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today in Brook Haven we're playing hide and seek but first we're spinning a wheel of boys versus girls to decide which team we're on if it lands on team girls melon will need to create a girly outfit and find a hiding spot that matches it what Brook Haven RP challenges should we try in the next video comment now let's get goed we're playing hide and seek on Brook Haven but melon before you hide we're going to spin a wheel to see if you're going to hide using a girls only spot or a boy's only spot oh oh Sunny honestly I don't care what team I get all I know is that y going down we'll see about that the wheel is spinning and it looks like you're hiding in a location that only oh it's a close one melon only girls can use it looks like I'm team girl for the day and that makes you team boy that's right so get out of here Melanie you got to go choose your hiding spot quick or I'm going to slice and dice and put you in a blender don't think because you're a girl I'll go easy on you uh melon oh no something happened goats were lagging out hello melon Melanie Melanie can you hear me sorry my internet died but also I would never expect for you to go easy on a girl that's right girls rule and boys drool and girls are from Mars to get Superstars and boys of Jupiter to be stupider I don't remember just go hide all right you got 2 minutes yeah I'm going to hide I don't know why you were chasing me if anything you should give me 5 minutes to hide now nah bro but you better make a good disguise if you don't don't look like Melanie when I find you you lose automatically it's time for me to become Melanie sorry I'm not doing that voice I'm not doing that voice first things first I've got to change myself to become a girl boom I'm pink that's what a girl is and now I've got to add some hair oh Melanie has beautiful green hair is there any green hair I can add here well I guess I'm using this I kind of look like I got seaweed on my head I'll even remove the cap now all I need is a nice cute shirt boom I have become melon now I've got to hide in a girl's only hiding spot and I know exactly where to go it's literally impossible for sunny to find me cuz if I go into the school head up here to the restrooms and now I'm going to enter the girl's bathroom he's not allowed in here and that grants me the win in a girl's only hiding spot all right Sunny I'm ready let's go your time was almost up anyhow you had less than 10 seconds remaining and now melan as I'm on the hunt I'm going to ask my first question are you hiding near the center of town or on the outskirts I am hiding closer towards the center of the Town Sunny excellent and I'm putting on my Sheriff outfit to track you down bucki yeah buari oh this is awesome I got a sheriff capibara with me look rusi you don't even know what you're in for here cuz I'm Melanie and you're going down okay that was your sus bro chill now let's see a girl's only spot you said closer to the center of of town I guess I should check out the nail salon just to be safe hair and nails and Budd in here nope no one's here how about upstairs at the party planning agency with the models no models here besides melan even if you were a girl you'd never be a model what does that mean means you're ugly not ugly I'm cute no you're a fruit you belong in a blender I'm a cute fruit okay you belong in a fruit set thank you Sunny you're welcome and now I'm checking out the daycare to see if you became a baby girl but I don't think so let's see where else could you be hey star Brooks girls love their coffees maybe over here are you getting a double caramel espresso latte macchiato no I don't think so maybe I've got it you're probably at the school yeah melon are you in the Brook Haven School uh yes and you only have 1 minute left that's cap I have 2 minutes left I knew you'd be here let's see what subject would you be studying math well no one's in here so you're not there clearly English no I don't see you here but I just got to fix this uh let's see maybe you're doing some science uh nope I don't see you in the science class either yeah hny I'm doing the math right now and um oh it looks like your time's at 1 minute that's fine I don't need much more time to track you down I'm checking out the auditorium to see if you're doing some drama class are you trying to become an actress are you melan no I don't see anyone here which leads me to believe you are hiding in the pink lockers bro you are trash at the video game oh Sunny it looks like the melan is going to win no checking all the lockers out let's see I don't want this Locker how do I get rid of it I want to open the other ones dude how do I get rid of this Locker whatever I don't even know how melon last question are you in a locker no okay perfect and there's only one other place you could be hiding where is it where is it the restroom would you be in the boy is impossible because your role playing as a girl so you're in the girl's bathroom Sunny you're not allowed in here you're a boy you're literally breaking every law and it looks like you're taking a big old pooping ton sun no you know you're not supposed to be in here as a boy you're going to get life in prison okay stop making this weird you're hiding it's hide and seek and I found you plus my copy bar was able to sniff out your location it's great at detecting Billy eish lookalike and that's kind of you oh whatever you got me sunny now it's my turn to got you yep well I got to hide and I got to hide using a secret Boys location let's see goats where would that be first things first I don't want to be a student I quit now second things second boy would probably hide in the car dealership cuz boys love epic sports cars now how do I do this dealership the he I want to change the car that's on display oh this thing looks awesome it probably goes super fast not a bad hiding spot but it's a little too close to the school so I should run somewhere farther away yo the auto parts shop dude there's so many places for car parts in Brook Haven now and this one's not bad I could probably find a way to hide in this shelf just got to find a way to jump up there let me shrink down get really small and boys are always blue obviously it makes no sense but I'll do it and then I need to get on the Shelf got to make that jump somehow I need a ladder ladder down put it here okay this could work this could work bro why is jumping on this shelf impossible oh it's cuz you just phased through it really I can't go on that shelf wait I have an idea though get rid of the ladder what if I put a sleeping bag inside of that shelf yo that is great that is brilliant now how do I get in that sleeping bag yeah going to get get get in there come on Herp Derp and I'm in there's no way melon finds me this is perfect I'm blended into these boxes okay melon I'm ready and I feel like I got it in the bag H well Sunny let me spoil it for you you don't got anything in that bag but a sack of poop no you're the composter not me no today I'm a girl sunny it's different doesn't make any sense dude you still whatever I don't want to talk to you about poop and now it's time for me to find you let me scroll through every single house we have yes you should do that take your time be very thorough I'm not seeing you anywhere I can conclude that you have not spawned in a house but if I look at this Brook Haven dealership what is more boyish Than Cars nothing you've got to be up here uh no you're not at this mechanic shop are you up here by this nice race car oh yeah that's right you couldn't afford it shut up it's not about affording it it's about hiding out for all you know I'm inside of that k n you're not in that K go I just realized something really bad if he goes into the building next to me and sees in the pet shop a sleeping bag sticking through the wall it won't be good for me but for now I'm hidden no starbooks is more for girls Brook Haven bank I mean that's kind of like not for a boy or a girl Rockstar Cafe I I don't think so either I'm confusion good first question are you hiding towards the center of the town or the outskirts of the town I'm hiding towards the center okay are you hiding closer to the star star Brooks mall or the other mall I'm hiding closer to the star Brooks closer to the star Brooks okay okay heck there's nothing manly around here yeah you're right there's totally nothing that boys would use over here and the animal rescue that doesn't really seem boyish dentist the bank dude I'm so confused it's because your brain is the size of a peanut no you're the size of a peanut goats look at him out there running running around by the pool he's so dumb he hasn't seen the auto parts shop Sunny final question I have a feeling are you in the starbooks mall yeah duh I basically admitted that earlier well you said you were close to it I just want to make sure okay the only thing that seems manly here is the dealership and this auto parts shop but I already checked both of them I walked in here earlier you're blind melon I'm clearly inside of the sports car no you're not maybe you're in these boxes no you can't even get in these boxes holy smokes that was close goats he literally put his head in the boxes I don't understand there's no way you could be up here because I'm phasing through all this stuff I am so lucky the sleeping bag is blending into the box colors melon bro I'm in the sports car in the auto shop you idiot no you're not these are the only two boyish parts and you're not even in this car goats watch this I'm going to change the type of shop I'm going to press gun store oh I can't click it maybe that's for the best I would have blown my cover well melon you got 45 seconds remaining Sonny uh final question are you hiding in the dealership or the auto parts shop I'm pretty sure you've asked three questions but I'll give you a bonus one I'm in the auto parts it's not that complicated what the heck I've checked everywhere in here where are you 20 seconds remaining dude there I actually I have no idea where you are I give up well I suppose I'll take this D too late I win dang it you were hiding up there the whole time how this was a sleeping bag in the boxes try it out are you kidding me I didn't even notice that yep cuz it Blends in perfectly dang it I was going to do this at the last second oh never mind I can't change the store anyways let's go it's all for me the dton I win Boys Rule and girls are cool too except for this one melon you suck shut up and if you goats are awesome press that like button to support our Channel it really helps us out
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 111,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t8_nrm7AGgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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