GIRLS PROBLEMS AND FAILS || Funny Girly Situations And Embarrassing Moments by 123 GO!

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Wondering what it takes to be a girl? How much time do you have? Because when it comes to speaking girl, there’s a lot of ground to cover. So sit back and relax, we’re covering the good, bad, and the ugly! Nothing like lunch with a bestie. How else do you catch up on juicy gossip? Ooh, hold on a second. David’s coming here? Now?! But I’m with Betty! Gorgeous, perfect hair and makeup Betty. No one wants their boyfriends around that! Nope, not happening. David’s coming? So what? Please can you just be ugly for once? Fine, only ‘cuz you’re my bestie. Gonna need a hoodie for this one. There we go. Now for the messy bun. Boys are never into these, right? At least they’re easy to make. Now that’s more like it, girl! You’re looking grosser by the second! What’s happening to your face? Nothing screams ugly like crazy brows! Okay, really crazy brows. Goodbye luscious red lips! Mission definitely accomplished. And the finishing touch. This is awesome! Great! Here he comes! Hey, babe! You remember my friend, Betty? Woah, is that even a human? Pleasure’s all mine, Betty. No boyfriend stealing at this table! This meme’s hilarious! Could it be? Hi there! Thanks! Have a nice day! I’ve been waiting two weeks for this moment! I can feel their power! Aren’t they beautiful? So white, untouched by dirt. They’re simply perfect. Let’s take these babies for a spin! I’ve gotta show them off, right? They look great on me too. Welcome to the world, shoes! I don’t wanna get them dirty. There’s dirt everywhere out here! These will protect my precious tennies. It may not be practical, But a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do! So far, so good. Too bad I’m all out already. I guess there’s one thing left to do. Lift those toes! This lighting’s fantastic! My Insta’s about to blow up! I am killing it with these angles. Oh my gosh. Nobody’s around, are they? I’m goin’ in! This hot car is gonna get me so many likes! This could totally be my ride, right? So hot. What do we have here? Hey, pretty lady. Wanna grab a drink tonight? This is a one-person photo shoot. Rude. Wait a second… This is a one-person car ride, sweetie. Well this is the most awkward thing ever. Uh-huh, yeah, totally. This wedgie’s deep! Lana, that guy! Yikes, that’s a bad one… Huh? Is that guy okay? I gotta get outta here… This wedgie’s really killing me! Gotta get a good grip here… Oh, sweet relief! Well, that sure killed the mood, huh? Just one last finishing touch. No such thing as too much shimmer, right? That ought to do it. I’d better get a move on. Extra lip gloss, My movie ticket, And I’m all set! Enjoy, miss! Just one, please! Enjoy the movie, miss! This movie got amazing reviews. But no one said it was so sad! Why is the doggie so sick? Oh no, here come the tears… Yikes, that makeup isn’t waterproof, is it? I wish I had some tissues right now! Okay, looks like it’s almost over. I gotta get it together. Bye, now! GAH! AH! What? My face? What do you mean? Yikes! My tears must’ve messed it all up! I’m never coming back here again. What on earth happened in there? What a beautiful day to chat with a girlfriend. May as well take a stroll! And when you have a great story to tell, A short stroll turns into a long walk. Still wanna walk? Ow ow ow ow ow ow…. These stairs are gonna kill me! We almost there? I see the cafe! I thought we’d never get here! I’ll be in the ladies’ room Mind if I order some drinks? What a day to wear a dress! What’s the damage? Chafing is no joke, people! My skin feels so raw! I need baby powder STAT! Maybe I have something that could work. Come on… Thank goodness! I have body powder with me! This’ll dry that moisture right up! Steady… Dresses look pretty, but burning thighs? Not so much. Finally, the stinging has stopped! What would I do without this stuff? Here are your fruit tarts! Hey! I’m coming, Lana! What’s wrong with Betty’s legs? I may have gotten a little carried away… Girl, are you okay? Whatever, my thighs feel fantastic. My hair’s so smooth this morning! And my skin’s gonna look even better. Girl’s always have the best creams, huh? Ah, this stuff feels amazing. Oh yeah. Morning! Why’s she so happy in the morning? I’m still so tired. Alright, let’s stretch this one out. Whew. Time to polish the 'ol chompers. Um, Betty? Uh oh. This is not gonna end well… Huh? What’s wrong with this stuff? It tastes disgusting!!! This definitely isn’t toothpaste… So what on earth is it?? I just brushed my teeth with hand cream?! I gotta get outta here! NO!! You’ve gotta be kidding me. I’m going back to bed! Unless you’re a girl yourself, you have no idea how awkward things can get. Can you think of any other less than savory situations girls get themselves into? Or perhaps some boys out there have their own awkward stories to share! Well, misery does love company doesn't it? So share your stories in the comments! If you haven’t watched these, you’re missing out! Subscribe to our channel too while you're at it!
Channel: 123 GO!
Views: 8,124,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, craft, crafts, prank, pranks, challenge, challenges, fun, funny, 123GO!, 123 go, 123go, friends, friendly, tutorial, howto, how to
Id: 7e2h6rKg-Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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