Glasgow 1980 (made in 1971)

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Outside of the "Firth of Clyde being a major shipping port" most of what they set out happened?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spidd124 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"to be continued..." at the end, is there another part?

EDIT: I found this page about the video that says "Filming for the sequel GLASGOW'S PROGRESS was halted in 1978 as 'there seemed to be no end to the urban renewal in sight'."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/my_new_lit_account πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Canazza πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is a film for people about the city they live in how the city is changing for the people [Music] you Oh you a Cathedral and university city on a river on the edge of Europe in 1707 Daniel Defoe visited Glasgow and founded one of the clean leus most beautiful and best built cities in Great Britain in 1707 13,000 people in Glasgow in 1707 a Treaty of Union between the Scottish and English Parliament's the Clyde flowed to the Atlantic the Clyde was deepened and dredged Glasgow grew a mercantile and industrial city in the centre of the Western world in 1807 100,000 people in Glasgow in 1907 three-quarters of a million by the middle years of this century 1 million 100,000 people living and working in less than 60 square miles the second city of the Empire had run out of space its air and river were polluted at social problems enormous it had to change [Applause] [Applause] in 1960 work began on the biggest urban redevelopment program in Europe a 20-year program involving five square miles a twelfth of the city's area between 1960 and 1970 52,000 houses were demolished in Glasgow a father 75,000 are scheduled for demolition up to 1980 to make room for new life in the city for new houses industries schools and colleges hospitals social and cultural amenities for new roads linking a planned and integrated community noise dust confusion sometimes painful transformation of familiar landmarks this is Charing Cross but Glasgow's future is planned out in the heads of planners stage-by-stage modeled in balsa and plastic presented to the public and the representatives argued and approved construction work in the Kingston bridge began in the spring of 1967 Karla's industrial zone an integral part of spring burn comprehensive development area there are 29 of these development areas in the city by 1970 work had begun and eight of them another ten were in the pipeline in the city center Victorian grandeur the Duke of Wellington and a bank for the 1980s the best of the old heat its place in the new Glasgow Glasgow's overspill means that in 1980 the population of the city will be 800,000 people they will have good houses and a revitalized environment that will free them from the cramped conditions of the past sir battles fences high-rise flats and Hutchison town Gorbals the first of the comprehensive development areas before redevelopment population density was 460 people per acre now is 150 people per acre living with light space a sense of freedom medium rise housing at Pollock Shields the redeployment of land formerly occupied by villas means that more people can live in the district and also enjoy a greater openness of Vista at Ibrox and in other parts of the city low medium and high rise housing a group together trees are an important feature of environmental planning in 1969 alone 33 thousand new trees were planted in Glasgow between 1960 and 1970 40,000 new houses were built in Glasgow either by the corporation or privately a father 23,000 will be built by 1980 comfort inside the home a spacious environment room to move and cleaner to breathe the goal for housing 1980 the future of any city develops out of its past and this is not forgotten in the process of change some of the best of glass ghosts additional four-story sandstone tenements are being modernized but as Glasgow prepares for the 21st century the pattern of life changes tenement life with its Julie pieces and we shops is disappearing in its place shopping precincts located with new housing and new roads in mind shopping precincts themselves traffic free but provided with parking area so that cars can serve and not confound the housewife and her family the supermarket modern abundance matching modern prosperity [Music] [Music] jolin's shopping center the shopping arcade at goblins shopping 1980 is convenience safety supplying the needs of material and physical excellence [Applause] Glasgow made up for not inventing football by creating Celtic Rangers and the hand enroll the city also has a strong schools and club rugby tradition [Applause] and men and women with a ledger and energy to play sport as well as just watch it [Applause] Belarusians Sports Center the prototype for several to be built in the city was regularly used by 7,000 members in 1970 [Applause] scotland's other national game golf at hag's castle there are 11 golf courses within glasgow city boundary another 12 within a one-mile radius for getting away from the crowds and just walking about among trees and flowers and greenery Glasgow offers a selection of 62 parks and recreation areas the Botanic Gardens at the city's West End a network of walkway is linking the parks extending their freedom as planned for 1980 and the first sections were open to the public in 1970 you the calm elegance of a former era said Andrews holds until gutted by fire glass goes principal concert auditorium is being rebuilt as an extension to the Mitchell library in line with the city's general policy of maintaining a balance between old and new it's splendid facade will be preserved an entirely new cultural center including a major concert hall and Civic Theatre will provide a focus for the artistic life of Glasgow 1980 [Music] [Applause] [Music] the noise of the city's nightlife dies away and run midnight the feel of Glasgow nowhere more than in George Square a statue of James Watt stands at one corner of the square his portrait hangs in one of the city's galleries in the 1760s at Glasgow University what harnessed the power of steam on which the city's merchants and industrialists grew rich the private houses today enriched the city's public life Stirling's library the Scottish Stock Exchange in the center of Glasgow completely modernized inside its exterior restored Carola tube with a period of Glasgow's greatest wealth was a flowering of architectural genius Park Terrace one of the finest examples of Victorian grace Trinity towers the Glasgow School of Art charles rennie mackintosh is masterpiece the Mitchell library the largest public reference library in Scotland was endowed in 1874 by Stephen Mitchell a tobacco merchant Pollock house designed by William Adam was gifted to the city in 1967 Glasgow is patron saint sent manga and Glasgow University part of the bottle collection one of the most important collections of paintings and art objects in the United Kingdom is undisplaced a new gallery to house the entire collection as planned for the grounds of Pollock house and a competition will be held to find the best design kelvingrove museum itself epitomizes Glasgow's Victorian opulence AB city's Transport Museum monuments of engineering magnificence a Ruby locomotive built at Spring Bern in the boom years of steam and Empire and at Kelvin Grove a Clyde built steamship engine Glasgow grew rich on the tides of the Clyde the river itself grew dirtier and dirtier strict controls and cleaning up measures are now exercised by the Clyde river purification board and by 1980 the river water will be pure enough to support fish once again its banks also will be transformed ocean-going shipping will by then be operating chiefly in the deeper waters of the Firth of Clyde Glasgow docks queens princes Kingston will be filled in and the recreated land attractively and usefully deployed the grim lines of warehouses and waterfront factories will be demolished and walkways constructed so that for the first time in 100 years the people of Glasgow will have the visual and amenity benefits of the river freely accessible time and the river the river changes and the next generation grows the newly built Sick Children's Hospital and the Queen Mother Maternity Hospital the latest medical techniques are available for the newest citizens and their mothers and the doctors of 1980 studying at Glasgow University's world-famous Medical School gain practical experience [Music] at Jordan Hill training college the teachers of 1980 Lang side college of further education by 1980 as many as twenty four thousand men and women from all over the west of Scotland region will be receiving full-time education at the city's universities and colleges part of a rapidly developing educational precinct near the city center Glasgow College of building and the young men whose skills will build the new houses and roads offices and factories hospitals colleges and schools for their children for the next generation Newbury tarah an extension of Glasgow School of Art the new Glasgow University Library in 1964 Glasgow Royal College of Science and Technology was raised in status to University the University of Strathclyde where the city's proud technological tradition it's fund of sheer Noah is constantly being replenished and advanced the new Glasgow with its industrial estates and with the industrial and commercial zones of its development areas gives its people space to work as well as space to live greater physical and mental freedom and understanding of what they do Industrial Glasgow 1980 will not be oil sweat and back-breaking labor commercial glass co 1980 will not be mindless columns of figures muscle gives place to automation heavy engineering to Micro engineering the age of the computer [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] the art world might call these multiples the world of industry knows the most Glasgow made jet engine components accurate to within a millionth of an inch [Music] Glasgow consumes and produces imports and exports its future growth depends on fast efficient automated handling of goods gush at Falls rail terminal and the southeast of the city handles 17 miles of standard international containers a week potentially the Firth of Clyde is a deep water port second to none in Europe if the vision of oceans span is realized the Glasgow region will become a vast container entrepot for the rest of Britain and Europe transportation 1980 Glasgow highway plan proposes a four and a half mile inner ring road around the centre of the new city making the central area easy to bypass fast to get into fast to get out of more accessible on June the 26 1970 a symbolic stage of this crucial development was reached when Her Majesty the queen-mother opened the largest urban bridge in the United Kingdom built at a total cost of 11 million pounds the kingston bridge is a span of 880 feet over the waters of the climb it's five northbound and five southbound lanes will carry 70,000 vehicles a day in 1975 120,000 a day in 1990 [Music] the northern approaches to the Kingston bridge bisect Anderson comprehensive development area immediately to the east of the new urban motorway are the glittering glass and concrete towers of Anderson's commercial zone west of the motorway along the client-side Expressway are situated Anderson's main housing and industrial zones the commercial complex will incorporate a multiple level system for a pedestrianised shopping area people and shops on top parking in services below spring Byrne comprehensive development area new industrial estates new housing a new shopping center fewer people enjoying more space closer links with the center of Glasgow along the spring Byrne expressway govern comprehensive development area redevelopment of the Riverside has housing an open space new industry to the south and along the links with a Renfrew motorway comprehensive development also for Woodside Shaw's town head Calkins raced in Lauriston partic Bridgeton and other areas Glasgow's hi we plan involves the construction by 1980 of 21 and a half miles of motorways and expressways integrated with existing and expanded bus train and underground services so that optimum coordination of transport is achieved faster freer links with a Glasgow region and beyond rationalization and unification of the cities districts in the city centre as elsewhere the segregation of pedestrians and traffic will mean less noise fumes anxiety a more bustling thriving commerce a happier healthier people if roads are the bones of the new Glasgow the flesh is the areas of development and redevelopment change on the scale that Glasgow has undertaken inevitably brings with a disruption dislocation but the aim is clear a reorganized and better City the greater leisure opportunities of Glasgow 1980 are illustrated by the network of walkways which will by then be in existence the Kelvin walkway will link up with a Highland way taking the hiker on a continuous nature trail to loch lomond and points north the overall plan for the new glasgow on which the light blue spots represent proposed shopping and community centres transforms the heart of the city into clean air uncongested commercial and housing areas locates industry with people in mind and with the communications network makes the city freer and more rational in terms of space more compact and efficient in terms of time above all it is the communications network which makes clear what direction Glasgow was taking from 1980 links with the world from Glasgow Airport only 15 minutes by car from the city centre to London Paris Amsterdam links with the region 100,000 people come into Glasgow every day to work Glasgow 1980 is west of Scotland 1980 a city with a future as big as its past a city of Fighters whose response to a challenge is usually bigger than the challenge itself a city whose energy has perhaps too much in the recent past been frustrated and corrupted into violence by apparently insurmountable social problems but an energy which today is expressing itself rediscovering itself through the dynamism of change difficult but necessary change towards planned freedom mobility a more happily coordinated and prosperous society [Music] there's a lot to be done but the city and its people are doing reaching out for Glasgow 1980 you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Johnny Cassettes
Views: 323,293
Rating: 4.8311996 out of 5
Keywords: glasgow, history, 1970s, scotland
Id: 8AhnY89FkiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2017
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