Gift Guide For Her (+ Our Kitchen & German Mulled Wine) #christmas2019 #christmasgiftguide2019

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hi there it's Kirsten and as promised I'm back with a little gift guide for her and even more if you stay tuned we are going to give you a little tour around her kitchen and yurk will be sharing his recipe for German mulled wine so stay tuned if you want to see that and it's quite exciting so this is going to be a longer video but let's start with some gifts for Christmas as you know probably from all the videos we don't like to make a big fuss when it comes to Christmas presents so we try to keep it to a minimum we love buying presents but we I mean we enjoy spending time without families even more so we we don't like going overboard and I hope that's alright for you and the first thing I'm going to share is actually a steamer from steam creation you know we travel quite a lot in the country and very often we stay overnight and it's probably a woman thing I don't know we do have a travel iron but it's a bit complicated to use and I've been wanting a handheld steamer for quite a while and somehow kept forgetting about it but I I mean my suitcase is always packed with nice blouses skirts dresses and I just need to iron them after unpacking so this steamer is really great it's not too big and I actually love the colour about that that wasn't the most important thing it works really nice and I think it's great the second thing I'm going to share is this Elizabeth tower that I got from Fortnum and Mason it's so beautiful the only thing is I took this morning and it seems to be out of stock which well on the other hand isn't probably very surprising since it's the Christmas season and everyone is shopping at the moment but I'm sure they will restock very soon and Fortnum and Mason for me whenever I'm in London I go there every time and it's in London Piccadilly it's up high aunty high-end department store founded in 1707 so very traditional and their food home is amazingly beautiful they have the most stunning packaging and several restaurants I went for afternoon tea some years ago and have to say this one was after sketch and London my second favorite afternoon tea is so classy and even if that is gone at the moment I'm sure they restock and if you check out their website I'm sure you find something similar everything they do is absolutely beautiful and I just love Fortnum and Mason especially um during the Christmas season it's so festive and beautiful it's just I I don't know it's absolutely it's an experience to visit really then I don't know that you but I love Downton Abbey so much yoke and I went to see the film I think three weeks ago and I still miss the series it like after yeah I own Netflix I really learned already love watching the crown and I haven't watched it yesterday the new season started yesterday and Yogi's on a business trip at the moment so I waited so we can watch it together but still Downton Abbey is my favorite series and I got this Downton it's called the official Downton Abbey cookbook by Annie gray and it's so nice it has hundred savory and sweet recipes the most stunning photographs from the series and it's just amazing and there is another book it's called Christmas at hi Claire which would make another beautiful present and it's I think even the prices reduce at the moment so it's cried she actually and a must for all Downton Abbey fans it even looks nice on the shelf of course then I have something that is very special to me I have to say it's they're slightly foxed magazine it's a quarterly magazine from a very small publishing house in London and it contains written essays by very established writers and journalists so this is still the autumn edition I have here the winter edition just came out and it's absolutely beautiful I mean the cover is amazing they always have illustrations by by very talented artist this one is by an artist based here in Cheshire actually and and it's very nice also before I forget I absolutely love their pot ask the slightly Fox podcast I will link everything down below in the description box you have to check it out a nice thing this makes such a beautiful present and I checked just one one magazine for the UK and Ireland is 12 pounds it's 40 pounds for overseas but they make you can subscribe to it so for magazines throughout the year and they may gift subscriptions as well for overseas and I think this is such a great present because they talk about books that basically have vanished rogue book shops it's the opposite to the corporate and the mass-produced very it will show you or just you will come across nice books and they have gardening sections they talk about travel travel books it's very nice and I just love supporting this small house because you can feel that people were who work there they do it with such passion and love and it's wonderful to support and even this looks just beautiful some of you know by now that I love shopping of anthropology I think they have you can always find very special small gifts especially around Christmas I found this little it's a bar soap and I went they have different designs and Sens I went before the car with three design the scent is blonde wood ah and musk I think yet and not only looks nice but smells really good very wintry it's a it's a great stocking stuffer as well but I think if you only if you're looking for something small this is nice it looks beautiful and what else do you need you know and my last gift idea is this monogrammed journal I also found out anthropology of course I went for the K it even has a pen and for me I needed something new too I I hate very big books big journals I just want something small when I'm on the road and write down some ideas for videos for photos for traveling and this is perfect and I think this makes a very nice gift since it's personalized check out anthropology because they always have something really nice that just looks beautiful and yeah I hope you like this little gift guide and stay tuned to for a kitchen tour and the recipe for German yield wine and let me know in the comments below what do you think and I hope I'll see you next week and then I'll be back with a little gift guide for him take it I'll see you soon bye so if you're still with us we wanted to show you a kitchen which is nearly finished nearly 80 percent yeah I mean 20 percent will take 10 years for me no I have not I hope not so pictures are missing and M there we don't really like the work tops that the the black worktop and their black handles and the oven needs to be replaced State for the oven yeah yeah I can do propped up cooking I always wanted a nagger but I think their space is too small yeah but yeah that's have a look around yes this is our kitchen it was the kitchen was was fair and it is a fair and bal repaint and yeah we we liked it so we just we painted the the wall in they in it's an at work bomber paint yeah which doesn't contain plastic and yeah we like the the combination with their fur and or pained and pink color and here and there will be a play track it's called play trackers yeah yeah and i have to show you and we just got a painting from a lady in New Zealand who saw our film from Devon from last year yeah I picked a person in front of no college a pink cottage honey is really looking good in on a nice in our kitchen yeah it looks nice and of course has special memories now it's very nice I really like it so we have some shelves here and this is some we just got this new cattle with an and my Bridgewater design this is okay this is a bit stuffy empty here we have our Christmas tree just for the time being it's supposed to be in the living room but oh well we have enough space here and this is well our temporary larder cuz they where they deliver the wrong one look so it was can you open it yeah we always wanted a ladder which well it's supposed to store food but we use it like this this is for spices and stuff I hope we get the other one next week here's their cow creamer I hope because it was really it was a mess with her with the company so we're still waiting yes ma'am yeah for the replacement it's terrible and this is some where we not only have breakfast and dinner but this is my what yeah you have to close it thank you this is where I work I love the kitchen so yeah yeah we we want to create a bit of a gallery wall here so that's why it's still a bit empty and yeah we have a little courtyard but we will hopefully we can tackle it next year yeah we have this Laura Ashley clock we've been having it for I don't know 15 years 20 years oh no it's longer even longer again true and we have a little table that I bought from eBay also I think 15 years ago and we we've had these some picture quite a while as well we we bought the lamps with the shades that look really nice and we this was a bit of a dream for me this is that the fabric is colfax and fell over it's very British also we have a little pantry can you show it this is I think we need some light yeah this is our little pantry where we store some food and stuff I got all these baskets from Ikea so yeah it's it's great for us it has got a nice size send so many of you asked about German blue line mulled wine yoke is going to prepare some yield wine because it's actually it's not difficult to make is that yeah wine well sorry spices yeah it's really easy and the misters an expert in preparing muled wine no I'm not but I think it's nice I mean you can't do it I'm an exponent cream in it entering what but endless and I don't realize the taste of alcohol but I will have a how to try so yeah he's going to prepare German glute line now a German style or Joey German style yes what what do you need for the meters away you need some red wine which one have you got I've taken a Spanish myth wine and it's an organic one you know what I really love the label yes it's nice yeah and you should buy that very cheap one by a mid-priced one and okay can you enjoy it more okay yeah man you need Norrish and well usually you try to get al organic one but yeah I didn't get one so I have to peel it yes and then I take mixed spice mm-hmm and then cinnamon sticks yeah so close yes yeah star anise and some sugar yeah and if you like you can yeah instead of sugar get some honey yeah anything else with sweetness okay Wow okay okay let's sauce yeah because we weren't lucky with an organic orange you just you're peeling so I've peeled me orange mm-hmm and now I'm just cutting it into some nice slices do you eat all of it I'll use all of it okay then I place beyond just into yeah and now the why just cinnamon sticks that's what the recipe says so how much do you take then what's it for make five depends doesn't meet or not no no Patty's been following I can eat off a teaspoon right some cloves okay stop on this do you know how many never alter it feel free from this okay some energy future that's that depends on the world what you taste this I'm going if I like it spicy mm-hmm now yet add some sugar yes do you know how much I'll start we have three tablespoons okay and then it's just what the jimmies like what did the Germans like no it's just getting it waiting and try get drunk while trying yes so now you're cooking it all together on low heat very low heat it does not have to cook just no no no no of course not it shouldn't no never so how long does that take ten minutes what you could do is just very slowly mm-hmm and then leave it for half an hour and then warm it up again because then it's really good because spices need some time to get their flavor into the wine mm-hmm I must say it smells very nice I only just don't like the taste but it smells nice this this actually really smells like being in Germany yeah totally this is how John and Kristen with Mike smell there Chris can be marked yeah that's the German what are the love of them the Christmas market in Germany this is the smell I have to ask something really stupid so you can like if you don't drink it all in one day you can use it tomorrow but happy do you have to remove everything no you could it depends on that because if you leave the spices in you get more flavor yeah you can you can actually I German gluhwein at Aldi I'm not sure if little house got isn't as well but its apart from the fact that it's quite expensive here in the UK it's not as good no what do you think you prefer just preparing it yourself yes two years ago we've got these very nice tin mugs and I think it's done about ten minutes [Music] the biscuits that we got from biscuit is in London these ones are gluten-free I always think they are so pretty and well have them with some muled wine I just have a very tiny sip and I I feel a bit drunk because I never drink alcohol and of course we are going to share the recipe and description box down below so make sure you check it out I think it's very easy to make german glühwein yeah everybody can do it absolutely and we hope you like this video and we'll see you next week with a gift guide for him a little gift guide for him [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kirsten & Joerg
Views: 45,698
Rating: 4.9644237 out of 5
Keywords: kirsten wick, lydia elise millen, gift guide for her (+ our kitchen & mulled wine) christmas gift guide for her 2019, german mulled wine recipe, glühwein rezept, glühwein selbst machen, weihnachten in england, english country kitchen, fortnum and mason christmas 2019, cook like mrs patmore, slightly foxed magazine, so anders ist england, our life in england, germans in england, uk travel guide, explore the uk, english country interior, ideas for christmas gifts
Id: sGuQiNoJ1ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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