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he will supply my knees according to what he's reaches where in glory where by christ declare the word what's your pocket not your feelings you are who he said you are a negative i see kings arising this house all over the nations i see queens arise all over the nations as part of this global family of fire i see the king in you emerge i see the queen and you emerge in this new year of gdpr what was hidden is about to be made revealed sadio sabale [Music] there are blessings with your name on it all that you will insist you came to shiloh hannah you come many years before but this particular year somehow you made up your mind that i am carrying my baby from the silo eventually yes yes yes yes yes you're carrying your proposal for this you know your breakthrough your marital destiny you're living on the job your house the new anointing the new promotion yes yes yes yes yes [Music] have you ever struggled with mental health depression fear marital pitfalls physical health challenges career challenges indecision other issues of life or would you just like to strengthen your spirituality then join men and women across the globe breaking the limits and soaring high on the global prophetic prayer altar with apostle goodheart obi equipment even in these challenging times every weekday from 5am to 6 a.m greenwich medium time plus one and 12 noon to 1 p.m greenwich meeting time plus one available on internet radio at and on youtube at gppa tv on periscope at good hearts o equipment on instagram at apostlegoodheart and on facebook at apostlegoodheart the global prophetic prayer altar the surest way to get timely resources to stabilize your life in every area your unmerited mercy of favor made available to us we give you praise we risk somebody lift your voice in the nations it's yet another day to be alive a great day and that to be alive on the gpa your gate our father with thanksgiving we're coming to your courts with praise this hour of prayer we thank you for the precious gift of life attention the psalm is declared let the lifting up of our hands be as the offering up of the evening sacrifice we raise our hands unto our father as of a sign of surrender our sign of complete yieldness to your will your kingdom on this 28th day of september 2021 we declare there is none like unto you we declare there is none compared unto you we declare that you are the first the last the beginning the ending the alpha and the omega we honor you jesus for the precious gift of life for one more day in your courts one more day in your presence oh you are fearful in praise you are glorious in holiness there is none beside our god somebody giving praise a father we salute your majesty to receive glory honor power adoration can somebody from the depths of your being celebrate jesus it is 2809 21 we inch in closer to the end of the month of september to remember let's celebrate him number 28 is seven times four seven seven seven seven eight seven is a number of perfection completion and rest a crib a lot less blessing for a day like this are you grateful to be alive let everything that have breath praising the law we have not come to murmur or complain we've come to thank we've come to celebrate we'll come to worship it was said concerning the children of israel that the lord was not well pleased with them because of their murmuring and their complaining we will not join them a mama and complain we thank the lord because we know he has done all things well left nothing undone in our lives mark 7 37 he has caused the blind to see he's caused the death to hear kolatiya is caused the lame to walk practice talk about your own testimony it's caused the dead to come alive crabbola caused the baron to carry their own children talk about your own testimony cause the jobless to be joyfully employed in cabaret cause of fear to be emboldened with courage talk about your oh cause the sick to be made whole leg give god praise and thanks he has done all things well and left absolutely nothing undone that's my god that's your god the doer of all that is good in our lives unintentional ah we slept like dead man last night but the lord in his mercy woke us of this hour mikoto to i can't but praise this god ancient of this hey the one who died for you and rules of triumphantly are you praising him are you blessing him are you worshiping him don't get tired genesis 49 10 ah the scepter shall not depart from judah nor a law giver from between his feet until shiloh come and unto him unto him who is him jesus unto him shall the gathering of the people be on this gbp is all about jesus unapologetically it's all about jesus the bible declares in john 12 32 when we lift jesus up he will draw all men to himself let's raise our messiah above our situation above our circumstance john 12 32 when we raise jesus up he will lift all men he will draw all men to himself can we lift him up with our prayers when we praise him we're lifting him up when he's lifted up he arrives on your behalf on my behalf when we praise him after the order of psalm 22 verse 3 he comes to sit upon your praise as a throne aya he inhabits the praise of his people psalm 22 street the lord inhabits he makes your praise a throat can we create a throne for our father to sit upon this hour let's build a throne with our praise psalm 22 verse 3 again that inhabits the praise of gpa family ah yeah yeah can you praise him can he create a throne in your house now as you praise him oh god you are wonderful you are fearful in praise you are glorious in wholeness there is none beside you you are the ancient of this the one who was who is who is the cop the glory and the lifter of my head oh ah baba when i was down you raised me when i was on my back you raised me i got my back against the wall you raised me i'm here to give you praise and glory i'm here to declare it is you who has done all things well in my life is somebody praising him honestly unapologetically ah who is the doer in your life is called jesus let's raise the banner of praise this hour 28 or 9 21 obragata there are days and there are certain days i perceive that today is a certain day of somebody under the sound we have three more days to go before the year the month is over 28 29 and 30. i believe the remaining three days of the month of september shall be three days to be much remembered these three days shall be days to be much remembered in september to remember can we thank the lord may the rest of the month be the best of the month for you kakopala may the rest of the month be the best of the month for me make that pronouncement make that declaration let your feet mix with your work the rest of the month be the best of the month for me 28 i hallo jesus on this day 29 i hello jesus 30th i hello jesus i'm crossing over into the last quarter of the year victoriously with a big bang of glory the last three months of the year they are my months i don't know about you they are reserved for good heart obama equipment october november december they are my month of harvest a the crowning glory of the year the fourth month of the year is about to begin from friday october 1. i'm too excited i'm super duper excited but before we get there i'm blessing god for the three days remaining in september there is a balanced dummy of the prophecy spoken over my life and over your life shall we wrestle with these prophecies paul spoke to his son timothy in the law in the gospel in first timothy 1 18 he says hey you fight you with a good water with what with the prophecies with the prophetic words spoken over your life prophecies are given to you as added ammunition added weapons of war kapalus attack you fight he kept wage a good warfare with the prophecies spoken over your life media first timothy 1 18. abraham put on the scriptures we pray with scriptures on this platform yes there's no better way to pray than to use the word of god to pray he said my word will not return to me void of power when you take the word of god back to god that's prayer ah your legislate archer you advocate as a lawyer in the column of heaven and cover with jesus as your chief advocate or prank attack the holy ghost as your helper as your intercessor ah and your father the righteous judge yes satan may be the accuser but we have jesus christ our chief advocate oh yes by the blood of jesus the voice of the accuser of the brethren is here by silas permanently in the name of the lord jesus can you declare with me by the blood of jesus the voice of the accuser of my life is silenced permanently in the name of the lord jesus make that pronounce again with me in the name of jesus in the name of jesus ah by the blood of jesus christ the voice of the accuser of the brethren is silenced permanently in the name of jesus christ now release your prayer language as we quench every theory that from the pit of hair through silence the voice of accusation all kabbab gaga from one called diabolo called the adversary his name is called satan the devil eka brakata he's an accuser of the sith but today we raised a blasting banner when the korea declared his voice of accusation and condemnation is silenced permanent in the name of jesus can you release your prayer language in prayer oh bro father we're thanking you for the victory by the blood of this altar over every force of darkness over every force that seems to molest and accuse us hey by the blood of jesus air qabar when he created declared silence the voice of the accuser i refuse the lies on the pit of hell that i will not live i will not advance i will not progress i will not marry i will not carry my baby i cover i silence the voice of the accuser of the brethren in the name of the lord jesus somebody lift your voice and plead the bloc i invoke the bloc that you used to unlock i used to lock whatever does your lock no man can unlock other does you lock no man can lock i will begin to see that one of the gates and the bishop permanently is the gate of death hallelujah psalm 118 akka 17 we will live and not die to declare the wondrous works of almighty god can you declare that again i will live aya i will live my children will live my spouse will live this year you know the amber months are known to be somewhat dangerous as far as the devil and the world is coming but guess what oh as far as we are concerned as a people of redemption as the people of light oh the last few months are our best but why the end of the matter is a better than the beginning is that yours but that's my testimony bring a tender oh we've been a professional moments ago the rest of the days of september may they be the best of the month of september let's advance that let's decree and declare ah that the rest of the days are the rest of the month of this year 2021 shall be guess what the best of the year for you and for me and for us can we turn that into a declaration a proclamation the rest of the year is the best of the year for me for us as a global family in the name of the largest class or barracks ecclesiastes 7 verse 8 ah commander better is the end of the thing than the beginning they're wrong and the patient in spirit ah is better than the proud spirit wow i sense a fresh all coming up on me now raga is the end of the year higher than the beginning of the year please make this pronouncement and believe god your hope will not be cut shut declare your expectation don't describe your experience you describe your experience for too long your experience is not your lot no you can change things around you by engaging the word of the law or call begging have you not read in the beginning or in genesis 1 1 ah the earth the heavens and the earth were null and void the spirit of god hold upon the face of the deep of the waters i mean everything was bleak and black blick and black but god did something interesting something unusual he said and god said let there be light and there was light god didn't complain there was darkness around me ah no he said let there be like that's the way it operates declare your expectation declare your desire under god stop describing your experience you've complained for too long nobody loves me nobody cares i was dropped when i was young i was forsaken i was abused we've heard your story for long enough that we sympathize with you we empathize with you i have my story too if you knew my story you thank god i'm still standing you know but we've heard you say for too long it's time to describe guess what not to discover anymore your story declare your expect what the expectation of the righteous is what the bible says will not become shocked proverbs 23 17 and 18 the expectation of the righteous one will not be cautioned now begin to declare your expectation oh yes i'm going forward i'm advancing i am progressing you've been down for too long and complained for too long been anxious for too long being worried for too long not declare your expectations open your mouth wide and the lord jesus will fill it up okay better proverbs 23 18 for surely there is an end and thine expectation shall not be cut off lord we're thanking you right there declare declare declare in spite of being in that pit i'm out of the pit i'm out of the waterless pit i'm out of this doom this fear this gloom i'm out yeah yeah i'm on my way to my wealthy place ah yeah yeah that's something there ah i'm on my way to my wealthy place is somebody declaring open your mouth for don't keep quiet my brother my sister agree but remember close mouth are close destinies i'm on my way to my wealthy is joy comes in the morning we've been there for a night but joy comes he declares my joy is here i've wept for too long my joy is here my joy is here canada psalm 30 verse number five for his anger and doing what what a moment but a moment you know a moment just a moment is a moment just a moment when the british man says just a moment just a moment praise god anger is but for a moment guess what in his favor is life kataba in one in his favor not his anger in his favor is light listen weeping may endure for a night a night not many nights a night that means all that period that looks so long it's just a night in the eyes of the lord a night guess what yeah yeah but joy comes in the morning can we prophesy and declare my joy is here my joy is here cabalosa my joy is here pushing up my joy is here sabaragata my joy is here cabrata my joy is here pushing and believing that my joy is here oh boy my joy wow is here kram baragata my joy is here a la go de paranaga my joy is here krumbalet scribolatos abba laka my joy is here in the name of the lord jesus christ amen and beloved before we change gear in a little while i want you to turn to psalm 68. i want to believe this a word for somebody uh once you turn to psalm 68 or engage in verse 10 i want to ask you sincerely please as you ought to have done without me telling you hit that share button right now where you are on facebook hit the share button all right copy a link from your facebook and go to your facebook story drop it there all right and then also do the needful to do the same in instagram share and share some love this beautiful one or this aft this into whatever time it is wherever you are in the world it's a global altar different time zones across the world uh do share on instagram the handle on facebook and instagram is apostle good heart all right now go to youtube our account our channel is gppa tv crisp and clear broadcasting right there uh share copy a link and take that link if you if you're cool please go to your whatsapp this really works i attempt to do that sometimes when i'm able to copy that link go to your whatsapp drop it in your story more than that endeavor to drop it in your contact list in your whatsapp join me as we pray live on gp or something like that you know drop that link when they see it gladly they'll join you but i'm glad to announce that we're live on roger radio our 247 online station in the nations of the world where you can go on online and be a part of this other times of prayer in the nation of nigeria 25 stations so far quite a few more to come to go until the nation is blanketed with the blood of the lamb hallelujah uh praise god so wherever you're in nigeria whether or not abuja kaduna ah uh uh uh kogi marcotti jaws uh pontiff wherever you are praise god product and never to connect your friends mean around where you are let them know that around that community where the radio station is they can be a part of that and i'm told that this has given a lot of traffic truth be told to many of the stations that have partnered with us many jump in at 5 00 a.m enjoy this time of devotion and prayer and jump out again some of them praise god so i want to celebrate all of our partnering station 25 of you the lord bless you uh it's an answer to prayer that god will prosper your venture as you've connected with this uh king adventure to open your airwaves for people to pray uh in this one of global prayer praise god i'm excited what god is in the nation that i do know and believe in no distance time what has happened in nigeria we're going to happen in other countries of the world and now you're out there hearing me in one country or the other in afghanistan in london in whatever you wherever you are and you want to be a part of making this happen in your community hey get in touch with us we can share with you how to make it happen it's easier than you think uh all you need to get to do is get air time in your station in your environment and we do all the techno work and boom and it is by you and people around you will be a part of what god is go to what god is doing here and you'll be a part of the eternal rewards now this is one way to take your earthly treasure your money ah and transform them to eternal treasure when you do so on this platform as an other good kingdom grounds uh surely that seed is a memorial before the throne of grace now we are in psalm 66 quite an interesting exciting uh uh scripture here uh verse number 10 oh boy thank you jesus say word for somebody don't know who you are but pay attention for thou o god has proved us thou has tried us as silver is tried thou brought us us into the net thou laid's affliction upon our loins all right that has caused man to ride over our heads did you see that he's caused or allowed men momentarily to ride over our heads we went through fire and through water but thou brought test us out into a wealthy place wonder why the multiple you had to have the scripture on the on the screen psalm 68 multimedia verse 12 thou has caused men to ride over our heads we went through fire and through water but thou brought us us out into a wealthy place i want to read the same scripture from another version and then we'll pray oh hallelujah wow look at this it says in the new living translation glory to jesus wow are you there psalm 66 verse 10 to 12 turn to your bibles while the multimedia gets us there you have tested us oh god all right testing precedes testimonies examinations precedes promotion so today's tests are preparatory for tomorrow's promotion or testimonies all right let's go now you've tested us oh god multimedia and loudly sing sorry uh uh you've tested us oh oh god you have purified us like silva you captured us in your net right and the burden of slavery on our backs wow hear this now then say with me then oh yeah then then you put a leader over us it gets more exciting we went through okay what fire and floor no no it isn't we went toe no we went through fire and floor has somebody under the sun my voice in this year 2021 been through any kind of situation and a circumstance that could be described like an unto fire and a flaw that means not so palatable challenges difficulties as some declared even though i walk through the valley of the shadow shadow of the valley of the shadow of death all right uh alfie no evil so i'm going through the valley of the shadow of death i think so i'm not going through the valley i'm going through so i've been through fire flood that's not my destination but here where i'm going to but you brought us or you will bring us to a place of great abundance the point here is for somebody under the sun my voice the trouble you've been through is a down payment for the double you're coming into it sounds like music to my ears let's say it again the trouble you've been through is down payment for the double you're coming in to is that all right we're going to turn to a prayer point and a prophecy at the same time i'll say it again let it enter your spirit think of the trouble you've been through in this year nine months you've had good days right but i'm sure you've had a few night seasons a few bums twists curves dents here and there now so i said again the trouble you've been through is down payment for the double you are coming into wow lift your voice and make that pronouncement as you think of those challenges perhaps you faced in this year so far thank the law he kept your mind ah yeah yeah yeah he didn't lose your mind you didn't snap in the middle of pressure mental pressure financial pressure emotional pressure psychological pressure academic pressure you didn't lose it is not your mind you're still standing victorious in the game of life can we thank the lord for his sustenance through our various night seasons somebody declared the trouble i've been through is down payment for the double the lord is bringing me into ayah sounds like music to my ears in other words never for less always for more can we push it for one more minute thank you for oh the name of the lord god all gabalan de gaba blessed be the name all the lord you are worthy to be praised and adore so we lift so we lift up holy hands in watercolor singing blessed be the name blessed be in the name amen said be the name all the lord blessed be the name blessed be the name of the lord worthy to be praised and adore so i lit so i lift up holy hands in watercolor singing [Music] below blessed be the name blessed be the name all the lord oh you are worthy to [Applause] [Music] sing a new song to your king and your champion lamb of glory hallelujah abraham you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy wow you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy remember the trouble you've been through hallelujah it's only down payment for the double you are coming hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord jesus christ can we still give him praise some more let's not get tired baba [Music] give him thanks in your own words give him thanks give him thanks give him thanks we honor you and we celebrate you jesus in the name of the lord jesus amen amen i can see everything turning around turning turning turning around everything turning around for my goo i can see everything turning around turning turning turning around everything turning around for my goon we can see everything turning around turning turning turning around everything turning around four good father lord thank you for the many turnarounds in the nations in this hour who will give you the praise the glory and the honor in jesus wonders name we pray very quickly as a slight uh uh um a slight uh diversion to want to quickly read a testimony that really blessed my heart yesterday just to remind us that this altar is extremely prophetic and that we ought to keep our hearts uh are very alert and sensitive to the dealings of the lord per time uh because many at times uh the lord visits people uh right where they are in their various uh various uh homes as it were prophetically um oh thank you lord and jesus says sister gn i call her i have struggled with my health for some years with a painful condition recently my heart also began to give trouble oh dear strongly last night that's day before now my business ig account which i have hardly ever used invited me to follow a relative right invite him to follow a relative who recently died at a young age right i laughed because the past few weeks i had become comfortable with the idea of dying together comfortable the idea of dying i felt that it will be all right my children will be fine that devil is a liar no suicidal thoughts just resigned to death the last thing on my mind last night was that it would be okay if i did not wake up wake up at all but i did i woke up early but was reluctant to join gppa please drag yourself to the altar of jesus you just never can tell the day of your deliverance and the day of your visitation when i did apostle good heart was warring against the gates of death corn dayata next morning that was honestly in my mind a diversion based on what i prepared to lead right warring against the gate of death and hell i know sorry i knew that have i knew that heaven was warring for me as soon as he moved from that prayer i was disconnected that's when i remembered that my data ran out last night cartoon calendar so this i ran out but she was connected to the point of this deliverance you get that oh boy gpa prayers have always been prophetic for me that's the point i make it it may look very simple you know they're prophetic be attentive right especially when apostles vs of quote unquote prayer topic many matters have many matters have been addressed for me today i was yesterday um which was different it is clear to me that god has me on his heart and i declare the gates of death are shot against me permanently in the name of the lord jesus christ can we lift our voice and thank the lord for this pool of mercy called the gpp from the depth of your heart if you've received any kind of healing deliverance the touch of god transformation of this altar let's just like the one leper or kodaga sincerely you hear my voice wherever you are let's return back to jesus to give him praise and glory can we thank the holy spirit for being our helper our intercessor can we thank you can we bless oh lord we are being deliberate to thank you for all of the testimonies in the ways you visit us in the mysterious and the miraculous ways you've continued to visit this family body of believers globally we also yesterday stood in the gap all for our sisters and our brothers trust in the lord for the fruit of the womb i believe we hear those testimonies by this time next year yes yes it will be said on sun suddenly i was at the altar and i prayed with the brethren and the lord visited my womb visited me in peculiar spectacular ways of ah let's give him praise the god who answers press on this altar to him be the praise and glory along er all the lord is visited the lord we're thanking the lord i know yesterday did not be your own season but oh today today's 28th day i listen i i believe in numbers and god believes in numbers that's why there is a book in the bible called numbers among 66 books of the bible one whole book is called numbers numbers are important to god six days seven days 14 days all is significant 10 days 12 days a time 10 is important to god and 28 simply in terms of numerology is seven plus seven plus seven plus seven or if you like seven times four twenty eight praise god i love number seven i'm known for seven praise god seven is simply completion perfection and rest can you bless the lord i don't know what this day has for you but it is loaded ah commander he says he daily oh boy loads you with his benefits can we thank god for the daily location that's my prophetic language daily lord him of his benefit today on this 14th day wow thank you lord for the victory you've received on this alter gpa wherever you are in this you're thanking the lord this altar has saved me it has delivered me it's kept me strong for four years i didn't know i could do this for four years of my life every day praying i never knew but this author showed me that grace are bounded to leave the nation in prayer i'm thankful for the god of gpa i perceive again i said where in john 5 another pool of bethesda is being steered somebody jump in as the lady testified yesterday guess what it's your turn today you just jump in lord follow up this is my situation and my circumstance i jump in you work for long enough today your testimony begins you have cried for too long today your testimony begins oh the night is over pakistani the night is over ah welcome to your season of joy er crema latte the night is over here what a testimony i am next to testify is that you i'll declare i am next to testify of this i will come back like the one leopard to jesus to thank him glory glory glory glory hallelujah father we give you thanks wow we give wow i'm just accepting my spirit hallelujah thank you jesus glory glory glory glory wow can we that one person represents many tens and hundreds much more indonesians who are saying lord i thank you for what you've done in my life through my life up to gpp can we add a lot to sustain the fire of this altar much more to the end the bible claims in leviticus 6 12 and 13 oh that every morning the priests were to put wood on the altar and the fire was never to depend on the altar levitical sister of the third multimedia let's decorate the fire that the fire will never go down can we prophesy over gpp family our fire will never go down the fire upon our children upon our spouse never go down our prayers from grace to grace and glory to glory in the name of the lord jesus christ amen and amen wow wow i couldn't even get to the meat of what i had in my heart to share today to lead you but i'm so thankful uh uh for that testimony and i believe uh as as as as oftentimes said when you rejoice with them that rejoice your own season of rejoicing is around the corner let me speak to your life in the name of the lord may the sound of jubilation open your spirit now and the sound of rejoicing never be far from your homes from your families in the name of the lord jesus christ the bible declares in second corinthians 2 14 now thanks be unto god who always causes us you and i to triumph in christ jesus you'll triumph in the past you will try out again today and you try off again and again over life's affairs in the name of the lord jesus christ the victor in you emerges the giant in you is on the rise kato parrakata oh the champion in you is on him on the rise in the name of the largest christ lord will take cover under the blood thank you for the territories and the spirit you gave us in this past few minutes we're grateful oh blicketer for new business in the spirit when you create and claim your mercy the lines fall upon us all in pleasant places our day is blessed our night is refreshing in the name of the lord jesus christ amen and amen to god alone be the praise and the glory in jesus name amen very shortly we share the goodness and jump into our devotion but i want us to engage in our communion very quickly please get your community element your brand your biscuit across the nations let's pray very briefly and then engage this wow whoa i'm just excited in my spirit wow ah yeah yeah yeah yeah i sense the lord just brought a protective seed and covered over somebody's life so i don't know a protective seal cover uh the enemy had intended some things around you for shame but by the mercy and by the grace of god just a covering just came over somebody to preserve to protect you ah for where the enemy designed and determined for shame by the mercy by the grace of god step into faith that obstacle turns for you my brother my sister as a stepping stone for the miraculous in the name of the lord jesus christ amen now you're on this altar you're not born again please give me the honor to lead you to christ in the next few minutes shall we pray together lift your voice and let's pray together let's pray turn your heart to jesus sincerely please do please do and for those who are born again let's take this moment us to recommit and rededicate our lives to master jesus oh yes oh yes shall we pray together as a family heavenly father when prayer ready heavenly father in the name of the lord jesus christ i come to you just as i am i open the door of my heart i say invite you jesus to be my lord and my savior master forgive me all my sins cleanse me of all my sins today in the company of the saints unashamedly i declare that jesus christ is both my savior and my lord lord jesus you alone i will love i will serve as you continue to help me by the holy spirit i love you jesus i give you praise and thanks in jesus name amen the bible declares in revelation 12 11 a day of victory that they overcame overcame they overcame by the blood we overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they love not their lives unto death three things there the blood testimony a commitment to go all the way for jesus if death is required to go through it wow jesus taught that anyone who come after me must be willing to deny himself take up his cross and follow me daily of this altar who received grace to not only walk under the coven of the law not only walk under the the the power of testimonies but also to go all the way with jesus without compromise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father thank you father let your blessings come upon this element we'll declare them sanctified and hallowed as we eat that life light being fused into us once again in the name of the father the son of the holy ghost in jesus name we pray amen even please eat with thanksgiving glory to god we need to strengthen healthy vitality and we drink to life we'll drink to a new season wow we drink your litter we toast lord to a new season in jesus name amen and amen what a day daily beloved i want to encourage you today to find your heart to show a love gift to jesus on this altar today that says from your heart i love you i thank you i appreciate you we can never buy anything from him but we can celebrate and i appreciate it he says let none stand before him empty-handed in the old testament it was forbidden for them in the three feasts of the year to come before the lord with an empty hand god desires you to honor him with your seeds praise the lord so you're doing that on the screen their ways that means to do that whether in the nation nigeria in southern africa united kingdom usa is over on the screen if you're in doubt send us a little note how can i send the lord my gift and will communicate to you we don't make a big deal about this uh we create the atmosphere and the platform for people to be blessed because more blessed to give than to receive praise allah and i want to pray with you my brother my sister although i joined heart and faith with uh your sons and your daughters across the next who are honoring you with their substance he said which we're to honor you with the first book of our increase in our substance that our bands will bust forth with new wine hallelujah lord may these seeds be sanctified upon honor to your name in the name of the lord jesus christ may this be used to further yet extend and expand this sound of revival in the nations ah preparing hearts for your coming glory will give you the praise and the glory and the name of the lord jesus christ aimed i want in particular to challenge you given is good but i want to challenge you to become a partner part of means beyond the times you give once every day you know you commit a worthy seed on a monthly basis at least monthly whatever it is whatever it is every month i'm doing this for the lord on this art you know what that helps to push this sound further and more so i want to challenge you out there a family can adopt one of our radio stations in asia nigeria say hey look what does it take to handle this in kogi to handle gpa in bakari to have you know these are ways to to fly financially it's it doesn't come by just the blessing no no no there are principles there's a prince but they're principles that this person will work yeah you can't push the kingdom and stay backward no matthew 63 seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness all these things have added to it so please get in touch i want to see people all of them will say hey i'm raising this altar in this particular state uh uh or you're in bandung you know the authors exist but hey adopt one by your family praise the lord and be amazed how quickly you're going to fly in certain areas you're dealing with the airwaves and i believe as you are used by the lord to extend this sound in the airwaves the lord will make room for you in your city and your nation in the name of the lord jesus christ we're going to share the grace together our devotion today is themed god will fight for you hallelujah he will fight for you let's it in there and beyond god will fight for you we're back at 12 number 11 endeavor to join us again in our 12-month experience otherwise known as lunch hour with jesus you're here for the first time welcome home to your tribe welcome home to your trap welcome home to your tribe praise god please keep it don't just pray once in a week once in two days no no no no power lies inconsistency drag yourself to wake up from sleep kick your butt you know after a while it'll become habitual you know this has become so habitual for many people on saturday sunday they wake up they think the gpa and all they do is they play back you know the passwords you know prayer ought to become a good habit all right let's share the grace together your day is blessed your night is refreshed is that all right praise god father will thank you in the name of the lord jesus christ let's share the grace together may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit rest on about with us now and forevermore amen surely god's goodness and his mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives will dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever and ever amen for the lord is good and his mercies and just forever love you big till we get back at 12 enjoy god will fight for you our anchor text is exodus 14 verse 14. the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace we have three more scriptures references for your daily delight sorry genesis 20 genesis 32 and 33 luke 19 and psalm 25 recently this year an exhibition fight was scheduled between evander holyfield and mike tyson at exhibition fight is not a serious fight but usually a brief boxing match between famous boxers for charity purposes or for public entertainment today in a fight with tyson many people will expect evanna to win because of his previous victory in their two boxing matches however 25 years ago in 1996 when avanda first faced tyson in a historical fight it was a totally different story many people didn't think ivana will even survive in the ring because of tyson's frightening reputation as quote unquote the baddest boxer in the world when a poll was taken of 50 bucks and writers or who win 49 voted for tyson only one person voted for hollyfield yet despite the great odds against him hollyfield who is a devoted christian maintained unshakable faith in god he told the media and everyone that that his god will give him the victory evanna was so sure because he had seen god do amazing miracles in his boxing career evander knew that the same god will also give him the victory in the fight with tyson and so while he had trained physically evander had also prepared spiritually through prayers he later told the media i prayed during training hallelujah i loved that i prayed when i got i prayed and also while he was while he had trained physically evan had also prepared spiritually through prayers he later told the media i prayed during the training i prayed when i got in the ring with mike and i still prayed when i was fighting the result of this much prayer was that evan hollyfield shockingly surprisingly knocked out tyson in the 11th round the victory which took place in las vegas made many believers out the city known for its hedonistic lifestyle this famous fight was later called the greatest boxing upset in history yet it was a fight where god showed up and showed himself faithful because one man trusted him when we understand that all power belongs to god and all victories come from him then we will not fret or cry over any challenge rather our focus will be on how to engage god to fight for us many of the challenges we face on earth may appear natural but in reality their roots are spiritual and to win in such life's battles we need a spiritual approach we need to commit every situation to god through fervent prayers no matter how insurmountable the obstacle we must always remember that we serve the god who is the mighty man in battle his el shaddai which means almighty god who destroys or who destroys other powers he is yahweh saboa the lord of hosts who has military prowess and is the mighty warrior and he is yahweh nisi the lord our banner indeed when god arrives to fight for you every enemy must be scattered this is why we should always ensure god is on our side by remaining spiritually fervent when faced with trials and oppositions indeed god's desire for us is to be stable consistent and not moved by circumstances his will is that we trust in him and be at rest no matter what happens exodus 14 13 says fear ye not stand still and see the salvation of the lord which he will show to you today certainly today as we remain steadfast in study of the word prayers and praise the lord will fight our battles and we will hold our peace want to pray on our account of our devotion heavenly father we know that you are indeed able to give us all the victory in every battle of life we thank you in particular for the grace to build up our faith through diligent study of your word through consistent prayers and praise and worship to your holy name in the name of the lord jesus christ we pray amen amen and even winning quote from today before we go from my book word by two to two trials or positions resistances are often times only an indication that your promotion is around the corner trials or positions resistances are oftentimes only an indication that your promotion is around the corner this season we've been considering revival i want to recommend amongst uh over 30 titles by god's grace from myself um three books in particular that are anchored on revival number one revival is here again taking your place in the end time move of god in this last days revival is here again number two catch the fire catch the fire number three man on fire all fire fire fire revival is here again catch the fire man on fire you can go to ocada books and find a number of those books otherwise go to amazon type my name good how to organ a number of the books offered by this gentleman will pop up please get them they will bless you tremendously we'll get back at 12 moon keep living keeping a lovely big my name is good heart don't ever forget beloved jesus is still the lord enjoy bye for now he will supply my knees i can't what he's written his way in glory where by christ declare the word i'm not your pocket what's your feelings you are who he said you are a negative i see kings arise in this house all over the nations i see queens arise all over the nations as part of this global me a family of fire i see the king in you emerge i see the queen and you emerge in this new year pvpa what was hidden it's about to be made reveal santiago there are blessings with your name on it all that you will insist you came to shiloh hannah you come many years before but this particular year somehow you made up your mind that i am carrying my baby from the silo eventually yes yes yes yes yes you're carrying your proposal this year law your breakthrough your marital destiny you're living on the job your house the new anointing the new promotion yes yes yes have you ever struggled with mental health depression fear marital pitfalls physical health challenges career challenges indecision other issues of life or would you just like to strengthen your spirituality then join men and women across the globe breaking the limits and soaring high on the global prophetic prayer altar with apostle goodheart's ob equipment even in these challenging times every weekday from 5am to 6am greenwich median time plus one and 12 noon to 1pm greenwich meeting time plus one available on internet radio at and on youtube at gppa tv on periscope at good hearts o equipment on instagram at apostlegoodheart and on facebook at apostlegoodheart the global prophetic prayer altar the surest way to get timely resources to stabilize your life in every area your unmerited mercy of favored men available to us we give you praise we risk [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: GPPA TV
Views: 424
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: HSe7nSYA1cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 15sec (4215 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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