Global Online Meeting Q&A -- Zac Poonen -- June 12, 2021

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[Music] i want to start by just making a comment about a few questions have come about like-minded fellowship in your area different parts of the world if you've been gripped by these teachings and even hearing about the necessity of the local church the body of christ in which to have that firm grip on the christian life so that we're not discouraged please write to us there may be some believers already in your area or a fellowship that's gathering we don't have a worldwide list or anything like that that's published but certainly right to cfc india cfc cfc if you're outside the u.s if you're in the u.s you can write to us at rlcf info or info at we can put you in touch with folks in your area if there are some most importantly pray in the early days in the first century they didn't have email or youtube but they had the holy spirit and they could pray and miraculously god would lead paul or philip or john or peter to some hungry people read the book of acts and see how he did it it's the same god who's at work today and will do that and if that's the desire of your heart you will do it so um but logistically certainly feel free to write to us um i want to start by asking this question that was asked during this message dad that is for those who it's it's a struggle for them to picture god as a loving father because of a difficult father that they had or perhaps even a cruel father what how would you encourage them we have to recognize that we are living in an imperfect world nothing is perfect on this earth you and i are not perfect and no father is perfect i have tried my best to be a good father but i'm not perfect i'm painfully aware of the many mistakes i made in my life so there's no father who's perfect even the best fathers are imperfect in many ways have made mistakes but god recognizes that many people on earth many of his children have had bad experiences in their childhood and in their family then they must still look up to god and say but i thank god that you are my father don't look for your earthly father as an example what jesus said was let me show you that verse luke uh sorry matthew chapter 7. if you fathers being evil what do you mean by that luke matthew chapter 7 verse 11. he's talking to fathers if you fathers being evil know how to give good gifts to your children as far as god is jesus is concerned he says every father is evil not just yours did you have a bad father jesus says every father is bad i agree with it i have not been as good a father as god is not even one percent as good as god not at all maybe i'm better than somebody else but i'm still compared to god evil why do i believe that because jesus said you being evil so he included every father in the world as evil not just your father my brother sister every father was evil including yours but maybe he allowed you to be in your house at least took care of you at least for a little while over the little things a few things how much more your heavenly father will give good things to those who ask him so if you can think of even one good thing that your dad did in a million bad things that he did okay one good thing he did he brought you into this world he gave you an opportunity to be born again to be a child of god to be in heaven of heaven otherwise you would not even have existed be thankful for your father at least for that if not for anything else it gave you an opportunity to hear the gospel now otherwise you would not have existed now you have an opportunity to be in heaven for eternity so forget about all the evils that your father did forgive him very important for you to forgive your father on earth for all that he did because you've done many more worse things against your father in heaven and say god help me to know you as a father who loves me cares for me and will never let me go ask the holy spirit to reveal that to you because it says in romans and chapter 8 that is the holy spirit who comes and reveals god as a father to us romans 8 verse 15 the holy spirit comes within us and spontaneously makes us cry out about daddy ask the holy spirit to fill you to make you cry out as you look up to heaven daddy very very important many of you you needed to know a daddy in heaven and there is a daddy for you in heaven the holy spirit wants to reveal that to you allow him jesus came to reveal that daddy in heaven and cries out romans 8 the word apa is a hebrew word for daddy cry out if it was actually translated into english it should have read like this the holy spirit will cry out daddy father so that's the way to be free from it another question is how do we distinguish between self-condemnation and the conviction of the holy spirit sometimes that can seem similar yeah self-condemnation leaves us with no hope you're hopeless that's the word that comes to us you're good for nothing nothing good will come from you i'm i'm sorry to say there are evil fathers who sometimes speak like that to their children nothing good will come from you you're good for nothing you're useless you're just like your mom's relatives or some evil thing like that don't listen to that those are all lies those are all lies if you were so bad god would not have sent his son to die for you whoever may think you're bad my dear brother sister god thinks you're valuable so valuable that he sent something more valuable than all the silver and gold in the earth he sent his own son to die for your sins so remember that you're valuable and the holy spirit always tells you that before he shows you his sin he will not show you your sin um to discourage you but to convict you it's like a dad saying to his child hey hey my son my girl there's a better way to do it let me show you a better way to do it he'll never give up on you god is a father you know the difference between a father and a teacher paul said to the corinthians i'm not your teacher i'm your father as an elder i have sought to be a father to people not their teacher and i say this is the difference between a father and a teacher some people think of god as a teacher he's not he's a father think of a teacher in a school the school all the students are very brilliant in the class except you you're the one who's a bit dumb and the teacher is teaching mathematics and you don't seem to be able to get it that mathematics problem arithmetic problem he's explaining it all the others get it but you're the only one in the class who's not understanding it and the teacher tries and tries and tries and after he says listen you are a useless student get out of this class and go and join some other school i can't hold up the whole class just because you can't understand something go and find some other teacher in some other school what can you do you go out of the school weeping because you tried your best you tried your best and you couldn't understand it you're not so intelligent and you go home and you're crying and your father comes to you and says what happened son and you say dad i just can't understand this problem i'm not so intelligent i can't understand that the teacher told me to get out of the school because all the others understood it but not me you know what the father says never mind son i'll sit with you and i'll teach you and the father sits one-on-one with the son and explains it this is how you got to do it and after one hour the sun says dad i still haven't got it i'm sorry sorry to disappoint you i still haven't understood it you know what the father says he spats him on the back and says never mind my son smiles at him and says tomorrow is another day i'll sit with you tomorrow and we'll continue this go and sleep now tomorrow we'll start again next day he starts again and explains to him taking great pains to teach and teach and teach them finally the boy says dad i got it finally i understood it and that that says i'm excited it may have taken three days four days that's the difference between a father and a teacher whether it takes four days or ten days or one year for that son to understand it the father will work with him i want to say to you god is not a teacher who kicks you out of the class because you didn't understand something in one or two days he will work with you until you've understood it that's how he's worked with me he's such a loving father so if you recognize that you see that is how the holy spirit convicts us always with hope yeah that's a mistake but i'll help you if you don't listen to that you hear the voice of condemnation which is either from yourself or from the devil okay when someone's written asking when they keep falling into sin and feel sad over it how do we come to the place where we actually have godly sorrow that we are set free from that as opposed to just feeling bad about the sin yeah a godly sorrow is a sorrow that comes because i've disappointed the heart of my loving savior my savior who loved me so much who died to deliver me from this sin i still let him down [Music] and i feel bad about it but i see a smiling face at me it's linked to what i said earlier but he's not a teacher always the word the lord speaks to our heart is never mind i'll help you i'll work with you until you are free from this problem i assure you i'll stand with you till you're completely free that's the encouragement we have so always listen to that voice of the holy spirit never listen to the devil's condemnations the devil seeks to condemn you the father is a god of encouragement he never never never discourages his children so that is how we get a godly sorrow lord i've let you down i'm sorry please help me and don't condemn yourself even more by saying i don't have a godly sorrow that is another condemnation you get into the very fact that you want to please jesus that's enough that's all god does not expect an impossible thing from you and if you are a young christian how much does the father expect from a two-year-old child as you grow god will help you more and more but remember always that his aim is to help you to be an overcomer yeah another area of discouragement is some may not know what their function is in the body of christ how can we fight discouragement over that and find security in uh in the body until the lord shows us what his functioning the bible teaches that everyone who has accepted christ as his head is a member of the body of christ and every part of my body even if it's a little nail or important function like the heart is all connected to the head to the brain and jesus is like the head the brain that controls every part not every part has the same function very often it is because believers have a lust i call it a lust an evil lust to have the gift that somebody else has i want to preach like that brother that is as bad a lust as lusting after women let me tell you that in jesus name if you have a desire to preach like somebody else that is as bad a lust as lusting after women repent of it say lord i'm sorry that i've committed this terrible sin of wanting to preach like that person instead of wanting to be like my the way you wanted me to be we all go through that stage when we are young we want to be like somebody else who we admire and very often i'll tell you this you want to preach like that person because you want to get honor for yourself you're committing a sin you're seeking for honor for yourself because you see that brother has got honor because he preaches like that if i preach like that i get honor repent of that sin and then god will help you get rid of the desire for honor and then god will show you what your gift is in the body of christ supposing god has called you to be an invisible member in the body see there are visible members in our body eyes ears tongue but those are not the most important you can live without your eyes without your tongue without your ears but you can't live without your kidneys you can't live without your heart those are invisible nobody sees your heart or your kidneys but those are more important than some of the visible members of your body so you say lord i'm not asking you to make me a very visible member of the body that everybody appreciates and gives honor to then you will definitely get discouraged but lord make me the part of the body that you have planned for me to be i don't want to be like that person i don't want to be a tongue as a great preacher i don't want i want to be the part you made me to be and gradually god will show you it took me many years in my life to find my own gift initially i thought i wanted to be an evangelist as soon as i was converted i started sharing the gospel with others and whenever i traveled and different places i'd meet people i'd give them the gospel give them a track but i found hardly anybody coming to christ very few and i discovered over a period of many years though i had a great desire to be an evangelist god did not make me an evangelist i said lord i'm willing to go to some unreached part of india to preach the gospel i wanted to i quit my job in the navy to be willing to go anywhere but god said no and god made me a teacher a bible teacher it's not what i that is not my first choice because evangelist is more exciting bringing people to christ somebody came out of death into life and god gave me a ministry which is not so exciting i said okay but now after 60 years i discovered that that was the gift that was needed in the body of christ there are many evangelists but there are not many good teachers so god wanted me to be a teacher so god will make you when he sees a need in the body of christ even if you're a sister you have a great ministry do you know half the world's population is women half of the population in any country is women what a field of ministry all of you have sisters don't think you don't have any ministry a woman can reach another woman much better than a man can and so you say lord you made me a woman that was not my choice and half the world is open to me i'm available to you make me an encourager maybe i'm not going to be a pulpit preacher many encouragers are 10 times better than perfect preachers you can encourage people even if you have a cell phone you're talking to somebody on a phone almost all of you use the phone have you ever thought of speaking a word of encouragement to that friend of yours when you speak to that person on the phone okay you talked about so many things and discuss so many things what about a word of encouragement at the end some word from scripture some word of encouragement before you put the phone down you fulfill the ministry you're given a cup of water to someone who's thirsty you may not told you they are thirsty you gave it if you do that little by little you'll find god opens up areas of ministry for you in the body of christ and be satisfied with that and if you're discouraged it's because you're coveting a ministry god never planned for you okay there's a lot of confusion and christendom about the baptism of the holy spirit and the marks of being baptized with the holy spirit what would you say is the true outward sign practically of the fullness of the holy spirit now the group in christendom that speaks most about being filled with all baptized and holy spirit is the pentecostals and the charismatics i love them i've got many good friends in them i respect them and i don't agree with their teaching you can respect a man without agreeing with his teaching mainly because they teach that you have to speak in tongues in order to be filled with the holy spirit now that is not correct it's very clear in 1 corinthians chapter 12 that all do not speak in tongues it's very clear it says it's one of the gifts that god has given because it says in 1 corinthians 12 god has appointed some apostles some prophets some teachers some miracles some healers that all we understand not everybody's an apostle not everybody has got the gift of healing but then it also says different kinds of tongues are all prophets verse 29 no are all teachers no are all miracle workers no you all have the gift of healing one corinthians 12 30 no do all speak in tongues no do all interpret tongues no you couldn't be clearer than that and yet we have a group in christendom called charismatics and pentecost who say everybody must speak in tongues that's a lot of nonsense i prefer to believe scripture than any charismatic or pentecostal they say because you don't speak in tongues wrong i have spoken in tongues for the last 46 years and i thank god for the gift but it's like the gift of teaching i don't expect everybody to have the gift of teaching because god gave it to me god gave me the gift of tongues because he saw that i needed it he may not give it to you because he sees you don't need it so leave it to god to decide whether he gives it or not what then is the mark of being filled with the spirit some people say healing the sick no everybody does not have the gift of healing i have once in a rare while found somebody uh healed through answer to my prayer i don't have a gift of healing but i believe in prayer for healing for myself and also i pray for someone who is sick but i don't have the gift of teaching man who has a gift of healing everybody he lays hands on will be healed so don't be fooled by people who say they have the gift of healing you see there are people who heal they pray for 1000 people and one person is healed he doesn't have the gift of healing i've also had that experience pray for one thousand people and one person is healed that doesn't mean i have the gift of healing and yet there are many decept deceiving people in the world today who say they are healers they pray for one thousand people in a in a big gathering and one person is healed and they think they've got their healing to give to feeling wrong don't be deceived by that you know if i'm let me take an example if i have the gift of teaching and one i'm preaching to 1000 people and only one person understood what i said 999 did not understand what i said i will say i don't have the gift of teaching you'll understand that about teaching why don't you understand that about healing so don't be deceived in these areas let's go to what jesus said he said when the holy spirit has come acts 1 8 is the answer to this question what is the mark of being filled with this word you shall receive power power for what to speak in tongues no how to heal the sick no power to be a bible teacher no how to be an evangelist no power to be what acts 1 8 power to be my witness now to be a witness is different from bearing a witness bearing witness means i'm speaking you may not have that gift also being a witness means by your life and your words primarily by your life okay let me tell you you shall acts 1 8 you shall when the holy spirit has come you will receive power by your life to be a witness for jesus christ by the way you live in your home the way you behave in your office the way you conduct yourself with your relatives your unconverted relatives you will be a witness for christ you may not be able to explain the doctrines of scripture it doesn't matter you'll be a witness and you will also when you get opportunity speak with your mouth as well so that is the primary mark you won't be timid and shy and reserved and keep your mouth shut you'll be bold to be a witness not with your words first but with your life you'll have power to manifest little by little the life of christ in you that is the mark of being filled with the holy spirit because remember the holy spirit's primary ministry is to make you like jesus christ little by little by little by little by little until one day when he comes again you'll be completely like him so remember that as being the mark of being filled with the holy spirit you'll find that growth in your life how do you know whether a child is alive or dead it's growing how do you know whether a plant that you planted outside is dead or alive you find it growing you come back not every day but you come back after a year and you see it's growing you don't measure the height of your child every day to find out if it's growing but you watch your childhood one year later it's grown hey it's taller now so don't measure your christian life every day but there will be growth in your life you'll be a better witness for christ as you grow little by little and that is the mark of being fruit of the holy spirit along those same lines how how do we distinguish between the genuine fruit of the spirit which is the nature of god and just good human moral character traits it may not be possible for us to distinguish it in others easily but in yourself you'll be able to find out for example if you are naturally a person who's frequently discouraged inward looking like i was and you find that changed you find you're bold and seeking to meet with others and bless others then you know the holy spirit has done something and you changed your personality then you know that the holy spirit has done a work in your life in another person if you find that a person is trying to show off that's not the spirit of christ spirit of christ is humility always giving the glory to god for what he has done so a person who's trying to show off how christ-like he is he's not christ-like at all apart from it he's more like the devil he's trying to show off how good he is so that is one way we distinguish i believe the person who's got the real fruit of the spirit may be most christ-like but he'll be very humble about it he will not boast about it he'll not make you feel small if you're a true christian you'll consider others as more important not more spiritual than yourself but philippians 2 3 says 2 3 and 4 consider others as more important than yourself it's a command of scripture philippians 2 3 consider others as more important than yourself that is the translation in the nasb so a true child of god will always consider others is more important than myself that's why jesus washed the feet of his disciples he did not consider them more spiritual that was not true because they were not more spiritual than him but he considered them as more important he said i'm your servant let me wash your feet the primary mark of a spiritual man is humility he will always have the attitude of a servant wanting to serve you and not to lord it over you and not boasting about himself like john the baptist said you know when they asked john the baptist in john chapter 1 uh hey are you the messiah he said no john chapter 1 verse 20. are you elijah then no are you the other prophet no what are you he said in john 1 23 i'm a voice the greatest prophet since the time of adam jesus this is what jesus called him you know what he said about himself i'm a voice that's challenged me i say lord i don't want to be known as zach i want to be a voice just a voice either my face is hidden it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if people don't know me or know anything about me a voice that draws people to prepare themselves for the coming of the lord be willing to be that that is a mark of a truly spirit-filled man human beings when they have some good qualities they are proud of it a spirit-filled man may have a hundred times better qualities but he'll be humble about it he will not make you feel small he will not show off it's a mark of a spiritual man okay what does it practically mean to work out our salvation and yet not do it in our own strength you see this can be a tremendous un unnecessary self-examination am i doing it my own strength am i doing it in my own strength forget this don't keep on asking yourself am i doing it my own strength ask yourself are you doing it don't worry about whether it's in your own strength or not you won't be able to come up to god's standard without the power of the holy spirit so when the bible says don't be angry very clear command in ephesians 4 and verse 31 get put up put away all anger put it away don't keep asking my own strength lord give me the power of the holy spirit one day you find anger is gone from your life it must be the holy spirit especially if you are not proud of it but you give glory god the glory so don't keep asking yourself is this in my own strength or is it not say lord i want to depend on you and i'll tell you if you're failing and failing definitely it is in your own strength without a doubt then you go to god and say lord i'm depending too much on myself if you're seeking glory for yourself very often it could be because you did it in your own strength let me use an example supposing i a group of people are sitting in the room and i bring a cake cut pieces of cake and give it to you very nice tasting cake and you say oh brother zach what a wonderful cake you made i really enjoyed the taste of it i say oh well i'm glad you enjoyed it and i didn't make it somebody else made it but i take the credit for it i'm a liar i'm a thief taking credit for something i didn't make if i made the cake i can get the honor for it but when i didn't make it i'm only distributing it i cannot take the credit if you say oh that was wonderful that cake i say hey somebody else made it you will always have that awareness when you've done something in the power of god and say lord you help me in that area i can't take any credit for it if you find yourself taking credit for some christ-like thing you did or said you know you know you're going on the wrong path the parable of the sheep and goats in matthew 25 seems to say that our good works are how we will be judged can you briefly explain this parable correctly yeah in matthew 25 there are three parables that jesus gave and all of them are in relation to being prepared for his coming because in matthew 24 what he said was be ready you don't know when the son of man will come that's what he's speaking in the last verses of matthew 24 he's speaking about being ready for the coming of the lord and then he gives us three parables one is of the wise virgins and the foolish virgins speaking about readiness for all in our life by having a hidden vessel of oil hidden life not the visible we have our testimony has got two parts one is the outside is our testimony but we have an inward life before god that is the vessel of oil and the lord is saying in that parable your inner vessel of oil is more important or just as important as your outward testimony and if you don't have an inner life you won't be ready for the lord's coming that's the first parable the second parable is god has given us all gifts and not all equal some people have got five some people got two some people got only one but we must use whatever we have that is talking about our service and our ministry the opportunities god gives us to serve him we must use those opportunities to serve him that's another way he'll be ready when he comes instead of being lazy now the third parable is primarily relating to our attitude to others of god's children not to the whole world he says matthew 24 5 and verse 31 he's talking about he's gathering the sheep and the goats those are his children and those who are not his children and then he tells the people who are his children uh i was hungry verse 35 and he gave me something to eat i was thirsty and gave me something to drink i was a stranger and you invited me now this is not talking about any tom dick and harry anybody you find on the street who's hungry or cold or naked no because when they ask him lord when did we see you verse 38 a stranger or invite you in or naked and clothe you see his answer when they ask when did we see you in sick the king answers and says read carefully truly i say to you to the extent that you did it to another human being no not to another human being to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of mine to the least of these brothers of mine to born again believers he's talking about your attitude to other born-again believers who are the brothers of jesus do you think every person in the world is a brother of jesus or a sister of jesus no the brothers or sisters of jesus those who are in his body his family so that the meaning of this parable is how did you treat other members of god's family not those who are living far away in some country that you're not living in it's very easy to love people in some distant country how do you treat people whom you meet in your immediate circle in that small local church that you're a part of that's your local church those are the brothers and sisters of jesus how do you treat them that is the point of this parable somebody's written i'm going to read uh here exactly thank you brother zach and sister annie i still remember weeping reading the book god made mothers completely changed the direction of my life life you both are one of the best things that happened to me you seemed to have had a love and commitment to the lord like in song of solomon 3 verse 1 even at the age of 19 but i in a person's writing seem to be held back by fear of absolute surrender how can i have that same passion that you have how can we become more like you in person family and ministry life well i cannot take any credit for it jesus says i chose you and you did not choose me he chose me first let me tell you i heard the gospel from very young age my father was a believer and sent us to a good sunday school i heard about receiving jesus christ even as a young boy and many times i would say lord jesus coming to my heart come into my heart but i was never sure i must have asked jesus to come into my heart 100 times or 200 times i don't know how many times but one day when i was reading the bible when i was in the knee i joined the navy by then and my ambition in the navy was to go to the top and be the admiral of the indian navy that was my ambition and i was working towards it and one day i was reading in the bible in john 6 37 the one who comes to me i will never cast out simple words jesus says the one who's come to me i'll never cast out i heard it and i said lord i have come to you hundreds of times and i felt he was saying to me from that verse i never caught you out i accepted you i dropped an anchor to use a naval term i dropped an anchor from my ship that day and my ship has never drifted in these 62 years i anchored on that verse if i come to jesus he will not cast me out and i say lord i believe you did not cast me out you accepted me john 6 37 so that was god i can't take any credit for it and then i began to meditate on how much he had loved me from the beginning i meditated much on the cross that's how i one day understood many years later that the price jesus paid for my sin was that he went to hell for three hours on the cross you know what it means to be forsaken by god the only people who are forsaken by god are those who are in hell the most evil man on earth is not forsaken by god terrorists people who kill others murderers they are not forsaken by god those who are in hell are the only people in the universe who have been permanently forsaken by god hell the danger of hell is not fire and worms and all that it is being forsaken by god but since we can't understand that jesus used the picture of fire and worms and all that because it is an illustration like the other illustrations jesus used to be forsaken by god is hell that's the punishment for our sin and jesus experienced it for three hours on the cross and that's what he struggled to avoid in gethsemane he was not afraid of physical death no he'd be ready to die 500 deaths for you and me but to be forsaken by his father with whom he had fellowship for eternity he said oh father i don't want that and the angels could have told him but lord you're going to suffer it only for three hours and then you'll come back and fellowship with the father no i don't want to lose it for one second see the trouble with us is we don't understand the value of fellowship with the father we sin and as soon as you sin your fellowship with the father is broken but you continue without confessing it you have a grudge against somebody your fellowship with the father is broken whether you know it or not and you keep that grudge we don't know what it is we so rarely christians live in continuous fellowship with the father to me fellowship with the father has now become the most important thing in my life i don't want to lose it for one second that is the mark of one mark of becoming more and more like christ you're immediately aware when you lost fellowship with the father you had a grudge against somebody you had a wrong attitude against someone a bad thought a little wrong motive immediately you know your fellowship with the father is gone but many christians i'd say 99 are born again believers don't live like that that fellowship with the father is broken most of the time and they don't even know it that's why they don't understand what jesus suffered on the cross it took me 16 years to finally come to the place to understand what jesus suffered on the cross he suffered hell and i pictured in gethsemane he's praying father i don't want to be forsaken by you please is there some way to avoid it that was the cup he didn't want to drink and i can imagine the father saying okay you can come up straight to heaven from where you are you have not sinned but zach will go to hell oh i made it personal jesus says zach we'll go to hell okay father then i'll go to the cross i remember the first time i understood that 16 years after i was born again 45 years ago it wasn't just somebody explaining to me like i'm explaining now it came as a revelation from heaven i pray it'll come as a revelation from heaven to you you're only listening to me but when it becomes a revelation from heaven to you it made me weep and weep and weep i said lord i never knew how much you loved me till then i understood how much he loved me on calvary that day i understood how much he loved me in gethsemane when he decided i will drink the cup for zach's sake so that he does not go to hell and when i realized that jesus underwent for three hours the agony of an eternal hell [Music] i said lord how can i ever withhold anything from you in my entire life i will not withhold anything from you you can ask me for anything i'll give up my job today i'll give up all my money i'll give up and i did give up all the money i earned in the navy i gave away for god's work and i stepped out when god called me in 1966 to come out and i've never regretted regretted it he told me never to mention my earthly needs to anybody i've never mentioned my earthly needs to anybody in these last 55 years since i left my job god's taken care of me but it made me love him so much that i said lord it was out of gratitude we love him because he first loved us and that's what's helped me so i would urge you whoever asked this question seems to be a sister please ask god to give you a revelation of how much he loved you experiencing hell on the cross and then you will spontaneously respond like i did god bless you how can we be heavenly minded without being super spiritual where were of no use to our practical to our calling uh our earthly calling from god yeah like they say your mind is in heaven your feet must be on the earth don't be so heavenly minded that you are of no earthly use jesus was the most heavenly minded person who walked on this earth but he was a blessing to every single person he met in 30 years at home he must have been a tremendous blessing to joseph mary to his four younger brothers two younger sisters and throughout his life he was a blessing and a blessing to others but he was heavenly minded he would go alone to the wilderness to pray you know before everybody else got up he would most of the time his prayer time was early in the morning before other people got out that's when he went to the wilderness you read that in different parts of scripture while it was still the sun had not risen so unfortunately for most of us we don't have any wilderness nearby i mean even if i want to find a wilderness i have to travel many many miles to find a wilderness so what will i do and the lord showed me you can have a wilderness in your bed when you wake up wilderness means a place where nobody else is around right lonely place well when everybody in the home is asleep and you wake up you're in a wilderness you're in a lonely place it's just you and god so i have decided to make my bed my wilderness when i wake up in the morning or if i wake up in the middle of the night i have one hour of wilderness in the middle of the night sometimes or before i get out of bed a little time in the wilderness alone with god make that your wilderness every morning or if you wake up in the middle of the night don't say you don't have a wilderness to go to jesus always did that in the morning because he wanted to be alone with his father even if it's a few minutes even if it's five minutes alone with your father before you get out of bed it'll make all the difference with how you start the day you will not be in a bad mood one of the things that's challenged me is that jesus was never in a bad mood you know when you're in a bad mood you make life miserable for everybody else around you think how wonderful it will be if you are never in a bad mood if some people do things wrong around you things go wrong you're like you're not in a bad mood and that can that can be possible if you begin your day in your wilderness in your bed alone with god every day make it a habit and then when you get a little time open the bible even if it's only two three minutes lord say something to my heart speak something to my heart and i'll tell you i've been reading the bible for 62 years and even now i get something fresh from it it's like having a well if you go and ask a man who's got a well in his house for 62 years ask him do you still get water from that well fresh water he says oh yeah you mean you've been drawing well from water from that well for 62 years and you still get fresh water yes but the bible is like that going there and jesus said to the woman woman of samaria you come to draw water from this well i'll give you living water that you'll never thirst again so if you go to god like that you'll find that your life you're not useless on the earth your heavenly mindedness brings you down to make you useful you think of the need of people you think of somebody who's sick you say how can i encourage him close by maybe you can visit him maybe not during this pandemic time maybe you can pray for him maybe you can call him up on the phone there's always some way we can encourage somebody maybe send an email or something and speak a word of encouragement you don't have to be a great preacher to bring heaven down to earth is to bring the blessing of god to other people and god has made you a child of god even if you were born again yesterday you can be a blessing of god blessing to others from today onwards for the rest of your life let me say that to you then you will be useful on earth you bring the spirit of heaven to every contact you have on earth begin with your home begin with your wife your husband and your children say lord let me bring the peace and the joy of heaven into my home into my friends that is being heavenly minded it says about jesus that he that he couldn't do anything except as the father directed him as we apply that how specific is god's will for our how specifically should we seek god's will for our lives is it just for the major decisions or even seemingly trivial decisions we have to make every day okay in the old testament we find god speaks from heaven abraham or samuel or moses but today god doesn't speak like that because i'll tell you why because in the old testament god was outside today through the holy spirit he has come inside let me ask you a question would you rather have the holy spirit outside of you or inside of you when the holy spirit was outside the disciples were always scared when jesus was not with them but once the holy spirit came inside they were transformed so i want the holy spirit inside so i so then god will speak to me from inside not from outside why do you want to go back to the old covenant in the old covenant they did not have strength to overcome sin you know abraham heard god so many times but he still went to egypt when he should not have gone he committed adultery with the servant made and produced ishmael which has caused so many problems so those people who heard god from the outside samuel he heard god from the outside but his children were all wayward just like eli's children so hearing god from the outside doesn't solve problems but hearing god from the inside makes a world of difference i'd rather have god inside i never want i have never in my life heard god with these years never i'm not keen on it because he's speaking to me inside and that is clearer and it helps me and romans chapter 12 says how to know the will of god romans 12 first of all verse 1 give your body to the lord completely you want to know god's will in your life for every day first of all give your body every part of your body lord from head to foot i see i'm yours my eyes i want to look at only what you want me to look at my tongue i only want to speak what you want me to speak my hands i really want you to do what you want me to do i only want to write what you want me to write my body is yours number one secondly the mind verse two lord my mind also i want it to be renewed my mind is corrupt with worldly values i value money very highly more than god sometimes lord change it renew my mind that comes through reading god's word through looking at the life of jesus my mind begins to change to begin to think like god thinks the holy spirit will help me to think like god thinks little by little more and more and i come to know what is god's will for example let me use an example of a husband and wife the first day that a wife marries a husband and she's never known him before in india many marriages they don't even know the husband before they get married at all not even for a day they get married and if you went to your went to that wife the next day and said what do you think your husband's opinion on this matter will be he will say well i really don't know because i'm married i'm married only for one day but 50 years later if you come to this woman and say what do you think your what is your husband's opinion of this particular matter you see i can tell you how does she know that because she's lived with him for 50 years and she knows his way of thinking so when you live with the lord more and more your mind will understand the way god thinks so when i was first born again i did not know the way god thinks about everything but today i know a lot more so when i did not know how god thinks about everything he had to speak to me more clearly sometimes from the word do this do that but now i find that god speaks to me less and less he expects me to act on my own yeah you know some people are confused about that i remember reading about a godly man's testimony he says in my younger days i felt god spoke to me clearly do this do this do this but now as i've been a believer for 40 50 years i find i'm in a fault i said that's right it's a mark of maturity and i discovered in my early days god would tell me very clearly do let's do this do this go here you wouldn't even tell me which day i should book my ticket for a train but now he leaves it to me i decide myself that's a mark of maturity and the example is when your children are three years old you tell them brush your teeth change your clothes have a shower go to bed every little thing you tell them do this do this don't do this don't do that don't pick up that thing from the dirt and wash your hands before you eat so many things but when your child is 25 30 years old you don't tell him brush your teeth don't change your clothes have a shower no you tell him less and less and less and less as he grows up it's a mark that is growing up so if you find that god is leaving you now you can misunderstand me you can be careless you don't read the bible you do what you like and you think that god is not speaking to you i'm not talking to such people i'm talking to people who are sincerely seeking to hear the will of god and do it and you really want to do it you'll find if you go to maturity god leaves you to decide for yourself because your mind is getting conformed to his way of thinking [Music] because you're reading the bible and you're studying the life of jesus and i found that i don't need to consult the lord about everything now more and more i my son decide uh what should i do today where should i go today shall i accept this appointment or not and of course i pray but then i find a witness in my spirit and very often i don't even need to pray i know what to do for example what clothes should you wear one day you don't need to ask god about that you use your common sense dress modestly sisters i this dressing matter for example how should a sister dress modestly that is a question which is very much very prevalent in western countries i'm absolutely shocked the way women walk on the streets dress even when they come to church it's as if they're going to a swimming pool to swim that's the dress they wear it's absolutely shameful you should never allow your daughters to dress like that so i remember when a sister once asked me in india how should i dress i said i'll tell you i'm not going to give you a length of dress you should wear or any such thing here listen to me if jesus was living in the next street physically and one day jesus called you up and said my girl i want to go for a walk with you in town today i'll come and pick you up at 7 such a time how would you dress to go for a walk with jesus through the town in such a way that he would be proud to say this is my daughter this is my sister what sort of dress would you wear dress like that that's the only guideline i would give you as to how you should dress then you will not be wearing these dresses that look like swimming trunks walking down the street no you will not be dressing immodestly exposing parts of your body to tempt men so i'm giving you an example that you will know what is god's will inwardly if you really want to be like jesus and say i want jesus to be with me like all the time and i i told the sister in india when he asked me don't dress like this only when you come to church meetings don't you want jesus to be with you when you go to work in the office yeah that's why you need jesus more so that's the way you must dress when you go to work the way you want jesus to go with you when you go to work well rest in the way you would like to walk with jesus if you're walking with him physically so in all these things god will show us what is the right way to know his will more and more without having to be paranoid or worried about what should i do here what should i do there and if you make a mistake in your sincerity the holy spirit will say that was wrong then correct yourself that's all yeah when i'm undergoing a prolonged trial how do i know if that's god trying to break me versus praying removed from that difficult situation well you know when jesus faced a difficult situation this is what he prayed it's a very good prayer to pray i prayed myself the same thing just as he was approaching the cross in john chapter 12. in john chapter 13 you read about the last supper so this is almost just before he's going to the cross in john chapter 12 verse 23 jesus said the hour has come for the son of man to be glorified not crucified it was to be crucified but he looked beyond the cross and said the hour has come for the son of man to be glorified he looked beyond the resurrection to the ascension he looked at the cross all the insult and killing and death and the bloodshed and all that and said the hour has come for me to be glorified we must always look beyond the trial to what god has a purpose in it and then he said i know that i have to fall into the ground and die john 12 24 if this fruit has to come so he then he went to sound to say in verse 27 listen to this here's the answer now that i've come to this time of tremendous trial john 12 27 what shall i say shall i say father save me from this trial save me from this hour no i'll never say that i will say verse 28 father glorify your name [Music] glorify your name that's what i want whatever the trial is let your name be glorified the voice from heaven said i've glorified it and i glorify it again and i'll tell you this in your trial say those words father i will not say save me from this hour no i will say according to romans 8 28 you allow everything to work for my good and for your glory so make this work for your glory and for my spiritual good and you don't have to know the answer whether god is trying to break you or this is some trial leave it to god to decide do your best if you're in a difficult situation do your best to get out of it there's no virtue in choosing suffering no if god allows it i believe we should try to get out of it for example if you're sick don't say oh well i'm sick god will deliver me no go and see a doctor go to a hospital take medicines try to get cured but then leave it to god to decide we must use means we don't tempt god by saying no no i'll let god take me that'll be like jumping off the roof of the temple and saying i claim the promises of god that's how the devil tempted jesus where there are means available if there are stairs that go down use the stairs don't jump off the roof and say claim the promise of god the meaning is don't try to do something stupid to show your faith in god all that is honor seeking use the means god has given to deliver yourself from a sickness of some problem if you have a financial difficulty go to see if there's some way you can get out of it use whatever money you have sell what you have i i told a brother why don't you sell the gold in your house and get rid of and solve this problem instead of going and begging for money so if we want we can get out of different situations but sometimes we don't want to we don't want to sell the gold in our house we would rather discipline god and go and borrow some money or ask somebody to give me a gift so you see very often we've got other motives in our heart there's a selfishness inside our heart and then we god does not show us his will but if you are totally surrendered to god he will show you his will without a doubt and you'll grow spiritually in that trial okay one of the things that i've also heard um a few times is that sometimes christians are afraid of reaping the consequences of past sin uh when you look at paul's life for example this question is his writing it seemed like he didn't reap what he sowed by pers from his persecuting other christians will we still have to reap what we sowed for our past sins and how do we trust god that he'll use that also for good see we need to balance two truths in scripture one is galatians chapter six where it says in verse 7 don't be deceived relations 6 7 you cannot fool god what a man sows he will reap that's one truth the other truth is hebrews 8 verse 12 god says i'll be merciful to their iniquities their sins and i will not remember their sins anymore so here are two truths that we bear in mind one you reap what we sow but the other my sin can be forgiven and he won't remember it against me now how do we balance these two truths well god decides how much i should read for example if a man has gone and committed adultery with a prostitute and got a sexually transmitted disease like aids he may never be cured of aids in his whole life he used to reap what he has sown but he can be totally forgiven if he's repented be born again and god will not remember that adultery against him but he will have aids i know of such a case of someone who had aids a sexually transmitted disease because he committed some sin sexual sin in his life then he was born again completely forgiven but he died of aids he reaped what he sowed but god forgave his sin he's in heaven today that's the balance so that's just one example so god forgives us completely he doesn't remember our sin against anymore but he allows us to reap what we have sown let me give you another example this is especially for men to stand for some women also if you have indulged in a lot of sexually impure thinking your unconverted days watched pornography or read dirty books seen dirty pictures the memory of that will haunt you and trouble you your whole life 50 years later you will remember those filthy dirty things you did or you saw on some screen or on your phone you'll never be able to get rid of it from your mind that's why you got to be careful what you put in your mind if you had not put it in your mind it won't come back to you but because you foolishly put all that rubbish into your mind 50 years ago you have trouble with it even today you're reaping what you've sown but have you been forgiven 100 whatever evil you did god says not only you're forgiven i don't even remember it against you when i look at you i don't look at you as one who did this 50 years ago no even though if you did it yesterday it's forgiven god says i won't even remember it but will it haunt you in your mind yes but should it condemn you no so what does that mean that means i cannot god does not take away my memory we will still remember every wrong thing we did in our entire life even what you did 50 years ago but you don't have to live in condemnation over it because you're not only forgiven by the blood of christ you're justified which means god says i look at you as if you never sinned in your life you must believe that that's what the blood of christ does so that's the balance where we reap what we have sown i'll give you two examples but there's no condemnation i'm completely free because the blood of christ has justified me okay someone's written i'm someone with a disability and despite accepting god's sovereign choice with regard to my circumstances i sometimes struggle with my purpose in life you give some encouragement for those who have physical limitations especially or mental limitations and still trusting god for his purpose see i want to say something to you about sickness many people say as jesus is forgiven all sins he will heal our sicknesses he say he died for our sins and he died for our sicknesses too well let me tell you this he will remove all sickness from our body when he comes back not before that when you see me in heaven i will not be wearing glasses because weak eyesight is a sickness losing hair is a sickness you'll be surprised when you see me in heaven you'll see me with a full head of hair and it won't be gray it'll be black and you'll be surprised is this brother zach yes it is but i'm not going to be healed of that on this earth i don't pray lord give me hair on my head i don't pray lord let me live without glasses there are many people who talk about healing who still wear glasses and who are bald they don't realize these are all sicknesses they are telling something which is not true in their own life don't be deceived by that the bible says very clearly in philippians chapter 3 that when jesus comes verse 21 philippians 3 21 that is the day when my body will become like his philippians 3 21 completely free from sickness till then i will not be free completely but i can pray and he heals me from some sicknesses and some sicknesses we have to use medicines if you've got diabetes there are blood pressure there are tablets that you can take to keep those things under control god is provided medicine we should not be against medicines what are these pills that you make that you get that a doctor gives they are actually minerals and vegetables that scientists have found in the earth that cure certain sicknesses you know there's a verse in revelation 22 which says the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations revelation 22 2. so the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations that means god has created a vegetation from which you can get you can take it as a leaf or you can take it as a pill and minerals that create bring healing so we should not be against it the bible says that is for the healing take it and so don't be against medicines use every means to relieve yourself of sickness but we will not be completely free now when it comes to other disabilities and physical weaknesses sometimes people have a disability because they had an accident and god can glorify be glorified even in that some time ago i was listening to the testimony of a sister who was paralyzed from a waist down through a swimming accident that she had she's been 50 years in a wheelchair but is a fantastic witness for christ throughout her life and when a person has been in a wheelchair for 50 years and tells you to rejoice in the lord that is more powerful than me telling you to rejoice in the lord because i have not been sitting in a wheelchair for 50 years so you see how god uses even that handicap and that disability that that sister has to be a more powerful witness than my witness that disability has given her a power to be a witness for christ definitely when you see a handicapped person glorifying god isn't that great i've heard the testimony of another man as a baby he was born without arms and without legs born without arms and legs and he's grown up he's a married man now he's got children but what a powerful witness he is for christ and he's got no arms and legs he has to go around in a pushed around by others isn't that a more powerful witness than me telling you to something about the lord that handicap has made him a more powerful witness so you see how god uses even handicaps to glorify christ so don't limit yourself because of a handicap you have in your life you can be a powerful witness for christ there are people who lie in a sick bed with some sickness one of the greatest saints in india who came as a missionary was a lady called amy carmichael wonderful woman of god who lived as a missionary for years in india without ever going back to her homeland 50 years or something or more and towards the end of her life she had to fall somewhere and for the last years of her life she was paralyzed and in bed and in that bed she wrote books she wrote hymns which have blessed people for years maybe she would never have written that she would not have if she would not have had time to write it if she was not bedridden so god has used a handicap in so many ways such handicapped people have the handicap has been the means by which god has fulfilled the ministry through through them take the example of the apostle paul another reason for a handicap second corinthians 12 he says in verse 7 that god gave me such fantastic revelations and god had used him so mightily to write scripture to plant churches there was a danger of his becoming proud and you know what god did to keep him humble he gave him a sickness he calls it a thorn in the flesh and i don't know what it was i think it was a problem with his eyes because there's an indication of that you read in galatians 4 where there was some infection in his eyes where he said even you galatians would have pulled out your eyes to replace mine when you saw my sickness in my eyes i think the thorn in the flesh was some sickness he had in his eyes he prayed and prayed and prayed lord this is so repulsive when i speak people see this bust coming out of my eyes can you please heal me god says no i won't heal you you will keep on having fuss coming out of your eyes but it'll humble you it won't kill you you won't die but okay you'll be a bit repulsive so what the apostle paul they say was only four feet 11 inches high how would you men feel if your height was 4 feet 11 inches you'd be so discouraged and so short he was bald the apostle paul he had a hooked nose four feet 11 inches height bald with a hooked nose not a very attractive man became the most powerful apostle of his time god and why did god allow him to have these handicaps to keep him humble so god allows people sometimes have handicapped because they are so mightily used that he has to give them something to keep them humble so god has a very good reason in everything see try and find something good in everything i remember when i was a young man and i started losing my hair in my 20s and i lost quite a bit of my hair by the time i was 26 and i said this is a tremendous advantage now because no girl will marry me for my hair now if they'll find something spiritual in me they'll accept me god praise the lord that i'm bald unattractive so that i don't want anybody to marry me because i'm good looking i want somebody to marry me because i'm spiritually minded so there's something good that can can come out of a handicap if you look for it but if you're trying to appear to be the most handsome and the smartest person in the world forget it you can't be a disciple of jesus if your aim in life is to glorify god god will make use even of handicaps yeah a question that's become been asked a few times recently i think because of circumstances what are your thoughts on organ donation after death and cremation in some countries uh cremation is a requirement if the death was related to covet how does that affect our resurrected body okay cremation and i'll tell you the truth in many many countries it's very very expensive to find a place to bury your body now in some of your countries it may not be true there may be plenty of open ground for burial but in many countries it's very expensive to get a slot in a cemetery to bury and only rich people can afford that there are many people in the world real fine believers who don't even have the money to buy a coffin leave alone a burial ground and so people say well the alternative is you can't bury the body in your compound you can't get a burial ground you can't afford a coffin can you allow it to be cremated what will i say i don't have money to go around giving to everybody who's poor to buy burial grounds it's such a huge amount of money i said go ahead and cremate it the person is not there no you're not killing a live person that's only dust what is the problem in burning that dust that body is dust and god will raise up that body one day even if you burn it think of all the people martyrs uh in the early days 300 300 years so many people were burnt because of their faith in christ their body was reduced to ashes they were cremated we can say do you think god will raise them up of course he'll raise them up to a great glory in heaven because they were martyrs for christ so i don't believe there's anything wrong in if you can afford it and you can and it's not too much money don't waste money on it but if you can afford it it's all right burial is preferable but if you can't it's perfectly all right discriminate don't condemn yourself because of that some of us some people who are rich don't realize the poverty of some people i've come from a very poor country india and i i've been working in the villages of india where there are extremely poor people who are even trying to find money to get money for food there is a question of finding money to make a rich coffin and gabriel brown and all that anyway so you those who are rich may not understand these things but i thank god that i've mingled with many very poor people who understand it that it's perfectly all right and [Music] the other cremation was one thing what is the other thing you mentioned organ donation yes organ donation okay again we must recognize that jesus said the lord said to adam dust you are to dust you will return see it's because our body is made from the dust of the earth that we get sick because this dust was cursed by god god did not curse adam but in genesis 3 he said this dust is cursed and that is the dust from which adam's body was made the body of every believer and unbeliever is made from dust that's why believers get as many sicknesses as unbelievers that's why believers die that's why jesus died his body was made of the dust of the earth otherwise he would not have died and he became a curse for us galatians 3 13 galatians 3 13 jesus became a curse for us on the cross he died but god raised him up and gave him a new body that will never die one day we get a body like that but till then we've got a body which is under the curse that's why believers get the same sicknesses that unbelievers get because our bodies made from the same cursed dust that their body is made from but the curse is gone from our spirit man is body soul and spirit and from our spirit the curse is gone completely because christ has come in and the blessing has come galatians 3 13 and 14. and from our mind there's still the effects of the curse are there that's why we forget things we're tempted in so many ways one day that will go from our mind also and we'll go from our body but it's the curse is already gone from our spirit and one day it will go from our body where i'll never be sick that's the day we look forward so till then once the bodies become dust what is wrong in taking out that person's kidneys or any other organ and giving it to somebody else who can use it i don't think there's anything wrong in it absolutely nothing wrong you don't have to worry that when he raised when he's raised from the dead he won't need a kidney in any case god take care of it how do we pray in faith for um things like healing or a specific marriage partner when we're not sure if that's exactly god's will it's one thing to pray according to god's will that we know spiritual things but what about other things who were not true i've often said you can pray for anything in the world anything provided your last sentences but lord not as i will but as thou wilt if you make that the last sentence of your prayer but lord not as i will but as you will you can pray for anything you like i say sometimes i think of myself like a two-year-old child sitting on his father's lap and talking to god you know a two-year-old child can even ask his father for an elephant or a real jet plane or all types of things which means he may never get but i can ask my father for anything some of those things he'll give me some of those things he won't he knows what is best for me so i believe we can ask god for anything and faith means i trust god to give me the best not to give me what i want if you say i want this by all means say that provided you can say but not as i will but as thou wilt at the end in marriage pray that god will give you a good partner does not have to be good looking but must be spiritually minded what do you value first i sometimes use this suggestion it's only a suggestion it's not from scripture it's from my mind like paul said in 1 corinthians 7 i have no word from god but i give you my opinion as one who has tried to be faithful when you look at a girl for marriage i would give 50 marks out of 100 for her spiritual value if you're a young man considering marriage give 30 marks out of 100 for her mental and social and economic level and 20 marks out 100 for her physical appearance i'm not saying physical is unimportant we are not angels we are human beings but it's 20 50 30 20. you see ready to get that from i got it from my mind it's you don't have to accept it you can throw it away if it doesn't help you but i'm trying to get people to put value on spiritual things and not to ignore the economic and social level also we've got to consider that and not to completely ignore physical appearance but in the right proportion so in finding god's will in marriage by the renewal of your mind romans 12 2 you prove the will of god and like that in different areas looking for a job say lord consider all the factors and if you want to know more there's a book of mine which you can get from our cfc website cfc and go to resources there books there are many books you can read all of them free just download it or read it online itself you don't have to pay a cent look for a book called finding god's will small booklet and there you have greater detail about finding god's will for different things okay yeah um there's there's some questions that have come in about changes that are going on in different countries related to what's taught in schools um whether it's uh you know and things contrary to the to the bible and perhaps other religious ideologies what guidance can you give parents who are concerned about their children being taught these things in schools okay there are many things which are we are taught as information i remember you know in schools in india many schools they teach about what hinduism teaches that's okay nothing wrong in studying what hinduism teaches or what islam teaches or what buddhists teach that doesn't mean we believe them or what those who believe that man came from the monkey evolution teaches so supposing their man studying that subject and he's taught what evolution is saying i used to tell my children you can write in the question paper you can write the answer like this scientists say and then give the answer whatever is in the book then you're not saying that you say it so you're not confessing a lie you're not saying well man came from the monkey no he didn't but you're saying scientists say then you can write exactly what is written in the book or hindus believe then you can write whatever you read about hindu beliefs or muslims believe and write whatever is there you don't believe it but you there's wisdom he must be wise in expressing ourselves at the same time we've made clear that we have studied the subject so there are many things that are taught in schools nowadays where we need to advise our children for example a lot of teaching on transgender and things like that we have to go by the word of god and teach them in the word of god that our only god made man male and female it's very clear in genesis chapter one and chapter two that's what we teach now we are not here to judge others i believe people have got a wrong mindset in many things i love them it's like mentally imbalanced people if they're mentally imbalanced what do you do you don't hate them you love them supposing somebody has got a crazy idea about something i will still love him because he's a man who's been led astray by the devil into some wrong thinking there's so many people in the world who are being led astray into wrong thinking concerning worshiping idols and other religions that's been going on for centuries so some of these other wrong concepts relating to a person's sex and all that it's not surprising all types of wrong teachings the devil has taught for years i must love every one of them i must love atheists i must love non-christians whatever religion they are my calling is to love everybody as myself and that must not change but where a person is willing to listen to me i must correct them and if it's my own children when they come home i have to correct them and say listen i know this is what they teach in your school but let me tell you what god says that's the truth and hold on to it but don't make a big argument about it in the school you're not called to get up at that young age and try to defend the truth of the bible wait till you're older to do all that but if somebody asks you personally what you believe you say i believe the bible you don't have to go into a big theological discussion there but we have to be very careful to protect our children from all this wrong teaching that's going on in a lot of schools today and for that you must know the scripture yourself as a parent okay thanks that um i'm gonna close it there uh i know we've got many many more questions that were asked far more than were actually answered but we want to be respectful of everybody's time if there are burning questions you have you're welcome to write to cfc or to us at rlcf i do want to make one more comment and that is that uh if you go to the cfc website you'll see that now there's content in over 40 different languages some of you have even asked about translations uh some some messages many messages have been translated into over 40 different languages so you go to cfc and you're looking for content in your language or to share with somebody in a different language please go there and check it out if you have questions i also want to say that there is a question answer section in the cfc india website if you go to resources and there are i think about 600 questions that i have answered and you can search for it your question this is the question i have and it will lead you to the answers related to that question or you can go to youtube in youtube you know there's a long window on top in that wind window if you enter zach poonen and any subject grace marriage sex love faith humility any subject immediately youtube will give you a complete list of all the messages i have preached on that subject and you can take your time to listen to them all free that's one of the wonderful things about youtube search facility [Music] thanks
Channel: River of Life Christian Fellowship
Views: 5,932
Rating: 4.9225807 out of 5
Keywords: rlcf, river, life, christian, fellowship, church, god, jesus, bible, scripture, questions, answers, global, online, meeting, qanda, sermon, zac, poonen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 32sec (5432 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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