Ginger Rogers - Interview Leonard Maltin - Part 1

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[Applause] [Music] I'm going to ask you some things and then maybe we have time we left some your fans and admirers ask you some questions as well if you don't mind I'll tell you what I want to start by asking now I know you couldn't see the films there but you know them pretty well and you could hear them I bet you can well know the reason I asked is that one of the questions I asked miss Rogers when I got to interview her last year was whether she watched her old movies and you say that to some some actors and actors and they say oh never I can't stand to look at my cell but you actually enjoy watching your films don't ya I enjoy it very much I think something's you're funny well when you watch one of these films what what is going through your mind do you remember the film are you watching removed or do you remember what was going on when you were making it or the people the press I just watch the film I'm very interested to see what I did in I want to know how I reacted mm-hmm do you remove yourself does it seem like you're watching a different person no I wouldn't think so what I mean is I mean at this at this remove of years I wonder if you remember what you're seeing or if it seems fresh all over again as you watch it seems fresh to me all over again yeah particularly I wonder what goes through your mind as you watch the great dances tonight we saw the waltz in swing time I have to love that world I just love it do you have a do you have a favorite of the dance numbers that you did with Fred Astaire well that is one of the favorites and then the other one is the is the one from I could never remember the name of the film will help you which you will well I it's where where we do this mock love of Roberta shall we dance was it shall we dance no not no not Roberta not Roberta Roberta Michael Terry's name is Roberta well you mentioned wall since when time wide why are you fond of that one in particular I love Wells's I think Wallace's are so beautiful and I don't understand why people don't ever waltz waltzes is so lovely he's going to do it yeah it's such fun to do but there's such fun to watch there's a graceful look the one of the two things struck me in reading your book last year one was that you I don't think you've ever forgotten a great dress or a great costume that you've worn the other is that you are very particular about men's ability to dance that breaks very high in your book among attributes doesn't yes that the answer of my book she was very particular about that she said you should say who dances well he doesn't but she asked me a question I would never put in the book and never answer it who's the best kisser in Hollywood as if I would know what is it the scent is ballroom dancing or social dancing very different from screen dancing from the well when you brake in the tracks yes you have to do a lot of pounding to get those texts going you know they're very they don't always come as evenly as they should you would redo those wouldn't you for the soundtrack after you repent you photographed they tell me they do them up and they're up in the booth I don't know who does it but I don't I might apps were really all there and I was very sad to hear somebody say hope we had to do those over again I said you didn't do my taps you said no so whose taps to do so we've had we've had some arguments about that the what is what is it about dancing again because it's something that was very much on your mind would you be more comfortable putting oh I'd be happy yeah hey if you feel like I'm going to a party or to a wedding there are there men who who were not musically inclined particularly but just had had a gift for dancing they can't count yes we're the count one two three one two three oh one two three four one two three four one two three four and people can't do it and some drummers I've met in the orchestra could be at one player of a beat not with their feet at all it looks like a clod big when you stop when when you and Fred Astaire parted company on swing and you went on to make all the comedies and dramatic pictures that you did in the forty there was you had very little musical activity after that you did lady in the dark and then you reunited with Fred Astaire in Barkley's of Broadway did you want to do any other solo musical films was that something you want to get away from that well I wanted to get away from them I wanted to do things like Kitty Foyle like storm warning I want to do things like that thank you one person I know it's not what you did you did some some of those films you made in the 50s some of those dramatic rooms a very tight spot is a very good film - yeah tight spot was a fun picture to do I was working with a very professional man Robertson and and the leading man was new to me - I had never known him before what's his give me Brian key yeah that's a joke the the other thing is I mentioned that you're that obviously something that you have an excellent memory for is the great costumes you got to wore watch of where over the years did you have a favorite costumer costumer mm-hmm dishonor yes well I I think I liked his head very much and I liked the lady from MGM hell man Helen Rose well she didn't do too many of things the other one I really yeah Irene was a favorite of mine did you participate in designing any of your costumes did you I know you had strong feelings about what you liked yes the feather dress was my design really you know the the thing about the feather dress in the movie was her before the movie he said what kind of a dress would you like to wear so I said I would like to be like this at the top and wait out the back but I want feathers on the sides of my back and on the hips it's all clear to the floor so he I was telling he was sketching it and Bernard Newman a very talented man very I had met him a few years before and it was on that particular of when I met him I bought he implored me to buy a real fur coat which I had never had before in my life and so he said buy a mink coat you need one so I didn't I got home and you know what it's a book so I got there I went around the studio showing my beautiful coat off to everybody and I look definitely go side up there and so I had came out it was George Stephenson he said hello and then that and heparin smoke came out and he took and just poured this on my coat and she said if it's real men watch
Channel: GingerPeachyMe
Views: 61,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ginger, Rogers, festival, interview, 1992, Los, Angeles, LA, L.A.
Id: wrYrPxQWw2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2012
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