GIANT FOOD CHALLENGE #2 w/ 100lbs Spaghetti & Meatballs Plus How To Make Funny Frozen Foods

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- Flour drop! Oh, man! Oh my gosh! - Oh wow. - Yo, we are (laughing) - [Collins] What did you do? You challenged us to make the largest bowl of pasta ever, so let's go! Now it's time for me to make my ravioli noodles. - And I'm making my red sauce. Dude, my cheese is so (cross talking) - Can you please get this off, Devan? This is mine. - Oh, that's all yours? I see how it is. - [Collins] It's for the dough of my ravioli noodles. I got another brilliant idea right now. I got an egg, I got a slingshot. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! (laughing) That didn't work! I am now Eggman. That doesn't feel good. - [Devan] I am making a nice pasta sauce. - [Collins] Holy cow, that smells so bad. - [Devan] Well, I got my bowl here. Now it's time to grab some of this heavy cream, and since we're making giant pasta, I need a giant whisk. - Bro, you put like eight whisks onto one drill. - Yes! - Whoa! - Are you on double power though? - I'm actually half trigger right now. - [Collins] You know what Devan, I don't think you're quite using it right. There's actually very sound technique you can do with the whisk. Can I see it for a second? I think you should handle this from now on. - Yes, I think so. - Look at that organic, raw, fresh dough. I think I'm going back to my magician roots right now. - Oh, look at me! Look at me! No! Why'd you do that? - It's the impulse. It came out of nowhere and I had to. Brace yourself. Three, two, one! Oh! Here we go! - Yeah! - This is how you mix the dough! Nailed it! (laughing) Alright, here we go. Three, two, one! (laughing) I gotta say YEET! I thought this would work a lot better than it actually did right now. How long does this thing take? You're churning butter, Devan. This is what people used to do for a long time to make butter. - I'm getting tired. - Oh! - For this next pasta sauce, I have to become a hibachi chef! - Well, if you do that I'm going to become a white water rafter. - Every sauce needs tomatoes! - Alright, while you do that time for me to put this under here and (laughing) - Speed is of the essence. This is a hibachi chef. - All right, (mumbles) here we go. (laughing) Aw man, I gotta, okay, yup, yup, yup Just making all my (cross talking) - All right, now you're incorporating this into my dish. - Yeah, but I'm just doing my best over here. Oh! I got an idea. Bro, you know what you need for yours? Bam! An egg! - No, no, no, no! No, I don't! - Yes, you do! Scrambled eggs in it! Absolutely. - No, I don't! - And you just need some olive oil. Gonna mix this together and smack that! - Next up, some onions! - Holy cow! I smacked the dough, and the dough smacked back. - Oh, boy! - Devan, you're gonna make us cry! - Get ready to cry! - Bro, I do not wanna be crying and hibachi grill! (mumbles) a brilliant way of mixing this. This is the dough roller 4000. Why is it called the 4000? 'cause we made 3,999 other ones and they all sucked! And this one's great, so here's how it works. See you can roll out your forearms and roll out the dough. Man, this is yours? - [Devan] Yes! - I knew I found it somewhere in the house! I gotta say it's very good if you wanna get (yelling) All right, dough is all rolled out! - [Devan] All right, I think I got a good base started now I just gotta finish it up and I'm on to my next. Oh, Collins the one thing a professional hibachi chef always does is grabs one of these radishes puts it on here and you have to catch it in your mouth. - Oh, I got this. All right here we go. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! - Ow, in my face! - [Devan] Three, two, one! - Okay, I don't think you're a very good hibachi chef. - Yeah, last one. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! (triumphant music) - Yeah! First try! - First try! I don't like this one. - That's why I used my bad radishes on him. - Sorry what was, what was that? We got some veggies time to tear them up. Here we go. Three, two, one! Here we go. Oh my gosh. I got these nails on, these acrylics. Shred the lettuce. - I might dance like this. - These things work amazing, bro! This is incredible! - You know what I need? - Holy cow! - Five pound weight! - [Collins] Wait, what? - [Devan] Yes! - [Collins] You're using weights to smash your tomatoes? - [Devan] Yes, I am! It seems like the most of your stuff is on the floor. - Well Devan we'll be using this excuse me. I gotta give these acrylic nails, five, ten thumbs up. - [Devan] For the last component of my red sauce I am making a mashed potato cheese. - While you do that I got the trumpet of tragedy right here, Devan. - What is that gonna be used for? - It's gonna blow a whole in the space-time continuum. - What? - Yeah, hop behind me Devan. - That sounds risky. - Do not try this at home. - Okay. - I suck at winking. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! (trumpet blowing) (explosion) - Oh, snap. We got dinosaurs. (cross talking) - Close it! Close it! Close it! - Okay, there we go that was close. You're probably wondering how I'm gonna be able to break open a pineapple. This is not a pineapple. What is that? - [Devan] Now I'm putting some heavy cream into here to make it all nice and whipped up. - This is like a soccer ball. There's no way a soccer ball could whip up some cream, Devan. - Oh it's, if you think this is a soccer ball, there is something wrong. I'm actually pretty, hey, it's a little heavy. - Hey, it's a soccer ball. Are you all right? - My knee. - [Collins] Time to bust this thing open. Here's what we're gonna use. An anvil. Three, two, one! Let's just put it like this here. Here we go. Three, two, one! All right let's get an extra piece - Oh! All right, hold on one second I gotta open this thing up real quick. - All right, I'll totally wait for you. Psych! - I'm just gonna pop this thing open real quick. - [Collins] All right. - Just like this. - Oh! - Oh my god! - [Collins] I don't understand how that's gonna help you make a better pasta sauce, Devan. - [Devan] Well it will once I add this Gruyere cheese. Look dude it's coming together man! - Got a whole bunch of beets, you're gonna line these just like this. And then give me the perfect flavoring for my ravioli. All right, well here we go. Got another cement block over here. Here we go. Do not try this at home! This is how you drop the beet. Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! - Boom! - Oh my gosh. - There we go. Yeah, that's how you do it. Bam, that's how you mash the beets. - Okay. You broke the block. - [Collins] All right there we go, so we got the beet all mashed up and I think I got all the elements I need to create my ravioli noodles. So now it's time to put it all together. Time to finish up the pieces of our pasta dish. - Yes! - And for me, I got my ravioli dough right here. Next up, I gotta roll it out. So here we go. Just continue like this. Oh, look at that guys. I got a crater right here in the center of it. It looks like it's not doing so hot right now. So here we go. - [Devan] Look at that. - [Collins] Oh my god. - [Devan] Yes, some nice melted cheese. - All right as you're doing that I've got a whole bunch of minced up lettuce here. This... looks nasty. Three, two, one! Let's see. - Oh! - Oh! I gotta say from an initial visual standpoint it doesn't look the nicest, but I promise you it's gonna make my ravioli amazing. - [Devan] You know what dude? I think this is going way too slow. You know what I need? The octowhisk. - Oh, no. Hold on I gotta put my glasses on. Oh, snap. Okay. Here we go. All right, glasses on. (cross talking) (yelling) - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! (yelling) - You broke the octowhisk! - It has too much torque. - I think you should use the paddle whisk. - No. - I think it would make a lot of fun. - I think it would make a lot of mess. - [Collins] Time to put the finishing touches on our dishes. And these things are gonna look incredible. We got the finished pasta pieces and now it's time for the big reveal. - And dude, your ravioli looks like little pillows. - Little pillows? These are huge pillows. Here's the big reveal? You ready? Three, two, one! Ta-da! - Three, two, one! Ta-da! - [Collins] Look at these man! - [Devan] Wow! - [Devan] I know your ravioli looks like pillows! - [Collins] And that's a ton of sauce because we're gonna make a ton of noodles, bro. So we're gonna mix these together and eat them at the end of the video. Apple freeze! (yelling) - You are the worst firefighter of all time. - That's why I'm not a firefighter. I am a YouTuber. You challenged us to make giant pasta so let's go! - I'm making a giant meatball, and first I gotta grind up this frozen meat. - [Collins] Holy cow! Do not try this at home! Now I'm gonna crush an apple. Oh my god! Three, two, one! Holy cow, man. That doesn't look too good. This is gonna be perfect for the filling of my ravioli. - I'm obviously making massive, giant meatballs. What are you doing? - I'm summoning some thunder with my thunder sticks! - Really? (thunder clap) - Whoa, whoa, whoa! - Boom, and it's raining. - It's too much! - It's like the rain dance. - Too much rain. - It's sticks. That's gonna be a huge meatball. - [Devan] Exactly. - [Collins] Time to use these on my crab legs. Yo! These crab legs popped them! I didn't wanna have to do it, but we're gonna have to do it. Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! - Boom, boom! - Whoa, whoa! And it went up my nose too. Yup, there it is. - [Collins] I gotta say for so much money that's not a lot of meat right there. That's all the meat you get for $80? - Time to shred it! - Let's go! - Wait, what. Dude you copied me. - No I didn't. Devan, all right. I did not copy you. - Yeah, but dude this was my thing. - [Collins] Mine is a little bit bent. - [Devan] We'll be bros! Cheers. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! - [Collins] Here we go, yes. See I'm the expert here I know how to do this, man. - I don't think you're doing this right. - I'm doing this absolutely right. - That's a lotta show, but not a lotta do. - Excuse me? Here's the thing man it's all about the chef skills. You put them together and (mumbles) Yeah, boy. Look at all that. - Yeah, boy! - That looks actually way better than my meat. Time to retire the Wolverine claws. The only thing I could think of that's more effective than Wolverine claws is a giant toothbrush. The thing is we're coming up on the New Year Devan, so New Year, new me. Devan, do you brush your teeth 15 times a day? - I don't think that's healthy. - Think that's why my gums are receding. - No I think you're missing teeth, man. - Oh, man. All right. Next part of my filling, time to make a wok. - Oh! - Oh! - I gotta say wok's are pretty crazy, man. - Wow, yes. - Holy cow! - I gotta take a "wok" on that one. - Oh, yeah. Good, yeah. Take a whole bunch of shrimp here, so here we go. - Oh! - Oh! - Man! All right, well there you go. I'm gonna drop the shrimp in three, two, one! - Oh! - Stand back! - One, two, three, flip! - Wow, you lost it man! - [Collins] What is that dude? - [Devan] I am making a scotch egg. And for those of you who don't know what it is. It's basically sausage and bread crumbs wrapped around a hard-boiled egg. - All right, well I'm gonna add some mushrooms into my wok over here. I'm also gonna add a whole bunch of onions. (coughing) - What? What, what, what? - The onions! - It hasn't reached me yet! - Trying to get the onion smell out. Is it gone? - No! - [Devan] Yes! I think I did it! - [Collins] Holy cow! - [Devan] Look at that! - Time to add some spices with a water balloon. There we go! Bam. - What? - This is how you add spices, Devan. You take the water balloon, and then bam, like that. - Wow! - Bam! Spices! - [Devan] Look at this! - [Collins] Holy cow! And to celebrate, another balloon! Bam, there we go. I gotta get a little piece out of there. - What was that one? - That was, um, I don't know. - [Devan] You can see some of the yolk in there. Look at that! - [Collins] Ready, here we go. - Three, two, one. - Three, two, one. - I am on my tiptoes right now for no reason. How about this I added some bok choy. Bok choy? - I don't know. - Bok choy? I don't know. Oh, here we go. A little bit of sauce. - No, no! - Here we go. It's not gonna pop. - Oh! - Oh! - What was that one? - Ew! It's vinegar! - [Devan] Got my bread crumbs in here, I got some eggs. All right, now it's time to add the sausage. - All right, as you add the sausage I got a bigger one. This got a whole bunch of seasoning in it. So here we go. So, three, two, one. My heart was palpitating so quickly. - You should see me over here I was like - All right here we go. - Three, two, one. - Three, two, one. - Holy cow! I think I'm starting to get psyched out by it. I think that it somehow, it's gotten to me. Like psychologically. - Three, two, one. - Three, two, one. (yelling) - You know what? Now I'm gonna have to cheat. - Three, two, one. - Three, two, one. (yelling) - What, what, what? - That stuff was stinky. I think this is like all spice, but you know what? That's the important thing in life. It's season, season, season. - [Devan] Now it's time to get my hard-boiled egg outta here. - [Collins] Oh, it's that easy! - Now I'm gonna wrap this stuff around. - All right, I'm gonna open up a lemon right here and I'm gonna squeeze it out. Here we go, into my wok. Oh, look at that. - [Devan] This is really tough, man. My egg is super slippery. But I think I did it. I got it. I got it. Now I just need to cook it. - Oh! Wait, that's gonna be one of your meatballs? - No, that's gonna be like the inside of my meatball. I gotta a brick of salt. I gotta hammer. Now it's time to get some seasoning. - Wait, you're just gonna smash that thing? - Oh, yes. You ready for this? - Oh, man. All right, here we go. - Three, two... - Three, two... - Wait a minute. Three second like challenge. We wanna see if you can like this video in three seconds. You ready? Here we go. - Three, two, one! Done! - Three, two, one! Done! - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! (yelling) - [Collins] This is salt? - [Devan] Yes it is! - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! - I broke the board! - [Collins] Oh my god! That is a powerful smash! - [Devan] I broke the board! - Salt! - Remember this is a giant meatball, so I gotta coat this thing in double layer of meat. - [Collins] Well you've probably been wondering this whole time what it is I'm actually doing. The thing is I've been making the filling for my ravioli. And now it's time to bring it all together. Gonna dump this in here like this. Here we go. Gonna pick up this seasoned ball of butter right here. Gotta melt it in like this. Oh my gosh! There we go. I gotta say you forming the meat. That doesn't seem like it's coming together too well, man. - [Devan] No, it is not. - Gonna kinda pinch it. Oh! No! I dropped the whole thing of butter in there. Next up it is now time to mix this all around. I'm a genius. I've done it in a salad spinner. So it's gonna be easy. We're gonna unleash it first. Whoa! - Whoa! - Whoa, my god. Here we go. It's gonna spin around like this. All right, now it's time to put the finishing touches on these and reveal the end product. We've got the finished pasta pieces and now it's time for the big reveal. And yours! Words can't even describe what that looks like. - And yours, looks great. - Thank you. So here is the big reveal. - Three, two... - Three, two... - Oh we just launched our brand new merch. We know you're gonna love it. There's a whole bunch of amazing, new designs. So click the top link in the description right now to get yours before it all sells out. And let's see how these look. - Three, two, one! Ta-da! - Three, two, one! Ta-da! - [Collins] That is so massive! - [Devan] I know! Don't let look deceive you. I think mine's gonna be great. - [Collins] We'll be putting them together and eating them at the end of the video. You challenged us to make giant pasta so let's go! Now it's time to make the noodles and the white sauce. For the first part of my white sauce time to freeze some coconuts in liquid nitrogen. - [Devan] Three, two, one! It's cracking. - [Collins] A perfect hole in it! Coconut number one, here we go. Gonna place it in my trough of vegetables. All right, so now I'm gonna move the liquid nitrogen off to the side. What are you doing? Are you all right? - Yes. I gotta separate the yolk from the other stuff. - The egg whites? - Yes, that stuff. - Here is the big smash, ready? Do not try this at home. Here we go. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! (yelling) - Yeah boy! - Wait where did it go? Don't you need that? - Oh. You know what? We got another right here. We'll just add to it all. - Before you do that can you grab me an egg? Can you grab me that bowl? - A bowling ball. - Are you kidding me? - So here we go. - Three... - Excuse me. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! (yelling) - [Devan] That worked way better! - [Collins] That worked so good! Look at this! It like literally brought out the meat perfectly. - That was the best. - [Collins] Devan, what are you doing? - [Devan] I'm sorry this egg is uncontrollable. - Control it. This is gonna be the perfect base for my white sauce. - All right, I got all the pieces to my egg. Now it's time to make the next part of my noodles. I just gotta add some flour. - No! Wait a minute is that for your noodles? - Yes this is for my noodles. - You are definitely making some giant noodles, Devan. I gotta say that is very impressive. Well I've got this massage blaster right here. It's time to tenderize some coconut meat. Oh, yup. Here we go. Oh, man. Devan, so how are the noodles going for you man? - [Devan] Oh, not great. - All right. The meat is tenderized into a nice, fine powder. This is gonna be the base of my white sauce. - I got my pillow case here. - And I got a whole bunch of dirt. It's time to harvest some vegetables. - Oh, wow, okay. - The thing is I've been planting a whole bunch of dirt recently. Veggies! - I'm not sure that's how this works. - You're questioning my dirt. What are you doing with a pillow case and some, oh snap! - Well normally what you do is put it in a small bag but I got a pillow case. - Here we go. Well as you're doing this, here we go. We'll get a couple of my (mumbles) That's how all chefs do it. - [Devan] I got a good pile of dough now so now it's time to make the noodles. - [Collins] I'm gonna mince up all my veggies, here. That is how you mince, man. I'm using the pizza technique. - [Devan] Well that looks pretty intense. - I got some bananas, some liquid nitrogen, a whole bunch of flavoring, and about to go in my ravioli. - I just gotta put this thing on. - Oh, snap. Yo! Look at that dude it's making the noodles! - [Devan] I know! - [Collins] Holy cow! - I gotta poke it through. - All right, here we go. I gotta take my banana and drop it in here. Three, two, one. It's in! The banana is freezing in the liquid nitrogen. That is getting very long, Devan! Oh, no! Oh my god! - [Devan] Dude this thing is so difficult. Oh man. It fell off. Oh, they both broke! - [Collins] My liquid nitrogen still is in full course right now. And this is gonna be perfect to add into the dough of my ravioli noodles. We've got all the frozen fruits and vegetables. Now it's time to smash them. We're gonna kick it off with a dragon fruit right now. This is gonna be perfect for the flavoring of my ravioli. I gotta say and for giant noodles, those are looking a little short. You know? - Oh yeah. I think you're right. I have an idea. A pool noodle! - Hey, whoa! - Yes! And now for the dragon fruit! - No! The dragon fruit is mine. Holy cow! - Oh geez! - [Collins] Next up we've got the orange. So here we go man. - Oh, yeah. Drop it on top. (yelling) Whoa, I got some noodles on here! - I'm sorry. Here we go. Let's see. - I spent a long time on those. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! - [Devan] Save the noodles! - Save the noodles! Wait, so let me make this clear. You're putting noodles in a pool noodle. - Exactly. - Okay. Now it's time for the tomato next. So here we go. Tomato. Versus bowling ball. Who do you think is gonna win? - [Devan] Tomato. - [Collins] Yeah. The tomato I agree. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! - [Collins] That was crazy! Wait so what are you gonna do stuff it in there? - [Devan] Yes but it dropped out of the bottom. - [Collins] Oh that's not good. - All right my noodle is all filled up. Now it's time to cut it open. All right it is all cut open. And there's my noodle, man. - Dude, that noodle is huge. - I know right. - [Collins] I'm gonna dump out all the remaining frozen pieces out over here. So now it's time to smash. Ready? Here we go. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! (yelling) - [Devan] It's the eighth wonder of the world. - [Collins] It is! It's a giant noodle! It's coming out of this noodle right over here. - Yes! (mumbles) - There you go. That's how you get rid of the noodle. - [Devan] I think it just needs to be cleaned up and it's all good. I'm just gonna have to collect all this flavor here, but that's awesome. Now it's time to for me to finish up my white sauce right here. - [Devan] I got my noodles here to finish up. - Exactly. Got a huge spoon over here. It's got a whole bunch of minced up coconut right here. So here we go. On the white sauce, just gonna add it in right now like there we go. Now time to add in the veggies like that. There we go. That's gonna add a whole bunch of nice flavor to mine. - Yes. - And last but not least, I have to be very sparing with how much I add of this. We've got over here all the different pieces that we hit with the liquid nitrogen. So here we go. - You did a good job collecting all that. - Thank you. - Now for me to put the finishing touches on my sauce. It's very cold right now. - Yes. And then I have to make a bunch more noodles. - Exactly. I think those are gonna look great when you finally finish them up. We've got the finished pasta and these things are crazy. - These are massive. I can barely reach across. - Here's the big reveal. - Three, two, one! Ta-da! - Three, two, one! Ta-da! - [Collins] Oh my gosh! - [Devan] Wow! Look at them! - I cannot believe we actually pulled it off. No, no, no! Don't try that bro! - It is so heavy! - [Collins] This meatball is like 60 pounds! - [Devan] I know right! And those are like full - Time to dig in. So Devan, which delicious dish are we going to eat first? - Oh man, I mean. Mine looks pretty crazy. Yours has all these mystery ingredients on the inside. - And it's like ravioli in a soup, which is new. Let's do this a rock, paper, scissors for who will eat first? - All right. I'm down. - Winner, that's the dish we try first. So here we go. - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! - Yes! - Oh, okay. Best two out of three. - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! - No! - Oh, okay! This is where it all comes down to. - Here we go! - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! - Oh, man! - Yes! - [Collins] All right. I guess we eat yours first. So how do we even tackle this dish man? - I think we to start we grab our giant fork and knife. I think I'm just gonna cut off a big piece of this side here like this. - Oh my god! That's more than a burger right there, Devan. - We didn't really sharpen these very well. - Yeah, these are very dull. Very safe, large knives. - So I got a piece of the meatball right here. - [Collins] Oh, man. You're cutting the noodle next right? (cross talking) - [Devan] Gonna grab some of these doughy noodles right here - [Collins] That sinks right in. Yeah those are. Did you even cook them? - I tried. They look thoroughly undercooked. - As you can see guys I really focused on this meatball. - I can tell. It's time for me to do something, I wish I did a long time ago. - Okay. - It got in my eye! Your meatball is like a rock! Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take this fork. Again, manners. I learned this from Kevin. Just stick it like that and then just kinda like bam, slicey, slicey, slicey. Gonna scoop off a little bit of noodle over here. That's about all I want. I know it's a giant noodle, but I gotta say I'm not the most excited to try it. Time to see how these taste, and although these are extremely dull, still do not try this at home! - No! - Do not eat off of a knife! So let's see how this tastes. - Here we go. - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! - Hold on are you going for it? Oh, man. - Oh, god. (yelling) - Those noodles! I can't even swallow it, it's so bad. (yelling) (yelling) (yelling) - Wow! That was real bad! - Oh no! That was like, I don't think you seasoned it right. (laughing) - With this terrible review on this one, I don't know how good yours is gonna be. - Yeah, I gotta say man. 'Cause if you put some spices in yours, I put some spices in mine. Paper towel attack! (cross talking) - Would you mind cleaning? Here we go. - Sure, yes. - Did you cook yours? - If it's any consolation, - Did you not cook yours too? - Again, try cooking a three foot ravioli, bro. - [Devan] It's not cooked just like mine. - [Collins] I'm trying my best, okay? - You roasted me so hard for this. - I'm sorry. Three, two, one. Oh! Look at that shrimp. - Oh, man. I forgot all the stuff you put in there. You know I was really excited to eat mine, but I'm not excited to eat yours. - [Collins] Well the thing is, I made different ones over here. Slice open the top of this one, bam. Here we go, bam! Look at that! Look at those! Close that one back up. - That's even worse. - Not my best work. I'm just gonna kinda stab it over here like this. Scoopity doop. - Could you imagine if we all used this big of utensils? - I think we would get a lot more eating done. I'm gonna try to, and this is so tough. See, I helped you Devan, but you haven't helped me once. - You want me to use my hands? - You know what. Forget about the utensils. We're going in with the hands, so here we go. Let's just take out this. Scoop up some of the inside. Bam, check it out. I know it kinda defeats the purpose, but mini ravioli! Important to point this out, Devan and I will not be eating this all by ourselves. We'll share this with our friends, family, literally anyone. We're gonna feed us for like a week right here. Again, do not eat food off a giant utensil. - Yes! - Do not recommend! - Three, two... - Three, two... - We just launched our brand new merch. We got a whole bunch of crazy new designs, we know you're gonna love. So click the top link in the description right now. - Click it! - Check it out and get yours before it all sells out! Let's see how it tastes! - Three, two, one! - Three, two, one! - Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You can just comment down below, and let us know which one looks better visually. If you wanna see another video, click right over here. You got five seconds. Here we go. - Five, four, three, two, one. Done! - Five, four, three, two, one. Done! - Love you! - Bye!
Channel: Collins Key
Views: 18,726,883
Rating: 4.8945031 out of 5
Keywords: giant food challenge #2 w/ 100lbs spaghetti & meatballs plus how to make funny frozen foods, giant, food, challenge, food challenge, 100lbs, spaghetti, meatballs, spaghetti & meatballs, how, to, how to, amazon, make, funny, frozen, foods, diy, target, art, challenges, best, eat, walmart, collins key, collins, real, fun, tutorial, cooking, food art challenge, ravioli, hacks, food hacks, edible, you, new, entertainment, challenge video, comedy, hack, pizza
Id: WeU-IrnO7sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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