Giant Kinder Eggs Easter 2019 | Ashens

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hello it's nearly easter time again and you know what that means kinder's been sticking more weird toys in big chocolate eggs let's look at some now starting with bang the power puff girls who have obviously made some sort of comeback that i wasn't aware of this was a cartoon from years ago i remember and look at the size of this bloody egg it's massive giant toy inside i think this may be the largest kinder egg i have ever seen more milk less cocoa no light may reach the powerpuff girls through this box from this angle so yeah the power buff girls were like a superhero team accidentally made in professor plutonium's laboratory i can't remember his name now big square-headed guy but yeah they're like three kids thinking around having weird adventures with uh the devil and that uh secretary whose head was always off the top of the screen you know miss bellum was it i want to say i don't know my memory of this is hazy i remember the main characters which is the main thing isn't it there's the leader one the red one blossom uh there is bubbles who is like the sweet uh cute one and then the green one is uh buttercup who is the tough and angry one and the yellow one was haster the unspeakable one but they wrote that character out quite early on because you know it sort of frightened children and made them die in real life which was a problem with the lawyers so yeah um oh no the spoilers on the side i must not see the spoilers i just want to see the toy right i wonder what uh that's gonna give you is it gonna be i hope it's figurines of some time they're often the most interesting oh man this is a box of awkwardness and inside this is bloody massive it really is that is definitely the largest kindred it's all chocolate as well by the feel of it blimey yes it is all chocolate inside look minorly broken oh that's good i don't have to break into it oh god it's the suppository from hell bloody hell that is big we have to angle the old camera down i think there we go marvelous so wow this is quite difficult to open actually i'm gonna have some chocolate while i wait that's a really good idea have something gums your mouth up will you talking all right come on show us your secrets giant lozenge oh god i don't know what this is it has a statue of every single one of the powerpuff girls that's a heck of a thing quite nicely made and produced and painted although her hollow doesn't say rabbit ears no she's not a rabbit it's a bow yeah the hollow of this is a bit crap so it's a skyline it's a diorama yeah it is i can apparently download the free magic kinder app and clog my phone up with amazing um right have we put this together we must have an enchanted child at the end to go oh like it shows there right so the green stuff fits into each other that kind of makes sense doesn't it really this isn't much of a construction actually is it well that's one of those i'm gonna guess the blue one does the same this is where i find it doesn't instantly explodes right that's that it's a skyline oh wait these look like they might connect together in some nefarious way yeah i think they do and if you had more you could connect more together and waste everybody's time right out of the way chocolate we might move this down a bit further actually man that was a giant damn egg right uh well yeah you can go on that one with your uh shoe peg thing and you can go on that one and that means you must go on this one there we are i've forgotten how much this egg was it's bloody expensive um [Music] it was a ten pounds i think yeah the big ones were ten pounds and i've got one's a fiver as well ooh spoilers for later um and there's stickers you can put on oh look to make it look more um pretty and citified and pastely that's actually quite nice i'm not gonna say i would have paid a tenant for it mind you you see things lower quality than this sold as collectibles and big boxes for like 20 quid don't you so if you like the power buff girls that's not actually that bad is it what else can you get a trinket box which uh hat again has models of all three of them on so that's quite nifty i seem to be the same models i would have said by looking at it yeah so they give you the same models just with the trinket box to sit on rather than the diorama which is apparently hang on it's a pen holder oh i see it's like a desk tidy thing well that kind of makes sense and finally what else is there a jewelry stand oh and a different pen holder with like a unicorn or something and a jewelry stand well what a world we live in crikey that's actually not bad i'm gonna say it's not probably worth a tenner i mean you do get a lot of chocolate and this thing to keep your um blood of your enemies in all that kind of stuff yeah well i'm gonna cut immediately to the second one which i've already opened and eaten the chocolate off before i wasn't lying this one's a much deeper color than the standard uh kinder yellow there hmm so this is teenage mutant ninja turtles whatever the latest iteration of that is good old ninja turtles all named after painters weren't they there's donatello who does the machines and there's michelangelo the party dude raphael the angry one uh leonardo who's kind of the leader and has two swords two swords are cool and there was darley of course the surrealist one who they got rid of early on cause he kept melting all their clocks um actually do you know there was a fifth turtle at one stage wasn't there venus de milo from some god awful tv series where they tried to shoehorn a female one in without actually building the character up when the whole thing was created just like hey guys look long lost sister or something yes that's not the way to do things and introduce characters then nobody liked her and she was never seen again this is really annoying it's just bloody open ah yay oh the turtle's dead well it looks like donatello because it's orange no that's michelangelo donatello's the purple one i always get these things confused right in you go help me mother help me i can no longer live um right this is interesting so i'm gonna assume that this clips into here in some nefarious manner there we are i do feel like um these things don't really need to be constructed in any particular way but they kind of just are so they you know it gives them a reason to exist i suppose because kinder toys have to be in kit form guys well i don't know they used to give you a little statues this was just what fits in the egg i don't know i'm just talking rubbish to kill time while we get this thing put together well there's mikey what a party dude he is he's got a safety hat on these days so he doesn't smash his turtley skull to pieces um okay well let's put the sticker on go on then i don't really do this on camera but it's just one large one and the other one um mikey he's written it on his skateboard now i've got to do this at a really awkward angle and i regret it already [Music] there we are that's got on that's going all right actually hooray and and here's a free totally tubular thing kind of weird thing ninja turtles wasn't it it wasn't originally created as like a piss take of superhero comics and all sort of dark and edgy and stuff and somehow it kind of became what it was parading parodying um yeah it's a very odd one because he sort of took on all the sort of um late 80s surfer speaker all that cowabunga dudes and all that kind of stuff of which you were the worst example michelangelo but the ninja turtles was the biggest thing in the world for like several years uh mates i'm knowing there's so many action figures in the ninja turtles range you would not believe and crazy things like where they're all dressed up as farmers or characters from star trek and stuff anyway totally radical nile master that's some surface speaker invented oh there you are not entirely sure that was worth 10 pounds i'll be honest with you the chocolate was nice though yeah that i think the powerpuff girls win out on this see that's got a use and it's also a very pretty thing whereas this is more of a tournament you can push it along gooey and it is very nicely sculpted i mean look at his little face look how happy he looks look how he looks pity he's been poisoned that's canon now and yeah there's this kind of half-assed thing here which i presume they just put in this because it would fit in frankly anyway time for a third one because they had smaller ones as well for a fiver and it's our best friends the minions yeah i've eaten the chocolate this one too so i've got uh don't really care what this is frankly bloody minions i've just realized i forgot to get the boxes so we could see what the other ninja turtles thing was well all right let's look at the minions and then we'll get the boxes how's that well unless it shows you on here oh it's just all of them doing skateboard stuff that's actually really boring [Music] so what have we got here it's a big red thing and the the minion with the hair whose name is um derek i got no idea right uh oh you could have was millions around the world being around the world and now yeah yeah i see these minions um so the one-eyed ones doing a bit of the surf the one i one has now got a thing on and he's just like a bandana and he's on a motorbike oh sorry i was feeling my will to live training and this one's in some sort of pagoda with a jack dragon because china or something and that's the one i've got yes definitely right then um so he's being eaten by dragon because that's a thing that happens oh that's not very exciting you don't even get the pagoda look it's just just a bit of bloody cardboard what a load of skank right in you go into the mouth of the demon where you belong uh let's get a clip together like that i'm gonna get around the freakish banana loving whatever it is that's falling out of the mouth already great hooray so that must you know what i don't even care um let's just attach that and here we are look it's like a dragon out of one of those parades and yay yay guys look at me i'm in the dragon's mouth yay fart gun banana can we bother that one isn't that worth a fiver gonna be honest no this is just like a normal kinder egg thing with a big lump of plastic within a bit of cardboard not impressed guys not impressed well that's an interesting take this year i think these are some of the nicest things i've seen from a kinder really in their way but on the other hand they are massively expensive at 10 or each like frighteningly so really so what's your bloody expect in conclusion i give these potato out of aubergines that's not a very good rating system sorry you
Channel: ashens
Views: 332,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surprise eggs, easter eggs, kinder surprise, kinder sorpresa, chocolate eggs, easter suprise eggs, kinder easter eggs, easter surprise eggs, kinder surprise maxi, easter egg, tmnt, ninja turtles, powerpuff girls, minions, ashens, review, funny, easter, toys unboxing
Id: kNe8qjgLAXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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