GIGABYTE Z390 AORUS CPU Socket Bent and Damaged Pins Repair

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which has got a motherboard this is the gigabyte Z 390 customer was building his own custom PC and he spilled some thermal paste next to the CPU socket so what he did he got a piece of napkin tried to clean that spilled thermal paste and the napkin cut some of the pins on the CPU socket and it ended up bending and damaging the pins on the CPU socket [Music] so I'll try to push for this one to be ready today by probably is five o'clock a good time to pick up yeah okay that's right so what happened is the customer used the napkin to clean the spilled over thermal paste from the side of the socket and the napkin cut some of the pins on the socket and it damaged the pins let's look at it under this camera can you tell where the bent pins are okay so the area that doesn't look good is this one here down here let's take a look under the microscope to see what we're looking into okay so look at that all those pins are pointing right to left so this pin is pointing from right to left and the point of the pin is right here right the left right to left right to left now if you look at this one it's bent all the way to the back now I did tell the customer there is a risk when we bend the pin back to the front it may break so we have to be extremely careful I see a lot of bent pins we see one here one here this is very bad very bad one here one here one here and this is the only area that is affected the rest of the socket looks good I mean this motherboard is about $300 or somewhere around that range so the customer doesn't want to buy a new motherboard okay so let's start maybe let's start right here let me make it a little bit brighter maybe we can start right here I'm gonna fix as many pins as I can and then we can test later some of the pins do not do anything or some of the pins they can be connected to other pins next to them so if one of them is damaged it doesn't really make a difference but since we don't know which is which we have to fix all of them okay so we do have one broken pin we do not know if this pin is connected to anything if this pin is needed it's not needed we do not know let me take it out I told the customer we may have some broken pins there or pins may break while trying to readjust them I'm using a very fine tweezer this is by Excel te' everything looks aligned here this is an eighth-generation motherboard we do not have a cpu to test this so after we're done we gonna give it back to the customer and the customer is gonna test it whether this works or it doesn't work there's nothing else we can do so some people in the comments will ask that this work in most cases I would say 90% of the times yes it will work but in cases where a pin is broken like this one here we do not know if this is gonna affect the functionality of the board everything else here looks good they are pointing at the right angle there's nothing else that we can do if this board does not work so what I'm showing you is the process on how we unbend pins on a CPU socket I have a 7700 K CPU but it will not work on this board it's the same socket but the CPUs in I gonna work okay this one is a little bit tricky I'm afraid that if we untwist it we may break it you see how it's twisted from here let's see if we can untwist and twist and twist and twist okay so far so good untwist and a little bit more and we are working in a very tight area so yes if we can work with two tweezers the one I have on the left here is by hackle it's bigger even though this is labeled as an ultrafine tweezer but it's bigger than axalta one okay so how are we gonna fix this you okay I do not think we can fix this pin more than we just did we may end up breaking the pin I do not want to break it okay and finally let's do this one here and I think we should be good okay this is good so I'm gonna inspect this whole area just to make sure we did not miss anything and we see one right here never clean your board with the CPU out of the socket because we get this a lot anything that falls down on the socket is gonna damage the pins or if you're trying to clean with whatever napkin towel microfiber cloth it's gonna get caught up with those pins you know these pins are sharp from the front here and things are gonna get damaged Ahana comes sooner so we did the best that we could so we do not know if this thing connects to anything we do not know if this pin is being used or what's the job of this thing but it's broken and everything else looks good and that's it that's how we deal with unbending socket pins I just wanted to show you how that works in case of any issues I'm gonna ask the customer to just buy another board and that would be the only option to fix this problem so right now we do not know if this board is gonna work or it's not gonna work we did the best job that we could we do not have an eighth generation CPU to test so we are going to ask the customer to test it whether this board works or not I know some people are gonna ask in the comments that this board work that's not the purpose of the video the purpose is to show you how we dealt with unbending pins the job is done there's nothing else I can do there's nothing else anybody else can do you can never make those pins perfect they are tiny very tiny and the way they are bent there is no way you can create the same curvature on that pin like as it came from the factory so that's it for this video and we'll do something else in the next video I'll see you I'm tempted to try the 7700 K CPU to see if it works or if it will accept it I have the Maximus here another word here and I do have the 7700 K that we can use so let me just quickly try to see if the board will accept the CPU since it's the same socket pin number one is here like so I'm gonna grab a power supply what happens if we put the 7700 K on this board let me just focus like over here let's see if I can zoom in okay so it turned on enough which could mean that the CPU is not supported okay let's remove our CPU [Music] [Music]
Channel: NorthridgeFix
Views: 193,547
Rating: 4.7345133 out of 5
Keywords: cpu socket, damaged cpu socket, cpu socket bent pins repair, cpu bent pin, LGA socket repair, bent pins, bent pins repair, cpu bend pins repair, gigabyte z390, GIGABYTE Z390 AORUS Motherboard, motherboard cpu socket damaged pins repair, northridgefix, repair, unbend, unbend pins, unbending cpu socket pins
Id: pEhXwfPScxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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