Hating Sin More Than Sickness - Zac Poonen - May 24, 2019

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[Music] many of you belong to churches that preach the new covenant and many of you have heard me over the internet many many times and what we have major done in our churches in the last 44 years is emphasizing the Full Gospel now that expression used by a lot of churches a lot of people call themselves Full Gospel Church I've been to a lot of these Full Gospel churches have not heard the full gospel because their understanding of Full Gospel is Jesus is Savior Baptizer and the Holy Spirit healer and coming King a lot of those people in those churches are not healed and the baptism in the Holy Spirit does not seem to bring holiness something's wrong baptism is an immersion and it's like be immersed in water you come out drenched with water and if you are immersed and say Jam you come out covered with Jam if you're immersed in the Holy Spirit it should come out with holiness why is it not so it's because Satan has made people content with understanding a doctrine without experiencing the reality of it and many people deceive themselves that in the final day God's just going to ask him whether did you understand the doctrine of the New Covenant it's not going to be like that so as I've looked around I've seen so many people are excited by the fact that we're hearing some things and not heard in other places the full gospel begins with the name Jesus very important to understand why God named his son on earth Jesus and that comes in the very first page of the New Testament so that's something we have often emphasized but I want to repeat it again Matthew 1 and verse 21 and this by the way the New Testament is full of promises but this is the very first promise in the New Testament and the very first promise in the New Testament most Christians have not experienced how can we go on to the other ones okay forget all the others it's good when we sit in a church that we judge ourselves so each of you can ask yourself have you experienced the first promise in the New Testament the first promise in the New Testament is in Matthew 1:21 where the angel told Joseph in the last part you will call his name Jesus why Jesus because he will save his people from their sins so that's the question you need to ask yourself I call upon the name of Jesus it means being saved from my sins have I been saved from my sins so sometimes when I talk to people I asked him this question you call Jesus your Savior right he's my Lord and my Savior so I asked them what has he saved you from has he saved you from anger in your home they say no that still happens has he saved you men from sexually lustful ways of thinking after other women know that also I slip into now and then as he saved you from murmuring and complaining in your life no okay then what does he save you from he saved us from hell I said that's not what it says here it doesn't say you'll call his name Jesus because he will save them from hell you haven't read it carefully he will save them from their sin but they say well he forgives us I slipped before Li Fergus I said I know that then you must say jesus is my forgiver not my Savior how many people call him Savior they don't think of what they're saying what has he saved you from be accurate and say he's my forgiver he's not yet my Savior the full gospel is that he's not only forgive her but he's a savior and we see that throughout the New Testament I'll give you one example of it do you remember the story in John chapter 8 where God where Jesus forgave a woman caught in adultery it's a beautiful example of people who knew the doctrine but didn't have life the Pharisees studied the Scriptures carefully and they knew there was a commandment in the Old Testament that a woman caught in adultery must be stoned to death you know who gave that commandment to Moses [Music] Jesus when he was in heaven he was a son of God he gave that commandment to Moses now these Pharisees don't know that it is the same Jesus sitting there and they tell him Moses told us that this women caught in adultery should be stoned of course jesus knew that he gave that command to Moses fifteen hundred years earlier so what do you say master and Jesus waited he says he this finger rewrote on the ground I think he was Jesus wasn't so quick to give an answer he waited to hear from his father and he said okay yeah that's right okay who is without sin among you be the first to stone at her Stone her and then he just left them alone and when they heard it was John eight nine they went out one by one beginning with the older ones finally listen to this word Jesus was left alone Johnny glenwood you know what that phrase means Jesus was left alone it means that he was the only one without sin who was qualified to throw the stone because that's what he said he was without sin throw the first stone they all went away Jesus was left alone he was the one qualified to throw stones and he was the one who gave the command fifteen hundred years earlier to Moses but does Jesus throw stones no he didn't come on earth to stone people to death he came to save sinners and the command given in the Old Testament was to put a fear of fooling around in adultery that's why that command was given otherwise if a strong punishment is not given people would take it lightly you know sometimes people take the letter of the law and said we gotta do that now if you went by that that's what the Pharisee said and interestingly Jesus did not keep the letter of the law he was totally qualified to stone - the stone that woman but he didn't now legalistically mind that people would criticize Jesus saying you gave a command to Moses from heaven and you didn't keep it and you came on earth and said the one who is without sin must throw the first stone and you didn't keep that also you see how legalistic people you find plenty of them in the church today also they would even criticize Jesus Christ much more they'll criticize godly people but Jesus came with not only with truth he came with grace and truth and he did not come on earth to pick up stones to kill people he came to save people and now listen to the full gospel what is the full gospel in two sentences in verse 11 number one I don't condemn you that is the first part of the gospel you cannot proceed in the Christian life if you haven't heard that from the Lord whatever your past failure has been even if you were a prostitute like this one I do not condemn you I don't know what your past has been but my brother's sister you need to hear that word from the Lord that your past is blotted out in the blood of Jesus Christ and I do not condemn you if you heard that from Jesus he doesn't matter if the whole world condemns you that settles your past forever but that's the past the second part of the Full Gospel relates to the future in future verse 11 don't sin again that's the Full Gospel the past I don't condemn you the future don't sin anymore that's all there is in the Full Gospel you shall call his name Jesus because he came to save his people from their sins it's everywhere in the gospel if you read it carefully that's what he came to do and [Music] if they earn ously sought god they'll discover that they are constantly failing despite desire to sin the desire not to sin they still fall into sin that's the experience of sincere believers they hear the message that were not the same go and sin no more they hear Jesus saying that and they sincerely want to go that way what they find within 24 hours they have failed so when we find ourselves failing what are we supposed to do when the enemy attacked a widow in Luke chapter 18 Jesus told a parable see what he see that story because that answers this question I'm just asking Luke chapter 18 Jesus told a story of a widow and the widow was being harassed by an enemy and he says she came to the judge Luke 18 verse 3 and says please protect me from the enemy is the devil and he's harassing believers constantly condemning them making them fall making them slip up tempting them making them trip up what is the widow do it's interesting that Jesus always pictured Christians as weak people Christians are never pictured in the Bible as a Giants or lions no Christians are pictured as have a son to go and talk to the judge she has to go herself she's got no children a childless Widow can you think of anyone more helpless in that this is the picture Jesus gives of a Christian so Christians are not supposed to be great mighty powerful strong people like Giants they're helpless people like sheep and widows so that they don't depend on themselves but go to God for help that's the point of this story this window is helpless against judge and it says the judge would not listen to her so what did she do she kept on pestering the judge went to his house at two o'clock in the morning knocked there and went to the office his office later on during the day and kept on pestering him till it says the judge says even though I don't fear God Luke 18 for and I don't respect any man he says I couldn't care less for the opinion of any man see the Lord is contrasting an unrighteous judge with a loving father this unrighteous judge was willing to listen to the widow because she pestered him saying protect me from my enemy and he says do you think your loving father will not protect you from your enemy who's making you sin again and again and again about justice for his elect who cry to him day and night I think that's the secret a lot of people who want to be free from sin I believe they have a desire but not strong enough to cry day and night I mean if your child was seriously so when we don't have that attitude to overcoming sin our problem is that we think sin is not as bad as a sickness I think if you had if you were diagnosed with cancer you'd certainly pray at night and that's one of the things I discovered I was also defeated even after being born again for many years in my Christian life I would find Jesus was my forgiver I would always be forgiven every day if I died I'd go to heaven because I confessed my sin and I was forgiven but I he hadn't saved me from my sin then I saw that I have to cry day and night so I said Lord I'm gonna take this matter of sinning seriously and if I send in my thoughts one day and people didn't know about it I would weep over it at night for what nobody saw me I never lost my testimony but I had dishonored God in my thoughts or if I had a wrong attitude towards someone I discovered I was having a wrong attitude towards someone I said Lord I hate that I want to be free from it and I would cry out I would wet my pillow at night sometimes of my tears I'm telling you honestly and I'll tell you what does it saying in verse eight he will bring an answer speedily and I can testify he brought an answer in my life speedily God's Word is exact you do what he says he'll do what he promises to do his elect verse seven who cried to him day and night will he delay long he will not delay long he will bring an answer speedily it all depends on how eager you are to stop the enemy from harassing you this Widow was determined I must stop this enemy from harassing me and taking more and more of my property do you know that your soul is meant to be entirely gods he created your soul to be entirely belong to him but the devil that's your property and the devil is encroached into your soul and occupied more and more of your property which should belong to God is this wise he made you murmur complain and grumble and love money and be bitter against someone and gossip and backbiting your property is getting lost I mean if that was happening to your earthly property you'd do something about it you'd go to a court and get some action taken against that guy is occupying your property but you don't seem to realize your soul is gradually being occupied by the devil more and more and more and more think of marriages that start so well with a wonderful bit of property think of a marriage like a good a bit of property so beautiful and then you see that as the years go by in that marriage more and more that devil gets into that marriage and occupies more and more they are fighting quarreling upset with each other and there's very little left out for a while property which is supposed to be pure and holy for God it's been completely taken over by the devil we'd never do that if it was our physical property oh we are careful about property for this land belongs to me no enemy no neighbour dare come and occupy anything there but we let the devil walk right over and occupy a whole lot of our soul and it doesn't seem to disturb us what is it teachers he teaches us that even for Christians who call themselves a new covenant Christians who attend a CFC Church who are listening to Zach Bowen videos even for them earthly property is more important than their soul and sickness is more serious than sin I'm trying to give you an explanation my brothers and sisters this question that many people ask me why is it brother Zack I've sought for victory for so long and I haven't got it his God and unrighteous just like this person and refusing to answer Jesus says even the Sun rises judge answered the video how much more your heavenly father will answer not someone who just sends an occasional request to him that's not really said see many of our prayers for victory over sin are occasional requests but here is crying out day and night as I said if your child is dying or you got cancer you wouldn't be sending an occasional request to God so I believe the real need is for us to see how seriously sin is destroying us and one day when Christ comes back and we see what we did with our earthly lives and how we wasted it and how much we lost for all eternity we'll get a surprise in them I believe part of my ministry is to prevent Christians from getting a surprise in the day of judgement I say if you listen to me you'll get no surprise in the Day of Judgment he'll be thoroughly prepared whether you respond to it or not is up to you but there'll be no subject that comes up in the day of judgment that I will not cover in my preaching I'll cover it all you can be 100% ready for the coming of the Lord if you take seriously what I say for example to cry day and night because you don't want the enemy to occupy what belongs to God here's a portion that belongs to God and it's occupied by the enemy I'll give you an example from the Old Testament God said to Abraham this land of Canaan belongs to you I mean a lot of people can today also the dispute does it belong to they say it belongs to the Palestinians belongs to Jews I'm not in that entering to that dispute I'm not Seiler that said I'm not a politician but I know one thing the Bible says the whole earth belongs to God he doesn't belong to the Jews or the Palestinians or the Americans or the Indians or anybody it belongs to God and he has every right to give it to whom he likes I mean if I have a father and I have a whole lot of property can I give it to whom I like I don't have to give some of it to my neighbor supposing I give it to this son and that son and I say hey your neighbor I love you but I'm not gonna give you any of my land how can he complain it's my land so in the same way God owns the whole earth he can give it to whomever he likes and he told Abraham this land is yours Abraham I give it to you and to your children okay God said that I've got no complain against because the land was his to begin with he didn't belong to the Jews or the Palestinians or anybody else he belong to God and he decided to give something give something I did but that was occupied by the Canaanites for 400 years and when the Israelites came there God said go and drive them out and occupy the land that I gave to your forefather Abraham they went there and looked at that land and said yeah a beautiful land but boy we can't fight against these giants so they backed away and you know they wandered in the wilderness the Bible says God was angry with them do you believe God can be angry with people some people think God cannot be angry with anybody let me show your worst written for believers turn with me to Hebrews in chapter 3 in Hebrews in chapter 3 we read like this remember it's written first of all whenever you read any portion of Scripture ask yourself for whom is it written chapter 3 verse 1 holy brethren partakers of a heavenly calling it's like a letter written for you you're one of the Holy brethren party heavenly calling Jesus is your Apostle and high priest he's written for you and me and what does he say he says brethren verse 12 take care holy brethren believers born-again believers be careful that in one of you you don't develop an evil unbelieving heart and fall away from the Living God you say you mean a believer can fall away from the Living God not only fall away he can have an evil heart after a while an evil heart of unbelief I think the devil wants you to know that worse he certainly doesn't and therefore to save you from that falling away encourage one another daily as long as it is called today so that you don't get hardened and that's what I've sought to do for more than 44 years to challenge people don't get hardened by the deceitfulness of sin I'll tell you all those preachers are doing that I hope there are some those the only ones I want to listen to and then it says because I want to tell you this you'll be a partaker of Christ verse 14 only if you hold fast your assurance firm until the end you can become a backslider before that and then he gives you an example listen to this example you say you are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb you're baptized in water you're baptized in the Holy Spirit I'm safe that's what a lot of people say that's the full gospel and okay the Holy Spirit says let me give you an example the Israelites were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb they put the blood of the Lamb outside that door posts they were baptized in water they went into the Red Sea and came out and they were baptized in the cloud a picture of the baptism the Holy Spirit they had the same experiences symbolically that people who say they have the full gospel have but what happened to these people they were rejected by God it says they provoked him verse 16 those who came out of Egypt and he was angry with these people who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb baptized in the Red Sea and baptized in the cloud he was angry with them for forty years he's not up talking about being angry with Egyptians he's not talking about being angry with the Canaanite Giants he's talking about being angry with those who were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and were baptized in the Red Sea why their bodies fell in the wilderness because he told him to go and possess the land and they didn't bother about it like he tells us occupy that land that the devil has possessed in your life where sin rules I sent my son to save you from sin don't say you can't be saved and you know that crowd of people in the Israelites only two people Joshua and Caleb said yes God can help us to overcome these giants who are pictures of sin and they went in all the others perished don't think the majority is right in the wilderness when they came to the land of Canaan first time there was six hundred thousand men only two people got in Joshua and Caleb this is written as a warning for us that you can be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb baptized in water baptized in the Holy Spirit and when it comes to dealing with sin in your life the Giants of sin that rule in your life you let them rule your body just like those Israelites let the king and a Giants rule Kenan which is meant to be for God your body is meant to be the temple of the Holy Spirit and you allow those sins to rule now 600,000 people may say one thing but you'll find two people speaking the truth today like Joshua and Caleb I want to listen to those two out of 600,000 preachers two people will tell you the truth and I've heard a lot of preachers and I believe the proportion is about like that today think of what all is being preached in Christendom today it's amazing what all is happening in churches that once used to preach the pure gospel yeah the founders of some of these churches that have gone into all types of sinful practices and divorces and same-sex marriages and all times you know the founders were godly men three four hundred years ago and if they could see from heaven today they'd be shocked what's happened to this denomination that I started the Methodist Church or other churches yep and that's why in every generation God raises up servants to proclaim the Full Gospel which is I don't condemn you go and sin no more or he's come to save us from our sins or don't let the enemy possess the land occupied for God and it says here he was angry with them is God ever angry with people he was angry with people who were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb from Egypt he was angry with people who were baptized in the Red Sea and baptized in the cloud but did he feed them or sure he gave them manna all those 40 years and he saved them when they were bitten by snakes he gave him water when they were thirsty and sometimes believers can say well God has blessed me in so many ways so he must be happy with me uh-uh you think that because he blesses you materially it's the proof that he's happy with you well I can show you a lot of atheists in the world who are much better off than you financially and who are healthier than you you sing dancing I'm blessed I don't even believe in God I can show you people in other religions who worship idols healthy some of them are millionaires if you go to the list of the world's richest people there's a organization called Forbes that it makes a list of the richest people in the world there's not one believer among that big list you know that who are these people who they're they're they're extremely wealthy and they belong to different religions they say our God made us rich yeah so don't think that because God has prospered you he's happy with you no because God's given you do know the healthiest people in the world are not necessarily believers health and wealth is not the mark of God's blessing these six hundred thousand people do you think they were sick no they were very healthy but they died God is angry with them because they said I wanted you to possess that land and you let the Giants rule the land and the Lord says you asked Jesus Christ to come into your body that's how you became a child of God you asked the Lord Jesus Christ to die for your sins to come and live inside your body and then in that body you tolerate all these sins that's what God says I'm angry but you see I'm so weak and why don't you cry out do you know that Jesus was also weak you know one of the great truths that the Bible teaches which transformed my life about 40 years ago that's what made me understand the New Covenant was that Jesus Christ came to earth as a man without sin of course because he is the son of God he was holy from birth but tempted just like me every day and he had to battle and fight that temptation in order to be free from sinning it was not automatic it's not like these planets where God said okay keep going around in circles for millions of years and they did it it's not that Jesus said okay you'll be just holy whether you what you don't have to exert yourself you don't have to worry about anything that's not how he had his holiness because then he was not tempted like me that's it I'll tell you that's what changed my life turn with me to Hebrews 4 in verse 15 Hebrews 4 you know remember this is in the context of what we are just speaking in chapter 3 what is the subject in chapter 3 which I just showed you they did not enter into the land verse 18 he and he swore that they will never enter into this land and they could not enter the land verse 19 because of unbelief the only reason they couldn't conquer the Giants was they believed those giants were stronger than their God oh that's seven eight-foot giant in Canaan boy he's stronger than God we go with God can't stand before him and God said what an insult that is to say that that man is stronger than me and Joshua and Caleb said now they are like bread for us because God will support us that was faith so then he says in this context that let us fear chapter 4 verse 1 lest we have a promise of entering into this life and you don't come into it we have a promise that he'll save you from all your sins that's why it's called Jesus and you don't take it seriously we have had the good news preached to us verse 2 the good news is that we can be saved from our sin but just like the word did not profit them because they did not believe he does not profit many believers because they do not believe that Jesus can save them from this sin and this sin and listen make a list of the sins that you are defeated by call them the Giants of Canaan giant number one giant number two giant number three giant number four the sins in your life are the Giants of Canaan and just like those Israelites said boy that guy's really tough he's stronger than God God God can't defeat him that's what you're saying about that sin and that's where unbelief comes face it that you're insulting God by saying that that giant of Canaan is stronger than God and Joshua and Caleb honored God by saying no to Joshua and Caleb didn't look at their muscles no they said God is stronger than them and that's what you need you need to say God is stronger than that sin that's ruled my life for so long and therefore I believe like him and God will help me to overcome that so in this context he gives us he says now I'll tell you a great secret it's called the mystery of godliness in 1 Timothy 3:16 what is it we have a high priest verse 15 who can sympathize with our weakness it's put in a negative way we don't have a high priest who cannot sympathize meaning that we do have a high priest who can sympathize with our weakness what is our weakness our weakness is not that we cannot lift heavy weights our weaknesses that we are knocked down by sin you know how they say there's an expression in English saying you can knock that man down with a feather a feather you know thin and light a feather is what type of man is this who you touch him with a feather and he falls down he must be really weak and the devil says most of these men I just sent a pretty girl down their way they're not feather the finishes or that wife at home some little thing goes wrong in the house one feathers and she's down knocked out yelling at her husband and anger these are supposed to be Christians God gives strength to the weak so it says here Jesus came he can sympathize with our weakness he knows her weak and he came with the same weak body that could be tempted to sin but did not sin that's a tremendous secret and when my eyes were open to that Lord Jesus you walked on earth tempted with every single thing I'm tempted by what was I tempted by when I was nineteen twenty years old Lord when you were in Nazareth at the age of nineteen and twenty you're exempted exactly the same way when I started earning money what is I tempted with Jesus started earning in money as a carpenter he was also tempted the same way but he never sinned and he was tempted in all things verse 15 as we are but he did not sin and sit there for what so what we say he says so what in verse 16 so we can come to that same throne of grace and first of all receive mercy which is I don't condemn you our past is forgiven and for the future receive grace to help us in our time of need what is our time of need verse 15 damned date when we attempted when we are tempted that is the time of need when we are about to fall that's a time we need grace like this picture I've often used of a man climbing a mountain and he slips and he's hanging on a rock he's too proud to call for help he says I can make it no he can't make it it's an impossible cliff he's hanging on why don't you cry for health no no I wanna do it on my own and he falls breaks his legs and he reaches the bottom then he cries for mercy not grace mercy and the ambulance comes up that's mercy picks him up takes in the hospital fixes the next that's forgiveness of sins that is also help God gives us but grace is while he's hanging there lord please help me and grace comes and helps him and puts him on top of that flip without falling which is better mercy or grace we need mercy because so many times we are so proud and we go fall down and break our legs and the ambulances to come the ambulance of mercy thank God for that but there's a better way that's what we preach in the Full Gospel there is a better way to ask for grace before we fall in the moment of temptation this is very very practical when you're tempted for example to get angry lord I need some grace now believe me you'll get it if you don't believe me try it out next time it's really true or you men are tempted with some severe sexual temptation lord help me now maybe you're sitting at your computer and you're tempted to watch something immoral and filthy but there you shouldn't just say help me there's something else you must do the Bible says he was runaway sometimes you got to run away that's the only way to be free from sin see 1 Corinthians chapter 6 1 Corinthians 6 and verse 18 as the only thing the Bible tells us to run away from immorality no don't try and stand there and tackle it run run away whenever you're tempted to immorality or she may show you in other words 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 22 what's the other place where it says we got to run away 2nd Timothy 2 verse 22 same thing to run away from sexually dirty thoughts there's nothing else you can do run away don't try to stand there and resistance you're too weak men you're too weak in the sexual area run away but what are we supposed to do when the devil comes are we supposed to run away no see James chapter 4 James chapter 4 says and verse 7 when the devil comes at you the devil himself I am NOT talking about immorality and youthful lusts the devil himself submit to God verse 7 and resist the devil and he will flee tell me who will flee not you when it comes to immorality who must flee you when it comes to youthful lusts who must flee you but when the devil comes at you he will flee so who's stronger the devil or Romani morality I'll give you an ice cube from the Old Testament example for David who was the one he had to be more scared of Cola thorn Bathsheba who should David be more afraid of Goliath or Bathsheba was it Bathsheba's muscles that knocked David down no Goliath was like the devil resisted and knocked him around but it came to Bathsheba he fell fleet from immorality free from youthful lusts recognize your weakness if you do that I tell you you can live a life free from sin and if you are in a situation where you cannot escape then you pray for grace Lord helped me now my time with me and you'll get grace lift you up and make you stand on the cliff but if you can flee when it comes to immorality we don't flee from other things know when you're tempted to anger you don't run away you just resist it in Jesus name say lord help me now I've got to overcome this anger I got to come to life where I'll never get angry is that possible I believe it is I used to get very angry in the early days of my Christian walk and my marriage and all that but I saw it was not God's will I saw the Bible says put away all my anger Ephesians 4:31 I said okay Lord I tried and tried and tried for years and thing that helped me was Jesus was tempted exactly like you so what did he do when he was tempted turn with me to Hebrews five and you see what Jesus did when he was tempted and I say I want to do the same thing it says in G Hebrews chapter five Jesus Christ verse seven Hebrews five seven we saw earlier in chapter 415 he was tempted like us and now he tells us a few verses later what he did when he was tempted like us when he was tempted like us in verse seven in those thirty-three years when he was on earth in his flesh he prayed supplication means specific prayer prayer means general prayer he had general prayers and specific prayers with loud crying and tears - the only one who was able to save him from spiritual death sin is called a spiritual death he wanted to be saved from spiritual death when it says here he prayed to be saved from death you have an option it is not specified that which death it is is a spiritual death or physical death we don't know but you read the rest of the sentence then you understand he was heard his prayer was heard was he saved from physical death no so it's obviously not referring to physical death because that prayer was not hurt he never prayed for that I mean we have seen martyrs going to the flames with boldness can imagine Jesus being afraid of physical death never he would be ready to die a thousand Calvary's for you and me but that was one death Jesus really hated that his spiritual death which is a result of sin that means being cut off from God by sin Jesus knew that if I sinned once my fellowship with God would be broken we don't realize that Jesus knew that so he said that I never want that to happen it did happen when he took our sin on the cross but all his life it never happened you know why it never happened because he prayed with loud crying and tears are you read in the Gospels how sometimes Jesus would go into the wilderness sometimes because there'll be nobody there he could cry out to God the Father but I learned something I know I I live in a city big city with ten million people there's no wilderness anywhere nearby to run away and cry out to the Lord voice so I said Lord how in the world can I follow you here there's no wilderness anywhere nearby here and the Lord showed me you can cry out without making a noise with your mouths is the cry of the heart that God hears and I can lie in my bed and without making any sound cry out to God with loud crying in tears Lord I don't want to commit this sin Lord I'm sorry I've slipped up in this area so many times I want you to help me I want to have that cry in my heart and I'll tell you I had that cry for a number of years and the Lord delivered me from anger the Lord delivered me from discouragement which was another thing I was thoroughly enslaved as a believer grace to help you in your time of need I'll tell you one thing my brothers and sisters if you fulfill the conditions God will definitely do his part jesus said take my yoke upon you and learn from me you will find rest for your souls or you can say you'll find victory in your life but take that yoke you have to do your part it's not going to be automatic because God doesn't want robots in heaven I've often used this picture imagine if God had made Adam like a robot programmed inside never to go near the tree of knowledge of good and evil but to go to the tree of life he would never have sinned because when he came near the tree of knowledge of good and evil the program would have said turn right now and he like a robot he would have turned right walk forward he'd walk forward to the Tree of Life he'd never have sinned but he could not be a child of God do you know that you can't be a child of God or a sinner if you don't have free will proof the planets they cannot be sinners they cannot be children of God but because you and I have freewill and a conscience dogs have freewill but they don't have a conscience so they can't be sinners a dog cannot be a sinner and the dog cannot be a child of God because the even though it's got freewill it doesn't have a conscience but we have free will and conscience that's what gives us the possibility of becoming sinners or holy men and women of God tremendous possibility so when we attempted to sin we come to a fork in the road you know like sometimes you come to a fork in the road when you are traveling somewhere and you listen to the GPS right if you are in a strange territory and the GPS says turn right here don't you listen to it believers listen to the GPS much more than they listen to the Holy Spirit I'll tell you that and the GPS knows how to take you to your destination if we can trust the Holy Spirit like that oh don't you hear the voices all espĂ­ritu you certainly do I know you do in that moment of temptation the Holy Spirit tells you shut your mouth now don't say anything but you don't listen and you open your mouth and let the other person have it there's the Holy Spirit get angry with you that's a wonderful thing he doesn't if you take if you disobey the GPS and turn the other way you know what the GPS says he doesn't say why did you go that way no no no no no it says recalculating I'll bring you back to the right direction I love that it reminds me of the Holy Spirit when you take the wrong turn he doesn't yell at you and say why did you take that turn he said I'll bring you back to the right one just listen to me at least now you've wasted a lot of time taking all those circuit as routes trying to think that you know better than the GPS and you went astray and you think you know better than the holy spirit' newest a lot of your life in your time when he says don't worry I'll bring you back now you would have thought with one lesson like that you'd learn to obey the GPS thereafter I think most people will but when it comes to the Holy Spirit one lesson is not enough we keep on disobeying when will we stop listening the Holy Spirit I'll give you one last verse before we close Isaiah chapter 30 it's very practical my brothers and sisters God has a great purpose for every one of your lives and family that's one reason why he brought you here this weekend pray that that purpose will be fulfilled before you go home Isaiah chapter 30 it says here in the middle of verse 20 your teacher that Jesus Christ will not hide himself your eyes will see your teacher tempted like you but not sinning the Holies will show you your teacher and then you hear a word in your heart saying turn right here don't turn left when you have to turn to the right or to the left exactly like a GPS but whether you obey or not that's up to you the GPS doesn't take away your free will and God doesn't take away your free will but if you want to end where you should be going to your destination it's better to listen with the GPS and to the Holy Spirit may God help us let's pray so whatever the Lord is spoken to your heart will you pray that the Lord will imprint it in your mind and your memory so that you don't forget it think about it when you go to bed tonight and say Lord what is it you've been trying to say to me this evening something that can change the direction of my life for good please help me to meditate on it it's like pouring water on the seed that was sown we've been sowing a seed here I want to ask you to pour some water on it otherwise it won't grow pour some water on and meditate on it think about it and say lord please I want my life to change I want to go away at the end of this weekend a different person from the way I came please work in me Lord I believe God is more than eager to help you if you're honest about your need and say Lord I cannot overcome but I know you'll help me and crying out you knew the best I know how I'm crying out to you that's enough Heavenly Father I believe there are a lot of sincere people right now bowing before you and praying I pray that you will hear their prayers and slowly change the direction of their life you
Channel: River of Life Christian Fellowship
Views: 14,063
Rating: 4.8198199 out of 5
Keywords: hating, sin, more, sickness, real, full, gospel, zac, poonen, family, discipleship, conference, 2019, sermon, rlcf, river, life, christian, fellowship
Id: YH180ypgBdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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