GIRLS, How BIG is too BIG? (r/AskReddit)

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our /oscar did by reddit subscribe please in lonely what is a really morbid question you have always wanted to ask NSFW can you make multiple Horcruxes say six are there less disabled people in germany due to the final solution when there is a bloody car accident do they clean all blood on the car or do they just take the car to pound including person bits inside our fathers of attractive daughters usually also attracted to those daughters what does a miscarriage feel like what is the cheapest way I can have my body taken care of when I die like I'll be dead I don't give a [ __ ] if my family could take me out in a boat and just chuck me in the ocean for free that would be great reading through these made me think this should have its own read it so I took 30 seconds and made it and am posting it here right now with the unlikely hope that people see it and it catches on slash are slash morbid questions do you really [ __ ] yourself when you die edit ok I know now stop sending me all of these sad ass stories how long would you live if you were decapitated and would you feel the injury or simply be in shock why aren't we overrun by cemeteries what does it feel like to intentionally stab someone or kill anyone in general do burn victims get a cremation discount do stepdaughters and Step Brothers have sexual fantasies about someone in the family that isn't blood edit I don't only mean between siblings I mean fantasies or relationships with their stepfathers or stepmothers as well Lancer it's complicated law when a coffin is buried in a cemetery plot the law at least in my state requires that it be placed within a sealed wall down in the how long does the vault lead see last before water and the element eventually begin penetrating the coffin and why this required extra expense if it's all going to decay in time anyway how do conjoined twins masturbate and have sex I watched that ELC show and it provided no insight how does one smoothly shave a vagina I use summer's eve a very sharp razor and single upward strokes to shave but I still have tiny hairs left over and get red bumps afterwards also how do you get rid of the bumps edit up this tag off let me just save you the trouble and put down the most common responses I've been getting so you don't have to rude through the comments one if you can go get it waxed - if you can't / you are scared use coconut oil to prep it 3 can't afford coconut oil nice conditioner just mail sure to keep it away from anything but your beauty's for shave with a grind 5 you can't afford a waxing and are afraid to shave by now if you don't have sensitive skin edit I just tried coconut oil shaving with the grain my vagina feels like there is the spider's forehead but still has double and now my razor is completely dull 5/10 with rice thank you for your suggestion edit [ __ ] it i'm just going to go laser this [ __ ] off because getting shot by laser sounds way cooler than shaving also coconut oil feels amazing on your kitch definitely a must for sexy time edit poly [ __ ] [ __ ] lasers are expensive back to shaving seriously though they should call it caca can toil because this [ __ ] feels like a match made in heaven Thanks when a baby human beast and ER slash tasty as a baby cow what do hospitals do with amputated limbs I've wondered this since I was like 10 years old but couldn't think of anyone who would know parents how many of you wish you slash your wife had actually had an abortion instead of having kids edit obligatory thanks for the gold what is it like to kill somebody are their skin matching services if a person lost a ton of weight can have extra skin removed and burn victims need tons of grafts would it be be able to match these people up has anyone ever been put on hold by the suicide hotline is it possible for someone with clawed gloves to reach into a man's chest and pull out the heart and one piece like in Indiana Jones edit holy [ __ ] this blow-up do female Undertaker's ever look at her man's genitals and think holy [ __ ] when you see an ambulance going down the road with the lights inside on but no siren is the person inside dead usually when I see this the person on the gurney has their eyes closed / the paramedics aren't visible or aren't attending to the patient thanks edit thanks for the responses I feel so much better knowing I'm not seeing dead people in the back of amiable answers now if I jump on your chest full force would you cave in and splatter everywhere how many murderers have I made eye contact with what's really morally superior about spending decades waging small-ball ground wars in the Middle East and just dropping a nuke also why is killing 1,000 people with a missile okay but 10 people with a bottom attack not edit [ __ ] I've never regretted more how I formulated a question I was not asking if we should drop a nuke I know all the reasons that a monstrous idea my question was a critique of how military powers excuse murder by some means but not others to me it's all pointless murder and so claiming some weapons are okay while others are not is a joke to me the decades-long ground wars two new comparison was poor way too much collateral but there's a real-world example of my second question in Syria right now somehow if we prove a set has used chemical weapons then the West will get involved well supposedly but he's already killed millions by conventional means so what's the difference is it about stopping CW or deaths I'm not saying we should get involved I'm just saying that focusing on the means vais the end death creates terrible situation how often do you non-depressed redditors think about suicide and how serious are these thoughts what if a pregnant woman laid on her stomach it's potential serial killers I wanna ask astronauts how they deal with sexual urges not really so morbid but I'm really curious how NASA deals with masturbation in space mothers who've had a stillbirth and a normal birth does it smell the same does it feel the same coming out texture squishiness et Cie when a transgender man undergoes a sex change do they get to choose the size of their penis or is it just based on how much skin they have how would a child develop a near complete isolation say in one of those white-walled rooms asterisk would they learn to walk asterisk how would they spend time now suppose you have two such children raised together in isolation asterisk what sort of dynamic would develop asterisk would some sound based communication eventually develop asterisk how would they handle being separated asterisk would they eventually figure out sex how much money will I get when you die where can I legally have a Viking burial is everyone else around me also suppressing barbaric violent desires or am I the only one suddenly overcome with the fantasy of ripping my Starbucks barrister limb from limb in a post apocalypse fight to the death over a few pounds of raw meat is the barbary and I suppress to fit in with social norms Muriel's do I wear the mask of calm regularity to hide who I really am or as the normal functioning individual I projects externally who I really am and the Barbarian is simply a fantasy I have to convince myself I'm not totally boring or third option am i the internal conflict between two mental states I always wanted to know if I could get away with murder not because I want to murder someone I want to know if I'm smart enough to outwit the police / cover my tracks well enough that I'd get away with it perhaps it's because I've seen a bunch of crime dramas that pull something out of their ass as a way to gather evidence and move the plot forward this is probably oddly specific but I have stage 4 B cervical cancer with lung Mets I don't know anyone else in my situation to ask but what will it be like when I die I've heard it's a relatively painful death any chance of going peacefully in my sleep or will it be awful this isn't something oncologists really like to talk about edit I appreciate everyone's responses more than you know if a person dies a gruesome death like shot in the head or something and the family decides to bury them in a casket but it's closed how is the body prepared are they dressed nice but just laying in there with a gaping head is it a bloody mess in the casket when people say attempted suicide do they mean that the person legitimately tried to kill themselves and failed or took very serious steps toward suicide and then decided against it because I want to take the term attempted suicide at face value and just say that they tried and failed to kill themselves on the flip side I'm like 99% confident I could kill myself without any complications when my dad died at my house the coroner had his body out of the building in about three hours however there was a smell that lingered in the room for almost a year hard to describe but quite chemically nobody else had mentioned it and I never brought it up as it was the kind of thing that would have made my wife want to sell up anyway is this actually a thing or was it some psychological stuff going on with me does the corpse really give off odor so quickly that lingers for so long we changed the bed he died on within a week but the smell stayed what if we had taste buds on our palms and soles of our feet what would happen if I cut off some and butt cheeks I'm totally serious would they be able to live without an ass sometimes when I get depressed I have to wonder if everybody isn't just lying to themselves about being happy and fulfilled how could you possibly be happy and fulfilled with your own mortality permanently looming over your head every explanation just seems to fall flat as some empty plication to soothe the ever-present knowledge that it's all really for nothing what does human flesh tastes like edit apperently Oliver edits cannibals agree I tastes like pork yeah it is not as morbid as it is rude but it's something I've wondered for a while and not easy to ask do fat people find other fat people attractive or do they just realize they have to go with another fat person as a thin person will most likely not choose them I'm rather short and I do not get attracted to tall ppl so I could imagine it works similar with body size edit wow thank you for all the answers no longer will I have to wonder about this I got a lot of different answers and it seems as much else in life it all comes down to personal preferences some fat people likes other fat people without having to settle while some fat people are trying to lose weight because they do not find people of similar size attractive however in this small set of data it seems gender plays a role too most of the fat men who answered said they do not find fat women attractive but prefer fit women while most fat females said they do not mind a fat guy interested how would you like to kill somebody if you knew you could get away with it is there a shoe buying system for people with one leg like can you just pay half price or is there a pairing system in place I got in a little trouble for actually asking this especially as I was at work at the time I have a friend who lost an eye at an early age he has a glass eye and used to pull tricks on people with it so I imagined he would be okay with me asking this question on the day you lost your ID when exactly did it stop being fun and games I still didn't get an answer i sat next to LJ Simpson on a flight and I wanted to ask him if he did it and how he feels but I didn't because I thought I would be in bad taste sometimes when I'm talking to someone I imagine punching them in the face not because I hate them or am angry but just because I wonder what the consequences would be and how it would play out does this thought occur to anyone else has anyone done gone through with it and isso what happened I regret click in here you guys are dark how often in fatal accidents is someone actually killed instantly and how often is there just what they tell the families to make them feel better how long do you have to remain faster book friends with an acquaintance who died Jesus this thread is a lot darker than I have imagined all I have are about a half-dozen questions concerning Abigail and Brittany Hensel sex life I've never understood open casket funeral processions why would people want to see a dead relative I'd figure this would make the whole grief process more difficult if an those conjoined twins abhi and Brittany I have a lot of questions about them one would have to be if they have six do they both feel an orgasm guys have read it if you could have your way with a woman and she'd let you do anything to her asterisk asterisk a NY thimg asterisk asterisk what would you do how blatantly [ __ ] up do your fantasies get if you feed a chicken scrambled eggs are you feeding in its own period [Music]
Channel: Bobnob Two
Views: 17,411
Rating: 4.4206128 out of 5
Keywords: nsfw, question, life hacks, hacks, tips, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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