream. Youngjae! (He is good) Youngjae! He is emptying the bottle! (He drinks coke quickly) He is emptying the bottle! (He throws the bottle triumphantly) (GOT7 wins) (Side effect of drinking coke) That was amazing. You could have just refused to do it again! For goodness' sake! You are the one who insisted on another round! - I was too greedy. / - For goodness' sake! I'm sorry. What do we do now? Should we call it GOT7's success? Yes, GOT7 did win a round. GOT7 cleared a mission! It was a bit... (Gong Chansik of Suncheon) - Shall we choose "EXO"? / - "Girls' Generation". - "Girls' Generation"? Okay. / - Play it safe. Let's see the request behind "Girls' Generation"! "Girls' Generation." - Hi, I'm Crystal. / - And I'm Jenn. - And we are from... / - California! Howdy? We'd like to see you play a game of - "Pictionary"! / - "Pictionary"! Something like... "Ice Cream Cake." It's "Ice Cream Cake". - That's right. / - It's "Ice Cream Cake". 'Ice cream cake' I hope you guys enjoy this game. - GOT7, fighting! / - Fighting! - "A Song For You", fighting! / - Fighting! - Bye! / - Bye. Thank you. The request is from Crystal and Jenn of California. - That game looks fun, right? / - Right. Please explain it for us. Firstly... Firstly... - Are you okay? / - Yes. Give us a good burp. - I already burped. / - Show us a chimpanzee. I'm good now. The first one will see a proverb and start drawing. After 15 seconds, the drawing board will be passed on and the next person will add to the drawing. The last member need to guess the proverb correctly after taking a look at the drawing. This is your proverb. Ready. Set, go! I'm so nervous. I don't know why. (Jr starts to draw right away) Five seconds remain. Stop. You need to give it to the next person. - Stay in position. / - Don't turn around. What in the world is this? Start. Won't you draw anything? He is not adding anything. - What is this? / - Time is up. - The next person. / - Hand it over. Let's go. Start. - Hurry. / - I'm so nervous. - Every Korean would get this. / - Stop. I agree. - The next person. / - The next person. - BamBam, just don't do anything. / - BamBam. - Don't add anything. / - Start. - Good. / - What is this? Let's just not draw anything. BamBam. - Don't draw anything. / - Don't? We should just let the others do this one. I guess them not doing anything is helping. Back in school, people said that to kids who were really bad at sports. - Is that an autograph? / - I added my autograph. - "Just stay put here." / - Time is up. - Do you know what it is? / - They did a good job. - Start. / - It is a bit vague. - We can give it to him as it is. / - How confident! He will guess it correctly. JB, you are an idiot if you get this wrong. Of course he will get it right, Yugyeom. - You are so dead when we return home. / - 15 seconds. Time is up! We are done. What is up with this autograph? BamBam added it. - He will get it right. / - Everyone, face forward. I wonder what proverb it could represent. We believe in you. It's too easy. We will give you five seconds. (JB, you got this, right?) (What could the answer be?) "He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it. "He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it. There you go! Correct! Is this supposed to be a thief? I thought that was a ninja. I thought it was a laughing man. It looks like a laughing man. You did a good job. I approve of this drawing. - Jr did well. / - Jr is such a good artist. (Crystal and Jane of the U.S.) It's clear what group GOT7 will choose now. - "EXO"! / - Of course we choose "EXO". Show us "EXO". - It's not an empty slot? / - It's not. This request was sent by Cosmos via SNS. We haven't had an empty slot yet today. Show us the request Cosmos has sent. Mark is good at that. "GOT7! Show us how agile you are." "Let me see the members catch food in their mouths." It'll be a match between the hosts and GOT7. We have a set number of marshmallows per round. 10 marshmallows will be given. The team that catches more in their mouths win. We will play two rounds in total. Here is something that's unique to this game. Normally, only the person who tries to catch food does the elephant nose spin. For this game, the thrower will also do the spin. Now, pick representatives for each team. BamBam is pretty good at this. Mark. - Amber and Gongchan will go. / - Gongchan. They will play against GOT7 members. Only 25 minutes remain for you to complete a pattern. Team Hosts will go first. They will make 10 spins first. Ready. Set, go. One, two, three, four, five. Ten. Start! Where is she? Hold on a second. Hold on a second. (It hits Gongchan's shoulder) It's inexplicably hard. (Are they playing catch?) This is hard. He succeeds in eating one. He succeeds in eating one. He succeeds in eating one. He succeeds in eating one. Gongchan. Gongchan. He succeeds in eating two. He succeeds in eating two. - This is hard. / - They are good at it. Gongchan, come on. Gongchan. They succeed in eating two marshmallows. We can do more than two. - We can beat them. / - Let's do this. Team Hosts secured two marshmallows. - Let's do this! / - This is hard. Show them! Set, go! Ten! JB, hurry up. JB, hurry up. - Are you okay? / - Are you okay? (No way) - We got one! / - One! - We got one! / - One! (What is going on?) - We got two! / - Two! What is happening? This can't be! What is happening? This can't be! (Will they succeed in eating the third one as well?) What is happening? This can't be! That's it. That's it. How many marshmallows will they clear? There you go. There you go. What is he, a dog? A puppy? That was close! It keeps hitting his teeth. It keeps hitting his teeth. - Team GOT7 cleared four marshmallows. / - Four. They are good at this! Four marshmallows! Team GOT7 got four, and Team Hosts got two. Thus, Team GOT7 wins the first round four to two. I'll try throwing marshmallows this time. Go! One, two. Kangin, spin faster. Three. This is making me really dizzy. - Five, six. / - I'm so dizzy. I think I'm done with my spins. Eight. Eight. Eight. (A total disaster) Look at that. Look at that. - Are you okay? / - Of course I am. - Are you okay? / - Of course I am. - Move over. / - Kangin. - Hey. / - Kangin. Here. Here. Here you go! (Their attempts are unsuccessful) Again! - Here we go. / - You said you are good at this! - Here we go. / - You said you are good at this! (Will they succeed this time?) - Here we go. / - You said you are good at this! - It keeps grazing his teeth. / - Okay. - There you go. / - Okay. One. - There you go. / - Two. - There you go. / - Two. You are doing great. I think we'll stop at two marshmallows. - Three. / - Three. - Three. / - Three. (Will they succeed this time as well?) Nice! Nice! Nice! Team Hosts got four marshmallows. - Are you okay? / - Yes, I am. I'm okay. You almost broke the set, Kangin. I haven't done that spin since kindergarten. Team Hosts succeeded in catching six marshmallows. GOT7 will take the stage for round two now. - Are you guys ready? / - Yes. Ready. Set, go! One, two, three. Four, five, six. Seven, eight, nine, ten. Go! They spin quite well. - That was close. / - It's okay! What in the world! What in the world! No way. Keep calm! - One. / - One. - Open wide! Okay. / - Two. - If they catch another one... / - Then it's a tie. - If they catch another one... / - Then it's a tie. - Let's win this round! / - It's a tie now. - Let's win this round! / - It's a tie now. - Let's win this round! / - It's a tie now. He caught it! He caught it! - How many more? / - This is the last one. (They succeeds the last one, too) You looked so cool catching the last one. GOT7 wins the game! (GOT7 wins) That means we completed a bingo pattern. GOT7 succeeds in completing a bingo pattern! Please give a round of applause to GOT7, who did their best for their fans. About 17 minutes remain of the set time. Perhaps I should give you a disciplinary drill now. How about GOT7 do some squat walk? I'm joking. Of all the requests you have had, what was the most memorable? That project by JB and JR. JJ cross. - JJ cross! / - JJ cross. JJ cross. (People won't let this one down) JJ cross! What surprised me the most was that they remember everything. - I know. / - I seriously got goosebumps. Do you remember how they did it? Jr did this, then JB did the shoulder moves... I think it was thanks to GOT7's fan club, We GOT7, that GOT7 completed a pattern on the Glee Board today. - It's I GOT7. / - "We GOT7"! It's I GOT7. I GOT7. I apologize on his behalf. It's okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - It's okay. / - Dear fans of GOT7, I'm sorry. I won't be able to forget today. We made some unforgettable memories here. We thank you for giving us these requests, for they brought back fond memories and drove us to try our best. This is the new season of "A Song For You". If you have requests for your favorite K-Pop stars, please let us know. GOT7, you have joined us for the new "A Song For You". We thank you so much for your time. Please join us again in the future. - Thank you. / - Thank you. A show where you can check out requests from K-Pop fans around the world! The global request show, "A Song For You"! Kangin... - Amber... / - And Gongchan will see you again next week. Bye! Bye! ("Just Right" is the title song of GOT7's third album) 'Everything about you is just right' 'So relax and don't worry about a thing' 'You can trust me on my words 100 percent' 'Discard your worries 100 percent' 'No matter how much I study you' 'No matter how much I look and look' 'I can't seem to find' 'Those imperfections you speak of' 'Just stay the way you are' 'I've nothing more to ask, so don't change in any way' 'Don't worry, I like everything about you' 'So don't you change a thing' 'The way you are, as the way you are' 'Oh, just the way you are' 'Oh, as the way you are' 'Oh oh oh, stay the same'
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Keywords: KBS, KBSWorld, Korea, 실시간, 인기, 동영상, 한국, 엔터테인먼트, Entertainment, English, subtitle, TV, Full, HD, 영어자막, 자막, A Song For You, 어송포유, Global, Global Request, KangIn, Amber, Gongchan, 강인, 엠버, 공찬, Super Junior, B1A4, f(x), 에프엑스, 슈퍼주니어, 비원에이포, 아이돌, idol, k-pop, 케이팝, show, music, 음악, dance, sing, singer, star, yt:cc=on, 마크, 잭슨, Jr., 영재, 뱀뱀, 유겸, GOT7, 갓세븐, JB, Jackson, Junior, Yugyeom, Mark, Youngjae, BamBam, JYP, 주니어, 그룹, 퍼포먼스, performance, group, Singer, Artist, Sing, Dance, Rap, Global Request Show: A Song For You
Id: 48sle74locU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2015
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