Gingrich blasts ‘cultural war’ imposed on the American people by the Left

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joining us now is the author of beyond biden rebuilding the america we love that is an inspirational and optimistic title sounds great former speaker of the house fox news contributor newt gingrich mr speaker thank you very much for being here with me i i never thought it's good to be with you you know i never thought with that litany very briefly that i laid out here for for everyone everyone's experienced it this is not you know the average american knows about the food prices they know about the gas prices they know about the violence going on we see it all around us uh when when you were speaker and you've had some terrific speeches your approach was always an inspirational optimistic look forward what do you make now as our problems continue to back up well i have to start by saying that a friend of mine sue roberts just wrote us and said i don't usually brag about going to expensive places but i just left the gas station and i thought that kind of captured i had the same experience this morning i filled up my truck and it was like 64. it used to be 40. and that's the biden inflation tax on all of us so when he said he wouldn't tax anybody under 400 000 but just plain it would be a lie if biden had any idea what he was saying but i'm increasingly convinced that the entire left lives in a fantasy world where none of these facts matter and it's it's a very hard thing to explain to people they're big government socialists they know they can't be honest about it so they invent all of these things a good example is what's happening with the border the problem is there's less and less guatemala honduras and el salvador the problem now is haitians who fly from potter prince into into ecuador come up through colombia cross the darien gap and end up literally coming all the way up it's africans who are coming into brazil and coming on up the word is out around the planet joe biden wants you to break the law he wants you to come to the u.s illegally so people are going hey why not i mean if your choice is port-au-prince or new orleans there's no question which is the better life for you and your family you know and this is like i think our you see this on every front it isn't our goal of course there's a reason why they're coming here right because america is the greatest country on earth but but what these policies are doing is threatening that is the nation of people escaping those these totalitarian frameworks where they want to live free and find their american dream is impossible at this point because of crime because of the inflation you describe the inability for people because of food inflation to get even the right food to their children it doesn't this show us that the system itself the bureaucracy thinks that it's really running the country isn't this really showing us that a single american leader matters that leadership at the top in the presidency as we see the juxtaposition between trump and biden that that is what matters when it comes to leadership and what happens in this country well i think it's the president i also think it's the congress i also think it's governors and state legislatures you know we have a we are a remarkable country at allowing people to be engaged in self-government and what you're seeing is an amazing split you have california doing insanely stupid things driving people out of california towards states that have rational government the gap between the red states and the worst of the blue states it's as though they were two totally different countries the red states with republican governors republican legislators lower taxes less regulation favoring work favoring job creation they're going to go do great they also have schools that actually work these blue states california chicago illinois new york they're disasters and they're all going to get worse because their policies don't work their ideology doesn't work their union allies are destroying the system and i think it's a real crisis of the american system and whether or not we ultimately over the next five or six years eliminate this radical a big government socialism go back to a traditional american model where work matters taxes ought to be low you ought to be responsible for your own life yeah and you saw it in virginia when you had the democrat candidate for governor for governor say parents should not be involved in the schools i mean for terry mcauliffe to say that in a debate tells you how deeply the unions want to own the school room and your child and how much they hate having parents be involved well i think it also is a signifier of the contempt with which the democrats now hold the average american that this suggestion even that parents do not have a say are not the ones in control of their children that this now is so common at least within perhaps their conversations at cocktail parties that it slips out at a debate because this is what they discuss with their friends or even the ralph northam dynamic with a post-birth abortion these conversations that have shocked the conscience of the average american radicalizing parents as we've seen with the doj reaction to their involvement at school board meetings the fact that parents are getting so uppity that they want to control what their children learn do you see this what the doj is an example is doing in this reaction that mcauliffe comments is this the radicalization of parents that can take this country back and move us back into the traditional framework that has made us a country worth coming to oh sure right look it's it's i think when you realize i think there's a poll out today that 58 of the american people regard the federal government as a threat to their freedom i mean what you're beginning to move towards is a war between i don't mean a physical war but a cultural war between the bureaucracy the academic world and the news media uh and the rest of us and the truth is there are more of us than there are of these big government socialist radicals uh who want to impose a very weird worldview uh and who are apparently prepared to fight the american people i mean in the long run in a free society you know maybe in china or in russia or in nazi germany you could use the power of the state and get away with it in a free country you can't and the rebellion starting with the election in virginia this year and extending i think into 22 and 24 is going to be astonishing and these radical democrats of which terry mccullough look at his career he was once sort of a centrist he now has to be a radical because otherwise he can't run as a democrat what a collapse of a legacy and of a history and of any kind of sense of what people thought was real because boy we've certainly got a wake-up call newt gingrich great stuff great new book coming up thank you so much for coming up tonight i appreciate it i'm steve ducey i'm brian kill me and i'm ainsley earhardt and click here to subscribe to the fox news 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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, hannity, hannity monologue, hannity monologue tonight, hannity tonight, sean hannity, sean hannity monologue, sean hannity monologue tonight, sean hannity reacts, sean hannity show, sean hannity tonight
Id: RDrbQ2zV1RU
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Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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