Gillio Personal Wide | March 30, 2024 Plan With Me

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hello welcome back to my channel it's Jesse with just stick to the plan I have been talking about filming a YouTube video for a little bit so I've decided I'm going to sit down and do one today um if you've if you're returning my channel thank you and if you're new here thank you for stopping by um my planner is a personal y Julio and this is actually my first video with my new cover I I think my last couple videos I was in the apoka black and this is the apoka cloud I got this one kind of like for my spring cover um and I absolutely love it I think this is the premium good deal so you can see that there's some striations and I think like a couple of like insect bites or whatever they call those but I think it's beautiful and I love it so I was going to sit down and update my planner and I was like well I might as well bust out a video really quick because I haven't posted one in a while but um as far as my system everything is about the same I think the only thing that I've changed is I was using the peanuts planner Co freebie monthlies and I changed to this uh month- on-one page I can't remember where I got these from I feel like they might be planner room Shop Hold on let me look really quick okay yeah so these are the month onone page from planner room shop um the funny thing is is that I was really trying to condense my planner a little bit but as you can see it didn't really work but whatever it's fine um and then also I put in some of my no I put in my April pages and I went ahead and put my extra saly pages in there as well so I was trying to move some of the stuff that I have the back to um the front a little bit so I kind of have this I don't remember what I labeled this section okay I have my home section up here and it just has like Moon ritual rituals I got this off of etsy um and then a freebie from watchco plan I have my Kindle unlimited reads uh stress manager M freebie and then there's I think this is watchbook again and then some my minimal planner freebies and then this Marge plans freebie I thought the true this was so pretty and then this is from Crystal plans freey and then some recipes to try so just kind of like stuff that doesn't necessarily go in any other sections of my planner I have so today is the 30th so we have one more day in March 30th Saturday the 30th so this is a good example of some sorry I'm trying not to move because I know that it makes my phone Shake but um this is a good example of like what I do when I don't necessarily use all of the extra pages I put in here um this is what I was coming in here to do because I know that I didn't use Fridays yeah so I'm just going to pop these open and going to take this extra page out and it's literally just a blank page with Washi on it so I just keep this and I just rotate it back in to my section but yeah I went ahead and put all of aprils in there and I also washed them up too because all these extra pages I went ahead and just like threw them in there and then obviously a lot of times there's only one so I'll put the second page and I went ahead and Washi those up one day when I was bored um and then I have after my April daily pages I have just these vums separating my may I haven't fill this out yet so I like to go ahead and move I think I've mentioned this before but I like to go ahead and move the months that I'm currently in um from the front of the planner I mean as you saw with my home section it's kind of hard to write things up here which is fine but I like to go ahead and move them to in front of my daily pages so I do have May's daily pages I only put these went ahead and put these in here because I like to fill in like bills appointments to do so I like to go and have go ahead and have next months in there but once March is over and it'll just be April and May and then I have my note section which has just my inbox area I loved this freebie from watch Becka plans You've Got Mail such a nostalgic movie so I have that and then this was like a file folder from Walmart that I just cut down it's like plastic so I just cut it down cuz I liked the black and white tie-dye and then okay I don't know I know I've had somebody comment on it but I love composition notebook print I think that's also like a nostalgic thing so watch Becka plan has this uh section cover so I printed it front and back and laminated it and this is like my notebook I absolutely love it um I have my list stuff from Maran Crest in here and this is what I use as my inbox and then I have I just have a couple pages of those I have these notes pages from Sandy plans I have been okay so I use the CYO business paper pages so it's like thinner and it's softer and I also pair pages I love cloth and paper ERS executive notes inserts and so I've been looking everywhere like I've been scouring Etsy I've been looking everywhere because I wanted that insert but I wanted to be able to print it myself because I like the paper like I don't like the thick paper um and I don't know if I saw this on somebody's page or what but I saw these um from Sandy plans and I think that these may be inspired by those and so I was so excited I literally printed a whole bunch because I was like this is what I've been looking for I don't know why I just love the look of these like the Sleek so I have a whole bunch of those note pages and then I have some more stogy paper I have some notebook paper from watch Becca plan I also love like the traditional notebook paper looking notes Pages these may be blue and red and I just printed them in black but I'm not sure like regular notebook paper I know I have one but it might be A6 so I don't I'm not sure if this is gray and white or if it's the red and blue but and then I have this add to a list for my Moxy dreams and then I just have another one of those dashboards from Walmart the thing that I cut down and [Music] then I have my puzzle section here in the back so that is my main planner right now in the gilio Poca Cloud personal wide I absolutely love it um as far as my A6 I don't know if I talked about this in my last video but I completely just deconstructed I almost said destructed deconstructed um what I had in here and just put all puzzles so I have some in my main planner because this is the one that I take around everywhere but if I'm going somewhere and I know that I'm going to have some extra time or you know all that good stuff I can bring this because this is full of puzzles so I have sodoku I have crosswords and I have searches and I have a pencil and a highlighter and that is all I need so my A6 is still set up and she's still sitting here being beautiful and pretty so um what I use is my page markers are Franklin cvy so this is the compact size and it fits perfect for personal personal wide and then this is the pocket size and I like these because one there's a little tab up top and two it has the pocket for I believe it's their Compass like their daily Compass but I like the pockets that it has because I can put stuff in them to like decorate them and it's a divider or a page marker that I didn't have to make so but yeah she's still there so I love her excuse me but okay so not worry about that right now so I wanted to update my planner for today um I woke up at 4:00 this morning and I couldn't sleep so I got up I did some laundry I picked up a little bit ran through the shower I'm um laser hair removing right now so did that and then I don't know what else I did but then I laid down and slept for like four hours so that was great but I have not done any of that I always laugh to myself when I'm putting down stuff to do laundry because I have to write F laundry hang clothes and put away because I'm notorious for folding the clothes and putting them back in the basket and just digging through there I know I've never said that I'm a perfect person but I still have a little bit to I think I have like one more load to go so I'm not going to Mark any of those off um but I do need to do the dishes and I need to vacuum I think that might be it I do not like the way I wrote that I think I literally slept from like 12: to 4: so I'm going to put to a nap which is funny because I went to sleep at like midnight woke up at 4:00 so it's like what like 4 hours and then I ended up sleeping for four more hours so that's okay because I was off today so so I don't know if y'all want to hear about this but I mentioned that I'm doing laser hair removal right now I bought that you like thing that's been all over Tik Tok I am loving the result but the process is so cumbersome because you literally have to sit there and shine this laser on every square inch that you want hair removed so I swear it takes me like an hour and a half which whatever because that'll save me time in the long run not having to shave my legs but anyways like I said you'll probably don't want to hear about that but so I did have the day off for the holiday let me check the weather really quick I have my iPad off to the side so if y'all see me it's is cloudy high of 83 low of 60 where I'm at and then I will off camera I'll sit here and fill these out because I mentioned before but these extra pages are just stream of Consciousness any um any thought that comes to my mind I think it's because I'm filming but my hand is just moving and I do have to write film video edit video and post video because I have a video filmed that I never edited and never posted which I don't know if anybody cares if it's old like I can go ahead and edit it and post it if you care to see that I don't even remember what it's about but if you want to see it I will more than that's why I keep saying I don't know if I've mentioned this before because I know that I filmed that video and I don't remember what I talked about in it and I never posted it so anyways so I have my Saturday set up I do like to go back and I do like to go back and make check off what I've done I don't remember remember what I did yesterday so I'll have to sit here and think about it we did have I know that we went to the game I don't know what I did between coffee and the game but I'll sit down and think about that but that's pretty much it um other than me writing in my extra stogy pages this is pretty much how I planner I just and a lot of times this is at work work so this is why I don't film a lot of videos about me doing this process of it um because I will fill out my to-do list like that morning go back and check off the prior days after I do that so I can see what I missed write things on my extra pages whenever things come to my brain or I have like a break at work and then so on so but yeah if you have any questions just comment down below let me know if you want me to edit that video and post it I would gladly do that um like I said I don't even remember what I talked about in it so but if you have any questions just let me know thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you next time
Channel: Jessie
Views: 2,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tIdfDn_t1P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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