Glamour: Katy Perry Style | V.I.P. by VIP Pets in English | Cartoons for Kids, Music & Songs

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subscribe to cartoons and let the never-ending fun begin I can't wait to see my friends again and tell them about my new discovery it'll blow their minds [Music] I missed the beach smell although it smells a bit like a cupcake oh of course Juliet ladies hmm the cupcake is so good woof I'm going to bring more but I over baked them so how was summer I discovered some oh wait for everyone to come or you're gonna have to tell your story four times yeah hi Alexia how are your holidays my friend they were great what about yours I [Music] Gwen how amazing I need you for my dance only Nila is still to come where is she here I was the first to arrive but I was so one with nature that you didn't notice me hello we are the coolest pets with the passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] the VIP Pets Are Back well we're all here except Taylor Who's in Australia serving to become a sports star but now I wanted to tell you that I went to an influencer meeting which was woof really I have learned some new yoga postures I have to teach you well I went to a painting summer school and I've learned many new techniques wow cool what about you Juliet surprise I covered a new human fashion trend that we can also try and it's amazing it's not like this sorry here look see how shiny this is the latest trend of the century it's called glitter wouldn't you like to try it well maybe I don't know glitter that's the sparkly thing isn't it yes well they say that it's very trendy well I think that the shiny stuff is better for winter time yes sure to dress up as a Christmas tree I love about hairstyles what we can do now is visit our favorite hairdresser don't you think yes well I still think that Glitter is cool I'll take the magazine to show it to Fabio and Faria a few Editions oh wait for me girl [Music] what are you proud huh how couldn't I be you have earned this diploma with your hard effort ah I still remember when you first entered this hair salon and now you are a qualified hairdresser it looks like it was yesterday in fact it was almost yesterday but anyway this diploma must be displayed somewhere so everyone can see it let me think we have visitors you're girls hi oh oh my best customers how wonderful to see you again we can't breathe oh yes sorry so tell me how were your holidays tell me everything everything I was DJing at a super cool festival and there were so many people and I sang all the time and that magazine Julia was really amazing you guys about Trends and I found one that I really like and I thought that maybe you liked it too because my friends didn't like it very much look at this Uncle let me see this is wow incredible outstanding glitter is marvelous you think so I just love it what's my glitter of course it is we love glitter we have always loved it but I told you before and you said that yes glitter is so cool I want glitter but you said that it was to dress up as would you like to try that look on you yeah okay okay not so fast after me so a wintertime look wasn't it [Music] hmm something's going on here and you're going to tell me well maybe she's sad because of what we said about Glitter you see Julia showed us the glitter look before but we didn't pay much attention but why you do like it now well because Fabio said so he's our hairdresser the best in the world yes but Juliet is your friend and it's clear that the idea of the look came from her what you have done is very wrong you're right VIP Pets should always support each other [Music] hi Julia what are you doing are you okay you left the hair salon so sad and left us very worried it's just that that like me anymore your friends are waiting for you and they're sadder than you really absolutely look Julia [Music] all we did was so wrong Juliet you're the only one who deserves the glitter look you discovered it and you shared it with all of us you're the best VIP pet will you forgive us of course you're my best friends come on Juliet come back here You're Gonna Shine I will try the new glitter twist look on you [Music] glitter style listen don't you think that this glitter look is so cool that we could uh I mean uh try it you mean on ourselves um it's not a bad idea let's go and now to finish oh my diploma Uncle you're the best I would be nobody without you and our VIP Pets friends and what can I say about our new glitter looks they're so incredible I love them wow but what is that it's glitter isn't it I think I love it look how it shines so sparkly oh I need a bet I'm gonna paint you're a drama queen that dog is too much foreign [Applause] [Music] I can't find it are you sure you didn't leave it somewhere else no I'm sure it's here it has to be here really there are so many wonders in the sea hey you can't leave trash on the beach huh what is this let's see oh we're starfish don't worry I'm gonna free you but where is it where is it gone huh oh no but you can't stay here you have to go back to the Sea we are the coolest pets with the passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] Stella and the star [Music] meditation hi sorry to bother you huh my name is Stella By the way hi Stella I'm Nila how can I help you well you see I have a starfish Tangled in my hair and I can't take it off could you give me a paw you're very nervous the first thing you have to do is to relax breathe in and out but you are very spiritual right but also vain because you are meditating on a new hairstyle wow you have powers how do you know that you just met me they're not Powers just intuition I love it I have to introduce you to my friends they're going to love you Hello friends I just met Stella and she needs our help to save a star a dog's a winter from Talking a world famous skateboard star a movie star no a starfish huh a starfish come to the beach and I'll explain my horoscope says that today I will meet a star will it be a movie star or a pop music star a Fabius hair tie oh I think I got dizzy what are you doing Mila I'm watering this starfish so it doesn't get dry and sick yes I texted Taylor and she told me that she's surfing in Australia oh hi friends she's Stella and she can predict what you think and how you are try she finds out everything I don't really what am I thinking of um you're thinking of your friend Taylor who's gonna win many trophy surfing oh yes wow what about me can you guess hmm oh it's something sweet uh a cupcake you have powers if I had powers I would have predicted that I was gonna get a starfish stuck in my hair don't you think uh hey I'm sorry do you really think this is going to work of course it is you'll see oh uh impossible there's no way I'll have to keep the starfish stuck in my hair forever Stella I've got an idea the only ones who can save you are Fabio and Fabia so handsome Uncle thank you my horoscope said that today I will meet another star awesome then I'll have to get ready too by the way have you seen my new hair tie I can't find it anywhere the hair tie no I haven't seen it where could it be it's here don't be afraid it's super fun how fun wow Fabio how stylish what have you done to yourself I have done my hair very carefully because today I have a date with a star wow yes he looks terrific I'd like to try a tied up look but I can't find my hair Ty Hi friend Hi Kiara well I'm sure that Stella will find out me do you know where my hair tie is well um you should look where Kara keeps her toys I didn't think about that Fabia maybe she's wrong uh I'm sure she's wrong oh thank you perfect tied up look done and why are you so sad Stella well I was at the beach and it was a lovely day then I went to pick up some trash that someone had left there and all of a sudden the star appeared the star where where she's talking about a sea star oh she performs in the sea at the beach how will her hair be will she need a special product for the sand oh no nothing of that a starfish got tangled in her hair what oh so that was the star from my horoscope but do not despair we're going to free it so it can go back to the Sea yes Mission saving the starfish to release the starfish I'll use the seaweed conditioner thank you [Music] [Music] mermaid style thank you friends not only did you fix my hair and save the little starfish but you also nailed it I love this new look and sorry I didn't want to expose you don't worry it's just a hair tie let's take the starfish Back to the Sea now that you don't have my hair tie I've got a surprise for you here Kiara the hair dye oh I know where it is Kiara has it it's okay Uncle don't worry about that by the way Uncle what a great job you didn't meet a star but you have saved one it's true I'm a hero little starfish was very happy to get back to the sea oh with so much trash around other starfish could also get trapped yes let's clean this up before something bad happens again we still haven't found it wait a minute I think I left it at home really lily look at what a mess we made what a shame I have an idea let's go and clean too yes hi VIP Pets are you gonna mess up the beach again sorry we were looking for something but it turns out that Lily left it at home then we saw you cleaning and we went to help you're an inspiration we're sorry will you forgive us sure girls you know what I can guess things too the VIP Pets are going to have a new member Stella [Music] good morning lamb City we have a new venue to host the best talent show in the world can you guess yes ready to show your skills before the most famous Talent judges the talent show in Glam City JB Savannah Samira and Kelly Sherry thanks to my friends they're gonna freak out we are the coolest pets with the passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] lights camera and Bollywood just wonderful these hair extensions are the best invention incredible color balanced weight level 10 resistance yes they can withstand the weight of an elephant without detaching we will try these extensions on our next client we'll be famous I mean even more famous maybe you should read the instructions first instructions are very overrated well maybe I'm not as experienced as you are but dear niece I will teach you focus on the extension B the extension take it according to the instructions they are very delicate we are geniuses we don't need any instructions to the washing Zone quick [Music] the town show in Glam City Savannah and Samira and Glam City and Kelly cherry and JB it's our best chance to show how talented we are what if we meditate about it and listen to the sound of wave great the beach is the perfect place to practice our skills [Music] how are you doing girls I'm on fire posting pictures commenting creating stories I'm so concentrated it will be an awesome street art I love it take it easy Focus okay let me think playlist for the talent come on yes huh what is that music wow amazing that dog is so talented we have to talk to her let's go [Music] uh to your right oh no no left no no no wait oh wait ah super resistant extension and super delicate it has already curled with so much movement Fabia listen to the expert concentrate are you ready huh twist twist twist Okay jump jump hi what you're doing is so cool and that music what is it what's your name you really have to go to the talent show if you let me I'll make you famous in a Flash here I am Maya I have to go nice to meet you huh why'd she go away maybe we were too excited and she got scared by the way what kind of dance is that Maya dances like in the Bollywood movies sometimes hundreds of people dance at the same time the music is from India I love it but why did she leave maybe we were so passionate about meeting her that we overwhelmed her well in that case we must find Maya and apologize let's split Maya is incredible watching her dance it's magical hi Maya hi uh bye bye Maya wait a perfect selfie [Music] oh my head sorry it's you yes but I can't my off wait hi Gigi Gigi Stella Maya I'm so tired Maya the music you dance is great with some arrangements and good beats you would have a hit for the talent show I was looking for you we just love how you dance what if we take a moment to talk don't you ever give up if we had done things my way we wouldn't be like this now no no way you have to read the instructions always we're like this because of you Uncle now look we can't even move and we're [Music] no no you're absolutely right I should have read the instructions teardrops dissolve the glue finally good news I love you so much we're sorry Maya maybe we were too insistent and a little bossy too but you answer well I you should go to the challenge calm down but I just can't go to the talent show but why uh I'm sorry it's just that I'm not as good as you think you're kidding you dance so well just watch the video we recorded at the beach without you even noticing but you just don't get it I can't dance when there's people watching I feel so intimidated we must do something but how can we help her she needs more confidence the problem is that she gets nervous when she notices that there's people around when she dances right wait I think I've got an idea to start [Music] this way surprise but what is all this here's your audience so you could practice we made it together for you do you like it I love it come on let's do it and there's still another surprise left Maya another one yeah your friends have told us how special you are really of course they have asked us to comb your hair so that you can look like a superstar we'll try our super glitter twist look on you are you ready let's go [Music] thank you [Music] dance style good morning Glam City this new season of the talent show will be one of the best ever ever because of the high level of this year's contest Maya are you ready to be a part of the show yes being yourself and dancing to your own beat is the best thing in the world and of course my new friends come on VIP Pets everyone ready to shine at the talent show yeah [Music] hello everybody today we're gonna talk about Alexia the new talent show contested who decided to participate thanks to the encouragement of our Inseparable friends to show her talent for street art well thanks I've been informed that we have an exclusive connection with Alexia tell me Alexia are you happy to participate in the talent show after having brought so much joy and color to your city foreign okay uh certainly very wise words yeah back to the studio we are the coolest pets with the passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] the street art Queen Alexia aren't you nervous you'll be the first one of us to participate in the talent show nervous it's not a big deal remember to say hi and ask Jamie for a picture he's so be careful trust me your hair will be super cool with my new street art look you will look so fantastic like Madame la la [Music] oh what a disaster my friend uh I have to tell you something that everyone has told me not to tell you well don't tell me then all right okay I'll tell you last night I had a dream you were in it you were happily painting but suddenly a huge Dark Cloud appeared Stella we told you not to say anything do you want to scare her don't worry that doesn't scare me I've been doing street art since I was a little puppy nothing will stop me now well said hooray Alexia for your trust friends I hope nothing bad happens [Music] it's trendy and Glam City look at the state it's awesome isn't it but let's not forget about our celebrity judges the coolest dogs in the world JB the tnh pop sensation hello everybody how are you doing are you ready for the show the funniest and coolest Diva around I love you followers kisses and of course Savannah so passionate and tough don't mess with her thank you thank you and last but not least Samira our last Supernova no dog moves their hips like her my rhythm those are alive and Now ladies and Gentlemen let's make some noise to welcome Alexia the queen of streetcars hi hello thank you [Applause] last night I had a dream you were happily painting but suddenly a huge Dark Cloud appeared foreign [Applause] [Music] but let's see what our judges have to say I don't know I thought that Alexia style was different I think it's a bit dark I think that I can see some light and all that Darkness yeah that's cool I'm with you Savannah I'd like to see the artists in her own authentic style you go to the next round do you agree yeah it's a yes from me Alexia you made it to the finals finals yes but I was very nervous I Only Could See dark clouds everywhere oh postal you shouldn't have told her anything about your dreams I just you need to stop believing in superstitions right Alexia your talent is the only thing that matters your VIP pet it's raining cats and dogs maybe that's what Stella's dream was all about well maybe don't worry girls what's important here is that Alexia made it to the finals so now we're gonna try a mind-blowing look on her so she gets inspired something very colorful to bring her bright and vibrant style back what do you think oh yeah yeah well if you think so huh what happened here so messy but colorful oh I've got an idea trust me [Music] [Music] street art style Alexia I'm sorry I didn't want that storm to take you by surprise and ruin your artwork there's nothing to be sorry about I'm confused uh to be honest I've never had a single dream that has come true I think I'm very intuitive but that doesn't mean I can predict the future Stella you don't realize but your true power is being such a good friend although sometimes you're wrong you always try to help we don't need any magic if we're friends we are the VIP Pets Alexia thank you you're a very good friend too always together it's so cool to be a VIP pet [Music] and now ready for the final round here she comes our street art artist Alexia hmm [Music] here is my tribute to friendship which is the true magic incredible so cool well that's the real Alexia style I love it congratulations Alexia you've always been an artist but now you're a superstar yes let's celebrate this special moment with this cake I made it specially for you you see this Dark Cloud I love it hey careful tomorrow I have a yoga class now I'll try a hair look as beautiful as Alexia's street art the Corpus look is unique Uncle we'll have to see that no I don't want to oh leave me alone don't talk to me now I'm inspired wow I'm going to keep it forever my uncle that look is the color boost my color boost did you steal my idea no I didn't well maybe a little just a little uh okay I did hey you know I think it will look good on us too [Music] I love VIP Pets the spinning somersault and now the ultimate backflip oh what is this the talent show could be a good opportunity to go back to ice skating competitions with a passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] ice skating Talent let's see Focus eyes what's the deal with ice I was just thinking that it would be fantastic to create an ice inspired hairstyle I'm cool just thinking about it uh anyway Uncle we're going to the talent show don't be late okay dry ice or wet eyes and now Here Comes our favorite host Wanda hello and welcome back to Plant City are You Ready for today's performance huh it's so cold at least I have my hot tea and huh are you cool too would you like some tea no it's not that ah you're a contestant that's why you're trembling you're nervous I'm Fabia and who are you I'm Bianca I'm participating in the competition in the ice skating category and yes I am very nervous don't worry I'm sure you'll do great it's more complicated than that Fabia I once was a great skater until something happened what happened I was hard to participate in the dog Olympics and uh to impress the judges I tried one of the most dangerous moves in the ice skating world the backboard somersault but I didn't get enough momentum I wasn't fast enough then goodbye skating so since that day you have never ice skated again not in competitions but I love it it's my passion that's why when I saw the talent show poster the other day I decided that it was time to go back on stage well let's break the ice with our first contestant oh it's time you have to perform I will cheer you on from the bleachers come on [Music] I will make you wait any longer let's welcome Bianca foreign [Music] is taking her time to come out will she be frozen they're waiting for you Here We Go Again Come On Let's Make some noise for Bianca so where do I find some ice now ah video call hi Kiara gave me your number I'm her cousin ah you're shiara they've told me a lot about you I will visit you soon but first I would like to ask you some things sure whatever you need I'm gonna listen so I don't forget anything Oh Mamma Mia she's got style and her face looks familiar I have never seen her before I'm sure I would remember those elegant moves otherwise I will fail like last time and they will laugh at me or even worse I will hurt myself it's better to quit I'll pretend that I fall and that's it it really hurts is it serious not at all are you sure yes I think you should see her in the Grand Final but don't say that I don't want to we've decided that you deserve to be at the final S I still can't remember where I've seen her on TV at the supermarket [Music] I will finally be able to try my ultra Frozen gel permafrost 2000 it only needs the Magic Touch of the stage the ice from the skating rink is the best one in the world just one little Spoonful will be enough my hair now what uh it's too heavy if you keep letting your fear paralyze you you will end up giving up on your passion and it's a shame because if skating is your dream you shouldn't stop doing it hey I know who you are you're Bianca the skater when I was little I followed your career I'm so glad you came back to compete thank you but I'm not very confident I'm afraid of hurting myself again I've got an idea trust me hahaha [Music] this is where I got this cool hairstyle this looks perfect on you come on Bianca I will try a color boost look that you're gonna love [Music] [Music] ice skater Style wow it's awesome but but what put fear aside if we spend the day thinking about what may happen we end up doing nothing you look great have friends who support you and remember the most important thing why did you start ice skating because I'm so happy doing it there you have it ah the phone hi Sierra hi Fabio I just called to thank you for your advice in a few days I'll arrive in Glam City uh what happened to your hair well just a little mess with some gel something similar happened to me in Alaska you know what you can use to break the ice an ice pick bye Fabio an ice pick uh let's see where I can find one ah thanks for the advice I'll try it [Applause] [Music] yes good yeah [Applause] come on Bianca you can do it [Music] you have it girl you really have it what Talon you're one of our winners [Applause] can someone give me a hand it broke At Last I fixed my hair but what's more important Bianca you made it I think that Bianca may use your Delta practice Uncle Fabio she could create an ice rink with it foreign [Music] special talent show Edition please welcome Mila with her yoga Style Show hello [Music] um thank you [Music] to refinely relaxing in a serious but peaceful it gave me chills thank you yes congratulations how amazing you made it to the final round Namaste friends you did great girl I think I'm gonna fade looks like you've seen a ghost Nila come on girls let's give her some air did you see that JB just winked at me hello we are the coolest pets with a passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] Mila's crush the best music for Halloween is pop it takes your fears away oh no way disco music is way better come on don't start again do you feel butterflies what I know what's going on I think someone's in love with Davey of course not just because I have all his records went to all his concerts and my house is all covered with his posters well also because you passed out when he winked at you happy Halloween that's nonsense well maybe okay I love him well you better not faint on stage at the finals though do you think that could happen no tonight's the talent show final party and Fabio hasn't come to pick up his costume yet and why don't you call him I've called him so many times but he won't pick up and of course I sent him a lot of messages and nothing maybe he's working in a kitten hair salon and that's why he doesn't answer I don't know but I'm just gonna fill his phone with skulls and vampires everywhere so I can get his attention it's Halloween [Music] I've always been a very laid-back dog but now I'm so nervous because of JB don't worry so much the VIP Pets the final is in a few hours time we have to find a way to help her let's see everyone think Hmm when I perform I visualize the judges in the funniest way possible and that relaxes me a lot I've got it uh you can visualize JB wearing a clown nose or maybe with a funny hat all right JB cupcake good idea maybe not it didn't work this can only be fixed by Fabio and Fabia [Music] well there you are Neil is performing tonight and are do no problem I'll be there in five minutes I hi girls I'm here you told me five minutes and it's been an hour what were you doing I was uh just uh busy with uh some stuff what stuff uh oh Nila you look sad what's the matter I love JB uh just a little huh and I get so nervous when I see him that I faint say no more what you need is a new look that boosts your confidence [Music] foreign style look at you you came to this world to be a star even bigger than that JB anyway famous people are normal people just like you and me no one is better or worse just for being famous with this color boost look I got my confidence back now time to rehearse for tonight's show thank you well I must leave I still need to finish some stuff again tonight's the party with all the winners I'll be there the scariest costume is Panther woman not even close the most terrifying costume ever is a dentist costume because dentists are real the most terrifying costume is you you're a pain hello everybody Welcome to the best talent show in the world and now let's make some noise for Anila our yoga Artist silent silent wow very Zen she reminds me of the lotus flower it looks like she's going to float at any moment wow incredible she brings peace and Harmony you're telling me I'm so relaxed right now I love it I've already made my decision wow those moves an outstanding performance Bravo Nero you're the winner of your category Namaste what a style Mila [Music] oh did you see that she winked at me she did yeah congrats Nila your wink went viral you are so relaxed in what poses you're as flexible as rubber Namaste girls can I have your autograph please please Mila and her friends the VIP Pets chase their dreams they never gave up and they succeeded in the talent show after so much effort but Above All by being themselves well done girl boom now you have scared me you think uh he'll be on time for the party I'm sure he will my uncle has never missed a Halloween party huh hi everyone meet our hair wagon now the VIP Pets are famous they'll have to attend many events what about touring together it's so beautiful this must be shared now I get it that's why you were so busy lately Uncle uh yes I wanted to surprise you you're the best uncle in the world okay okay my favorite niece but don't hug me so hard careful with my hair oh I love VIP Pets today spring begins and so does the VIP pet store we got an exclusive interview with them how do you feel very nervous I'm shaking like a plan for everybody [Music] well I guess we'll have to try Julius flawns let's take a break when I'm back I'll tell you how good they were hello we are the coolest pets with the passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] VIP Pets World Tour they're delicious hi VIP Pets I just saw you on Instagram good luck with the tour we're gonna need it I hope that the show goes well as soon as you step on stage your nerves will disappear remember my advice I'll see you all very soon amazing Kelly Cherry wishes good luck to the VIP Pets you've got the exclusive on my Instagram profile I can't wait for Fabio and Fabia to come with the hair wagon what are they doing she's my cousin shiara although she's like a sister to me hello everybody ciao hola hello hello she can greet you in many languages because she's traveled all over the world she's a Globetrotter ah I've seen your travel blog I love it what a joy to finally meet you in person shiara but how is that you know each other I had some problems with my hair and she helped me on video call by the way I can't wait to meet the VIP Pets you've told me so many things about them I hope they like me sure they will they're lovely oh no this is okay they don't pick up chosen help to stay focused which is what we artists need before going out on stage are you ready for the hair wagons made in Voyage three two one [Music] what's wrong will it be the battery let's see if I can find a tutorial how's the internet supposed to know what's wrong with the hair wagon I'll just check that everything's all right in the outside I've got it before starting you have to depress the clutch are you sure yes I am just do it [Music] oh no my hair it seems that you rolled in the mud I can't meet the VIP Pets like this first impressions are really important I'll try an exclusive and special look color boost let's go the perfect excuse to use the hair wagon salon for the first time [Music] thank you traveler Style wow you look better than ever the VIP Pets will be shocked I hope so breaking news it looks like the VIP Pets tour is in danger they may not be in time for their first show I can take any of my real Paws nails at last here they come sorry for the delay but driving a hair wagon's not like riding a bike apparently you can forget let me introduce you to do the cousin shiara she wanted to meet us hi VIP Pets wow I love your hair I love it too but if we don't leave now we're gonna be late for a show we will disappoint no way hurry everyone get in the hair wagon they didn't recognize me for my travel blogs don't worry they're just too nervous what if you give them a clue what a good idea off we go and now what have you stepped on the accelerator according to the tutorial according to the tutorial the tutorial says [Music] okay what does the tutorial say you've got the handbrake on oops Alexia I love your pictures you know on one of my trips to Paris I took a course in abstract art bruh abstract art is so overrated you know something on one of my trips to Los Angeles I tried some colorful cupcakes what about food right now that's about the tours that I have a steak ah okay sorry I had a vision we'll make it on time great yes please I feel better now oh I'm trying to keep calm but where are you you forgot about her turn on Fabio what now we won't make it let's see uh the GPS shows the shortcut came straight for 500 miles I know there's no any other option I need to relax stress is so bad for meditation [Music] together when we get to the show we're gonna try excuse me sorry Make Way Uncle to take the shortcut you have to turn left and then never make it goodbye to my Bollywood career that's it friends this is the end of the famous VIP Pets where are we going to to Pittsfield theater it was the best place for our show premiere there are so many daisy flowers daisy flowers are that way through that Alleyway we don't fit yes we do [Music] are you all okay yes perfect a bit dizzy the best thing is that we arrived just in time and all thanks to Sierra what a smell you have and what sense of direction how did you do it well I've traveled all around the world but of course you're shiara the famous Globetrotter vlogger oh you look familiar we just had to perform an emergency makeover you're a great addition for the tour really of course you love Adventure like us you have an incredible hairstyle and you can help us not to get lost come on Wanda let's get ready you're the best wingman in the world I would never have thought about going through that Alleyway you're so brave thanks Uncle Fabio the show is about to begin but before let's welcome the new member of the VIP Pets the adventurer Sierra [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you I love the IP test [Music] Lookers Here Comes one I'm sure she's here because she's gonna live stream do you think she's gonna present Bob you and Bobby's Hair wagon I hi girls good morning Glam City stay tuned because Maya is working on a Bollywood style super dance and I'm sure she'll be looking for some assistance hey that's a secret hello we are the coolest pets with a passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] the secret but why did she have to tell it was a surprise I told her not to say anything Keep Calm sometimes it's hard to tell when someone's telling you a secret and breaking news from our favorite painter me looks like a certain Glam City artist the thinking of painting a huge mural hey that was also a secret Savannah always uses it it keeps hair in place for two days two days I'm sure I can make it last for three days I just have to use my secret ingredient Uncle stop it we must get the hair wagon ready for the upcoming Wanda live streaming there's enough time for everything anyway my secret ingredient always works [Music] hey that's my favorite song and that'll be recipes are you sure you made it clear that those were Secrets I told her Wanda this is a secret you can't tell anyone well you definitely made it clear did she keep a secret from now on no one tells her anything else okay [Music] but what have you done you just pulled amazing yes my formula works even the jar got stuck to my hands it's the strongest hair fixer Uncle you have to tell us the secret ingredient so we can unstick it from your hands never it's a secret my secret as you wish but Wanda's next streaming will be from the hair wagon and you can't go live with that jar glue to your hands oh no it'll be like this for three days what do I do now yoga how wonderful would you like to eat something and catch up what are you doing here uh nothing I don't know do you do you want to know it what for um bye huh hi Mila would you like to chat for a while well I'm just now I'm meditating um um and they're all acting very weird it's like if they don't want to talk to me you don't want to talk to me either okay uh listen they're angry because you don't know how to keep a secret that's why they don't want to talk to you because they think they'll tell everything they'll tell you um so that was it oh sorry but these cookies are so good [Music] tell us what's the secret ingredient so we can help you no it's a secret my secret but you need help silence is my middle name oh Wanda's live streaming will be a disaster at last I've been looking for you Julia told me everything I didn't know it was so important or a secret it was wrong it won't happen again I will never tell any other secret uh like the one JB has just told me about how he keeps his hair you'll see it's wonderful you're telling a secret again oh sorry I'm a mess I'll go live with the joggers in my hands I won't be able to cut anyone's hair again oh what is this it smells like lemon I love lemon and it works how did you do it well I'm a formula genius and I also called grandpa who told me the secret ingredient of the family's hair fixing ah thank goodness you're here nice and now let's get the hair wagon ready for Wanda's live streaming did it go well I just told another secret and I don't know what can I do to apologize come on you didn't do it on purpose sure you'll find a way to mend it trust yourself you want a cookie you're so good oh the live streaming from the hair wagon is gonna be a disaster wand is very sad and so are we friends need to know how to keep secrets yes and they also have to forgive yes maybe we've been too tough we should get forgive her yes I have to be brave and apologize so my friends can trust me again look Wanda here's the washing Zone The Runway and here you can take selfies like a professional but now they're so mad that they won't even listen to me why don't you send them a message during the live stream hey that's a great idea but what if I get too nervous what if I don't know what to say don't worry you'll do fine we have the perfect recipe to apologize in owning your mistakes Fabian Fabio's color boost super look [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] City live from Fabio and fabia's hair wagon a hair salon on Wheels with all the Comforts where you can get the best looks like this color boost look they just made for me isn't it cool but uh do you know who else was here too the winners of the talent show Alexia Maya Gwen Juliet Bianca who apart from being great artists they are the best friends in the world and girls I'm so sorry for having told your secret oh she's so cute and what a cool hairstyle she's wearing come on girls we have to go and tell her that we accept her apologies bye Wanda and thanks for the video um we've been looking for you for hours yes we saw your apology on TV and uh we think that it's not right that you're alone we should have talked to you friends take care of each other they show support even when someone's wrong you're a very good friend and you look incredible wow we love you Wanda oh thank you you know what I have to tell you a secret Wanda come on it's nothing bad it's just that I've got the best friends in the world and I love them we love you too [Music] we're having a great time what will you do after the tour I think you deserve a break ready the hair on the floor will tell us the hair I can tell the future just by looking at it you'll see it's clear that this hair piece forms a ladder and this one here looks like a person going under it it all indicates that today we're gonna have bad luck what I'm performing today we are the coolest pets with the passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] the lucky curler bad luck no no no my Christmas show but Gwen it's Destiny it's written in the stars in the sky and in this hair on the floor but you know I only read about this on the internet maybe it's not entirely true exactly bad luck doesn't exist there's nothing worse than obsessing over bad luck I just think that oh well maybe I was wrong bad luck does exist oh no I have been invited to an amazing Christmas DJ event and now I'm sure that everything will go wrong the speakers will break oh forget the music at home hi everyone Hi why do you look so serious and where's Fabio I need a makeover just one minute I'm coming oh no Stella has predicted that today will be an unlucky day just by looking at the hair on the floor but don't worry bad luck doesn't exist but if it comes look it'll find me singing and dancing careful foreign sorry you see bad luck is all around us it's following us that's nonsense but Gwen if you're taking it seriously why don't you look for a lucky charm it'll bring you good luck you're right come on Gwen pick one there's nothing here that can serve as a lucky charm are you sure look at that necklace over there it's so cute well it's cute but it's not a lucky charm that will change my bad luck I think it's great great is how my show was supposed to be but now it will be terrible when there take a look [Music] horseshoes bring good luck great girls I think we finally found our lucky someone just bought it see what what else could happen to me bad luck is everywhere a hair curler that's it good luck you think so uh of course uh you didn't find the curler it's the curler who found you this is your lucky charm jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way to show your lucky charm to Fabio and Fabio right shiara come on Gwen hurry with my lucky curler nothing that could happen you lucky curler let's go hi VIP beds you came just in time to see the Christmas lights switch on ready oh I give up these lights don't work I'll return them you see it's all bad luck wait a minute oh I lost the receipt and this is really bad luck oh we're definitely jinxed Gwen it's no time for drama we have to go ready yes yes let's go destination Gwen's Christmas DJ show listen Gwen this is not just a simple hairdo it's much more it's a color boost look and we're gonna use the curler that brings good luck so everything's gonna be all right I hope so I need it bad luck doesn't exist either way we're almost already but I haven't had my hair done yet relax Gwen we're almost there it's almost done a bit more [Music] no breaking a mirror means seven years of bad luck I'm not able to carry on like this and I don't have the receipt everything is my fault come on Gwen there's no time to lose let's work on this lucky curler look okay yeah [Music] foreign DJ Style wow you can barely see the curler I want to touch it uh it's perfect the way it is don't touch it or you'll mess up your hair [Music] myself and now time for DJ Gwen [Music] foreign [Music] this has to be bad luck I knew that Gwen could do it yes it's so cool a Christmas selfie for Instagram wait for us [Music] look DJ Gwen is trending topic everywhere lucky curler did work Gwen the curler didn't give you good luck it was you you did great simply because you believed in yourself actually you didn't wear any lucky curler in your hair during the show because you don't need it but I just made you believe in yourself there's no better luck than that well that and the color boost which helps too thank you Fabia uh Fabio what's wrong I could use the lucky charm too everything is a complete disaster don't worry Uncle you'll make it we have a surprise for you oh nothing I can love anymore ah I love it I love it Merry Christmas thank you so much my Lucky Charms are you I love you so much uh don't worry I have the receipt [Music] it's so hot huh luckily there's a little tree here it's time High pet followers the VIP Pets Are Back In Our beloved Glam city after having participated in ah what's going on with the trees hello we are the coolest pets with the passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] SOS trees they're chopping down the trees supermarkets trees Supermarket what are you talking about they they they're building a supermarket and removing the trees [Music] this hair salon looks like a jungle but they look beautiful what are these little trees Bonsai nice they're tiny trees it's an ancient Japanese tradition taking care of them brings peace to the body and the mind I don't know how you can talk about peace with this chaos because they're making me nervous oh no they're removing the palm trees I have to share the news clam City needs to know what's going on here Wanda's streaming live Hey look it's Wanda the dog Porter today unfortunately they have already started to remove some palm trees and tomorrow they will continue I'll keep you updated on this tragic news but why do they want to remove them trees provide shade I love the relaxing sound of the Cool Breeze shaking their leaves ah so wonderful sorry we haven't introduced ourselves I'm Stella oh oh I'm Jasmine and my name is Daisy nice to meet you we are very concerned about the Trees of Glam City we really love nature well we have to think of something so they stop removing them this is a real problem I'm not sure we can stop this madness just by ourselves an Avenue without trees I know let's record a video for the city council telling them that we do not want them to remove the trees but we're gonna need some support from many citizens friends we must save the Trees of Glam City please share this video with everyone we need to get at least 100 likes so the council listens to us nobody is paying attention oh one like it's mine huh but you'll see you'll get more like soon I need something else to get everyone's attention I've got it I'm here with Daisy and Jasmine two flower and perfume expert dogs who just arrived in Glam City to share with us everything they know but I can tell you're sad we're sad because they're going to remove the Trees of Glam City so all the dogs who are watching me please search lady shishi's video and give it a thumbs up it's very important to get at least 100 likes so the council listens to us and stops the construction of the supermarket please please do it for the trees come on lady Gigi cheer up the Jasmine and Daisy's message work hmm well I have two more likes but both of them are from the mini fans one more that was mine it's so sad hi VIP Pets hey what's with those beautiful flowers and they smell so good it's so wonderful what nature gives us at least we still have flowers [Music] ah yes they smell so good girls I know what to do to get more likes Follow Me Wait [Music] [Applause] wow so many trees they're not just trees they're Bonsai and who are these two little dogs let me introduce Daisy and Jasmine they know a lot about flowers I just saw you on the news did you get all the likes you need to save the trees not yet but I just had an idea I need a super look to attract attention so people know what's happening and I thought that maybe you could use Daisy and Jasmine's flowers don't tell me more I know I'll make a wonderful look and with these flowers I'll create my next invention a Jasmine and Rose's natural scented shampoo a total success you're right Uncle with this look you'll get much more attention for nature support [Music] [Music] influencer Style so we're gonna call this hairstyle spring Vibes I'm a I'm a G sorry [Music] and now let's save the trees this is a message to all my pet followers do you like my new look it's made with real flowers aren't they beautiful nature gives us wonderful things and very useful too I will post several tutorials about the special qualities that flowers have very soon but now I need your support let's save the Trees of Glam City and uh now what now we have to wait you're doing it Lady GiGi you're getting lots of likes I can't believe it it's working we're gonna make it look even Savannah Kelly cherish JB and Samira watched it you have to follow lady JiJi and share everything she posts to save the Trees of Glam City it's so cool come on we'll make it to [Music] more than 200 likes and Counting I'll go to City Hall straight away ah I finished at last Uncle you made it and not only have we made it but they're going to build a new park where they will celebrate the spring Vibes Festival so cool a park is just what glam City needs and speaking of parks Uncle don't you think the hair salon isn't the best place for so many Bonsai you're right Fabia let's give them for the new bark but we'll keep this one wow did you make that sure you know what I'm capable of with a pair of scissors you're a genius Uncle I am a genius oops sorry how does it feel to have achieved it and also being trendy with that super look Success is Not Just mine it's everyone we made it possible by joining forces and above all with the support of my friends the VIP Pets they're the best thank you [Music] great the scene to finally arrived just a little bit of water and now let's cover it with soil so cool these seeds will turn into flowers which are perfect to create special perfumes for the spring Vibes Festival the flower festival Daisy have you heard about the eclipse of wishes during the eclipse you can make any wish and it will come true well yes but this plant has a special flower that no one has ever seen open yes yes but this is a very rare Eclipse it only takes place once every 1 000 years oh look Julian it's coming out hello we are the coolest pets with the passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] we are together the eclipse wish it's the day of the eclipse the day of the eclipse it's the day of the eclipse the day of the eclipse girls I have already made my wish list wish list sure I already tell he tells you if you make your wishes during the eclipse they will come true my only wish is that you see this very special flower well see you later I have an appointment with Fabio okay but come back you don't want to miss the eclipse yeah sure but take care of my special flower good morning Uncle Fabio oh what a strong mixture of smells what are you doing smell I don't smell anything unusual uh I'm creating a new line of hair perfumes I want to showcase them all at the spring Vibes Festival what do you think but with that cold you have you can't smell anything uncle how many Aromas oh what is this smell my special perfume oh nothing Daisy my uncle's matters what about these beautiful flowers are they for the eclipse of wishes uh no so they must be for the Showcase of my new line of hair perfumes then uh no they are for you to make me a special look because this afternoon at the festival a flower that no one has ever seen will open it will be a unique moment wow these flowers would be great for a spring Vibes look don't you think well of course uh they're perfect for a special look but blow your nose first foreign [Music] [Music] I just got a cold too [Music] dizzy you look gorgeous thank you Fabio and Bobby have created this beautiful look for the festival but what will be really beautiful is this flower when it opens well yes and the eclipse of wishes will be beautiful too which by the way is about to start I already have my wish list ready for the eclipse it's going to be great hmm I wish they would pay more attention to my flower instead of the eclipse Hey look it's opening already girls girls it's happening yeah yeah Daisy the eclipse first I'm so sleepy but why aren't you are they all sleeping I can't take this cold anymore it's terrible oh what a beautiful flower aren't you they all fell asleep and they're gonna miss the eclipse it's my fault what so nobody is gonna smell my hair perfumes then because they are my masterpiece here smell Fabio not now I can't smell anything how come oh wait a minute of course now I get it didn't smell properly just like me that's why we didn't fall asleep the problem lies in this flower smell so are you what do we do I don't know but this flower is dangerous that's why no one has ever seen it open because they all fall asleep okay then I think the only way to fix this is by getting to the root of the problem I don't want to look I'm sorry oh I can't poor little plant it's so cute oh no the eclipse of Wishes the Moon is about to completely block the Sun and they're gonna miss it it's my fault you have to help me wake them up Fabio this is no time to sleep foreign [Music] there's no way they won't wake up everything's my fault what can I you have to make your wishes huh of course it's the eclipse of wishes I wish my friends wake up no my my special perfumes oh what's going on look Fabio the aroma of your perfumes is waking them up I slept so well what happened to the eclipse of wishes well it's uh already over what what do you mean it's over I wanted to see it me too I wanted to make a wish girls I'm sorry but I have to tell you something my plans it's really beautiful what an awesome flower I love it but girls don't you mind having missed the eclipse who wants an eclipse when you have the super flower and I want a perfume that was my idea this is one of the best moments of the spring Vibes Festival [Music] [Music] oh what's that over there [Music] ah those are the seats that oh [Music] how cool 15 my favorite number thank goodness we bought the last one do you think we will win sure the prize will be ours spending the evening with our Idols JB Savannah Kelly cherry and Samira at the spring Vibes Festival are you sure there are no tickets left I'm sorry but that was the last one no but don't be so sad here look how beautiful there is always a reason to smile wow dude thank you so much Nila see it's easy they're happy now well anyway I hope we win the prize we have to keep the ticket in a safe place don't lose it don't worry this afternoon I have an appointment with Fabio I'll see you later okay great see you later Nila here it'll be safe till the day of the raffle house passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots lots of pictures [Music] who am I take the ball Mila do you want to play with us I'm sorry but now I'm just please well okay let's play foreign and here in New York and here in Beijing wow you've really traveled a lot look Fabia I've brought this game to pass the time here at the salon it's a memory game memory on X Plus how cool I'm sure I'll beat you Mila hasn't arrived yet come on let's play in the meantime uh can I play with you too are you sure this game is meant for humans we have a better memory you know really won't you be afraid of losing against a little dog afraid come on let's play together Mila do you think you can jump over both of us in one jump yes I'm sure I can here I go [Music] well she definitely did yeah Mila are you okay who is Nila you are me who am I and uh who are you we're your friends the VIP Pets VIP what VIP it's our crew don't you remember no one can stop us cause we are together what about the raffle ticket we bought for the spring Vibes Festival do you remember I don't think now's the right time Alexia don't worry together we will help you recover your memory Nila Nila and host that one this is gonna be a tough mission how cute how cute she wait it's me but when was I wearing that great hairstyle of course it's you Nila you're wearing one of Fabio's special looks but who is Fabio [Music] is it a lot wait I think you're not doing it right you said you said remember what flowers they are your favorite I'm sure they'll help you remember who you are Nila [Music] I think I have too much stress I need to do some yoga um Mila sorry but do you remember the ticket for the raffle the one we bought together wait let me think yes I remember that we bought it together even the number it was uh 15. your favorite number that's it where do you have it I put it somewhere safe uh it wasn't where where let me think I don't know I have no idea I can't remember I R Kelly I'm so nervous and we're not even playing actually we are the fries who will win spending a whole day with us let's see and the winner of the spring Vibes Festival special prize is I'm so nervous 15. it's the winning number ah it's our number we won but where'd you put it Nila I can't remember I just know that I had an appointment at the hair salon maybe you left it there yes that's it I'm sure it'll be at Fabio's you're right let's go take your favorite flowers Nila I'm sure they'll help you remember let's see capital of Madagascar and to nanarito also known as Tana because of the people who live there you're really beating us and I've learned so much from my travels I see you did amazing Fabio have you seen a ticket for a raffle Mila can't remember where she put it what ticket I only know that I forgot about neela's appointment come on with this new super look you're recovering your memory you'll see [Music] oh [Applause] lucky Style wow what a look you look incredible and about the ticket you remember now don't you I don't no idea but I really love this look wow wow Nila you look spectacular I want that look too what is it called it's the spring Vibes look 15. yes I knew I kept it somewhere in my collar of course congratulations let's go get the prize wait give me the ticket just a sec Alexia yes sure but what for here take enjoy it no no no no no no no wow thank you so much you're welcome but why Alexia I have remembered that rather than spending the evening with my Idols I prefer to do it with my friends the most important thing is to have good friends and we are the best ones we're VIP Pets calm down you need to relax inhale exhale oh [Music] I love VIP Pets you need to be watered Oh what a beautiful butterfly you know something I also like freshly watered flowers stay still I'm gonna share you on Insta dog oh yes my dog will be so happy when she sees these new candies I just bought for her look is that a candy oh yes oh this is so good it's mine but wait a minute I saw it first look I better keep it in my house and if you want to lick it anytime you can come and and why not in my house well then we should find a place that we both like and keep it there okay yes okay it's not bad but you can still see it what if you pull that lever that's it perfect careful let's make sure no one sees us here we are the coolest pets with the passion for hair we are best friends and together we have lots of Adventures [Music] operation brings back water what's wrong are you prepping it yes but just one drop this is very strange there's no water coming out I'm so thirsty hi girls will you come to hear my speech on the wonders of flowers at the spring Vibes Festival of course yes what look are you gonna wear that's a secret you'll see hello no no no no no this is terrible what's the matter there's no water no tap Works without water we can't make your look no [Music] it's so good yes there's no water here either and if it doesn't come back soon all the plants will dry up what will happen with the festival it will be a dessert design I need help quick [Music] having no water won't be an excuse to do a hairstyle this amazing dry shampoo is just great huh but that's very stiff uncle video call if there's no water there won't be any spring Vibes Festival without water it will be disastrous just like your looks excuse me without water it's impossible to work properly wait a minute I've got an idea if there's no water coming out of the Taps I'm sure we'll find it somewhere else let's start operation water [Music] water oh my God hey girls look [Music] oh Jasmine [Music] hey water [Music] it still doesn't work I'm so thirsty wait a minute water hey I filled that watering can for Savannah's hair highlights but I want it too and so do the plants of the spring Vibes Festival [Music] wait look there's water coming out water hey what are you doing here nothing and you nothing what if we try some more candy well okay uh isn't it smaller than before smaller no I think it's the same so should we try it yeah oh dear shower head we've shared so many Beautiful Moments together and now look at this ah we have water [Music] now it's my turn let's keep it so we can have more later you're right more for later what's wrong huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm not water again no there are so many plants to be watered and soon I'll have to give my speech and I'll have to do it without my look don't worry about that Daisy has some flowers saved for an emergency and I'm sure that my uncle has collected some water or so I hope [Music] you came for your spring Vibes look right don't worry I've got plenty of water oops I had let's do your hair before I run out of water [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Festival Style [Music] hello everyone today was going to be a great party day but apparently we're currently having some issues with water are you sure you didn't like it there's almost nothing left well I came but not that often I'm sure you came more times no you did because plants are our friends huh thank you I've been so mean to you and me too are we friends friends wait a minute wow how beautiful this is amazing but a lot of water is being wasted though huh this foam is not good for dry cleaning but it's a great cement for pipes oh yeah [Music] together [Music] I love VIP Pets
Channel: V.I.P. in English
Views: 77,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster High, nickelodeon, monster high school, mattel, clawdeen, cleo de nile, lagoona, draculaura, dracula, frankie stein, frankenstein, abbey, ghoulia, monster, dolls, toy play, animated, monster high animated series, monster high reboot, reboot, toy, doll, doll play, paramount plus, paramount, cartoon for kids, made for kids, mattel creations, music, songs, werewolf, new character, new monster high, monster high animation, monster high cartoon, monster high movie, vip pets, vip girls, vip
Id: 4VUeEgAtVw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 35sec (5615 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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