Give Your NPCs Feelings and Personality Using Inworld AI - Unity Tutorial

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foreign [Music] how do you feel today oh I'm just absolutely thrilled today has been an absolute blast can't you tell by the look on my face just overflowing with joy and excitement absolutely ecstatic ha ha ha ha ha ha hello [Music] what do you want how do you feel today I don't care whoa why you are angry [Music] mind your own business no can you tell my viewers to subscribe to my channel [Music] no emotional damage hey there fellow Gamers and game developers today we are diving into the exciting world of in-world AI in unity engine we all know how important the MPC conversations are in the video games they bring depth to the virtual world shape the storyline and make gameplay memorable but hold on tight because with in-world AI we are taking NPC interactions to hold you a level of Awesomeness this Cutting Edge technology lets you create lifelike characters with unique personalities reacting to players choices just like real people and the best part is you don't need to be coding genius in this video we'll show you how to create your own NPC characters and personalities using the inward AI which sponsored this video and seamlessly integrate that into Unity engine or any other engines using their easy to use apis so if you are ready to revolutionize your game development with Dynamic and immersive NPC conversations let's get started on this incredible journey into the future of Gaming foreign World different in World create characters that have personality and understand the context of your conversation they will respond to you in a way that reflect their emotions through tone and body gestures they might be rude funny sarcastic or kind they can also memorize the conversation as a part of the responses and refer to backstory they can even adopt their responses according to the tone of voice or actions in a game so I'll show you step by step how to create your amazing NPC character and how to import it into Unity engine if you check the inward website they have a free generous plan that is enough to get started and learning much about this amazing AI once you logged in to inworld you will see the characters that you have created and also you can create new characters as you can see I've created for this video two characters the first one named Alice which we met at the beginning of this video then we met the Furious of the Oracle inside the cave you can see in the basic information you can set the name of the MPC character the traits the role in the game the stage of Life any alternative names to call this character hobbies and interests even if you can link it to Wikipedia if this character is real one and have an old history in the chord description you can give a general description of your character in the game so this description I got generated through charge EBT so Alice is cute and funny I just put General traits and chatibility generated for me this core description so Alice is a funny cute girl full of energy she's always cheerful and optimistic and something like that you can also mention the flows of the character so what this character afraid of or what the things that she is not good at for example I wrote here Alice is afraid to be alone after the loss of her parents another thing to add is that the motivations of your character so for Alice it's she is motivated by her desire to explore and have new adventures she is always looking for excitement and love discovering new things you can choose also the dialogue style they want it bubbly formal blunt commanding empathetic entertaining laid-back sarcastic and a lot of other dialogue Styles next you can put some dialogue examples some sentences that you want to mention or to try to keep the dialogue around them and finally you can choose the voice of your character if it's masculine feminine what is the age useful old middle aged and there are tons of voices that you can try of them so once you choose the voice you can listen to it I'm Alice you can choose another voice you can change the talking speed and Pitch to get different variations of character voices and now if we go to the advanced tab here we can specify more details about the character personality and mood so here you can determine what is the character traits by adding some main characteristics like funny kind-hearted introvert extrovert anything you imagine so in the mood you can control the character Mood by dragging these sliders between two values here it represents the sadness and joy the anger or fear disgust and Trust anticipation or surprise static emotion or dynamic static relationships or dynamic and for personality we can determine whether the character is positive or negative peaceful or aggressive cautious or open introvert or extrovert insecure or confident additionally here you can determine the knowledge of the character so it can realize the environment around it or any other characters to communicate with it or tell something about specific character or location here I mentioned that there is someone called zephyrus lives in the cave near the waterfall and that's how this character knew about the other character next we have the goals which triggers some context when something happened in the conversation so when the player tells some information we can trigger something in the game like open the door or next Quest or something by that I'll not go into details because this require a full detailed video about this Gold's feature and finally you determine this character in which Scene It exists and for that you need to go to the scenes section and create a new scene to describe what is this scene so you need to put the name of the scene in my case it was a fantasy forest and here is a simple description what is this scene about and this will help the character to get some information about where it is and what it's talking about so in the description here we are in the bright fantasy Forest where Alice and zephyrus lives the wise Oracle the Furious lives in the cave next to the waterfall so this gives additional information for your characters and now your character is ready to be imported to any other game engine or any supported games so you can import to Unity engine unreal Roblox Minecraft ndk node.js so we will test the unity integration once you click on Unity you will get the inward tutorial about that so you can go to the unity asset store and add the AI MPC engine dialogue and behavior for Unity inward you add it to your assets once you add it to your assets you go back to Unity to your Unity project which uses the built-in renderer go to the package manager and then choose my assets check for in world and import okay once in World Imported correctly you will see that there is a new tab called in world then you go to the studio panel and also the in World requires the text mesh Pro essential resources you can import that then you click on login and go back to the website click on integration you might need to use the API keys and the secret but you need also to generate Studio access token click generate copy the code go back to Unity paste it and click login it will welcome you then you need to select the work space I created already workspace called binary lunar then I'll choose my key and the in-world scene it will load your characters to Unity editor once you've finished loading you will see the characters inside the selected scene so we have Alice and serious if you click on Alice you'll see its prefab in the project files and simply you can drag it to your scene and you have the character ready to be interacted with if you don't want to create your own controller you can simply add the player controller to Unity scene and that's it now we are ready to interaction let's click play and test hi there hey there how's it going I hope you're having a fantastic day what's on your mind let's chat and spread some positive vibes yeah sure can you tell me a joke absolutely I'd love to share a joke with you here it goes why don't scientists trust atoms because they make up everything isn't that just hilarious laughter is the best medicine my friend so let's get those Smiles going do you have any jokes you'd like to share oh nothing in my mind currently no worries at all sometimes the funniest moments happen spontaneously for the environment I used the fantasy Adventure environment from Unity as a store I'll provide the link down in the description if you want to use the same environment and for the music I usually use art list to to find a good music for my video games or YouTube videos and even sound effects for editing my videos so also the link for that website down in the description you saw how the character responded when we set some characteristics or personality based on the following we had the mood was Joy anger or fear it was balanced more trust more surprise more dynamic in me emotions Dynamic relation confident extrovert open peaceful positive just changing those parameters will change the way that the character behaves so let's give it a try and by the way just changing here will change in game so you don't need to change anything in the game since this hosted by enrolled let's make everything bad so the personality negative aggressive uh sadness anger disgust anticipation static emotion static relationship insecure introvert cautious and see how that will affect the responses of Alice in the game we can change also funny to angry we can change kind hearted aggressive for the basic knowledge we can change the core description to the opposite is an angry and difficult girl she is pessimistic okay let's change those for now motivation she don't have any motivation for anything for the dialogue style we can choose um maybe blunt save let's go back to Unity what is your mood today angry why you are angry none of your business whoa what's your problem nothing why are you so angry because life sucks that's why as you can see you are giving short answers now so this is funny yeah hilarious whoa whoa whoa chill so can you tell my viewers to subscribe to my channel no come on no I won't okay let's repeat the final question about subscribing to my channel by returning those to uh good mood Joy trust positive peaceful open extrovert confident Dynamic emotion and dynamic relationships surprise and here character traits cheerful positive kind positive energetic and positive and we need to in the motivations she is always dated for new and adventures and also change the dialogue style back from blonde maybe this time to to sarcastic let's check what that do hi there what are you doing in this beautiful Forest oh hello there I'm just enjoying the beauty of this force and all the wonderful things it has to offer there's so much to explore and discover here trees are swinging a gentle breeze the birds are singing their sweet melodies and the sun is shining Down cast in a magical blowing everything around life is too short to be serious all the time don't you think let's have some fun and make the most of this beautiful day what about you what brings you to this enchanting Forest I'm looking for someone in this Forest you know someone else lives here oh absolutely in this vibrant and mystical Forest there's a wise Oracle named zafiris who lives in a cave near the waterfall he knows everything about this place and its inhabitants if you're looking for someone he might be able to help you out zafiris is quite the character full of wisdom and knowledge he's always willing to lend a help in hand just follow the sound of the Russian water and you'll find his cave good luck on your search and remember every day is a new adventure waiting to happen that's great thank you so much bye bye you're very welcome it was a pleasure chatting with you hi there can you help greetings traveler of the winding path what brings you to the realm of Whispers and riddles speak your heart's desire and that the currents of fake guide are works I need to know my future do you think this video might go viral ah the Allure of a digital tapestry where the Winds of virality blow with capricious winds the future like a butterfly and flight dances upon the delicate threads of possibility but fear not seek our Fame for within you lies the power to Captivate hearts and Minds the tea to unlocking the dates of morality rests not in the stars but in the essence of your creation nurture with passion and let the world bear witness to your brilliance thank you so much for your advice and that's it for today's video I'm looking forward to see this technology implemented in your video games if you are a gamer you can try this demo in each IO the link down in the description also if you are a developer and patreon for my channel you can download the project files till next video see you soon [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Binary Lunar
Views: 4,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gUCahPSAut4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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