Gigi Hadid Dishes on Hanging Out with the Cast of Queer Eye (Extended) | The Tonight Show

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-Oh, my gosh. -Is that the fastest -- That's the fastest wardrobe change I've ever had on a show. -You are fantastic and a stunner. -I'm a professional at it, actually. -Yeah, you are actually. You're really good. -Quick changes. Very good. -Can I just say -- Look at this. Stunning. -Oh, thank you. -On the cover of "Vogue." This is -- [ Cheers and applause ] You've done over 35 covers of "Vogue." -It's crazy. -How does it feel? Does it -- -I don't even know. It's, like, I mean, obviously an honor and amazing, but I don't know how it went by so fast. It's, like, I remember each one, like, such a vivid memory of the day with so many people that are involved and work so hard to create each photo. So it's amazing that it's been that many. -I have a photo of you. This is your first photo that I think was in "Vogue." Is this possible? -Oh, I actually -- -No? -That's a funny story. So, I didn't know what magazine this was in. I just know my mom had a tear sheet from it growing up. And I didn't really know the story behind it. And last -- It's a picture of me on vacation with my family. I was holding an Eiffel Tower I just bought and my little film camera. And then I saw a photo shoot going on here, and I went and stand in front of the photographer. See, I'm very interested. -Yeah, you're like, "I want to be in the shot." -And he took a picture. I was in the shot. This was in some French magazine. And I didn't know the story behind it. And then a couple of years ago, I posted it. See? Here's my post. -Yeah. -"Does anyone know who shot this editorial? If anyone can recall. Surreal." And a photographer that I've been working with since 2014 at this point was like, "Gigi, I took that photo how many years ago." And now I work with him now backstage at shows. -And he had no idea who you were. -No idea that he shot me. No idea we had that connection. And I know him now as an adult. It's wild. -Isn't that cool? -Yeah, it's really crazy. -You start off as just a kid walking around with an Eiffel Tower, and then you end up on the cover of "Vogue." What are the stickers, by the way? -Those stickers are -- So, this is "Vogue: Netherlands." My mom's Dutch, so I was really excited to do this cover, and I did it with one of my best friends, Alana O'Herlihy. And we got to really creative-direct this shoot and have a lot of fun with it. So, these stickers are actually from a Dutch amusement park called The Efteling. And it's a beautiful, kind of quaint amusement park in a forest with all these, like, fairy tales. And these stickers, they were flown from Holland for this shoot. -You used to go to this park? -Yes, when I was a kid. Every summer with -- My aunt and uncle live across the street. They had, like, yearly passes. And it's just a really special place to me, and I kind of wanted to nod to all those memories and my oma, who passed away. But we had really special times there, and that's, you know, for all the Dutchies. They'll get that, for sure, when they see it. -I love that. Congratulations on doing that. I think it's cool that you did that. You do some things where I go, "Man, Gigi, don't do these things." Because you scare me. -What are they? -Well, there are photos that you take that are dangerous. -Let's see it. -I'm gonna show you one. Here's you on a scaffolding. Are you kidding me? -Oh, yeah. -No! -Yeah. -The answer is, "Gigi can't do it. Sorry." -I'm asked to do a lot of crazy things. And, yeah, it just happens. But my management and my security, they always get these calls from some production teams that are like -- They're panicking. They're like, "So we're maybe gonna have to have Gigi on a 100-foot thing hanging in the sky. Will she do it? If not, we'll have these options." I don't say no. I say yes to everything. -No. Absolutely not. -I'm insane. I do it all. -=That's why you need me as your manager -- to get in there so you don't -- -No, they tell them like, "Gigi will go for it." So, yeah, I always say yes. -Here's you on the same scaffolding shoot. -In the beginning, it's scary, but then by the end of it... -You're dancing. Jumping on it. What's wrong with you? -I'm in a harness. I'm in a harness. See? -No. Either way, it's still scary. -It's movie magic. -It's still scary. -And stunting. -[ Laughs ] Stunting. Can we talk about "Next in Fashion"? Okay. -I'm wearing this outfit, so clearly, I'm trying to talk about "Next in Fashion." -Yes. You're always the next in fashion. -Thank you. -You're cohosting this with Tan France, who we love, from "Queer Eye." -Yes. We love. -How do you know Tan? Before the show, did you know him or no? -So, I, like the rest of America, five years ago -- or the world -- when "Queer Eye" came out, I was a huge fan. Fell in love with them... and was, like, going through a breakup or something, like, sitting on my couch all weekend near when the show aired. You know, crying, laughing all day watching them. And they just, like, made my week. And I saw that Eva Chen, head of instagram Fashion, had them in her office -- or had Tan in her office, specifically. And I was like, "I'm going to have to FaceTime him." So, I FaceTime him. We talk. And I'm like -- This never happens, by the way. Like, I'm obsessed with Jimmy. Like, I consider him one of my favorite people in the world. And, like, I was never, like, a weirdo in this way. But with Tan for some reason, I'm like, "Will you come to my house and have tea with me right now?" -Yeah, you've never invited me over for tea. -I know! But that's, like, out of, like -- I'm not trying to, like, annoy you, you know? Like, you're clearly busy. -You would never annoy me. -So is Tan. But you know what I'm saying. -So you call -- you FaceTime the "Queer Eye" guys. -So I FaceTime them and I'm like, "Do you want to be my friends?" Pretty much like, "Please come over." And we -- They came over. We, like, had lunch at my house. We, like, talked, hung out. It was Antoni, Tan, and Jonathan that day. And now Antoni is one of my best friends, my neighbor. And obviously, Tan and I are doing the show. And it's just, like, such a special experience. -Are you loving doing this show? Because I know you. You've been a great guest on the show and a good friend. But I know that you love reality competition shows. -Big fan. -We've talked about this. Yes. There was one you kept telling me. There was, like, a glass-blowing show that you loved. -Oh, I love glass blowing. I love "LEGO Masters." -"LEGO Masters" is good, too. -Yeah. Like, all of them -- obsessed. But, now, do you like hosting and judging? -Love hosting, love judging. Such a special, you know, new experience for me, getting to go to the same studio every day with the same crew. You know, it's like an office job, like you. And, um -- [ Laughter ] I'm just trying to be you, Jimmy. Okay, so, but anyways -- -It's a good thing. -No, it's the best. It's such a nice feeling. -You're a natural. You're also -- Not only are you stunning, but you're also funny and charming and interested in things and people, and you're a good host. -And normally, like, in my job, I think I haven't been really ever given the time and the space to, like, really open up and show myself. Not on purpose, for my fashion job. It's just such a small, you know, snippet of time that you're given in those kind of fashion, more -- -You get to be you. -Yeah, I get to be me. And I think I try to be funny. -Yeah, you are. -You guys judge for yourself. -I want to show everyone a clip. Here's Gigi Hadid in "next in Fashion." Take a look at this. -Gi? -Yeah? -You want to tell me how you're feeling? Should we start with -- Diandre. Thoughts? -It's really cool. I think the proportions are spot on. -Does it feel royal? -I think it does feel royal. I think it's hip-hop royalty for sure. -Agreed, agreed. Okay. Megan. It's definitely bold. And I've got a feeling a lot of people are either going to love it or hate, but -- -That's what I want. -That's exactly what we want. -I love this jacket. I think it's really cool. So I'm going to be happy just if it gets done. -James, I hate to say, might be in trouble. -Royal is here, and James is here, and his look is here. And he needs to bring both of those here. -That's exactly right. He's here. Bring it in here. Gigi Hadid! "Next in Fashion" premieres Friday on Netflix. Chase Stokes joins us after the break. Stick around, everybody.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 405,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Gigi Hadid, Hanging Out, Cast, Queer Eye, Vogue, Dutch, Vogue Netherlands cover, Tan France, Next in Fashion, fashion, model, Zayn, Zayn Malik, One Direction, supermodel, beauty, super model, outfits, clothing, design, fashion design
Id: BEgsmCzgTtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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