How To Get More Done In 12 Weeks Using *This* Planner | Sunday Jumpstart Paper Co. 🌻📓

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[Music] okay hey y'all hey welcome back to my channel welcome if you're new here my name is Jessica Lauren and this is the Sunday jump where we hope Gog Getters like you dished excuses do the work and make it happen and today I am giving you a tour of the big goals action planner 12 week planner now listen this ain't your everyday to-do list Mark stuff down what you going to eat what you going to drink when you going to do the laundry ain't nothing wrong with those planners but baby if you have big goals Big Dreams and you need some help to get them done not just dream about them and pray about them and hope about them you want to accomplish them in the next 12 weeks this planner is for you so before we start the walkr I just wanted to talk to you about why I designed this for only 12 weeks and not the whole year well there's this book called the 12we year it is by Brian Moran um and basically the whole premise is that we stop annualized thinking and you know at the top of the year when it's January 1st and you're popping your champagne and you're sitting down with your planner you're making these huge goals nothing wrong with it but you're typically like I want to lose 20 lbs this year I want to start my business this year year I want to be fluent in Spanish this year guess what happens nine times out of 10 it typically takes you a year to do those things there's this famous quote that says work will feel whatever time you give it I'm butchering that a little bit but that's pretty much what it says okay and all that means is that if you give it a year it'll take a year because there's no urgency there's no fire under your butt to get the work done right so that's why a lot of us don't accomplish our goals is because we're giving ourselves too much time well in the book 12we year they squash all of that they're like you got 12 weeks to knock three major goals out of the park once those 12 weeks are up you take a week off to reflect and collect your thoughts and figure out what you want to focus on for the next 12 weeks so every 12 weeks you get a new year that's why I love that train of thought because you don't have to wait till January to make some major moves in your life every day is a new opportunity to take back control of your life get back aligned with the things you want to do and stop doing busy work stop procrastinating and do those things so that's why I designed the big goals action planner 12 week planner through my stationary company Sunday jump start paper Cod I'm just going to walk you through how to use that bad baby so grab your pen take some notes and go on Sunday jumpstar and order this B baby so that you can start making some major moves in your life let's go over to my desk so I can show you okay so this is our new cover this is the color block version we have a few little updates from the fall launch that I'm super duper proud of it's G me giving summer Vibes so that's the first things first when you open it right okay so we got our logo page this planner belongs to um 2024 2025 calendar this is a undated planner but we still want you to have some guidance for what's going on in the year so you got your holidays birthdays and then right here there's instructions on how to use this planner that's what was missing from the first one so right here we'll spell out everything we're talking about in today's video so you'll never be lost and then here is what I call the 24 questions these are just Journal prompts to help you figure out what the heck you do want to focus on so it's things like what brings you Joy what makes you feel the most energized what opportunities are you grateful for right now what habits or patterns do you want to break for you to maybe to go to the note section in the back and just pin out some of your thoughts about those questions there is also some space right when you open it up to go ahead and chot some of the answers down we have our first first quote is by eradu write it down on real paper with a real pencil and watch it get real all right so after that there's some more space to dotted Grid it's kind of hard to see it's a overcast day but that's all right we're going to keep it pushing my top three goals your you're only going to focus on three goals like we always want to sit down and write out a million things but the book tells you to focus on three things so that you can actually focus and have Clarity know what you have to do every day and not him and her so for this let's say we want to start a business launch our YouTube channel and learn dual lingo in a couple weeks and I'll go ahead and write this out but I just want to do like a basic walk through so I already started kind of working on some things right so I put finally launched my YouTube channel here we have our action plan how are you going to make all of it happen so there's enough space in here for you to map out how you're going to do that so you write your first goal finally launch my YouTube channel um why is this important for you to accomplish you can always go back to this for those days you're like why the heck am I even do doing all of this it's always right here so it's always something you've wanted to do to build an audience a community share your experience of starting aiz then you can write down some major tasks some deadlines and whether or not you completed those things so here you write create a Content calendar secure social media handles rainstorm ideas so on and so forth then on this page you have your accountability page this is what you plan to do on the days when you have low energy middle energy and high energy days so maybe you could post on IG stories when you have low low energy maybe you could shoot YouTube shorts super easy on Mid energy days and on high energy days the goal is to record two videos to stay ahead of the game right here we have our accountability Partners when you're going to check in and topics to discuss so it says affirm I don't have to do this alone it is safe for me to receive help and support as I work towards my dreams and then in this section you're going to jot down how you're going to celebrate your win and it's just a nice dinner in the city and it proceeds to do that for all three of your major goals so again an action plan and accountability plan so that you're holding yourself accountable throughout the whole kit and Kaboodle goal number three action and accountability plan then we come to the month it's undated so you can go ahead and jot down the dates however you like here we have some important dates things you're looking forward to and just some major to-dos for the month after that you can just do a brain dump and I like to use the brain dump as like my working Master list because there's always going to be some things that pop up that you can't get to that's not necessarily focused for this project but you still want to write it down so that you can go to it later or you know give it another deadline or delegate it to someone else if you're a drawer or you like to print out your pictures here's space for a weekly vision board then after that you're going to focus you're going to write down your weekly Focus what's your intention for the week your goals for the week any action items here we have a habit tracker where you can write down drink 96 ounces of water if you have a fitness goal or show up every day on Instagram post a Tik Tok and then more rooms for some notes down here is our weekly agenda so you can just figure out what appointments you have um for the morning afternoon and evening time and then here are our daily sheets they are also undated um what I like about this is you can write down your top priorities for the day any supportive tasks any notes you want to have and then at the bottom we have these end the day Reflections cuz the whole point is to really sit back and figure out like am I on the right track you know so you can keep up with your progress so what worked well today what challenges did you face what are you thankful for what does self-care look like today how did you show up etc etc as you just do that for a week here we have a weekly review what worked well what needs Improvement what needs to stop what needs to start again another brain dump and another vision board so that's what the first four weeks look like I've been doing random Instagram videos for this just to give some examples so that's what those are so you go through the first four weeks always reviewing always checking in with yourself right um and then after you've done your first four weeks of the planner you're going to give yourself a progress report like we were back in grade school goal number one what are your top three accomplishments so far what challenges did you face and how did you overcome them what are your next steps a new addition that I added is just this progress tracker where you can take like a little highlighter or a pen and just scribble where you're at are you at 20% bam and it's cool because when you look back in 4 months you can see like dang I really made some progress so you do that for all three goals any aha moments you have how do you feel about seeing your progress report so far sometimes this could be like really hard to look at but you always want to answer this page and talk about how you feel about things so that you can calibrate do I need to focus harder do I need to let up the rain so on and so forth then we have another quote and then the whole thing kind of repeats itself over and over again for the course of the next 3 months it's 90 days this is the final quote I am done playing small I own my greatness and it keeps going and going and going then at the end you'll have a 12we assessment where you can really sit down and figure out what the heck did I accomplish what were your proudest moment over the course of the 12 weeks who were your biggest check chillers how can you thank them what was the biggest lesson you learned what habits tool or routines helped you achieve your goals um you've done a lot these 12 weeks how will you rest and recharge what do you want to focus on for the next 12 weeks and then right here you can put your focus for the next quarter and then in the back we have a couple of notes pages so that is the updated version of The Big Goal action planner okay y'all so that's that's the long and short of how to use the big go action planner how to plan in 12 week chunks and get more done than you usually done in a year so let me know what you think are you into annualized planning do you like a whole 12 months so you can see what's ahead or are you like me and can only focus in 12 week chunks I promise you this will help you prioritize what needs to get done help you focus and help you just like get rid of the distraction just now before we go I want to talk about the the smaller things right like when do where do I write where to put my line you like there are some things that you need to jot down not saying that you can't do this in this but this is a very focused project planner this is for people that got big big goals and just need helps help breaking them down so what I like to do I use this but I also have like a separate notebook or I might use the notes app on my phone or reminders and that's where I kind of write down the stuff that needs to be done it's important but it's not urgent it's not going to propel me forward in my dream Chase whatsoever so I'll write somewhere else pick up the groceries drop off the laundry take baby two day whatever the case may be this is a very special planner for your dreams and goals for everyday life I'm actually working on a everyday essential planner that'll come out this fall now that is for more of the mom life academic planners like I got a whole lot other planners coming out but this one is really just the big goals action planner 12 week planner but I just wanted to talk about how do you put where do you put all the other stuff remember with this this is all about focusing on big action no more procrastination so when you get to a week one week should actually pretty much equate to the work that you would do in a month one day should be a week so it's no more like oh my goodness should I you know post on Instagram there's nothing wrong with that right but it's also like it helps you prioritize like whether I should fill out a Grant application for my business posting on Instagram is a huge part of business but what you rather kind of focus on securing more funding for your business so you could put out more products more courses whatever the case may be both of those things are necessary but this helps you think of the the task that will Propel that's the word I keep using rocket ship your ass closer to your goal so that's the things you put in here I highly recommend you checking out the 12we year um if you have Spotify they have the audio book for free with your premium subscription so go ahead and listen to it it's a really good book I've been using it for like the past five years now and I've done so much more than I used to doing annualized planning if you want to check out the big old's action plan and get it for yourself go to Sunday jumpstart the good news is that if you're not a physical grow your digital girly planner we also have the digital version I'll put up a little slide of that um we have some accessories some drink wear so check it out I am praying for you I hope that this is the year your 12 weeks where you really knock some fish out of the park all right I love you guys talk in the next video we launching we launching we launching this Friday okay I need some water T by know
Channel: The Sunday Jumpstart Podcast
Views: 949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black stay at home mom, mompreneur, growth mindset, productivity, goal setting, creative entrepreneurship, faith, 12 week year, planner community, quarterly planning, planner inspo, getting organized, Black woman small business owner, small business owner, stationery, journal, planner addict
Id: 55shKbqVi4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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